legal requirement
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-75
JJ Du Toit ◽  
Marko Svicevic

Die ondervraging en kruisondervraging van getuies, viva voce, in ’n uitleweringsaansoek bly ’n onderwerp wat nie noodwendig baie aandag geniet in die regspraak nie. Is dit regtens noodsaaklik dat getuies inderdaad viva voce geroep moet word om te getuig in ’n uitleweringsaansoek? Moet ’n persoon wat voor die hof verskyn in ’n uitleweringsaansoek toegelaat word om getuies te roep om die getuienis wat die staat aangebied het, viva voce te weerlê vir die uiteindelike beoordeling deur die voorsittende beampte en die minister van justisie en korrektiewe dienste? In hierdie artikel bespreek die outeurs die Suid-Afrikaanse en sommige buitelandse regsposisies en wys op die relevante en soms uiteenlopende regsgesag op dié punt. Hulle werp verder lig op die omstandighede waaronder viva voce-getuienis aangebied behoort te word in ’n uitleweringsaansoek. In besonder word die aard van uitleweringsaansoeke in ag geneem. Sodanige uitleweringsondersoeke is sui generis van aard en gevolglik verskil dit van die prosedure wat gevolg word in kriminele verhore. In die eerste deel van die artikel ondersoek die outeurs in detail hoe uitleweringsondersoeke gewoonlik onder die vaandel van die Wet op Uitlewering 67 van 1962 gehou word. Daarna ondersoek hulle die regspraak om vas te stel hoe die Suid-Afrikaanse howe oor jare die bepalings van die Uitleweringswet geïnterpreteer het. In die lig daarvan word vervolgens ondersoek hoe verskeie ander jurisdiksies hul eie prosedures vasgestel het ten opsigte van die roep van getuies om viva voce te getuig. Die volgende jurisdiksies word ondersoek: Malawi, die Bahamas, die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Verenigde Koninkryk en Kanada. Na evaluering van die regspraak van Suid-Afrikaanse howe en die howe van ander lande, word verskeie slotopmerkings gemaak wat in ag geneem behoort te word voordat viva voce-getuienis tydens ’n uitleweringsaansoek in Suid-Afrika aangebied behoort te word. Hierdie oorwegings sluit onder andere in dat die sui generis aard van uitleweringsverrigtinge nooit uit die oog verloor behoort te word nie en dat beide partye tot die aansoek die geleentheid gebied behoort te word om getuienis aan te bied, insluitend viva voce-getuienis. Die oogmerk van die outeurs is om vir die leser ’n gebalanseerde oorsig van die regspraak te voorsien wat oorweeg kan word wanneer besluit moet word om viva voce getuienis aan te bied tydens ’n uitleweringsaansoek al dan nie. Die outeurs beveel ten slotte aan dat die huidige Uitleweringswet gewysig behoort te word om meer duidelikheid te verskaf hoe uitleweringsaansoeke in die praktyk behoort plaas te vind veral weens die feit dat voorlopige ondersoeke, wat tot ’n mate die normale prosedure in die verlede was, al vir ’n geruime tyd in die verband in onbruik verval het.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147775092110635
Alastair Moodley ◽  
Ames Dhai

Informed consent for anesthesia is an ethical and legal requirement. A patient must have adequate decision-making capacity (DMC) as a prerequisite to informed consent. In determining whether a patient has sufficient DMC, anesthesiologists must draw on their knowledge of DMC. Knowledge gaps regarding DMC may result in incorrect assessments of patients’ capacity. This could translate to an informed consent process that is ethically and legally unsound. This study examined the DMC-related knowledge of anesthesiologists in a group of four university-affiliated hospitals. The findings suggest that anesthesiologists have several areas of knowledge deficiency regarding DMC and DMC assessment. These findings could inform the development of undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089202062110573
Marie Bradwell ◽  
Hazel Bending

This small-scale piece of research listened to the stories, experiences and perceptions of teaching assistants to hear their lived experiences of the role of teaching assistant. To hear how expectations have altered with/without legislative and framework guidance and consideration of the individuals who take up teaching assistant roles, in a climate where there is a succinct lack of legal requirement for any training or qualifications to be undertaken prior to or during the job role. The findings indicated that there appears to be an ethos within primary educational settings that teaching assistants can ‘do it all’ at ‘all times’, that there is a lack of clarity in role and responsibilities across the ‘unqualified staff’, and furthermore that they self-position as “Just a TA”.

