scholarly journals Keterangan Saksi dengan Gangguan Jiwa Sebagai Alat Bukti di Pengadilan

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1937
Put Fui Syafira Basuki

AbstractWitness testimony is evidence tool in the first sequence in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) so it can be said there is no criminal case which escapes from the proof of witness testimony. The legal requirement for a witness's statement is when a witness takes an oath. However, in article 171 letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) states that a person may give testimony without swearing, that is, a person who has memory loss or mental illness, although sometimes his memory is back. In psychology is referred to psychopaat, but the information given cannot be justified perfectly and his information is only used as a guide or additional legal evidence tool as long as it is compatible with legal evidence tool. This study uses the typology of doctrinal research with a legislation approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Witness testimony given without the oath is considered not a valid evidence but is used as an adjunct to perfect the strength of legal evidence tool because it can strengthen the judge's conviction.Keywords: Evidence Tool; Witnesses; Mental Disorder; Responsibility.AbstrakKeterangan saksi merupakan alat bukti pada urutan pertama dalam KUHAP sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa tiada suatu perkara pidana yang luput dari pembuktian keterangan saksi. Syarat sah keterangan saksi adalah ketika seorang saksi mengucapkan sumpah. Namun pada pasal 171 huruf b KUHAP menyatakan bahwa seseorang boleh memberikan keterangan tanpa sumpah yaitu orang yang mengalami sakit ingatan atau sakit jiwa meskipun kadang-kadang ingatannya kembali dalam ilmu penyakit jiwa disebut dengan psychopaat, tetapi keterangan yang diberikan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara sempurna dan keterangannya hanya dipakai sebagai petunjuk atau tambahan alat bukti sah asalkan berkesuaian dengan alat bukti sah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipologi penelitian doktrinal dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Keterangan saksi yang diberikan tanpa sumpah dinilai bukan merupakan alat bukti yang sah namun digunakan sebagai tambahan untuk menyempurnakan kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti yang sah karena dapat menguatkan keyakinan hakim.Kata Kunci: Alat Bukti; Saksi; Gangguan Jiwa; Tanggungjawab.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-195
A.A. Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

Proving a rape crime against children shall have valid evidences. The proof aims to find the truth material in order to prove whether the perpetrator was guilty or not. Even though in  proving a  rape crime, the  judges considered that there is  only one valid testimony from the witness yet the other evidences are not support it, it is clear that it would be considered by the judges which could effected the judge’s decision. There are two issues that will be discussed in this thesis, firstly regarding the unus testis nulus testis principle in rape criminals of children and the proof of rape crime against children by using one witness (unus testis nullus testis). The methods of this research used are normative approach and conceptual approach. The witness’ testimony in the hearing process is the main evidence as the judge’s considerations. In the criminal procedure law, the evidentiary process is required by means of presenting witnesses and by the support of other evidence. Regarding of this rape crime against children, besides using testimony from the witness, it is necessary to support other evidence such as the results of visum et repertum which is useful to prove that a crime has occurred. When there only one valid testimony from the witness, it must be followed by other valid evidence to strengthen the witness’s statement. Therefore, if there is only have one supported witness’s testimony to prove a rape crime against children it could not prove the criminal was occur.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-203
Elias Zadrack Leasa

A witness is someone who hears, sees and experiences on something that happens. This witness has an important role in disclosing a problem that occurs including legal issues. The description of this witness is very useful for the sake of investigation, prosecution and justice on a matter heard by the witness himself, witness to see himself and his own natural witness. The information of a witness alone is not sufficient to prove a criminal incident in accordance with the principle of Unus Testis Nulus Testis (Article 185 paragraph (2) KUHAP), then the statements of witnesses having blood relation under Article 168 Criminal Procedure Code can not be accepted as valid evidence . Witnesses in domestic violence are very difficult because the cases that occur within the household are very small and the witness has a blood relation, but in abolition of domestic violance act in Article 55 provides an opportunity if only one witness is provided with another legal evidence, concerning the witness who incest abolition of domestic violence act is a lex specialist from KUHAP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-134
Gemaya Wangsa ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Wayan Arthanaya

