minkowski distance
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1143-1152
Istiadi Istiadi ◽  
Emma Budi Sulistiarini ◽  
Rudy Joegijantoro ◽  
Affi Nizar Suksmawati

Infectious disease is a very dangerous disease with a high mortality rate. Delays in handling the spread of an infectious disease can be minimized using an expert system. This study uses an expert system as a disease consulting service that is integrated with the health care system. Integration with the health care system is used for the knowledge acquisition process. The knowledge base on the expert system uses patient medical record data obtained through the health care system. The expert system can diagnose infectious diseases of sore throat (Pharyngitis), diphtheria, dengue fever, Typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and leprosy. The knowledge acquisition process produces 43 symptoms. These symptoms are used to diagnose new cases using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Dempster-Shafer methods. In the CBR method, the similarity measurement process is determined by comparing the K-Nearest Neighbor, Minkowski Distance, and 3W-Jaccard similarity measurement methods. The expert system obtains accuracy values ​​for the CBR K-Nearest Neighbor, CBR Minkowski Distance, and CBR 3W-Jaccard methods at a threshold of 70%, respectively 65.71%, 80%, and 85.71%. The average length of retrieve time required for each similarity method is 0.083s, 0.107s, and 6.325s, respectively. While the diagnosis of disease with Dempster-Shafer gets an accuracy value of 88.57%.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (04) ◽  
Medabalimi S. Rao ◽  
Bodireddy E. Reddy ◽  
Kadiyala Ramana ◽  
Kottapalli Prasanna ◽  
Saurabh Singh

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (No.4) ◽  
pp. 541-563
Lawrence Materum ◽  
Antipas T. Teologo Jr.

Wireless multipath clustering is an important area in channel modeling, and an accurate channel model can lead to a reliable wireless environment. Finding the best technique in clustering wireless multipath is still challenging due to the radio channels’ time-variant characteristics. Several clustering techniques have been developed that offer an improved performance but only consider one or two parameters of the multipath components. This study improved the K-PowerMeans technique by incorporating weights or loads based on the principal component analysis and utilizing the Minkowski distance metric to replace the Euclidean distance. K-PowerMeans is one of the several methods in clustering wireless propagation multipaths and has been widely studied. This improved clustering technique was applied to the indoor datasets generated from the COST 2100 channel Model and considered the multipath components’ angular domains and their delay. The Jaccard index was used to determine the new method’s accuracy performance. The results showed a significant improvement in the clustering of the developed algorithm than the standard K-PowerMeans.

Mahinda Mailagaha Kumbure ◽  
Pasi Luukka

AbstractThe fuzzy k-nearest neighbor (FKNN) algorithm, one of the most well-known and effective supervised learning techniques, has often been used in data classification problems but rarely in regression settings. This paper introduces a new, more general fuzzy k-nearest neighbor regression model. Generalization is based on the usage of the Minkowski distance instead of the usual Euclidean distance. The Euclidean distance is often not the optimal choice for practical problems, and better results can be obtained by generalizing this. Using the Minkowski distance allows the proposed method to obtain more reasonable nearest neighbors to the target sample. Another key advantage of this method is that the nearest neighbors are weighted by fuzzy weights based on their similarity to the target sample, leading to the most accurate prediction through a weighted average. The performance of the proposed method is tested with eight real-world datasets from different fields and benchmarked to the k-nearest neighbor and three other state-of-the-art regression methods. The Manhattan distance- and Euclidean distance-based FKNNreg methods are also implemented, and the results are compared. The empirical results show that the proposed Minkowski distance-based fuzzy regression (Md-FKNNreg) method outperforms the benchmarks and can be a good algorithm for regression problems. In particular, the Md-FKNNreg model gave the significantly lowest overall average root mean square error (0.0769) of all other regression methods used. As a special case of the Minkowski distance, the Manhattan distance yielded the optimal conditions for Md-FKNNreg and achieved the best performance for most of the datasets.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (16) ◽  
pp. 5434
Jehn-Ruey Jiang ◽  
Hanas Subakti ◽  
Hui-Sung Liang

