strong interactions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 128 (2) ◽  
Etienne Granet ◽  
Bruno Bertini ◽  
Fabian H. L. Essler

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Emre Ergeçen ◽  
Batyr Ilyas ◽  
Dan Mao ◽  
Hoi Chun Po ◽  
Mehmet Burak Yilmaz ◽  

AbstractIn van der Waals (vdW) materials, strong coupling between different degrees of freedom can hybridize elementary excitations into bound states with mixed character1–3. Correctly identifying the nature and composition of these bound states is key to understanding their ground state properties and excitation spectra4,5. Here, we use ultrafast spectroscopy to reveal bound states of d-orbitals and phonons in 2D vdW antiferromagnet NiPS3. These bound states manifest themselves through equally spaced phonon replicas in frequency domain. These states are optically dark above the Néel temperature and become accessible with magnetic order. By launching this phonon and spectrally tracking its amplitude, we establish the electronic origin of bound states as localized d–d excitations. Our data directly yield electron-phonon coupling strength which exceeds the highest known value in 2D systems6. These results demonstrate NiPS3 as a platform to study strong interactions between spins, orbitals and lattice, and open pathways to coherent control of 2D magnets.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Yuliang Gao ◽  
Fahong Qiao ◽  
Jingyuan You ◽  
Zengying Ren ◽  
Nan Li ◽  

AbstractExtra-terrestrial explorations require electrochemical energy storage devices able to operate in gravity conditions different from those of planet earth. In this context, lithium (Li)-based batteries have not been fully investigated, especially cell formation and cycling performances under supergravity (i.e., gravity > 9.8 m s−2) conditions. To shed some light on these aspects, here, we investigate the behavior of non-aqueous Li metal cells under supergravity conditions. The physicochemical and electrochemical characterizations reveal that, distinctly from earth gravity conditions, smooth and dense Li metal depositions are obtained under supergravity during Li metal deposition on a Cu substrate. Moreover, supergravity allows the formation of an inorganic-rich solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) due to the strong interactions between Li+ and salt anions, which promote significant decomposition of the anions on the negative electrode surface. Tests in full Li metal pouch cell configuration (using LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2-based positive electrode and LiFSI-based electrolyte solution) also demonstrate the favorable effect of the supergravity in terms of deposition morphology and SEI composition and ability to carry out 200 cycles at 2 C (400 mA g−1) rate with a capacity retention of 96%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jiazi Jiang ◽  
Quan Cai ◽  
Minghan Deng

In this work, a Pt-coordinated titanium-based porphyrin metal organic framework (Ti-MOF-Pt) was prepared by embedding single-atom Pt through strong interactions between the four pyrrole nitrogen atoms in the rigid backbone of the porphyrin. The synthesized Ti-MOF-Pt was characterized by TEM, XRD, FTIR and BET. Then, the Ti-MOF-Pt has been used for glassy carbon electrode surface modification and consequently used for construction of a thrombin aptamer sensor. The high surface area provides by MOF and excellent electrochemical property provided by Pt enhance the sensing performance. After optimization of amount of aptamer, hybridization time and specific reaction time, the fabricated aptamer sensor exhibited a linear relationship with the logarithm of the thrombin concentration in the range of 4 pM to 0.2 μM. The detection limit can be calculated as 1.3 pM.

2022 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 143-162
Mejdi Snoussi ◽  
Emira Noumi ◽  
Amor Mosbah ◽  
Alaeddine Redissi ◽  
Mohd Saeed ◽  

Developing new prophylactic and therapeutic agents with broad-spectrum antiviral activities is urgently needed to combat emerging human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Since no available clinically antiviral drugs have been approved to eradicate COVID-19 as of the writing of this report, this study aimed to investigate bioactive short peptides from Allium subhirsutum L. (Hairy garlic) extracts identified through HR-LC/MS analysis that could potentially hinder the multiplication cycle of SARS-CoV-2 via molecular docking study. The obtained promising results showed that the peptides (Asn-Asn-Asn) possess the highest binding affinities of -8.4 kcal/mol against S protein, (His-Phe-Gln) of -9.8 kcal/mol and (Gln-His-Phe) of -9.7 kcal/mol towards hACE2, (Thr-Leu-Trp) of -10.3 kcal/mol and (Gln-Phe-Tyr) of -9.8 kcal/mol against furin. Additionally, the identified peptides show strong interactions with the targeted and pro-inflammatory ranging from -8.1 to -10.5 kcal/mol for NF−κB-inducing kinase (NIK), from -8.2 to -10 kcal/mol for phospholipase A2 (PLA2), from -8.0 to -10.7 kcal/mol for interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK-4), and from -8.6 to -11.6 kcal/mol for the cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) with Gln-Phe-Tyr model seems to be the most prominent. Results from pharmacophore, drug-likeness and ADMET prediction analyses clearly evidenced the usability of the peptides to be developed as an effective drug, beneficial for COVID-19 treatment.

