mutual influence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nguyen Minh Sang ◽  

This paper aims to apply the bibliometrics method to investigate the research trends in the study of microcredit, specifically analyzing the quality of the research productions by the citation status and the mutual influence of these publications. This study has used the bibliometric method for an overview analysis of all 382 publications on the topic of microcredit indexed in the Scopus database for the period of 1994 to 2021. The results of the study provide an overview of the publication trend on the microcredit topic, such as (i) the most influential publications; (ii) the most cited authors; (iii) the most cited journals by publications on the microcredit topic; (iv) the main research keywords that network linked among publications on the microcredit topic; (v) the most productive institutions; (vi) the trend of research collaboration among countries in publications on the microcredit topic. The article provides an objective overview of the microcredit topic development and is a valuable reference for scholars studying finance, economics, and business management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-13
Sergei Fadeev ◽  
Linar Shaidullin ◽  
Anvar Kadirmetov

In order to technological use in the preparation and application of plasma coatings, the mutual influence of acoustic impact on low-temperature plasma was conducted, the experimental methodology and the results of the study in the pipe at the resonant excitation frequency are given. The nonlinearity of sound oscillations was found and their amplification by increasing the pressure, which can be used to intensify the processes of plasma coatings.

Д.А. Пухов ◽  
А.В. Суворин ◽  
Д.В. Васильченко ◽  
М.А. Ромащенко

В современном мире при стремлении человечества к миниатюризации электротехнической и радиоэлектронной продукции без потери технических характеристик устройств, наряду с их расширением одной из значимых проблем является влияние электромагнитных помех на стабильное функционирование устройств. Представлены модули калибровки, используемые в программно-аппаратном комплексе (ПАК), который позволяет произвести оценку влияния электромагнитных помех (ЭМП) на электронные средства. Практическое искажение сигналов неизбежно, так как причиной помех может стать взаимное влияние элементов печатной платы (ПП) друг на друга, а также конфигурация самого рисунка дорожек ПП и её топологии. Рассматриваются модули, позволяющие выявить ряд ошибок по ранее полученным результатам и обеспечить калибровку комплекса с целью повышения точности оценки влияния самоиндукции и импеданса линии передач на вносимые искажения сигнала при различных конфигурациях трассировки печатной платы. Применение данного программно-аппаратного комплекса позволяет значительно сократить время, необходимое на разработку устройства и комплекс испытаний, что, в свою очередь, снижает финансовую нагрузку на выпуск единицы продукции, поскольку позволяет выявить недостатки устройств на стадии макетирования электротехнической продукции In the modern world, with the desire of all mankind to miniaturize electrical products without loss of power, one of the significant problems is the influence of electromagnetic interference on the stable functioning of devices. This article presents the calibration modules used in the software and hardware complex (SHC), which allows one to assess the influence of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on electronic means. The practical distortion of signals is inevitable since the cause of interference can be their mutual influence on each other, as well as the configuration of the printed circuit board pattern itself. The paper considers modules that allow identifying a number of errors based on previously obtained results and providing calibration of the complex in order to increase the accuracy of estimating the effect of self-induction and transmission line impedance on the introduced signal distortion in various configurations of the PCB trace. The use of this software and hardware complex can significantly reduce the development time and conduct tests that require financial costs since it allows one to conduct a number of experiments at the stage of prototyping electrical products

2022 ◽  
li zou ◽  
Siyuan Ren ◽  
Yibo Sun ◽  
Xinhua Yang

Abstract In neighborhood rough set theory, attribute reduction based on measure of information has important application significance. The influence of different decision classes was not considered for calculation of traditional conditional neighborhood entropy, and the improvement of algorithm based on conditional neighborhood entropy mainly includes of introducing multi granularity and different levels, while the mutual influence between samples with different labels is less considered. To solve this problem, this paper uses the supervised strategy to improve the conditional neighborhood entropy of three-layer granulation. By using two different neighborhood radii to adjust the mutual influence degree of different label samples, and by considering the mutual influence between conditional attributes through the feature complementary relationship, a neighborhood rough set attribute reduction algorithm based on supervised granulation is proposed. Experiment results on UCI data sets show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the traditional conditional neighborhood entropy algorithm in both aspects of reduction rate and reduction accuracy. Finally, the proposed algorithm is applied to the evaluation of fatigue life influencing factors of titanium alloy welded joints. The results of coupling relationship analysis show that the effect of joint type should be most seriously considered in the calculation of stress concentration factor. The results of influencing factors analysis show that the stress range has the highest weight among all the fatigue life influencing factors of titanium alloy welded joint.

