Solving for the missing masses in the Higgs resonances, it was necessary to extend, even quantitatively via an index measurable amount, the SM using a threshold related longitudinal violation procedure. The obtained expression, by being non-contributing via its non-anomalously resulting parameter, is linked to a Cauchy-Schwartz 4-scalar product ratio type of two virtual Gauge Bosons momenta in its minimal anomalous configuration, as vs. its non-anomalous internal. Changing the bounds from energy into momenta, a convexity condition appears. Such technique clarifies the perturbative e.m. fields’ extensions into perturbative and non-perturbative QCD.In applications, there is the violation of the chiral insertion by the axion into neutrinos, and the Lepton number when passing form velocity to spin resonances, such confirming the CS procedure as plus the defiance of the SM comes through their branching ratios but not their angular distributions. Further which if remaining at the same level of minimization can restore the universality of extendibility in the Higgs self-couplings.Leading into deriving the phase of K0 → π+π-, in A(∆1=2)/A(∆1=0) so a conformal skipping dynamical shift from direct CP violation of D0 → K+K- and D0 → π+π- asymmetries, in the long-short mixing concords the phase of KL → π0ννbar, solving the KOTO anomaly.