The development of information technology and correspondence resulted in a shift in the format of print media to digital media, so that this growth was followed by the continuation of the development of a new criminal class that rode digital media in criminal acts of terrorism. This study aims to determine the regulations for the use of website evidence and the position of using website evidence in handling terrorism crimes in case number 140 / Pid.Sus / 2018 / PN.Jkt.Sel. This research uses a normative legal exploration method whose data comes from the determination related to the use of website evidence in Article 184 of the Criminal Code. The results of the research show that the determination of the exploitation of website evidence, which when based on Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, means that electronic material is not classified as an abash instructional device classification, but if it is based on statutory regulations in a special crime, the electronic evidence media has resistance as a valid evidence, this can be seen in the provisions of Article 5 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law which are reaffirmed in the provisions of Article 44 of the ITE Law. Utilization of electronic evidence in the process of evidence in court is sourced from website evidence in law enforcement for criminal acts of terrorism in the Case Number 140 / Pid.Sus / 2018 / PN.Jkt.Sel scandal. Criminal Procedure, especially Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, but has a judicial guideline that the judge cannot refuse to explore and decide the matters brought against him, provided that the law is unclear or non-existent, then the judges' rules should expose the meaning of continued and continuous law in the consortium, up to the provisions as contained in the ITE Law which regulates electronic instruction instruments as valid instruction devices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1684
Roman KOSTENKO ◽  
Georgii YURIEV

This article substantiates that compliance with the requirement of admissible evidence acquires special significance for a criminal proceedings, which is proved by the analysis of various sources, including the current edition of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the article aims to determine the nature of admissible statements of the accused in the Russian criminal procedure as one of the most important types of legal evidence. The authors of the article have obtained crucial results for the study of criminal proceedings, defined the basic requirements that should be met by admissible statements of an accused person, analyzed rules for admitting statements of the accused, performed their general characterization and formulated the main provisions defining the essence of statements provided by the accused in criminal proceedings. The main conclusion reached in this article is that the admissibility of statements provided by the accused should comply with the following basic rules: (1) the rule of appropriate subjects authorized by virtue of the existing Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to carry out procedural actions for collecting (obtaining, recording) evidence; (2) the rule of proper information sources on the facts provided for by the current Criminal Procedure Code; (3) the rule of proper proceedings stipulated by the current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation for collecting (receiving, recording) evidence; (4) the rule of the proper procedure provided for by the current Criminal Procedure Code for collecting (receiving, recording) evidence from the viewpoint of its proper obtaining is considered as the need to comply with requirements of the Criminal Procedure Code.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1953
Rachmad Firmansyah

AbstractIn the context of carrying out the task of eradicating illicit abuse and illicit trafficking of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors, the investigator has the authority to conduct urine tests on a person suspected of being an abuser, as stipulated in Article 75 letter l of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics. The urine sample that has been taken will then be tested based on the development of science and technology in the narcotics testing laboratory which is then poured in the minutes of the test results. The minutes of the test results are valid evidence as determined by Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Someone who has a positive urine test result can be arrested and named as a suspect of narcotics abuse based on sufficient preliminary evidence. Suspects of abuse of Narcotics can be convicted in accordance with Article 127 paragraph (1) of the Narcotics Act. Thus the legal issues in this study is the Urine Test Results Are Used as the Basis for Assigning a Person to Be a Narcotics Abuse and Classification of Urine Test Results as Evidence As a Provision for Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code.Keywords: Urine Test; Preliminary Evidence; Determination of Suspect; Valid Evidence.AbstrakDalam rangka melaksanakan tugas pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap Narkotika dan Prekursor Narkotika penyidik berwenang melakukan tes urine terhadap seseorang yang diduga sebagai penyalah guna, sebagaimana diatur pada Pasal 75 huruf l Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika. Sampel urine yang telah diambil selanjutnya akan diuji berdasarkan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di laboratorium uji narkotika yang kemudian dituangkan dalam berita acara hasil pengujian. Berita acara hasil pengujian merupakan alat bukti yang sah sebagaimana ditentukan Pasal 184 KUHAP. Terhadap seseorang yang hasil tes urinenya positif dapat ditangkap dan ditetapkan sebagai tersangka penyalahgunaan Narkotika berdasarkan bukti permulaan yang cukup. Tersangka penyalahgunaan Narkotika dapat dipidana sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 127 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Narkotika. Dengan demikian rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Hasil Tes Urine Dijadikan Dasar Untuk Menetapkan Seseorang Sebagai Tersangka Penyalahguna Narkotika dan Klasifikasi Hasil Tes Urine Sebagai Alat Bukti Sebagaimana Ketentuan Pasal 184 KUHAP. Kata Kunci: Tes Urine; Bukti Permulaan; Penetapan Tersangka; Alat Bukti Yang Sah.

