heterakis gallinarum
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2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 231-235
Souley Bagari Iya ◽  
Abdoulmoumini Mamoudou ◽  
Bello Maliki Ibrahim ◽  
Abass Chahdini Gbambie ◽  
Samuel Abah ◽  

Une étude a été menée sur le parasitisme digestif des poules villageoises collectées dans deux marchés de la ville de Ngaoundéré (Cameroun) entre mai et août 2018. Neuf genres (Eimeria sp., Raillietina sp., Capillaria sp., Choanotaenia sp., Gongylonema sp., Amoebotaenia sp., Hymenolepis sp., Tetrameres sp. et Echinostoma sp.) et trois espèces (Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum et Trichostrongylus tenuis) ont été identifiés. Sur les 429 échantillons examinés, 362 étaient porteurs d’un ou de plusieurs parasites, soit un taux d’infestation de 84,4 %. Ce taux était de 86,3 % chez les 240 oiseaux examinés par coproscopie, et de 82,0 % chez les 189 examinés par autopsie. A la coproscopie, les oiseaux adultes étaient plus infestés que les jeunes par Ascaridia galli, Raillietina sp. et Eimeria sp. De même, à l’autopsie une plus forte prévalence de Capillaria sp. et Raillietina sp. a été observée chez les adultes. La plupart des helminthes parasitaient l’intestin grêle. Aucune lésion coccidienne n’a été observée le long du tractus intestinal. Diverses associations de parasites ont été observées avec celle prédominante de Eimeria sp. L’intensité moyenne d’infestation par Eimeria sp., estimée par la méthode de détermination du nombre d’oeufs par gramme de fèces de McMaster, a été la plus élevée chez les volailles adultes.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3396
Izabella Rząd ◽  
Agata Stapf ◽  
Sławomir Adam Kornaś ◽  
Ewa Dzika ◽  
Rusłan Sałamatin ◽  

The aim of this study was to describe the morphology and means of identification of helminths in native partridges (65) and introduced pheasants (32) in Poland and to determine the level of intestinal infection of these birds by helminths using parasitological and ecological indices. The birds were acquired during the hunting season in the years 2015–2017. Nematodes, Capillaria phasianina, cestodes, Railietina friedbergeri, and one trematode, Brachylaima sp. were recorded for the first time in partridges in Poland. Our findings indicate that parasites are more prevalent in pheasants (prevalence 70.4%) than in partridges (prevalence 50.0%). The component community and infracommunity of parasites of partridges are more diverse (Simpson’s diversity index: 0.63 and mean Brillouin diversity index: 0.10 ± 0.17) and less dominated by a single parasite species (Capillaria sp., Berger-Parker dominance index: 0.53) than the pheasant parasite community (Simpson’s diversity index: 0.07, mean Brillouin diversity index: 0.005 ± 0.02, dominant species Heterakis gallinarum, Berger-Parker dominance index: 0.96). There were statistically significant differences between partridges and pheasants in the Brillouin diversity index and in the prevalence of Heterakis gallinarum (55.6% in pheasants vs. 19.0 in partridges). There were significant differences between wild and farmed partridges in the prevalence of infection by Capillaria sp. (4.3% vs. 37.5%) and H. gallinarum (39.1 vs. 6.2%). In conclusion, the pheasant was shown to be a reservoir, carrier, and shedder of nematodes, which may increase the risk of infection in partridges.

