angular distributions
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2022 ◽  
zhiwei Tan ◽  
Jian-Ling 楼建玲 Lou ◽  
Yan-Lin Ye ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Dan-Yang 庞丹阳 Pang ◽  

Abstract Two low-lying unbound states in 16C are firstly investigated by the deuteron inelastic scattering in inverse kinematics. Besides the 2- state at 5.45-MeV previously measured in a 1n knockout reaction, a new resonant state at 6.89 MeV is observed for the first time. The inelastic scattering angular distributions of these two states are well reproduced by the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) calculation with an l = 1 excitation. In addition, the spin-parities of the unbound states are discussed and tentatively assigned based on the shell model calculations using the modified YSOX interaction.

Ruaridh Forbes ◽  
Paul Hockett ◽  
Ivan Powis ◽  
John D. Bozek ◽  
Stephen T. Pratt ◽  

Electron spectroscopy following Xe 3d and F 1s ionization in XeF2 elucidates the influence of core electrons on molecular bonding.

Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Daniil E. Shipilo ◽  
Nikolay A. Panov ◽  
Irina A. Nikolaeva ◽  
Alexander A. Ushakov ◽  
Pavel A. Chizhov ◽  

We experimentally investigate the low-frequency (below 1 THz) spectral content of broadband terahertz (THz) emission from two-color femtosecond filament formed by the 2.7-mJ, 40-fs, 800+400-nm pulse focused into air. For incoherent detection, we screened the Golay cell by the bandpass filters and measured the THz angular distributions at the selected frequencies ν=0.5, 1, 2 and 3 THz. The measured distributions of THz fluence were integrated over the forward hemisphere taking into account the transmittance of the filters, thus providing the estimation of spectral power at the frequencies studied. The spectral power decreases monotonically with the frequency increasing from 0.5 to 3 THz, thus showing that the maximum of THz spectrum is attained at ν≤0.5 THz. The THz waveform measured by electro-optical sampling (EOS) based on ZnTe crystal and transformed into the spectral domain shows that there exists the local maximum of the THz spectral power at ν≈1 THz. This disagrees with monotonic decrease of THz spectral power obtained from the filter-based measurements. We have introduced the correction to the spectral power reconstructed from EOS measurements. This correction takes into account different focal spot size for different THz frequencies contained in the broadband electromagnetic pulse. The corrected EOS spectral power is in semi-quantitative agreement with the one measured by a set of filters.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Irina G. Palchikova ◽  
Igor V. Latyshov ◽  
Evgenii S. Smirnov ◽  
Vasilii A. Vasiliev ◽  
Alexander V. Kondakov ◽  

A method of mathematically processing the digital images of targets is developed. The theoretical and mathematical justification and the experimental validation of the possibility of estimating the amount of gunshot residue (GSR) and determining the GSR distribution over the target on the basis of its digital image is provided. The analysis of the optical density in selected concentric rings in the images reveals the radial dependence of soot distribution in the cross section of a gas–gunpowder jet. The analysis of the optical density in selected sectors of the circle reveals the angular dependence of the soot distribution in the gas–gunpowder jet cross section. It is shown that the integral optical density averaged over a selected area in the target image characterizes the mass of GSP deposited on it. It is possible to quantify the differences in the radial and angular distributions of the thickness of the GSR layer on various targets obtained both with the help of weapons of different types at the same distances and with the help of weapons of the same type at different distances, by calculating the distribution of optical density on their digital images.

Fukiko Ota ◽  
Kaoru Yamazaki ◽  
Didier Sebilleau ◽  
Kiyoshi Ueda ◽  
Keisuke Hatada

