fermion masses
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06003
Giancarlo Rossi

In this talk we describe examples of renormalizable strongly interacting field theories where chiral symmetry, broken at the UV cutoff by the presence of some irrelevant d > 4 operators in the fundamental Lagrangian, is recovered at low energy owing to the tuning of certain Lagrangian parameters. The interference of UV effects with IR features coming from the spontaneous breaking of the recovered chiral symmetry yields non perturbatively generated elementary fermion masses parametrically expressed by formulae of the kind mq ~ Cq(α)ΛRGI with α the gauge coupling constant and ΛRGI the RGI scale of the theory. Upon introducing EW interactions, this mechanism can be extended to give mass to EW bosons and leptons and can thus be used as an alternative to the Higgs scenario. In order to give the top quark and the weak gauge bosons a mass of the phenomenologically correct order of magnitude, the model must necessarily include (yet unobserved) super-strongly interacting massive fermions endowed, besides ordinary Standard Model interactions, with super-strong interactions with a RGI scale, ΛT ΛQCD in the few TeV range. Though limited in its scope (here we ignore hypercharge and leptons and discuss only the case of one family neglecting weak isospin splitting), the model opens the way to a solution of the naturalness problem and an understanding of the fermion mass hierarchy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
V. Suryanarayana Mummidi ◽  
Ketan M. Patel

Abstract A non-supersymmetric renormalizable SO(10) model is investigated for its viability in explaining the observed fermion masses and mixing parameters along with the baryon asymmetry produced via thermal leptogenesis. The Yukawa sector of the model consists of complex 10H and $$ {\overline{126}}_H $$ 126 ¯ H scalars with a Peccei-Quinn like symmetry and it leads to strong correlations among the Yukawa couplings of all the standard model fermions including the couplings and masses of the right-handed (RH) neutrinos. The latter implies the necessity to include the second lightest RH neutrino and flavor effects for the precision computation of leptogenesis. We use the most general density matrix equations to calculate the temperature evolution of flavoured leptonic asymmetry. A simplified analytical solution of these equations, applicable to the RH neutrino spectrum predicted in the model, is also obtained which allows one to fit the observed baryon to photon ratio along with the other fermion mass observables in a numerically efficient way. The analytical and numerical solutions are found to be in agreement within a factor of $$ \mathcal{O}(1) $$ O 1 . We find that the successful leptogenesis in this model does not prefer any particular value for leptonic Dirac and Majorana CP phases and the entire range of values of these observables is found to be consistent. The model specifically predicts (a) the lightest neutrino mass $$ {m}_{v_1} $$ m v 1 between 2–8 meV, (b) the effective mass of neutrinoless double beta decay mββ between 4–10 meV, and (c) a particular correlation between the Dirac and one of the Majorana CP phases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Maud Sarazin ◽  
Jordan Bernigaud ◽  
Björn Herrmann

Abstract We study the dark matter phenomenology of scotogenic frameworks through a rather illustrative model extending the Standard Model by scalar and fermionic singlets and doublets. Such a setup is phenomenologically attractive since it provides the radiative generation of neutrino masses, while also including viable candidates for cold dark matter. We employ a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to explore the associated parameter space in view of numerous constraints stemming from the Higgs mass, the neutrino sector, dark matter, and lepton-flavour violating processes. After a general discussion of the results, we focus on the case of fermionic dark matter, which remains rather uncovered in the literature so far. We discuss the associated phenomenology and show that in this particular case a rather specific mass spectrum is expected with fermion masses just above 1 TeV. Our study may serve as a guideline for future collider studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
M. Miskaoui ◽  
M. A. Loualidi

Abstract We propose a model of fermion masses and mixings based on SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT) and a D4 flavor symmetry. This is a highly predictive 4D SU(5) GUT with a flavor symmetry that does not contain a triplet irreducible representation. The Yukawa matrices of quarks and charged leptons are obtained after integrating out heavy messenger fields from renormalizable superpotentials while neutrino masses are originated from the type I seesaw mechanism. The group theoretical factors from 24- and 45-dimensional Higgs fields lead to ratios between the Yukawa couplings in agreement with data, while the dangerous proton decay operators are highly suppressed. By performing a numerical fit, we find that the model captures accurately the mixing angles, the Yukawa couplings and the CP phase of the quark sector at the GUT scale. The neutrino masses are generated at the leading order with the prediction of trimaximal mixing while an additional effective operator is required to account for the baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU). The model is remarkably predictive because only the normal neutrino mass ordering and the lower octant of the atmospheric angle are allowed while the CP conserving values of the Dirac neutrino phase δCP are excluded. Moreover, the predicted values of the effective Majorana mass mββ can be tested at future neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. An analytical and a numerical study of the BAU via the leptogenesis mechanism is performed. We focused on the regions of parameter space where leptogenesis from the lightest right-handed neutrino is successfully realized. Strong correlations between the parameters of the neutrino sector and the observed BAU are obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
A. E. Cárcamo Hernández ◽  
Sergey Kovalenko ◽  
M. Maniatis ◽  
Ivan Schmidt