О. В. Кручиненко

На території України одними з найпоширеніших шлунково-кишкових інвазій у курей вважаються представники найпростіших організмів Eimeria spp. (Schneider, 1875) та нематоди Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788), Heterakis gallinarum (Schrank, 1788), Trichostrongуlus tenuis (Mehlis, 1846), а також гельмінти роду Capillaria (Zeder, 1800). Збудники названих паразитарних захворювань локалізуються у шлунково-кишковому каналі та завдають шкоди організму господаря. Зазначені види паразитів перешкоджають розвитку птахівництва в Україні, оскільки завдають значних економічних збитків птахівничим господарствам незалежно від форми власності. Наслідком захворювання птиці є відс-тавання в рості і розвитку, зниження її продуктивності, зростання витрат на корми на одиницю продукції, а подекуди реєструють і летальні випадки. Гельмінтози та еймеріози домінують серед ендопаразитозів сільськогосподарської птиці і спричиняють тяжкі захворювання, особливо у молод-няку. Отож, метою проведеного дослідження було встановити поширення шлунково-кишкових паразитів у курей на території Полтавського району Полтавської області, Богодухівського району Харківської області та Охтирського району Сумської області. У роботі наведено результати паразитологічного обстеження поголів’я курей щодо шлунково-кишкових паразитозів. Проби посліду (не менше 25 з кожної групи) відбирали із пташників, де утримувалася птиця різних вікових груп. Лабораторні дослідження проведені в науковій лабораторії кафедри паразитології Полтавського державного аграрного університету. Діагностику проводили модифікованим методом МакМастера (McM) з чутливістю 50 яєць у грамі посліду. Для цього ми брали 2 г посліду і 28 мл насиченого розчину кухонної солі, питома вага якого становила 1,20. За результатами проведених досліджень з’ясовано значне поширення паразитарних захворювань курей, збудниками яких виявилися Eimeria spp. (Schneider, 1875) і шлунково-кишкові нематоди: Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788), Heterakis gallinarum (Schrank, 1788), Trichostrongуlus tenuis (Mehlis, 1846) та гельмінтів роду Capillaria (Zeder, 1800). Встановлено, що асоціативні інвазії у птиці переважають над моноінвазіями. Зареєстровано, що найвищі показники ЕІ у курей спостерігаються у разі паразитування аскаридій (38,6 %) та гетеракисів (29,6 %), водночас найнижчі – у разі паразитування еймерій (13,6 %) та трихострон-гілюсів (14,3 %). Отримані дані мають як наукову, так і практичну цінність, оскільки доповнюють уже наявні дані щодо видового різноманіття збудників паразитарних захворювань курей та особливостей їхнього поширення на території різних регіонів нашої держави.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 749-753
April Corazon Abon

The efficacy of capsulized Croton tiglium L. (CCT) seeds on the gastrointestinal parasites of native chickens (Gallus domesticus) was tested in experiments. A total of thirty-six free-range native chickens naturally infected with gastrointestinal parasites were divided into four treatment groups (positive control of levamisole+niclosamide, 200 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg CCT seeds) following a completely randomized design (CRD). Prior to treatment and on the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th days after treatment, the fecal egg count per gram was measured using the mc master technique. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to statistically analyze all the data obtained. Using Least Significant Differences (LSD), significant differences between treatments were compared. On the day twelve after treatment, percent efficacy of capsulized Croton tiglium seeds on Ascaridia galli/Heterakis gallinarum at 200 mg and 400 mg was highly effective. The comparative cost analysis of the four treatments showed that the use of C. tiglium seeds resulted in a lower cost compared to the commercial dewormer. Commercial anthelmintic was more costly compared to the cost of capsulized C. tiglium seeds on T4 (400mg CCT) by 89. 67 %. The findings indicate the ability of Croton tiglium seeds in native chickens (Gallus domesticus) particularly against Ascaridia galli/Heterakis gallinarum as an alternative anthelmintic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. e35010917967
Thiago Vaz Lopes ◽  
Alexia Souza Maia ◽  
Thaíse Letícia Oliveira de Araújo ◽  
João Gustavo da Silva Garcia de Souza ◽  
Sandro de Vargas Schons ◽  

