water culture
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Nassrin Mashaii ◽  
Farhad Rajabipour ◽  
Ahmad Bitaraf ◽  
Homayun Hosseinzadeh ◽  
Mostafa Sharif Rohani ◽  

Ivan Sevostianov ◽  
Oleksandr Melnik

Hydroponics is a promising area of development of modern agriculture, which provides long-term cultivation of basic vegetables and greenery in small areas with minimal consumption of water and fertilizers. This technology allows you to get a fairly large harvest of fresh vegetables within large cities, including office and residential premises. Entrepreneurs and researchers are paying close attention to developing more efficient hydroponics methods and equipment to implement them in order to reduce usable space, save water, nutrients and increase air supply and plant capacity. Several hydroponics systems are known: static solution culture, continuous flow solution (NFT) culture, deep water culture, passive irrigation, underwater and drainage irrigation systems, wastewater drainage system, deep-water fertilized culture, rotary system, aeroponics, wick system. The first three of the above methods were used commercially and industrially. The system of static culture solution does not provide the necessary saturation of plant roots with air. With the implementation of the method of continuous solution culture, minor buffering is possible due to interruptions in the flow (power outage), flooding of water in some canals, in addition, there are restrictions on the maximum length of canals (12 - 15 m). The system of deep-water culture on an industrial scale is used mainly for growing lettuce. Other mentioned systems are not efficient enough in terms of commercial use. The improved hydroponic installations presented in the article were developed taking into account the following requirements: universality of use (possibility of growing different types of plants); harmonization of optimal supply of crops with water, nutrients, light and air; maximum use of space; increasing the area for each plant and maintaining its stems and shoots. Also in the article the equation for definition of the basic parameters of the developed installations is given.

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

The increasingly frequent natural disasters in the last decade, are not only symptomatic of climate change, but indicate the critical importance of a holistically overhauling our lifestyles and sympathetically engaging with our built and natural environment. There is an urgent need to actively engage with and analyse the pre-industrial era traditional settlements, as they constitute a three-dimensional record of past wisdom embodying a holistic way of life that reflects a synergetic relationship with nature. The essay explores connect of water and settlements in Indian subcontinent from the Indus Valley civilization to mediaeval times to the colonial and then Independent India. Traditionally in India, land, rivers, fields, groundwater, and forests were all valuable resources and not commodities. Each of the states of India and their traditional settlements are a repository of such knowledge systems for respective climate. By combining 21st Century mapping technologies and regional traditional knowledge systems of water harvesting and management, it is possible to effectively synergise the top-down and ground-up planning policies. Citing examples and experiential learning’s, the essay espouses for conservation led development as preferred planning policy to achieve an equitable, stable, self-sustaining, compassionate, and humane future, as continuum of three thousand years of nature-culture journey

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-121
Lilis Lasmini

Pertanian perkotaan merupakan aktivitas yang berorientasi pada terwujudnya kemudahan pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan sehari-hari bagi masyarakat kota. Selain itu, kehadiran aktivitas pertanian perkotaan juga membantu pemenuhan dan penambahan luasan ruang terbuka hijau kota. Karenanya, aktivitas pertanian perkotaan harus tertuang dalam dokumen rencana tata ruang kota, sehingga penyelenggaraannya merupakan bagian dari implementasi rencana tata ruang kota tersebut. Pada visi kota tentang masa depan, pertanian perkotaan telah lama dianggap sebagai bagian integral dari kota berkelanjutan. Dalam rangka peningkatan lahan perkebunan di Desa Cibalongsari perlu dilakukan penerapan sistem hidroponik, sistem hidroponik sebagai salah satu metode penanaman tanaman menggunakan kultur air dimaksudkan untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman sepanjang tahun.Kata Kunci : Pertanian Perkotaan, Tata Ruang Kota, Sistem Hidroponik.Urban agriculture is oriented activities with the ease of meeting the needs for the city daily food besides, the presence of urban agricultural activity is also helping to achieve the space and adding green open space city. Wherefore, urban agricultural activity must be set out in the city, spatial planning so that the implementation is part of the city. Spatial planning in the vision of about the future, urban agriculture has long been regarded as an integral part of a sustainable city. In order to increase the tree crops in the Cibalongsari village necessary, hydroponic application of the hydroponic system, hydroponic system as one method the planting of crops used water culture intended to be increasing productivity plant. throughout the year.Keywords : Urban Agriculture, City Spatial, Hydroponic System