Julia Eisenblätter ◽  
Gerry Schumacher ◽  
Marie Hirt ◽  
Janine Wild ◽  
Loan Catalano ◽  

Summary Purpose This project aimed to investigate allergen information practices of food businesses selling non-prepacked foods after the implementation of the new Swiss food law in May 2017. Methods A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted with food businesses selling non-prepacked foods in Switzerland. A short, standardised questionnaire was developed in German, based on previous research and literature. It was subsequently translated into French and Italian. Altogether, 882 businesses (restaurants, dairies, butcher shops and bakeries) were contacted, of which 387 were willing to participate. SPSS® (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analyses. Results The vast majority (86.0%) of food businesses provides oral allergen information. Only 14.0% currently provide written allergen information to the customer, either upfront or on request. The most frequently used labelling system in written allergen declaration was naming all ingredients (35.2%). A significant number (39.8%) do not place a notice on how to obtain allergen information, although this is a legal requirement in Switzerland when not providing written information upfront. Conclusion So far, not all food businesses have been complying with the new Swiss food law on allergen information of non-prepacked food. Therefore, awareness of the legal obligations around communicating allergen information as well as the verification of its implementation should be enhanced. To meet the needs of consumers and avoid reactions, some form of written allergen information should be promoted. Giving this information on request might encourage communication between customer and staff, thus providing an extra measure of verification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 115-125
Akhiyanus Marwan ◽  
Laily Washliati ◽  
Idham .

A Sea Work Agreement is a contract between a shipping entrepreneur and a worker in which the latter agrees to do work for pay as a captain or a member of the ship's crew under the entrepreneur's instructions. As a component of a more considerable agreement, a written or spoken labor agreement must satisfy both subjective and objective legal criteria of an agreement. The topic of this study is the legal arrangement of work agreements at sea for seafarers to promote human welfare. A study was conducted by the Batam authorities and harbormaster's office on the implementation and legal analysis of work agreements at sea for seafarers from an affirming people's welfare perspective. Also, the factors that act as impediments or barriers to solutions for work agreements at sea for seafarers from an affirming people's welfare perspective. This research aims to establish the legal structure of work agreements at sea for seafarers to improve their welfare and the execution and legal analysis of work agreements at sea for seafarers to enhance their welfare. Thirdly, determine the elements that lead to the formation of barriers or obstacles, along with some of the aspects that contribute to their resolution. This study aims to gather primary data via field research utilizing a normative approach. The study's findings show that although the legal control of work agreements at sea for seafarers has been chiefly implemented successfully to enhance people's welfare, there are still many barriers in the sector at both an internal and external level. It is anticipated that both ship entrepreneurs and ship personnel will adhere to their agreed-upon and signed maritime labor agreements, making this a legal requirement for builders. Keywords: Sea Work Agreement, Seafarers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1937
Put Fui Syafira Basuki

