gamma ray bursts
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Galaxies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Koji Noda ◽  
Robert Daniel Parsons

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are some of the most energetic events in the Universe and are potential sites of cosmic ray acceleration up to the highest energies. GRBs have therefore been a target of interest for very high energy gamma-ray observatories for many years, leading to the recent discovery of a number of bursts with photons reaching energies above 100 GeV. We summarize the GRB observational campaigns of the current generation of very high energy gamma-ray observatories as well as describing the observations and properties of the GRBs discovered so far. We compare the properties of the very high energy bursts to the total GRB distribution and make predictions for the next generation of very high energy gamma-ray observations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Shuang-Xi Yi ◽  
Mei Du ◽  
Tong Liu

Abstract Distinct X-ray plateau and flare phases have been observed in the afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and most of them should be related to central engine activities. In this paper, we collect 174 GRBs with X-ray plateau phases and 106 GRBs with X-ray flares. There are 51 GRBs that overlap in the two selected samples. We analyze the distributions of the proportions of the plateau energy E plateau and the flare energy E flare relative to the isotropic prompt emission energy E γ,iso. The results indicate that they well meet the Gaussian distributions and the medians of the logarithmic ratios are ∼−0.96 and −1.39 in the two cases. Moreover, strong positive correlations between E plateau (or E flare ) and E γ,iso with slopes of ∼0.95 (or ∼0.80) are presented. For the overlapping sample, the slope is ∼0.80. We argue that most of X-ray plateaus and flares might have the same physical origin but appear with different features because of the different circumstances and radiation mechanisms. We also test the applicabilities of two models, i.e., black holes surrounded by fractured hyperaccretion disks and millisecond magnetars, on the origins of X-ray plateaus and flares.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Shengnan Chen ◽  
Xudong Wen ◽  
He Gao ◽  
Kai Liao ◽  
Liangduan Liu ◽  

Abstract Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) at high redshifts are expected to be gravitationally lensed by objects of different mass scales. Other than a single recent claim, no lensed GRB has been detected so far by using gamma-ray data only. In this paper, we suggest that multiband afterglow data might be an efficient way to search for lensed GRB events. Using the standard afterglow model, we calculate the characteristics of the lensed afterglow lightcurves under the assumption of two popular analytic lens models: the point-mass and singular isothermal sphere models. In particular, when different lensed images cannot be resolved, their signals would be superimposed together with a given time delay. In this case, the X-ray afterglows are likely to contain several X-ray flares of similar width in linear scale and similar spectrum, and the optical afterglow lightcurve will show re-brightening signatures. Since the lightcurves from the image arriving later would be compressed and deformed in the logarithmic timescale, the larger time delay (i.e., the larger mass of the lens), the easier it is to identify the lensing effect. We analyzed the archival data of optical afterglows and found one potential candidate of the lensed GRB (130831A) with time delay ∼500 s; however, observations of this event in gamma-ray and X-ray bands seem not to support the lensing hypothesis. In the future, with the cooperation of the all-sky monitoring gamma-ray detectors and multiband sky survey projects, the method proposed in this paper would be more efficient in searching for strongly lensed GRBs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. L29
Shuo Xiao ◽  
Shao-Lin Xiong ◽  
Yue Wang ◽  
Shuang-Nan Zhang ◽  
He Gao ◽  

Abstract Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been identified as one of the most promising sources for Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) studies due to their cosmological distance and energetic emission in wide energy bands. However, the arrival-time difference of GRB photons among different energy bands is affected not only by the LIV effect but also by the poorly known intrinsic spectral lags. In previous studies, assumptions of spectral lag have to be made which could introduce systematic errors. In this paper, we used a sample of 46 short GRBs (SGRBs), whose intrinsic spectra lags are much smaller than long GRBs, to better constrain the LIV. The observed spectral lags are derived between two fixed energy bands in the source rest frame rather than the observer frame. Moreover, the lags are calculated with the novel Li–CCF method, which is more robust than traditional methods. Our results show that, if we consider LIV as a linear energy dependence of the photon propagation speed in the data fit, then we obtain a robust limit of E QG > 1015 GeV (95% CL). If we assume no LIV effect in the keV–MeV energy range, the goodness of data fit is equivalently as well as the case with LIV and we can constrain the common intrinsic spectral lags of SGRBs to be 1.4 ± 0.5 ms (1σ), which is the most accurate measurement thus far.