Галина Григорьевна Тхагапсова

Статья посвящена истории формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Ставится задача уточнения динамики исторического процесса относительно формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Материалы исследований многих авторов по истории медицины подтверждают высокую эффективность лекарского искусства в оказании хирургической помощи, которую отмечали многие наблюдатели в период Кавказской войны. Несомненно, опыт лекарского искусства на Кавказе имеет весьма древнюю историю. Он накапливался эмпирическим путем и, передаваясь от отца к сыну, формировал династии лекарей, имевшие свой опыт и свои секреты врачевания. Не исключается взаимовлияние культур народов, в частности арабской медицины, которая способствовала формированию врачей традиционной арабской школы медицины. Таким образом, народных целителей можно разделить на два типа: чье лечение содержало доисламские и исламские методы. Отмечается, что именно народные лекари с доисламским опытом сопровождали войска в походах и показали высокую эффективность своих методов, получив заслуженную оценку многих врачей в годы Кавказской войны. The paper is devoted to the history of formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The task is to clarify the dynamics of the historical process regarding the formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The research materials of many authors on the history of medicine confirm the high effectiveness of medicinal art in the provision of surgical care, which was noted by many observers during the Caucasian War. Undoubtedly, the experience of medicinal art in the Caucasus has a very ancient history. It accumulated empirically and, passing from father to son, formed dynasties of doctors who had their own experience and their secrets of healing. The mutual influence of the cultures of peoples, in particular Arab medicine, which contributed to the formation of doctors of the traditional Arab school of medicine, is not excluded. Thus, folk healers can be divided into two types: whose treatment contained pre-Islamic and Islamic methods. It is noted that it was people's doctors with pre-Islamic experience who accompanied the troops on campaigns and showed the high effectiveness of their methods, having received a well-deserved assessment of many doctors during the Caucasian war.

Ирина Анатольевна Петрулевич

Статья посвящена рассмотрению специфики культуры молодежи в условиях новой социальной реальности, детерминированной последствиями пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции и ускорением темпов изменения социальных процессов. Автором акцентируется внимание на сложностях адаптации социальной системы к новым глобальным вызовам и рискам в условиях неопределенности и на трудностях построения жизненных стратегий молодежью как наиболее незащищенной частью общества. Отмечается выраженная актуальность научного исследования процессов, протекающих в молодежной среде на фоне пандемии, в области переосмысления взаимного влияния культуры и различных социально-демографических групп. Особое внимание уделено анализу отношения молодежи к ценностям и рассмотрению механизмов передачи социального опыта старшего поколения. Автором отмечается роль культуры молодежи в формировании самовыражения и мировоззрения молодого поколения в соответствии с социальными реалиями, отмечаются специфика виртуальных форматов коммуникации и стремление к социальной активности молодежи. The paper discusses the specifics of youth culture in the new social reality, determined by the consequences of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection and accelerating the pace of change in social processes. The author focuses on the difficulties of adapting the social system to new global challenges and risks in conditions of uncertainty and on the difficulties of building life strategies for young people as the most vulnerable part of society. The publication points to the pronounced relevance of scientific research on the processes taking place in the youth environment against the background of the pandemic in the field of rethinking the mutual influence of culture and various socio-demographic groups. Special attention is paid to the attitude of young people to the values and social experience of the older generation. The author notes the role of youth culture in shaping the self-expression and worldview of the young generation in accordance with social realities, as well as the specifics of virtual communication and the desire for social activity of young people.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Siyi Jia ◽  
Heng Chen

