matched asymptotics
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Helmut Abels

AbstractWe consider the sharp interface limit of a convective Allen–Cahn equation, which can be part of a Navier–Stokes/Allen–Cahn system, for different scalings of the mobility $$m_\varepsilon =m_0\varepsilon ^\theta $$ m ε = m 0 ε θ as $$\varepsilon \rightarrow 0$$ ε → 0 . In the case $$\theta >2$$ θ > 2 we show a (non-)convergence result in the sense that the concentrations converge to the solution of a transport equation, but they do not behave like a rescaled optimal profile in normal direction to the interface as in the case $$\theta =0$$ θ = 0 . Moreover, we show that an associated mean curvature functional does not converge to the corresponding functional for the sharp interface. Finally, we discuss the convergence in the case $$\theta =0,1$$ θ = 0 , 1 by the method of formally matched asymptotics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 ◽  
Robert C. Viesca

There is scientific and industrial interest in understanding how geologic faults respond to transient sources of fluid. Natural and artificial sources can elevate pore fluid pressure on the fault frictional interface, which may induce slip. We consider a simple boundary value problem to provide an elementary model of the physical process and to provide a benchmark for numerical solution procedures. We examine the slip of a fault that is an interface of two elastic half-spaces. Injection is modelled as a line source at constant pressure and fluid pressure is assumed to diffuse along the interface. The resulting problem is an integro-differential equation governing fault slip, which has a single dimensionless parameter. The expansion of slip is self-similar and the rupture front propagates at a factor $\lambda$ of the diffusive length scale $\sqrt {\alpha t}$ . We identify two asymptotic regimes corresponding to $\lambda$ being small or large and perform a perturbation expansion in each limit. For large $\lambda$ , in the regime of a so-called critically stressed fault, a boundary layer emerges on the diffusive length scale, which lags far behind the rupture front. We demonstrate higher-order matched asymptotics for the integro-differential equation, and in doing so, we derive a multipole expansion to capture successive orders of influence on the outer problem for fault slip for a driving force that is small relative to the crack dimensions. Asymptotic expansions are compared with accurate numerical solutions to the full problem, which are tabulated to high precision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 ◽  
Walter Tewes ◽  
Michiel A. Hack ◽  
Charu Datt ◽  
Gunnar G. Peng ◽  
Jacco H. Snoeijer

Drop coalescence occurs through the rapid growth of a liquid bridge that connects the two drops. At early times after contact, the bridge dynamics is typically self-similar, with details depending on the geometry and viscosity of the liquid. In this paper we analyse the coalescence of two-dimensional viscous drops that float on a quiescent deep pool; such drops are called liquid lenses. The analysis is based on the thin-sheet equations, which were recently shown to accurately capture experiments of liquid lens coalescence. It is found that the bridge dynamics follows a self-similar solution at leading order, but, depending on the large-scale boundary conditions on the drop, significant corrections may arise to this solution. This dynamics is studied in detail using numerical simulations and through matched asymptotics. We show that the liquid lens coalescence can involve a global translation of the drops, a feature that is confirmed experimentally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 ◽  
Jacques Vanneste

The response of a semi-infinite ocean to a slowly travelling atmospheric perturbation crossing the coast provides a simple example of the breakdown of nearly geostrophic balance induced by a boundary. We examine this response in the linear shallow-water model at small Rossby number $\varepsilon \ll 1$ . Using matched asymptotics, we show that a long Kelvin wave, with $O(\varepsilon ^{-1})$ length scale and $O(\varepsilon )$ amplitude relative to quasi-geostrophic response, is generated as the perturbation crosses the coast. Accounting for this Kelvin wave restores the conservation of mass that is violated in the quasi-geostrophic approximation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Helmut Abels ◽  
Andreas Marquardt

AbstractWe construct rigorously suitable approximate solutions to the Stokes/Cahn–Hilliard system by using the method of matched asymptotics expansions. This is a main step in the proof of convergence given in the first part of this contribution, [3], where the rigorous sharp interface limit of a coupled Stokes/Cahn–Hilliard system in a two dimensional, bounded and smooth domain is shown. As a novelty compared to earlier works, we introduce fractional order terms, which are of significant importance, but share the problematic feature that they may not be uniformly estimated in $$\epsilon $$ ϵ in arbitrarily strong norms. As a consequence, gaining necessary estimates for the error, which occurs when considering the approximations in the Stokes/Cahn–Hilliard system, is rather involved.