AbstractWitness testimony is evidence tool in the first sequence in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) so it can be said there is no criminal case which escapes from the proof of witness testimony. The legal requirement for a witness's statement is when a witness takes an oath. However, in article 171 letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) states that a person may give testimony without swearing, that is, a person who has memory loss or mental illness, although sometimes his memory is back. In psychology is referred to psychopaat, but the information given cannot be justified perfectly and his information is only used as a guide or additional legal evidence tool as long as it is compatible with legal evidence tool. This study uses the typology of doctrinal research with a legislation approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Witness testimony given without the oath is considered not a valid evidence but is used as an adjunct to perfect the strength of legal evidence tool because it can strengthen the judge's conviction.Keywords: Evidence Tool; Witnesses; Mental Disorder; Responsibility.AbstrakKeterangan saksi merupakan alat bukti pada urutan pertama dalam KUHAP sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa tiada suatu perkara pidana yang luput dari pembuktian keterangan saksi. Syarat sah keterangan saksi adalah ketika seorang saksi mengucapkan sumpah. Namun pada pasal 171 huruf b KUHAP menyatakan bahwa seseorang boleh memberikan keterangan tanpa sumpah yaitu orang yang mengalami sakit ingatan atau sakit jiwa meskipun kadang-kadang ingatannya kembali dalam ilmu penyakit jiwa disebut dengan psychopaat, tetapi keterangan yang diberikan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara sempurna dan keterangannya hanya dipakai sebagai petunjuk atau tambahan alat bukti sah asalkan berkesuaian dengan alat bukti sah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipologi penelitian doktrinal dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Keterangan saksi yang diberikan tanpa sumpah dinilai bukan merupakan alat bukti yang sah namun digunakan sebagai tambahan untuk menyempurnakan kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti yang sah karena dapat menguatkan keyakinan hakim.Kata Kunci: Alat Bukti; Saksi; Gangguan Jiwa; Tanggungjawab.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Robin Palmer ◽  
Angela Crocker

It has been a long-standing practice in South Africa that interest earned on certain moneys deposited into attorneys’ trust accounts is paid over to the Attorneys Fidelity Fund. In fact, it is a legal requirement in terms of the Attorneys Act 53 of 1979, and the current version of the Legal Practice Bill. The December 2010 version of the Legal Practice Bill is the latest version of the Bill but not the final version, which is still awaited. This practice has both ethical and legal implications that have to be considered. This note will begin by looking at both the background and purpose of trust moneys received by attorneys. Then, using the KwaZulu-Natal Law Society Rules and schedules as a reference point (the KwaZulu-Natal Rules are generally representative, and in conformity with most of the rules of all the constituent law societies of the LSSA), the issue of whether the current practice of diverting the interest on trust moneys to the AFF is legally and ethically justifiable, particularly the duty to disclose information in respect of interest accruing on trust moneys, will be discussed. This will include a consideration of the proposed amendments in the new draft Legal Practice Bill. 

2021 ◽  
pp. xiv-37
Shane P. Singh

The introductory chapter addresses the need for a new full-length manuscript on compulsory voting and discuss the meaning of the term. The chapter then reviews arguments for and against the requirement to vote, focusing mostly on matters of duty, collective action, legitimacy, representation, and the putative downstream consequences of compulsory voting. The chapter subsequently briefly reviews the history of compulsory voting and the potential reasons for its implementation. The chapter then provides data on where and how compulsory voting is used today and gives a detailed overview of recent events surrounding compulsory voting throughout the world. From there, the chapter discusses various empirical methods available to the scientific community for assessing the effects of the legal requirement to vote.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 262-273
Thomas A. Hemphill ◽  
Keith E. Kelley ◽  
Francine Cullari

We address the recent ascendancy of “stakeholder capitalism” and its potential impact on US corporate governance practice. Utilizing a four dimensional, analytic framework (legal, ethical, economic, and political), the authors evaluate the potential effects of stakeholder capitalism on the existing corporate governance of companies, concluding that stakeholder capitalism is a commitment, not a legal requirement; it is currently being practiced in boardrooms; and yet it is not the responsibility of the company, under stakeholder capitalism, to solve America’s social issues. The article concludes with business policy recommendations for directors concerning likely legal, ethical, economic, and political changes affecting stakeholder capitalism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 239448112110203
Sachin Siwakoti

The concept of reservation in state mechanism attaches itself to the idea of breaking or at least stagnating the cycle of perpetuation of hierarchical status in those mechanisms. Reservation of Dalit in such mechanism is guaranteed via both statutory and constitutional requirement in context of Nepal. So much so, that ‘Right of Dalit’ recognised as a fundamental right of Dalit in the constitution encapsulates this requirement exclusively. The study investigates whether the guaranteeing of legal requirement has translated into an efficacious material realisation. It takes representation of Dalit within the civil service as a reference point for this investigation and analyses whether hierarchical status borne out of true phenomenology of caste have been truly shredded by policies of perceived empowerment in civil service symbolic to breaking of hierarchies in state machinery.

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