In the cross-media image reproduction technology, the accurate transfer and reproduction of colour between different media are an important issue in the reproduction process, and the colour mapping technology is the key technology to effectively maintain the image details and improve the level of colour reproduction. Wooden structure in the image colour and colour piece is different, the image of each colour of visual perception is not independent, and every colour in the image pixels is affected by the surrounding pixels, but in the process of image map, without thinking of the pixel space, adjacent pixels of mutual influence in particular, do not let a person particularly be satisfied with the resulting map figure. In the process of image processing by traditional colour mapping algorithm, the colour distortion caused by colour component is ignored and the block diagram of colour mapping system is constructed. With the continuous development of mapping recognition algorithms, the maximum and minimum brightness values in the image are mapped to the maximum and minimum brightness values of the display device by linear mapping algorithm according to the flow of the established recognition algorithm. By establishing the colour adjustment method of the colour mapping image, the processing effect of the mapping algorithm is analysed. The results show that the brightness deviation of the image is reduced and the colour resolution is improved by the colour brightness compensation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-323
Olena Bilyk ◽  
Veronika Karkovska ◽  
Mariia Kimsanivna Khim

The article aims to highlight the latest approaches to the introduction of countries gender budgeting. The authors propose the application of the method of ranking countries based on 4 key indicators related to the gender gap (Economic participation and opportunity, Educational attainment, Health and survival, Political empowerment) of the Global gender gap index and then analyse the result considering the level of socio-economic development of each country. Ten sample countries were randomly chosen. The results of the study confirmed the mutual influence between the gender gap and socio-economic development. The proposed method of ranking countries compared to socio-economic, political and environmental development allows countries with a high value of the gender gap index to offer specific tools to reduce it. The research conducted can help improve existing practices, facilitate initiatives to develop gender parity and further work on geographical and sectoral orientation.

2022 ◽  
Sebastian Korb ◽  
Nace Mikus ◽  
Claudia Massaccesi ◽  
Jack Grey ◽  
Suvarnalata Xanthate Duggirala ◽  

Appraisals can be influenced by cultural beliefs and stereotypes. In line with this, past research has shown that judgments about the emotional expression of a face are influenced by the face’s sex, and vice versa that judgments about the sex of a person somewhat depend on the person’s facial expression. For example, participants associate anger with male faces, and female faces with happiness or sadness. However, the strength and the bidirectionality of these effects remain debated. Moreover, the interplay of a stimulus’ emotion and sex remains mostly unknown in the auditory domain. To investigate these questions, we created a novel stimulus set of 121 avatar faces and 121 human voices (available at with matched, fine-scale changes along the emotional (happy to angry) and sexual (male to female) dimensions. In a first experiment (N=76), we found clear evidence for the mutual influence of facial emotion and sex cues on ratings, and moreover for larger implicit (task-irrelevant) effects of stimulus’ emotion than of sex. These findings were replicated and extended in two preregistered studies – one laboratory categorisation study using the same face stimuli (N=108;, and one online study with vocalisations (N=72; Overall, results show that the associations of maleness-anger and femaleness-happiness exist across sensory modalities, and suggest that emotions expressed in the face and voice cannot be entirely disregarded, even when attention is mainly focused on determining stimulus’ sex. We discuss the relevance of these findings for cognitive and neural models of face and voice processing.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Alexander V. Martirosyan ◽  
Yury V. Ilyushin ◽  
Olga V. Afanaseva

The article is devoted to the problem of the growing need of the mineral water fields’ exploitation process automation. The implementation of control systems and mathematical modeling methods can significantly reduce the fields’ structural integrity violation and pollution of aquifers risks. This research is especially relevant for the fields with difficult conditions of mineral waters occurrence, since the insufficient accuracy of determining the fields’ operating mode parameters can lead to a severe incident. The article describes a distributed mathematical model developed from the geo-filtration equation. Based on this model, a new method for assessing the mutual influence of the fields, the production of which is carried out from one aquifer, is presented. For a more detailed study of the operating mode parameters influence on the object a physical model of the reservoir was developed. The using of Arduino sensors and the developed software allows us to construct a 3D graph of the input action and its response at the different points of the object as temperature distribution. The simulation results make it possible to use the proposed model for the automatic control system synthesis.

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