P. C. Bressloff

In this paper, we extend our recent work on two-dimensional diffusive search-and-capture processes with multiple small targets (narrow capture problems) by considering an asymptotic expansion of the Laplace transformed probability flux into each target. The latter determines the distribution of arrival or capture times into an individual target, conditioned on the set of events that result in capture by that target. A characteristic feature of strongly localized perturbations in two dimensions is that matched asymptotics generates a series expansion in ν  = −1/ln ϵ rather than ϵ , 0 <  ϵ  ≪ 1, where ϵ specifies the size of each target relative to the size of the search domain. Moreover, it is possible to sum over all logarithmic terms non-perturbatively. We exploit this fact to show how a Taylor expansion in the Laplace variable s for fixed ν provides an efficient method for obtaining corresponding asymptotic expansions of the splitting probabilities and moments of the conditional first-passage-time densities. We then use our asymptotic analysis to derive new results for two major extensions of the classical narrow capture problem: optimal search strategies under stochastic resetting and the accumulation of target resources under multiple rounds of search-and-capture.

Rodolfo Brandão ◽  
Jacob R. Holley ◽  
Ory Schnitzer

We study the problem of resonant extraordinary transmission of electromagnetic and acoustic waves through subwavelength slits in an infinite plate, whose thickness is close to a half-multiple of the wavelength. We build on the matched-asymptotics analysis of Holley & Schnitzer (2019 Wave Motion 91 , 102381 (doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.102381)), who considered a single-slit system assuming an idealized formulation where dissipation is neglected and the electromagnetic and acoustic problems are analogous. We here extend that theory to include thin dissipative boundary layers associated with finite conductivity of the plate in the electromagnetic problem and viscous and thermal effects in the acoustic problem, considering both single-slit and slit-array configurations. By considering a distinguished boundary-layer scaling where dissipative and diffractive effects are comparable, we develop accurate analytical approximations that are generally valid near resonance; the electromagnetic–acoustic analogy is preserved up to a single parameter that is provided explicitly for both scenarios. The theory is shown to be in excellent agreement with GHz-microwave and kHz-acoustic experiments in the literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (754) ◽  
pp. 225-251 ◽  
James Isenberg ◽  
Haotian Wu

Abstract We study the phenomenon of Type-II curvature blow-up in mean curvature flows of rotationally symmetric noncompact embedded hypersurfaces. Using analytic techniques based on formal matched asymptotics and the construction of upper and lower barrier solutions enveloping formal solutions with prescribed behavior, we show that for each initial hypersurface considered, a mean curvature flow solution exhibits the following behavior near the “vanishing” time T: (1) The highest curvature concentrates at the tip of the hypersurface (an umbilic point), and for each choice of the parameter {\gamma>\frac{1}{2}} , there is a solution with the highest curvature blowing up at the rate {(T-t)^{{-(\gamma+\frac{1}{2})}}} . (2) In a neighborhood of the tip, the solution converges to a translating soliton which is a higher-dimensional analogue of the “Grim Reaper” solution for the curve-shortening flow. (3) Away from the tip, the flow surface approaches a collapsing cylinder at a characteristic rate dependent on the parameter γ.

Matias Ruiz ◽  
Ory Schnitzer

We develop a slender-body theory for plasmonic resonance of slender metallic nanoparticles, focusing on a general class of axisymmetric geometries with locally paraboloidal tips. We adopt a modal approach where one first solves the plasmonic eigenvalue problem, a geometric spectral problem which governs the surface-plasmon modes of the particle; then, the latter modes are used, in conjunction with spectral-decomposition, to analyse localized-surface-plasmon resonance in the quasi-static limit. We show that the permittivity eigenvalues of the axisymmetric modes are strongly singular in the slenderness parameter, implying widely tunable, high-quality-factor, resonances in the near-infrared regime. For that family of modes, we use matched asymptotics to derive an effective eigenvalue problem, a singular non-local Sturm–Liouville problem, where the lumped one-dimensional eigenfunctions represent axial voltage profiles (or charge line densities). We solve the effective eigenvalue problem in closed form for a prolate spheroid and numerically, by expanding the eigenfunctions in Legendre polynomials, for arbitrarily shaped particles. We apply the theory to plane-wave illumination in order to elucidate the excitation of multiple resonances in the case of non-spheroidal particles.

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