ultrafine grain
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Metals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Nicholas Olynik ◽  
Bin Cheng ◽  
David J. Sprouster ◽  
Chad M. Parish ◽  
Jason R. Trelewicz

Exploiting grain boundary engineering in the design of alloys for extreme environments provides a promising pathway for enhancing performance relative to coarse-grained counterparts. Due to its attractive properties as a plasma facing material for fusion devices, tungsten presents an opportunity to exploit this approach in addressing the significant materials challenges imposed by the fusion environment. Here, we employ a ternary alloy design approach for stabilizing W against recrystallization and grain growth while simultaneously enhancing its manufacturability through powder metallurgical processing. Mechanical alloying and grain refinement in W-10 at.% Ti-(10,20) at.% Cr alloys are accomplished through high-energy ball milling with transitions in the microstructure mapped as a function of milling time. We demonstrate the multi-modal nature of the resulting nanocrystalline grain structure and its stability up to 1300 °C with the coarser grain size population correlated to transitions in crystallographic texture that result from the preferred slip systems in BCC W. Field-assisted sintering is employed to consolidate the alloy powders into bulk samples, which, due to the deliberately designed compositional features, are shown to retain ultrafine grain structures despite the presence of minor carbides formed during sintering due to carbon impurities in the ball-milled powders.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2043
Hailong Jia ◽  
Yinan Piao ◽  
Kaining Zhu ◽  
Chaoran Yin ◽  
Wenqiang Zhou ◽  

It is well known that ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline materials show enhanced strength, while they are susceptible to thermally induced grain coarsening. The present work aims to enhance the thermal stability of ultrafine Al grains produced by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) via dynamically precipitation. Detailed characterization by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been carried out to reveal the microstructural evolution during both ECAP and post-ECAP annealing. After five passes of ECAP, both Al-8Zn and Al-6Bi-8Zn alloys show an ultrafine grain structure together with dynamic precipitated nanoscale Zn particles along grain boundaries. Upon annealing at 200 °C, ultrafine grains in the Al-8Zn and Al-6Bi-8Zn alloys show a remarkable thermal stability compared to the Al-8Bi alloy, which is mainly due to the presence of nanoscale Zn precipitates along grain boundaries. The present work reveals that nanoscale Zn particles have a positive effect on preserving the ultrafine grains during annealing, which is useful for the design of UFG Al alloys with improved thermal stability.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1561
Martin Kraus ◽  
Marion Merklein

Product miniaturisation and functional integration are currently global trends to save weight, space, materials and costs. This leads to an increasing demand for metallic micro components. Thus, the development of appropriate production technologies is in the focus of current research activities. Due to its efficiency, accuracy and short cycle times, microforming at room temperature offers the potential to meet the steadily increasing demand. During microforming, size effects occur which negatively affect the part quality, process stability, tool life and handling. Within this contribution, a multi-stage bulk microforming process from sheet metal is investigated for the materials Cu-OFE and AA6014 with regard to the basic feasibility and the occurrence of size effects. The results reveal that the process chain is basically suitable to produce metallic micro parts with a high repeatability. Size effects are identified during the process. Since several studies postulate that size effects can be minimised by scaling down the metallic grain structure, the grain size of the aluminium material AA6014-W is scaled down to less than one micrometre by using an accumulative roll bonding process (ARB). Subsequently, the effects of the ultrafine grain (UFG) structure on the forming process are analysed. It could be shown that a strengthened material state increases the material utilization. Furthermore, too soft materials can cause damage on the part during ejection. The occurring size effects cannot be eliminated by reducing the grain size.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1925
Young Gun Ko ◽  
Kotiba Hamad

The aim of this paper was to investigate the microstructural development and properties of interstitial free (IF) steel fabricated using the DSR (differential speed rolling) process. Severe plastic deformation of the DSR passes was imposed on the sample for up to four passes, leading to ~1.7 total strain with a speed ratio of 1:4 between the two rolls. Microstructural observation revealed that the equiaxed grain size of ~0.7 µm, including the formation of grain boundaries with a high angle of misorientation, was reached after four operations of DSR, which was attributed to the grain subdivision of severely elongated ferrite grain. Since the deformation mode of the DSR operation was dominated by severe shear deformation, the main shear texture of the bcc components appeared in all DSR operations in which the α-fiber of the {110} slip became a main component in accommodating the severe plastic deformation of the DSR process. The intensity of the shear texture, the {110} and {112} slip, increased by increasing the number of passes. Moreover, the γ-fiber of the <112>-type planes was activated as a result of the alternation of the shear direction during sample rotation. The microhardness and room temperature tensile tests revealed that the strength of the IF steel improved as the amount of strain increased, and this was attributed to the grain refinement and texture characteristics of the samples after the DSR processing.

2021 ◽  
Behzad Sadeghi ◽  
Pasquale Cavaliere

Abstract Flake powder metallurgy combined with micro/macro rolling was employed to produce CNT/Al composites. The effect of deformation mode on the lamellar ultrafine grain structure and on the dislocation density was analyzed. Additionally, a model based on microstructure and processing parameters is proposed to analyze the effect of size, aspect ratio and crystallography texture of the matrix grains on dislocation density. It was shown that the dislocation density depends on CNTs dispersion degree and CNT-aluminum interfacial bonding level as a consequence of micro rolling process, as well as on the grain refinement, crystallography texture, and high aspect ratio resulted from macro-rolling process. It was demonstrated that the micro/macro rolling process provides the lamellar ultrafine grains with higher dislocation storage capability with respect to equiaxed grains. The described process indicated that it could provide good combination between the CNTs dispersion, CNT-aluminum interfacial bonding as well as crystallography texture, size and shape of the matrix grains.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1513
Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Sh’ri ◽  
Zahiruddeen Salam Zahari ◽  
Akiko Yamamoto

In this study, ultrafine grain (UFG) SS316L was produced using an equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) process at two different die angles namely 120° and 126°. The effect of different die angles on mechanical, corrosion, and surface properties were thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, the subsequent effect on the cytotoxicity of SS316L was investigated. The microstructure observation shows ECAP processing has produced an elongated, finer grain size at 120° than 126°. The ECAP processing also increases the hardness of SS316L. There is no change in wettability and surface roughness observed. However, the ectrochemical measurement reveals that ECAP processing improves the corrosion resistance of SS316L. The cytocompatibility of ECAPed SS316L was evaluated by both a direct and an extract methods, finding the contribution of grain refinement by ECAP processing.

Qingxiao Zhang ◽  
Qing Yuan ◽  
Zhoutou Wang ◽  
Wenwei Qiao ◽  
Guang Xu

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-88
Xiaolei Wu ◽  
Muxin Yang ◽  
Fuping Yuan ◽  
Guilin Wu ◽  
Yujie Wei ◽  

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