А.Ю. Маслов ◽  
О.В. Прошина

Abstract The specific features of the interaction of charged particles with polar optical phonons have been studied theoretically for quantum wells with the barriers that are asymmetric in their dielectric properties. It is shown that the interaction with interface phonon modes makes the greatest contribution in narrow quantum wells. The parameters of the electron-phonon interaction were found for the cases of different values of the phonon frequencies in the barrier materials. It turned out that a significant (by almost an order of magnitude) change in the parameters of the electron-phonon interaction can occur in such structures. This makes it possible, in principle, to trace the transition from weak to strong interactions in quantum wells of the same type but with different compositions of barrier materials. The conditions are found under which an enhancement of the electron-phonon interaction is possible in an asymmetric structure in comparison with a symmetric one with the barriers of the same composition.

Weifang Weng ◽  
Guoqiang Zhang ◽  
Zhenya  Yan

The higher-order effects play an important role in the wave propagations of ultrashort (e.g. subpicosecond or femtosecond) light pulses in optical fibres. In this paper, we investigate any n -component fourth-order nonlinear Schrödinger ( n -FONLS) system with non-zero backgrounds containing the n -Hirota equation and the n -Lakshmanan–Porsezian–Daniel equation. Based on the loop group theory, we find the multi-parameter family of novel rational vector rogue waves (RVRWs) of the n -FONLS equation starting from the plane-wave solutions. Moreover, we exhibit the weak and strong interactions of some representative RVRW structures. In particular, we also find that the W-shaped rational vector dark and bright solitons of the n -FONLS equation as the second- and fourth-order dispersion coefficients satisfy some relation. Furthermore, we find the higher-order RVRWs of the n -FONLS equation. These obtained rational solutions will be useful in the study of RVRW phenomena of multi-component nonlinear wave models in nonlinear optics, deep ocean and Bose–Einstein condensates.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06003
Giancarlo Rossi

In this talk we describe examples of renormalizable strongly interacting field theories where chiral symmetry, broken at the UV cutoff by the presence of some irrelevant d > 4 operators in the fundamental Lagrangian, is recovered at low energy owing to the tuning of certain Lagrangian parameters. The interference of UV effects with IR features coming from the spontaneous breaking of the recovered chiral symmetry yields non perturbatively generated elementary fermion masses parametrically expressed by formulae of the kind mq ~ Cq(α)ΛRGI with α the gauge coupling constant and ΛRGI the RGI scale of the theory. Upon introducing EW interactions, this mechanism can be extended to give mass to EW bosons and leptons and can thus be used as an alternative to the Higgs scenario. In order to give the top quark and the weak gauge bosons a mass of the phenomenologically correct order of magnitude, the model must necessarily include (yet unobserved) super-strongly interacting massive fermions endowed, besides ordinary Standard Model interactions, with super-strong interactions with a RGI scale, ΛT ΛQCD in the few TeV range. Though limited in its scope (here we ignore hypercharge and leptons and discuss only the case of one family neglecting weak isospin splitting), the model opens the way to a solution of the naturalness problem and an understanding of the fermion mass hierarchy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 05007
Wojciech Bryliński ◽  

NA61/SHINE (SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) is a fixedtarget experiment operating at the CERN SPS accelerator. The main goal of the strong interactions program of NA61/SHINE is to study the properties of the phase transition between confined matter and quark-gluon plasma by performing a two-dimensional scan in beam momentum and size of collided nuclei. Within this program, collisions of different systems (p+p, p+Pb, Be+Be, Ar+Sc, Xe+La, Pb+Pb) over a wide range of beam momenta (13A-150(8)A GeV/c) have been recorded. This contribution discusses the latest results of hadron production in p+p, Be+Be, Ar+Sc and Pb+Pb reactions measured by the NA61/SHINE. In particular, the results include charged kaons and pions spectra and higher-order moments of multiplicity and net charge distributions. The presented data are compared with the predictions of different theoretical models as well as the results from other experiments. Finally, the motivation and plans for future NA61/SHINE measurements are discussed.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 300
Zhenming Sun ◽  
Hailong Shi ◽  
Xiaoshi Hu ◽  
Mufu Yan ◽  
Xiaojun Wang

In this study, we reported a laminated CNTs/Mg composite fabricated by spray-deposition and subsequent hot-press sintering, which realized simultaneous enhancement effects on strength and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness (SE) by the introduced CNTs and CNT induced laminated ‘Mg-CNT-Mg’ structure. It was found that the CNTs/Mg composite with 0.5 wt.% CNTs not only exhibited excellent strength-toughness combination but also achieved a high EMI SE of 58 dB. The CNTs increased the strength of the composites mainly by the thermal expansion mismatch strengthening and blocking dislocation movements. As for toughness enhancement, CNTs induced laminated structure redistributes the local strain effectively and alleviates the strain localization during the deformation process. Moreover, it could also hinder the crack propagation and cause crack deflection, which resulted in an increment of the required energy for the failure of CNTs/Mg composites. Surprisingly, because of the laminated structure induced by introducing CNTs, the composite also exhibited an outperforming EMI SE in the X band (8.2–12.4 GHz). The strong interactions between the laminated ‘Mg-CNT-Mg’ structure and the incident electromagnetic waves are responsible for the increased absorption of the electromagnetic radiation. The lightweight CNTs/Mg composite with outstanding mechanical properties and simultaneously increased EMI performance could be employed as shell materials for electronic packaging components or electromagnetic absorbers.

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