Abstract We present a new variation of Young's double-slit formula for polarization-averaged molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions (PA-MFPADs) of hetero-diatomic molecules, which may be used to extract the bond length. So far, empirical analysis of the PA-MFPADs has often been carried out employing Young's formula in which each of the two atomic centers emits a s-photoelectron wave. The PA-MFPADs, on the other hand, can consist of an interference between the p-wave from the X-ray absorbing atom emitted along the molecular axis and the s-wave scattered by neighboring atom, within the framework of Multiple Scattering theory. The difference of this p-s wave interference from the commonly used s-s wave interference causes a dramatic change in the interference pattern, especially near the angles perpendicular to the molecular axis. This change involves an additional fringe, urging us to caution when using the conventional Young's formula for retrieving the bond length. We have derived a new formula analogous to Young's formula but for the p-s wave interference. The bond lengths retrieved from the PA-MFPADs via the new formula reproduce the original C-O bond lengths used in the reference ab-initio PA-MFPADs within the relative error of 5 %. In the high energy regime, this new formula for p-s wave interference converges to the ordinary Young’s formula for the s-s wave interference. We expect it to be used to retrieve the bond length for time-resolved PA-MFPADs instead of the conventional Young's formula.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 3617
Seyed Hossein Hassantabar Bozroudi ◽  
Daniele Ciani ◽  
Mahdi Mohammad Mahdizadeh ◽  
Mohammad Akbarinasab ◽  
Ana Claudia Barbosa Aguiar ◽  

Ocean processes can locally modify the upper ocean density structure, leading to an attenuation or a deflection of sound signals. Among these phenomena, eddies cause significant changes in acoustic properties of the ocean; this suggests a possible characterization of eddies via acoustics. Here, we investigate the propagation of sound signals in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean in the presence of eddies of Mediterranean Water (Meddies). Relying on a high-resolution simulation of the Atlantic Ocean in which Meddies were identified and using the Bellhop acoustic model, we investigated the differences in sound propagation in the presence and absence of Meddies. Meddies create sound channels in which the signals travel with large acoustic energy. The transmission loss decreases to 80 or 90 dB; more signals reach the synthetic receivers. Outside of these channels, the sound signals are deflected from their normal paths. Using receivers at different locations, the acoustic impact of different Meddies, or of the same Meddy at different stages of its life, are characterized in terms of angular distributions of times of arrivals and of energy at reception. Determining the influence of Meddies on acoustic wave characteristics at reception is the first step to inverting the acoustic signals received and retrieving the Meddy hydrological characteristics.

Masato Takamune ◽  
Shota Sasaki ◽  
Daisei Kondo ◽  
Jun Naoi ◽  
Mitsutaka Kumakura ◽  

Abstract Light scattering by a single superconducting microparticle trapped in a quadrupole magnetic field has been observed. The angular distributions of the scattering light were recored for multiple colors of incident light, and were well reproduced by using the Mie scattering theory with the refractive indices for normal conducting metals. This analysis provides us the radius of the trapped particle.

Atoms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 108
Alexei V. Meremianin ◽  
Nikolai L. Manakov

The polarization dependence of the photoionization probability was analyzed in the case when a randomly oriented atom is irradiated by two crossing polarized monochromatic photon beams with the same frequency. It was found that the angular distributions of photoelectrons exhibit the effect of circular dichroism (CD), which consists of the dependence of the photoionization probability on the sign of the circular polarization degree of each beam. We demonstrate that the CD effect exists only for coherent crossing photon beams. It was shown that CD effects are strongly dependent on the phase difference between the electric field vectors of the photon beams and have a quite large magnitude. The possibilities of the experimental observation of CD effects are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Hani W. Maalouf

Abstract Solving for the missing masses in the Higgs resonances, it was necessary to extend, even quantitatively via an index measurable amount, the SM using a threshold related longitudinal violation procedure. The obtained expression, by being non-contributing via its non-anomalously resulting parameter, is linked to a Cauchy-Schwartz 4-scalar product ratio type of two virtual Gauge Bosons momenta in its minimal anomalous configuration, as vs. its non-anomalous internal. Changing the bounds from energy into momenta, a convexity condition appears. Such technique clarifies the perturbative e.m. fields’ extensions into perturbative and non-perturbative QCD.In applications, there is the violation of the chiral insertion by the axion into neutrinos, and the Lepton number when passing form velocity to spin resonances, such confirming the CS procedure as plus the defiance of the SM comes through their branching ratios but not their angular distributions. Further which if remaining at the same level of minimization can restore the universality of extendibility in the Higgs self-couplings.Leading into deriving the phase of K0 → π+π-, in A(∆1=2)/A(∆1=0) so a conformal skipping dynamical shift from direct CP violation of D0 → K+K- and D0 → π+π- asymmetries, in the long-short mixing concords the phase of KL → π0ννbar, solving the KOTO anomaly.

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