This paper proposes a fingerprint-based indoor localization method, named FPFE (fingerprint feature extraction), to locate a target device (TD) whose location is unknown. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacon nodes (BNs) are deployed in the localization area to emit beacon packets periodically. The received signal strength indication (RSSI) values of beacon packets sent by various BNs are measured at different reference points (RPs) and saved as RPs’ fingerprints in a database. For the purpose of localization, the TD also obtains its fingerprint by measuring the beacon packet RSSI values for various BNs. FPFE then applies either the autoencoder (AE) or principal component analysis (PCA) to extract fingerprint features. It then measures the similarity between the features of PRs and the TD with the Minkowski distance. Afterwards, k RPs associated with the k smallest Minkowski distances are selected to estimate the TD’s location. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the localization error of FPFE. The experimental results show that FPFE achieves an average error of 0.68 m, which is better than those of other related BLE fingerprint-based indoor localization methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Iswanto Iswanto ◽  
Tulus Tulus ◽  
Poltak Sihombing

Stroke is a cardiovascular (CVD) disease caused by the failure of brain cells to get oxygen supply to pose a risk of ischemic damage and result in death. This Disease can detect based on the similarity of symptoms experienced by the sufferer so that early steps can be taking with appropriate counseling and treatment. Stroke detecting requires a machine learning method. In this research, the author used one of the supervised learning classification methods, namely K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN). K-NN is a classification method based on calculating the distance to training data. This research compares the Euclidean, Minkowski, Manhattan, Chebyshev distance models to obtain optimal results. The distance models have been tested using the stroke dataset sourced from the Kaggle repository. Based on the test results, the Chebyshev model has the highest levels of accuracy compared to the other three distance models with an average accuracy value of 95.49%, the highest accuracy of 96.03%, at K = 10. The Euclidean and Minkowski distance models have the same level of accuracy at each K value with an average accuracy value of 95.45%, the highest accuracy of 95.93% at K = 10. Meanwhile, Manhattan has the lowest average compared to the other distance models, which is 95.42% but has the highest accuracy of 96.03% at the value of K = 6

Techno Com ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-197
Rahmatina Hidayati ◽  
Anis Zubair ◽  
Aditya Hidayat Pratama ◽  
Luthfi Indana

Clustering merupakan proses pengelompokan sekumpulan data ke dalam klaster yang memiliki kemiripan. Kemiripan dalam satau klaster ditentukan dengan perhitungan jarak. Untuk melihat perfoma beberapa perhitungan jarak, dalam penelitian ini penulis menguji pada 6 data yang memiliki atribut berbeda, yakni 2, 3, 4, dan 6 atribut. Dari hasil uji perbandingan rumus jarak pada K-Means clustering menggunakan Silhouette coefficient dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Chebyshev distance memiliki performa yang stabil baik untuk data dengan sedikit atribut maupun banyak. 2) Average distance memiliki hasil Silhouette coefficient paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan pengukuran jarak lain untuk data yang memiliki outliers seperti data 3. 3) Mean Character Difference mendapatkan hasil yang baik hanya untuk data dengan sedikit atribut. 4) Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, dan Minkowski distance menghasilkan nilai baik untuk data yang memiliki sedikt atribut, sedangkan untuk data yang banyak atribut mendapatkan nilai cukup yang mendekati 0,5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Mohammad Farid Naufal ◽  
Yudistira Rahadian Wibisono

The increasing number of cars that have been released to the market makes it more difficult for buyer to choose the choice of car that fits with their desired criteria such as transmission, number of kilometers, fuel type, and the year the car was made. The method that is suitable in determining the criteria desired by the community is the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). This method is used to find the lowest distance from each data in a car with the criteria desired by the buyer. Euclidean, Manhattan, and Minkowski distance are used for measuring the distance. For supporting the selection of cars, we need an automatic data col-lection method by using web crawling in which the system can retrieve car data from several ecommerce websites. With the construction of the car search system, the system can help the buyer in choosing a car and Euclidean distance has the best accuracy of 94.40%.

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Chen Fu ◽  
Jianhua Yang

The problem of classification for imbalanced datasets is frequently encountered in practical applications. The data to be classified in this problem are skewed, i.e., the samples of one class (the minority class) are much less than those of other classes (the majority class). When dealing with imbalanced datasets, most classifiers encounter a common limitation, that is, they often obtain better classification performances on the majority classes than those on the minority class. To alleviate the limitation, in this study, a fuzzy rule-based modeling approach using information granules is proposed. Information granules, as some entities derived and abstracted from data, can be used to describe and capture the characteristics (distribution and structure) of data from both majority and minority classes. Since the geometric characteristics of information granules depend on the distance measures used in the granulation process, the main idea of this study is to construct information granules on each class of imbalanced data using Minkowski distance measures and then to establish the classification models by using “If-Then” rules. The experimental results involving synthetic and publicly available datasets reflect that the proposed Minkowski distance-based method can produce information granules with a series of geometric shapes and construct granular models with satisfying classification performance for imbalanced datasets.

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