2022 ◽  
Vol 134 (1031) ◽  
pp. 015001
Dylan A. Dutton ◽  
Daniel E. Reichart ◽  
Joshua B. Haislip ◽  
Vladimir V. Kouprianov ◽  
Omar H. Shaban ◽  

Abstract Built in 2004, the Skynet robotic telescope network originally consisted of six 0.4 m telescopes located at the Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes. The network was designed to carry out simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) when they are only tens of seconds old. To date, the network has been expanded to ≈20 telescopes, including a 20 m radio telescope, that span four continents and five countries. The Campaign Manager (CM) is a new observing mode that has been developed for Skynet. Available to all Skynet observers, the CM semi-autonomously and indefinitely scales and schedules exposures on the observer’s behalf while allowing for modification to scaling parameters in real time. The CM is useful for follow up to various transient phenomena including gravitational-wave events, GRB localizations, young supernovae, and eventually, sufficiently bright Argus Optical Array and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope events.

S. S. Bavera ◽  
T. Fragos ◽  
E. Zapartas ◽  
E. Ramirez-Ruiz ◽  
P. Marchant ◽  

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 503
Lara Nava

Emission from Gamma-ray bursts is thought to be powered mainly by synchrotron radiation from energetic electrons. The same electrons might scatter these synchrotron seed photons to higher (>10 GeV) energies, building a distinct spectral component (synchrotron self-Compton, SSC). This process is expected to take place, but its relevance (e.g., the ratio between the SSC and synchrotron emitted power) is difficult to predict on the basis of current knowledge of physical conditions at GRB emission sites. Very high-energy radiation in GRBs can be produced also by other mechanisms, such as synchrotron itself (if PeV electrons are produced at the source), inverse Compton on external seed photons, and hadronic processes. Recently, after years of efforts, very high-energy radiation has been finally detected from at least four confirmed long GRBs by the Cherenkov telescopes H.E.S.S. and MAGIC. In all four cases, the emission has been recorded during the afterglow phase, well after the end of the prompt emission. In this work, I give an overview, accessible also to non-experts of the field, of the recent detections, theoretical implications, and future challenges, with a special focus on why very high-energy observations are relevant for our understanding of Gamma-ray bursts and which long-standing questions can be finally answered with the help of these observations.

J.-L. Atteia ◽  
B. Cordier ◽  
J. Wei

The Sino-French space mission SVOM is mainly designed to detect, localize and follow-up Gamma-Ray Bursts and other high-energy transients. The satellite, to be launched mid 2023, embarks two wide-field gamma-ray instruments and two narrow-field telescopes operating at X-ray and optical wavelengths. It is complemented by a dedicated ground segment encompassing a set of wide-field optical cameras and two 1-m class follow-up telescopes. In this contribution, we describe the main characteristics of the mission and discuss its scientific rationale and some original GRB studies that it will enable.

2021 ◽  
Gor Oganesyan ◽  
Sergey Karpov ◽  
Martin Jelinek ◽  
Gregory Beskin ◽  
Samuele Ronchini ◽  

Abstract Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are produced by the dissipation of ultra-relativistic jets launched by newly-born black holes after the collapse of massive stars. Right after the luminous and highly variable gamma-ray emission, the multi-wavelength afterglow is released by the external dissipation of the jet in circumburst medium. We report the discovery of a very bright (10 mag) optical emission 28 s after the explosion of the extremely luminous and energetic GRB 210619B located at redshift 1.937. Early multi-filter observations allowed us to witness the end of the shock wave propagation into the GRB ejecta. We observed the spectral transition from a bright reverse to the forward shock emission, demonstrating that the early and late GRB multi-wavelength emission is originated from a very narrow jet propagating into an unusually rarefied interstellar medium. We also find evidence of an additional component of radiation, coming from the jet wings which is able explain the uncorrelated optical/X-ray emission.

Shulei Cao ◽  
Narayan Khadka ◽  
Bharat Ratra

Abstract We show that each of the three Dainotti-correlated gamma-ray burst (GRB) data sets recently compiled by Wang et al. and Hu et al., that together probe the redshift range 0.35 ≤ z ≤ 5.91, obey cosmological-model-independent Dainotti correlations and so are standardizable. We use these GRB data in conjunction with the best currently-available Amati-correlated GRB data, that probe 0.3399 ≤ z ≤ 8.2, to constrain cosmological model parameters. The resulting cosmological constraints are weak, providing lower limits on the non-relativistic matter density parameter, mildly favoring non-zero spatial curvature, and largely consistent with currently accelerated cosmological expansion as well as with constraints determined from better-established data.

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