Abstract We propose an extension of the three-Higgs-doublet model (3HDM), where the Standard Model (SM) particle content is enlarged by the inclusion of two inert SU2L scalar doublets, three inert and two active electrically neutral gauge singlet scalars, charged vector like fermions and Majorana neutrinos. These additional particles are introduced to generate the SM fermion mass hierarchy from a sequential loop suppression mechanism. In our model the top and exotic fermion masses appear at tree level, whereas the remaining fermions get their masses radiatively. Specifically, bottom, charm, tau and muon masses appear at 1-loop; the masses for the light up, down and strange quarks as well as for the electron at 2-loop and masses for the light active neutrinos at 3-loop. Our model successfully accounts for SM fermion masses and mixings and accommodates the observed Dark Matter relic density, the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, as well the constraints arising from charged Lepton Flavor Violating (LFV) processes. The proposed model predicts charged LFV decays within the reach of forthcoming experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (27) ◽  
pp. 2150196
Ying Zhang

To address fermion mass hierarchy and flavor mixings in the quark and lepton sectors, a minimal flavor structure without any redundant parameters beyond phenomenological observables is proposed via decomposition of the Standard Model Yukawa mass matrix into a bi-unitary form. After reviewing the roles and parameterization of the factorized matrix [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] in fermion masses and mixings, we generalize the mechanism to up- and down-type fermions to unify them into a universal quark/lepton Yukawa interaction. In the same way, a unified form of the description of the quark and lepton Yukawa interactions is also proposed, which shows a similar picture as the unification of gauge interactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Tommy Ohlsson ◽  
Marcus Pernow

Abstract We consider a class of SO(10) models with flavor symmetries in the Yukawa sector and investigate their viability by performing numerical fits to the fermion masses and mixing parameters. The fitting procedure involves a top-down approach in which we solve the renormalization group equations from the scale of grand unification down to the electroweak scale. This allows the intermediate scale right-handed neutrinos and scalar triplet, involved in the type I and II seesaw mechanisms, to be integrated out at their corresponding mass scales, leading to a correct renormalization group running. The result is that, of the 14 models considered, only two are able to fit the known data well. Both these two models correspond to ℤ2 symmetries. In addition to being able to fit the fermion masses and mixing parameters, they provide predictions for the sum of light neutrino masses and the effective neutrinoless double beta decay mass parameter, which are both within current observational bounds.

Xavier Calmet ◽  
Folkert Kuipers

In this essay, we show that quantum gravity and the spin-statistics theorem have very interesting consequences for dark matter candidates. Quantum gravity can lead to fifth force type interactions that lead to a lower bound on the masses of bosonic candidates. In the case of fermions, the spin-statistics theorem leads to a lower bound on fermion masses. For both bosonic and fermionic dark matter candidates, quantum gravity leads to a decay of dark matter particles. A comparison of their lifetime with the age of the universe leads to an upper bound on their masses. For singlet scalar dark matter fields, we find [Formula: see text].

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
Leon M. G. de la Vega ◽  
Newton Nath ◽  
Stefan Nellen ◽  
Eduardo Peinado

AbstractWe propose UV-completions of Froggatt–Nielsen–Peccei–Quinn models of fermion masses and mixings with flavored axions, by incorporating heavy fields. Here, the U(1) Froggatt–Nielsen symmetry is identified with the Peccei–Quinn symmetry to solve the strong CP problem along with the mass hierarchies of the Standard Model fermions. We take into account leading order contributions to the fermion mass matrices giving rise to Nearest-Neighbour-Interaction structure in the quark sector and $$A_2$$ A 2 texture in the neutrino sector. A comprehensive numerical analysis has been performed for the fermion mass matrices. Subsequently, we investigate the resulting axion flavor violating couplings and the axion-photon coupling arising from the model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
Ketan Patel

A mechanism to generate realistic fermion mass hierarchies based on supersymmetric gauged U(1)_FU(1)F symmetry in flat five-dimensional (5D) spacetime is proposed. The fifth dimension is compactified on S^1/Z_2S1/Z2 orbifold. The standard model fermions charged under the extra abelian symmetry along with their superpartners live in the 5D bulk. Bulk masses of fermions are generated by the vacuum expectation value of N=2N=2 superpartner of U(1)_FU(1)F gauge field, and they are proportional to U(1)_FU(1)F charges of respective fermions. This decides localization of fermions in the extra dimension, which in turn gives rise to exponentially suppressed Yukawa couplings in the effective 4D theory. Anomaly cancellation puts stringent constraints on the allowed U(1)_FU(1)F charges which leads to correlations between the masses of quarks and leptons. We perform an extensive numerical scan and obtain several solutions for anomaly-free U(1)_FU(1)F, which describe the observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing with all the fundamental parameters of order unity. It is found that the possible existence of SM singlet neutrinos substantially improves the spectrum of solutions by offering more freedom in choosing U(1)_FU(1)F charges. The model predicts Z^\primeZ′ boson mediating flavour violating interactions in both the quark and lepton sectors with the couplings which can be explicitly determined from the Yukawa couplings.

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