Ius Poenale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-86
M. Kemal Pasha Zahrie

The presence of Constitutional Court Decision Number 65/PUUVIII/2010 expands the meaning of witnesses in Article 1 point 26 of the KUHAP, resulting in the emergence of various interpretations in criminal justice practice concerning the position of verbal witness testimony as evidence. Juridically, the decision creates problems considering that the Criminal Procedure Code or Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) does not recognize verbal witnesses' testimony as evidence. This study examined the position and the strength of verbal witnesses' testimony as evidence in criminal proceedings. After gathering all the data using normative and empirical juridical research, this paper concludes that the testimony of verbal witnesses is grouped in the evidence of guidance in Article 188 Paragraph (1) of the KUHAP because the testimony of verbal witnesses is not primary evidence. After all, its existence is contingent on the judge's willingness to employ it. The strength of proof of testimony of verbal witnesses is that they must satisfy the elements of Article 188 paragraph (1) of the KUHAP, namely the information referred to in the form of events or circumstances concerning a criminal act, as well as conformity with other evidence, as required by Article 188 paragraph (2) of the KUHAP.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Pandoe Pramoe Kartika

The writing of this scientific work is motivated by the difficulty of legal institutions such as the court in carrying out the verification of criminal cases related to Electronic Data. Evidence is fundamental in every criminal case. Therefore, evidence becomes a very decisive thing whether or not a person is convicted. However, the Criminal Procedure Code as a formal law in Indonesia, has not regulated electronic evidence as a legal evidence. The research method used is normative research using a statutory and analytical approach, while data collection through literature studies and interviews and qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of the study indicate that proof of the ITE Law is lex specialis, because the ITE Law regulates everything that is more specific in the evidentiary law contained in the Criminal Procedure Code. The legal proof of electronic aspect as a legitimate evidence in the case of money laundering is regulated in Article 73 and with the enactment of the ITE Law, it is increasingly emphasized that electronic documentary evidence is a legitimate and recognized evidence in Indonesian procedural law. Penulisan karya ilmiah ini dilatar belakangi oleh sulitnya lembaga hukum seperti pengadilan dalam hal melaksanakan pembuktian perkara pidana yang berhubungan dengan Data Elektronik. Bukti merupakan hal mendasar dalam setiap perkara pidana. Oleh karena itu, alat bukti menjadi hal yang sangat menentukan dapat tidaknya seseorang dipidana. Namun, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana sebagai hukum formil di Indonesia, belum mengatur mengenai alat bukti elektronik sebagai alat bukti yang sah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan analitis, sedangkan pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara serta analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pembuktian pada UU ITE bersifat lex specialis, dikarenakan UU ITE mengatur segala sesuatu yang lebih spesifik dalam hukum pembuktian yang terdapat di dalam KUHAP. Aspek hukum pembuktian elektronik sebagai alat bukti yang sah dalam kasus tindak pidana pencucian uang diatur dalam Pasal 73 dan dengan diberlakukannya UU ITE semakin dipertegas bahwa alat bukti dokumen elektronik merupakan alat bukti yang sah dan diakui dalam hukum acara Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-103
Claudia Permata Dinda ◽  
Usman Usman ◽  
Tri Imam Munandar

