Jordana Grazziela A. Coelho dos Reis
Geovane Marques Ferreira
Alice Aparecida Lourenco
Agata Lopes Ribeiro
Camila Pacheco da Silveira Martins da Mata
COVID-19 is a lethal disease caused by the pandemic SARS-CoV-2, which continues to be a public health threat. COVID-19 is principally a respiratory disease and is often associated with sputum retention, for which there are limited therapeutic options. In this regard, we evaluated the use of BromAc, a combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (NAC). Both drugs present mucolytic effect and have been studied to treat COVID-19. Therefore, we sought to examine the mucolytic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effect of BromAc in tracheal aspirate samples from critically ill COVID-19 patients requiring mechanical ventilation.
Method: Tracheal aspirate samples from COVID-19 patients were collected following next of kin consent and mucolysis, rheometry and cytokine storm analysis was performed.
Results: BromAc displayed a robust mucolytic effect in a dose dependent manner. BromAc showed anti-inflammatory activity, reducing the action of cytokine storm, chemokines including MIP-1alpha, CXCL8, MIP-1b, MCP-1 and IP-10, and regulatory cytokines IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 IL-1RA and total reduction for IL-9 compared to NAC alone and control. BromAc acted on IL-6, demonstrating a reduction in G-CSF and VEGF-D at concentrations of 125 and 250ug.
Conclusion: These results indicate robust mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect of BromAc in tracheal aspirates from critically ill COVID-19 patients, indicating its potential as a therapeutic strategy to COVID-19.