R. Corrao ◽  
F. Di Paola ◽  
D. Termini ◽  
C. Vinci

Abstract. The valorisation, protection and preservation policies for the underground building heritage are often difficult to implement due to an inadequate knowledge of hypogeal constructions. The complex and widespread underground structures of the vast “Cavo” Heritage (“horizontal wells”, “shelf wells” or “well tunnels”), so called qanāts, hidden underground and built over the centuries in Palermo, representing an evocative testimony to the history of water culture in the ancient city. Through the historical and constructive analyses and the implementation and development of measurement and 3D representation and visualization, first actions have been carried out. The paper will present the first results of the restoration project and the path of re-introduction in the fruition network of the qanāt “Gesuitico alto”, developed also in the field of “iHeritage. Mediterranean Platform for UNESCO Cultural Heritage” project, financed by ENI CBC MED Programme 2014–2020. The paper presents an experimentation of a procedural workflow of data acquisition, analysis and subsequent 3D virtual navigation of hypogeal environments. The methodology used is the SLAM with a last generation WMLS. The platform of virtual reality visualization, within UnReal Engine, allows the user to immerse and navigate in the anthropic environment by engaging it with a set of infographics that highlight the virtual visit.

2021 ◽  
Maria C. Moreno ◽  
Oscar J. Suarez ◽  
Alda Pardo Garcia

2021 ◽  
Yogranjan Singh ◽  
Sathak Pandey ◽  
Amit Kumar Goswami

After the recurrent spells of weak monsoons, a big part of the country’s population, are affected by a severe drought obliging India to walk towards a water-stressed future. The drought has dried up wells and other water reservoirs already stressed by overuse resulting into crop failure to a reasonable extent of more than 60 per cent. The current water management systems particularly in rural areas are poorly equipped to deal with the issue in significant part because they do not promote distributed water collection, water conservation, and water reuse. Providentially, a combination of often forgotten traditional water practices and more recent innovations in water use and management can help resolve this growing water crisis. These include rainwater capture, water recycling and reuse, and innovative technologies to purify water. India’s history is witness to how well-planned cities of our ancient civilization were equipped with outstanding systems of water harvesting and drainage. These ancient structures synergized with well validated water practices were the strong support systems during the times when the modern infrastructural marvels did not exist, but they were more than efficient in managing the water resources even at the time. Today the traditional water practices and ancient but ignored water sources of the country are yearning to discharge the ancient traditions to revive the glorious history of their past for the dire need of the hour. If water strategists aim to spread the message of water conservation to the common people and want to ensure that every drop of water is conserved, then the proven and scientifically validated Indian traditional water culture will have to be revived. Coincidently, customary water bodies have always been subject of reverence for Indians, reviving these traditional water bodies by involving locals could be a strategy that every region needs to adopt. Stepping up these revival options will indispensably require change in legal and regulatory framework but will perceptibly offer policy makers a better chance to meet present demands and future needs in an increasingly water-constrained India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Jacob Zajkowski ◽  
Whitney Short

Hydroponic growing in controlled environment horticulture has been an increasingly used method of produce production around the world. Its many methods integrate sustainability and growth efficiency through the control of climatic and system variables. This study investigated control variables that would produce and market a more effective lettuce (lactuca sativa. var capitata) crop. Three objectives determined: The comparison between the dimensions of deep water culture systems and the lettuce harvesting length, Consumer and ICP spectrometry recognition of different post-harvest hydroponic nutrient concentration, and the preference of lettuce grown in different hydroponic nutrient concentrations. Through growing trials and consumer tests, it was found that the 14 gallon (102 x 50.8 x 66cm) size deep water culture system also produced lettuce with larger harvest-length; spectrometry recognition of lettuce crops grown in different nutrient levels was effective with 7 of the 12 nutrients elements showing sufficient results of concentration in concentrated lettuce. Consumer identification recognition wasn’t successful with 40% of consumers unable to recognize any nutrient concentration level compared to two other varieties. Representing a diverse market audience, of consumers determined that variety 127 (50% regular concentration) was preferred as significant market influence of purchase. This research will impact future studies in effective small scale hydroponic growing and growers looking to expand knowledge of beneficial growth.

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