rarefaction waves
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Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Nan Si ◽  
Alan Brown

This work describes the development of a hybrid framework of Runge–Kutta (RK), discontinuous Galerkin (DG), level set (LS) and direct ghost fluid (DGFM) methods for the simulation of near-field and early-time underwater explosions (UNDEX) in early-stage ship design. UNDEX problems provide a series of challenging issues to be solved. The multi-dimensional, multi-phase, compressible and inviscid fluid-governing equations must be solved numerically. The shock front in the solution field must be captured accurately while maintaining the total variation diminishing (TVD) properties. The interface between the explosive gas and water must be tracked without letting the numerical diffusion across the material interface lead to spurious pressure oscillations and thus the failure of the simulation. The non-reflecting boundary condition (NRBC) must effectively absorb the wave and prevent it from reflecting back into the fluid. Furthermore, the CFD solver must have the capability of dealing with fluid–structure interactions (FSI) where both the fluid and structural domains respond with significant deformation. These issues necessitate a hybrid model. In-house CFD solvers (UNDEXVT) are developed to test the applicability of this framework. In this development, code verification and validation are performed. Different methods of implementing non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) are compared. The simulation results of single and multi-dimensional cases that possess near-field and early-time UNDEX features—such as shock and rarefaction waves in the fluid, the explosion bubble, and the variation of its radius over time—are presented. Continuing research on two-way coupled FSI with large deformation is introduced, and together with a more complete description of the direct ghost fluid method (DGFM) in this framework will be described in subsequent papers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Natsumi Yoshida

In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Cauchy problem with the far field condititon for the generalized Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers equation with a fourth-order dissipative term. When the corresponding Riemann problem for the hyperbolic part admits a Riemann solution which consists of single rarefaction wave, it is proved that the solution of the Cauchy problem tends toward the rarefaction wave as time goes to infinity. We can further obtain the same global asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave to the generalized Korteweg–de Vries–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers equation with a fourth-order dissipative term as the former one.

K. Mitra ◽  
C. J. van Duijn

AbstractWe study the gravity driven flow of two fluid phases in a one dimensional homogeneous porous column when history dependence of the pressure difference between the phases (capillary pressure) is taken into account. In the hyperbolic limit, solutions of such systems satisfy the Buckley-Leverett equation with a non-monotone flux function. However, solutions for the hysteretic case do not converge to the classical solutions in the hyperbolic limit in a wide range of situations. In particular, with Riemann data as initial condition, stationary shocks become possible in addition to classical components such as shocks, rarefaction waves and constant states. We derive an admissibility criterion for the stationary shocks and outline all admissible shocks. Depending on the capillary pressure functions, flux function and the Riemann data, two cases are identified a priori for which the solution consists of a stationary shock. In the first case, the shock remains at the point where the initial condition is discontinuous. In the second case, the solution is frozen in time in at least one semi-infinite half. The predictions are verified using numerical results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Christian Ecker ◽  
Johanna Erdmenger ◽  
Wilke van der Schee

We present the first holographic simulations of non-equilibrium steady state formation in strongly coupled \mathcal{N}=4𝒩=4 SYM theory in 3+1 dimensions. We initially join together two thermal baths at different temperatures and chemical potentials and compare the subsequent evolution of the combined system to analytical solutions of the corresponding Riemann problem and to numerical solutions of ideal and viscous hydrodynamics. The time evolution of the energy density that we obtain holographically is consistent with the combination of a shock and a rarefaction wave: A shock wave moves towards the cold bath, and a smooth broadening wave towards the hot bath. Between the two waves emerges a steady state with constant temperature and flow velocity, both of which are accurately described by a shock+rarefaction wave solution of the Riemann problem. In the steady state region, a smooth crossover develops between two regions of different charge density. This is reminiscent of a contact discontinuity in the Riemann problem. We also obtain results for the entanglement entropy of regions crossed by shock and rarefaction waves and find both of them to closely follow the evolution of the energy density.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1233
Petr Chuprov ◽  
Pavel Utkin ◽  
Svetlana Fortova

