strain gauges
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Damian Bzinkowski ◽  
Tomasz Ryba ◽  
Zbigniew Siemiatkowski ◽  
Miroslaw Rucki ◽  

The paper presents a novel system for monitoring of the work of industrial belt conveyor. It is based on the strain gauges placed directly on the roller surface that measure pressing force of the belt on the roller. Automatical operation of the measurement system minimizes impact of an operator on the measurement results. Experimental researches included the stability of indications during 5 days, Type A uncertainty estimation and equipment variation EV calculations. Expanded uncertainty calculated for the level of confidence 95% was below 0.1% of the actually measured value, and percentage repeatability %EV = 9.5% was obtained. It can be considered satisfactory, since usually it is required %EV < 10% for new measurement systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Damian Bzinkowski ◽  
Tomasz Ryba ◽  
Zbigniew Siemiatkowski ◽  
Miroslaw Rucki ◽  

The paper presents a novel system for monitoring of the work of industrial belt conveyor. It is based on the strain gauges placed directly on the roller surface that measure pressing force of the belt on the roller. Automatical operation of the measurement system minimizes impact of an operator on the measurement results. Experimental researches included the stability of indications during 5 days, Type A uncertainty estimation and equipment variation EV calculations. Expanded uncertainty calculated for the level of confidence 95% was below 0.1% of the actually measured value, and percentage repeatability %EV = 9.5% was obtained. It can be considered satisfactory, since usually it is required %EV < 10% for new measurement systems.

S. Heikebrügge ◽  
R. Ottermann ◽  
B. Breidenstein ◽  
M.C. Wurz ◽  
F. Dencker

Abstract Background Commonly, polymer foil-based strain gauges are used for the incremental hole drilling method to obtain residual stress depth profiles. These polymer foil-based strain gauges are prone to errors due to application by glue. For example zero depth setting is thus often erroneous due to necessary removal of polymer foil and glue. This is resulting in wrong use of the calibration coefficients and depth resolution and thus leading to wrong calculations of the obtained residual stress depth profiles. Additionally common polymer foil-based sensors are limited in their application regarding e.g. exposure to high temperatures. Objective This paper aims at a first step into the qualification of directly deposited thin film strain gauges for use with the incremental hole drilling method. With the directly deposited sensors, uncertainties regarding the determination of calibration coefficients and zero depth setting due to the absence of glue can be reduced to a minimum. Additionally, new areas of interest such as the investigation of thermally sprayed metallic layers can be addressed by the sensors due to their higher temperature resilience and their component inherent minimal thickness. Methods For the first time, different layouts of directly deposited thin film strain gauges for residual stress measurements were manufactured on a stainless steel specimen. Strain measurements during incremental hole drilling using a bespoke hole drilling device were conducted. Residual stress depth profiles were calculated using the Integral method of the ASTM E837 standard. Afterwards, strain measurements with conventional polymer foil-based strain gauges during incremental hole drilling were conducted and residual stress depth profiles were calculated accordingly. Finally the obtained profiles were compared regarding characteristic values. Results The residual stress depth profiles obtained from directly deposited strain gauges generally match the ones obtained from conventional polymer foil based strain gauges. With the novel strain gauges, zero depth setting is simplified due to the absence of glue and polymer foil. With the direct deposition, a wide variety of rosette designs is possible, enabling a more detailed evaluation of the strain field around the drilled hole. Conclusions The comparative analysis of the obtained residual stress depth profiles shows the general feasibility of directly deposited strain gauges for residual stress measurements. Detailed investigations on uncertainty sources are still necessary.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-33
N. M. Kvashnin ◽  
I. S. Bondar ◽  
M. Ya. Kvashnin

Reliability of transport artificial structures and transit of trains at sanctioned speed should be provided with the necessary and sufficient load-bearing capacity, strength, rigidity, and stability of engineering structures.The objective of this work was to substantiate the possibility of using well-known methods for controlling the stress-strain state of structures using automated systems of structural health monitoring of bridge spans.It is extremely important regarding operation of transport artificial structures designed according to the standards of the first half of the 20th century.Under these conditions, the experimental determination of the stress-strain state of bearing structures of bridges becomes the most important component of the task of a comprehensive assessment of physical wear and tear as well as of operational reliability of the structures. Monitoring the structural health and technical condition of bridges and planning of timely measures aimed at the repair, strengthening or reconstruction of spans will extend their service life and ensure safety during operation.Maximum permissible deflections of spans under a movable temporary vertical load have been revealed since to ensure smooth movement of vehicles it is necessary to control horizontal longitudinal and transverse displacements of the top of the bridge piers, as well as vertical settlements.The paper suggests methods of interpreting data measured by inclinometers and electric strain gauges, tensiometers to use them in an automated system for monitoring the structural health of railway bridges. The method of strain measurement is described in detail in the proposed options for installing resistance strain gauges on structures to measure tensile-compression stresses and longitudinal forces due to a temporary vertical load.Monitoring the technical condition of bridge structures, using the methods for measuring deflections and deformations proposed by the authors in this article, will make it possible to assess the change in bearing capacity of the structure over the entire period of operation. The study used regulations and experience of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Manuel Bertulessi ◽  
Daniele Fabrizio Bignami ◽  
Ilaria Boschini ◽  
Marco Brunero ◽  
Maddalena Ferrario ◽  