ABSTRAK Praperadilan yang diatur dalam KUHAP menjamin perlindungan HAM dan aparat penegak hukum dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewenangannya secara konsekwen. Lembaga praperadilan telah menciptakan mekanisme kontrol sebagai lembaga yang berwenang melakukan pengawasan terhadap kinerja aparat penegak hukum dalam menjalankan tugasnya guna tercipta proses peradilan pidana yang baik. Terkait dengan penegakan hukum dan pemberantasan korupsi, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi merupakan lembaga yang diamanatkan oleh undang-undang dengan wewenangnya untuk menetapkan status tersangka guna proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat dari perluasan objek praperadilan atas penetapan status tersangka terhadap KUHAP dan mengetahui akibat dari perluasan objek praperadilan terhadap penetapan status tersangka tindak pidana korupsi oleh KPK. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Sebelumnya, sah atau tidaknya penetapan status tersangka oleh KPK bukan merupakan objek praperadilan, namun melalui Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 21/PUU-XII/2014 praperadilan telah berwenang memeriksa sah atau tidaknya penetapan status tersangka. Hal ini menjadi sebuah pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana di Indonesia. ABSTRACT Pretrial regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code guarantees the protection of human rights and law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties and authorities consistently. The pretrial institution has created a control mechanism as an institution authorized to supervise the performance of law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties in order to create a good criminal justice process.This study aims to determine the effects of the expansion of pretrial objects over the determination of the status of suspects against the Criminal Procedure Code and to determine the consequences of expanding pretrial objects to determine the status of suspected criminal acts of corruption by the KPK. The research method used in writing this thesis is a normative juridical research method through the conceptual approach, the statutory approach and the case approach. Previously, the KPK was not a pretrial object or not, but through the Constitutional Court Decision Number 21 / PUU-XII / 2014 the pretrial had the authority to examine whether or not the status of the suspect was determined. This has become a renewal in the Indonesian Criminal Procedure Code.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 882
Yitro Daniel ◽  
Dian Adriawan Dg Tawang

Based on Decision Number 20 / Pid.B / 2017 PN.Mrh has reported rape issued by the wife of Suwito Budi Santoso while the wife of Suwito Budi Santoso is named Sumaryati. However, Decision Number 42 / PID / 2017 / PT.BJM, the Banjarmasin High Court Judge Council acquitted 7 defendants who were not proven in rape cases. However, in the court's ruling, the Banjarmasin High Court contained anomalies that differed from the Verdict of the Marbahan District Court, namely from the expert's statement and the results of the post mortem psychiatric review. The problem is how is the juridical analysis of the evidence evidence and psychiatric repertum in the case of rape (case study of the Decision of the High Court in banjaran 42 / PID / 2017 / PT BJM)? The author approves this problem using normative research methods supported by expert interview data. The author creates in Article 184 the Criminal Procedure Code valid evidence is divided into 5 (five), which consists of legal evidence categorized Letters which are translated Article 187 and in Perma No 3 of 2017 in Article 4 to be discussed by the Judge. The author asks that for Law Enforcement, to pay more attention to what matters are the contents of the legislation. Investigators, Public Prosecutors, Judges, and government institutions that are involved in the tools of the post mortem and psychiatric repertum in the crime of rape, must really realize the contents of the agreement. So that the legal certainty given by the State to the community can be fully accepted

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 210-215
Ni Made Elly Pradnya Suari ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara ◽  
Ni Made Sukaryati Karma

The presence of witnesses in the evidence is the keyword in disclosing the facts of criminal cases. The crown witness is often present at court. However, there are many differences of opinion in the Jurisprudence regarding the use of crown witnesses in court because there is no legal regulation that explicitly regulates the use of crown witnesses in criminal justice. Based on these problems, this study described how the protection of the rights of defendants as crown witnesses in criminal acts of theft with violence and how the position of crown witnesses in criminal acts of theft with violence. This research was designed using a normative legal research method and a conceptual approach. In the Criminal Procedure Code, there is no prohibition for a defendant to provide information for other defendants as far as using a splitsing system so that defendants who are crown witnesses still receive legal protection. The decision of the Supreme Court Number 1942 K / PID / 2012 which in its verification process used a crown witness. In this case, the public prosecutor presented the crown witness due to the lack of evidence especially witness testimony evidence. The role of the crown witness is very important to uncover criminal events because the defendant knows, sees, and commits criminal theft with violence. The result of this study showed that the protection of the rights of the defendant as a crown witness is equated with the rights of the defendant in general, which is regulated in Article 50 to Article 68 of the Criminal Procedure Code and witness rights set out in Article 5 of Law Number 31 of 2014. The position of the crown witness is justified in proof-based on the Circular Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Number B-69 / E / 02/1997 of 1997 concerning Proof Law in Criminal Cases.

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