The process of wave formation at the contact boundary of colliding metal plates is a fundamental basis of explosive welding technology. In this case, the metals are in a pseudo-liquid state at the initial stages of the process, and from a mathematical point of view, a wave formation process can be described by compressible multiphase models. The work is devoted to the development of a three-fluid mathematical model based on the Baer–Nunziato system of equations and a corresponding numerical algorithm based on the HLL and HLLC methods, stiff pressure, and velocity relaxation procedures for simulation of the high-speed impact of metal plates in a one-dimensional statement. The problem of collision of a lead plate at a speed of 500 m/s with a resting steel plate was simulated using the developed model and algorithm. The problem statement corresponded to full-scale experiments, with lead, steel, and ambient air as three phases. The arrival times of shock waves at the free boundaries of the plates and rarefaction waves at the contact boundary of the plates, as well as the acceleration of the contact boundary after the passage of rarefaction waves through it, were estimated. For the case of a 3-mm-thick steel plate and a 2-mm-thick lead plate, the simulated time of the rarefaction wave arrival at the contact boundary constituted 1.05 μs, and it was in good agreement with the experimental value 1.1 μs. The developed numerical approach can be extended to the multidimensional case for modeling the instability of the contact boundary and wave formation in the oblique collision of plates in the Eulerian formalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 84-99
A. S. Maulana ◽  
Sri Redjeki Pudjaprasetya

The cell transmission model (CTM) is a macroscopic model that describes the dynamics of traffic flow over time and space. The effectiveness and accuracy of the CTM are discussed in this paper. First, the CTM formula is recognized as a finite-volume discretization of the kinematic traffic model with a trapezoidal flux function. To validate the constructed scheme, the simulation of shock waves and rarefaction waves as two important elements of traffic dynamics was performed. Adaptation of the CTM for intersecting and splitting cells is discussed. Its implementation on the road segment with traffic influx produces results that are consistent with the analytical solution of the kinematic model. Furthermore, a simulation on a simple road network shows the back and forth propagation of shock waves and rarefaction waves. Our numerical result agrees well with the existing result of Godunov’s finite-volume scheme. In addition, from this accurately proven scheme, we can extract information for the average travel time on a certain route, which is the most important information a traveller needs. It appears from simulations of different scenarios that, depending on the circumstances, a longer route may have a shorter travel time. Finally, there is a discussion on the possible application for traffic management in Indonesia during the Eid al-Fitr exodus.   doi:10.1017/S1446181121000080

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150385
Yulei Jiao ◽  
Rongjun Cheng ◽  
Hongxia Ge

Considering the effect of driver’s expectation and the electronic throttle (ET), an improved two-lane continuum model is proposed. The linear stability condition of the new model is obtained by using the linear stability theory. The nonlinear analysis method is used to study the evolution process of traffic density wave near the neutral stability curve, and the improved KdV-Burgers equation is obtained. The numerical simulation analysis of the improved traffic flow model is carried out to further study how the changes of the expected effect of drivers affect the vehicle speed, the density of traffic flow, vehicle fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Numerical results demonstrate that the new continuum model presented herein can well describe the developments of shock waves and rarefaction waves, and considering the factor of driver’s expectation and ET effect has a positive impact on the dynamic characteristic of macroscopic flow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
B. Sinsoysal ◽  
M. Rasulov ◽  
O. Yener ◽  

This study aims to obtain the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for 2D conservation law equation with one arbitrary discontinuity having an initial profile. For this aim, a special auxiliary problem allowing to construct a sensitive method is developed in order to get a weak solution of the main problem. Proposed auxiliary problem also permits us to find entropy condition which guarantees uniqueness of the solution for the auxiliary problem. To compare the numerical solution with the exact solution theoretical structure of the problem under consideration is examined, and then the interplay of shock and rarefaction waves is investigated.

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