We present a case study of a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) hybrid system based on Brillouin Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors (D-FOS), Vibrating Wire (VW) extensometers and temperature probes for an existing historical water penstock bridge positioned in a mountain valley in Valle d’Aosta Region, Northwestern Italy. We assessed Brillouin D-FOS performances for this kind of infrastructure, characterized by a complex structural layout and located in a harsh environment. A comparison with the more traditional strain monitoring technology offered by VW strain gauges was performed. The D-FOS strain cable has been bonded to the concrete members using a polyurethane-base adhesive, ensuring a rigid strain transfer. The raw data from all sensors are interpolated on a unique general timestamp with hourly resolution. Strain data from D-FOS and VW strain gauges are then corrected from temperature effects and compared. Considering the inherent differences between the two monitoring technologies, results show a good overall matching between strain time series collected by D-FOS and VW sensors. Brillouin D-FOS proves to be a good solution in terms of performance and economic investment for SHM systems on complex infrastructures such as hydropower plants, which involve extensive geometry combined with the need for detailed and continuous strain monitoring.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2153 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
N Afanador-Garcia ◽  
G Guerrero-Gomez ◽  
R Gallardo-Amaya

Abstract In this research project,the deformations in the longitudinal and transverse reinforcing steel of a reinforced concrete beam with 2ϕ½” were estimated.Additionally,the displacements in thecenter of thespanweremeasuredtogether with theloads, which generatedthecrackingof the beam of dimensions180 mm×240 mm×3100 mm.Displacement were performed using a linear variable displacement transducer, and strain gauges were used to measure deformations. Finally, the applied load’s measurements were obtained with a load cell Pinzuar/Model-100/20T equipment.The physical-mechanical properties of the concreteused were determined through compressive strength tests at 28 days and modulus of elasticity.For this purpose, a load-bearing frame was used to support the beam at three points for load application.The data was collected directly on the Quantum/X2 equipment and analyzed with the help of the Catman/AP software.The maximum deformations found in the bending test at three point since there inforced concrete beam we are not greater than 8483µm/mm,presenting a failure in the center of the beam due to the creep of the tensile steel for a maximum load of 3115 Kg.Finally,the physical behavior of there inforced concrete beam with applying aload allows evaluating and optimizing this kind of systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 005-016
Damian Nykiel

This work includes a comparison of the methods of monitoring the deformations of a structure on the example of a flat plate slab test. Classic ESG (electrofusion strain gauges) and modern DFOS (distributed fiber optic sensors) were compared. During the research, both types of sensors were used on some of the reinforcing bars. The study aims to indicate the differences between the compared monitoring methods, both in terms of the obtained results and their utility values.

M. I. Farfel ◽  
M. I. Gukova ◽  
D. V. Kondrashov ◽  
D. Yu. Konyashin

The article presents the results obtained during the research and development support for the construction of the foundation pit for a projected hotel near the Kursky railway station in Moscow using the truss spacer system fixed in the diaphragm wall. This construction technique, called the “Moscow method” ensures the gradual soil excavation between the pit walls along tiers reinforced by steel spacer trusses to be performed simultaneously with installation of floor slabs. The developed and approved at TsNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko method for determining stresses (deformations) in elements of metal structures using mechanical strain gauges with a removable indicator was applied to monitor the construction of a unique structure. During the monitoring, emergency situations, requiring extra measures for eliminating the identified unacceptable stresses in the structures, were identified. The provided example demonstrates the research and development support to a prerequisite for the construction of unique buildings and structures.

Andrii Koval ◽  
Jurii Rukavyshnikov

Analysis of the use of road vehicles in recent years shows an increasing trend continuous mode of their operation. In these circumstances, it is important to know the current technical status condition of the road machine. To a large extent, this is determined by the reliability of the measurement information about dynamic loads on the structural elements of a road machine. In order to increase the accuracy and reliability of dynamic measurements of loads, the authors conducted a number of experimental studies. Experimental studies of the mutual influence of strain gauges on the errors of dynamic load measurements on the structure of the road machine were carried out using a model of the planar element of the structure of the road machine. A computerized four-channel spatially distributed measurement information system was used in the experimental studies. Research results are presented mutual influence of strain gauges under various static and dynamic loads. It is established that due to the action of inertia forces and acceleration, the interaction between the sensors is manifested to a greater extent. Using the methods of comparison, comparison and complex analysis of the results of experimental studies, the dependences of the errors of dynamic load measurements on the angle of action and load removal were established. According to the results of research, the functions of dependence of dynamic loads on the direction and force of action on each of the 4 strain gauges, taking into account their mutual location, are obtained.  It is shown that the experimentally obtained coefficient of the interconnection of strain gauges depends on both the mutual location of the sensors and the spatial direction of the force and has a nonlinear dependence. The experimentally determined error function between the four strain gauges was 3%. The reason for the increase in measurement errors of dynamic planar loads is the displacement of the operating point upwards by the transformation function at positive load, or downwards at negative load. The magnitude of the displacement depends on both the magnitude of the load and its removal.The results obtained will allow optimizing the placement and number of strain gauges on board Measuring Information System on the structure of of the road machine. As a result, the accuracy and reliability of measuring the parameters of the dynamic loads of the road machine will significantly increase.

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