social entrepreneurship
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In this paper, we address the research question of to what extent is it possible to discern theories of change being built into the business practices of nascent social enterprises in ways that lay foundations for the subsequent upscaling of their social innovations? We argue that social enterprises that are ‘ready-to-upscale’ are those that clearly produce a solution to an underlying problem, and where their activities are clearly derived from the underlying problem, and also those activities clearly connect forward to deliver consistent solutions. We apply a Theories of Change approach to the concept of social entrepreneurship as a means of setting a criterion for ‘ready-to-upscale’, studying six Sri Lankan micro-social enterprises in which we can trace stories of impact. This provides a means to develop a model of the ways that social entrepreneurship creates the foundations for structural changes that reduce systematic inequalities, and offers social enterprise funders a framework to better stimulate emergence of social enterprises ready-to-upscale and deliver social innovation.

2022 ◽  
pp. 83-111
Wendy Cukier ◽  
Vicki Saunders ◽  
Samantha Stewart ◽  
Erica Wright

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-36
João M. S. Carvalho

This study had three objectives: to discover the main concepts and theories used in research around entrepreneurship; systematize the entrepreneurial process in a model that allows teaching it more efficiently, and substantiate the model by applying it to various social entrepreneurship projects. To this end, a systematic scoping review was carried out to identify the main concepts, theories, and processes, which constitute the six crucial building blocks to someone could be successful as a(n) (social) intra/entrepreneur. Then, a design-science approach led us to use real social innovation and social entrepreneurship cases to evaluate the constructs and the model. Consequently, it is concluded that all concepts, theories and models identified can be classified as external factors (Context and Resources), internal factors (Objectives and entrepreneurial Will) and achievements (Action and Impact). The CROWAI model fits well with the data obtained on 465 innovation and social entrepreneurship projects. Thus, this model presents a more comprehensive approach, applicable to all profitable or social intra/entrepreneurship situations, allowing this new conceptual arrangement to be more easily taught. Additionally, it makes sense to use the term ‘social’ in innovation and intra/entrepreneurship because it has excellent defining power of the scope one wants to achieve with human endeavours. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-01-02 Full Text: PDF

2022 ◽  
pp. 193-218
Gareth R. T. White ◽  
Robert Allen ◽  
Anthony Samuel ◽  
Dan Taylor ◽  
Robert Thomas ◽  

Conjecturas ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 304-328
Fabiana Pinto de Almeida Bizarria ◽  
Flávia Lorenne Sampaio Barbosa ◽  
Danielle Maria Apolonio Rodrigues ◽  
Rogeane Morais Ribeiro

A pesquisa objetiva compreender o campo científico do tema Empreendedorismo Social a partir de pesquisas que abordam o campo de públicas. Após levantamento de 157 artigos indexados na base Web of Science, de 1945 a 2021, utilizando-se da palavra “social entrepreneurship”, no título, e “public”, em todos os campos, os dados foram inseridos no software VOSviewer para a construção dos mapas bibliométricos. Os resultados em relação às redes de (i) co-corrência de palavras-chave, que definiu: cluster 1 agrupou as palavras “field”, “innovation”, “legitimacy”, “organizations”, e “performance”; o cluster 2 que reuniu as palavras “challenges”, “management”, “perspective” e “social innovation”; o cluster 3, uniu as palavras “entrepreneurship”, “social economy”, “social enterprise” e “social entrepreseurship”; cluster 4 com as palavras “context”, “enterprise”, “impact” e “work”; cluster 5 “business”, “responsibility” e “susteainability”. Em relação à rede de (ii) co-citação por artigo, têm-se o cluster 1, com os autores Agafonow (2014), Bacq (2011), Fowler (2000), o cluster 2, com Baron (2007), Hoogendoorn (2016), Short (2009), o cluster 3, com Bacq (2018), Desa (2013) e o cluster 4, representado por Cook (2003), Karosec (2006). Outras três análises evidenciam um campo de estudo atrelado às questões críticas da sociedade, como crises socioambientais.

2022 ◽  
Carmen Matei ◽  

Entrepreneurship can be a solution to the dilemma: “Labour is a form of education, a way of ensuring existence, gaining autonomy, a physical and mental training, a way of oppression, a form of occupational therapy, all together or …none of the variants listed?” Depending on the reference field and the perspectives offered by different specializations, work is defined as a physical or intellectual action, which develop material and emotional satisfactions. Especially in closed environments, it is practiced as a form of occupational therapy (ergotherapy), because it ensures a sense of usefulness, helping to maintain somato-psycho-emotional health. The schoolmasters highlight the formative values of work for students: evaluate the native skills and abilities, lead to the discovery of new unknown interests and talents, support the student in his perfection by inoculating the ideas of responsibility, order, discipline, etc. Before 1989, in detention environment labour was mandatory, but now, labour is an optional right. The two perspectives are diametrically opposed, and the issue was addressed only from the perspective of reduced job supply, both during detention and after release. There are few publications with strict reference to this topic. In general, the social reintegration of post-execution prisoners is addressed. At this moment, the main problem highlighted is integration/reintegration on the labour market, as the main facilitating step of maintaining the accumulations during the detention period and a primary factor for avoiding the recurrence. However, those who have served a custodial sentence do not have a "ticket" to the labour market. To be known and solved, the situation should be addressed continuously: prevention before detention, education/re-education/training / retraining during detention and placement on the labor market / retraining immediately after release.

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