A área de coturnicultura é uma das que mais se expande, apresentando-se como importante alternativa econômica, sendo o Brasil o quinto maior produtor mundial. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil endoparasitario que acometem codornas de duas granjas na cidade de Porto Velho – RO. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas granjas de codornas poedeiras na cidade, nos meses de agosto a novembro de 2019. Foram colidas 25 amostras de cada criatório, totalizando 50 amostras, processadas pelo método de WILLIS-MOLLAY para identificação qualitativa dos endoparasitas. Foram positivas todas as 25 amostras (100%) do G1, sendo possível a identificação dos parasitas dos gêneros Echinuria spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Amidostomum spp., Heterakis gallinarum, Choanotaenia infundibulum, e oocistos de Eimeria spp. No segundo criatório 15 amostras (60%) apresentavam endoparasitas, entre eles Ascaris spp, Giardia spp., Trichostrongylus spp., com maior prevalência de Amidostomum spp. A exposição desta fauna parasitária em codornas demonstra a importância das pesquisas na coturnicultura e seu potencial desenvolvimento.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109536
John F. Beckmann ◽  
Teresa Dormitorio ◽  
Seun O. Oladipupo ◽  
Maria Tereza Bethonico Terra ◽  
Kathy Lawrence ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Gürbüz Daş ◽  
Lukas Wachter ◽  
Manuel Stehr ◽  
Ivana Bilic ◽  
Beatrice Grafl ◽  

Abstract Background Histomonosis is a severe re-emerging disease of poultry caused by Histomonas meleagridis, a protozoan parasite which survives in the environment via the cecal worm Heterakis gallinarum. Following infection, the parasites reside in the ceca and are excreted via host feces. In the present work, male birds of conventional broiler (Ross 308, R), layer (Lohmann Brown Plus, LB) and a dual-purpose (Lohmann Dual, LD) chicken line were infected with 250 embryonated eggs of Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum, respectively, with the latter nematode harboring Histomonas meleagridis, to investigate a co-infection of nematodes with the protozoan parasite in different host lines. Methods In weekly intervals, from 2 to 9 weeks post infection (wpi), individual fecal samples (n = 234) from the chickens were collected to quantify the excretion of H. meleagridis by real-time PCR and to determine the number of nematode eggs per gram (EPG) in order to elucidate excretion dynamics of the flagellate and the nematodes. This was further investigated by indirect detection using plasma samples of the birds to detect antibodies specific for H. meleagridis and worms by ELISA. The infection with H. meleagridis was confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry to detect the flagellate in the cecum of representing birds. Results The excretion of H. meleagridis could already be observed from the 2nd wpi in some birds and increased to 100% in the last week of the experiment in all groups independent of the genetic line. This increase could be confirmed by ELISA, even though the number of excreted H. meleagridis per bird was generally low. Overall, histomonads were detected in 60% to 78% of birds with temporary differences between the different genetic lines, which also showed variations in the EPG and worm burden of both nematodes. Conclusions The infection with H. gallinarum eggs contaminated with H. meleagridis led to a permanent excretion of the flagellate in host feces. Differences in the excretion of H. meleagridis in the feces of genetically different host lines occurred intermittently. The excretion of the protozoan or its vector H. gallinarum was mostly exclusive, showing a negative interaction between the two parasites in the same host. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
James Collins ◽  
Brian Jordan ◽  
Andrew Bishop ◽  
Ray M Kaplan

Due to their ubiquity, management of parasites is a common and important factor for profitable production of poultry. Heterakis gallinarum, the cecal nematode, is the most common nematode parasite of poultry. While typically causing no pathology on its own, H. gallinarum is the vector of Histomonas meleagridis, a protozoan parasite that causes blackhead disease. Histomonas meleagridis is highly pathogenic in turkeys, potentially causing high mortality. In contrast, disease caused by H. meleagridis is much less severe in chickens, where it primarily reduces productivity without manifestations of clinical disease. There are no approved treatments for H. meleagridis, making control reliant on control of the helminth vector through the use of fenbendazole (FBZ) the only drug labeled for treatment of H. gallinarum in the United States We were contacted by an industry veterinarian regarding health-related concerns in a breeder-broiler house due to histomoniasis, despite frequent anthelmintic treatments. Since we had recently diagnosed resistance to FBZ in Ascaridia dissimilis, a closely related nematode of turkeys, we were interested to determine if H. gallinarum had also evolved resistance to FBZ. Heterakis gallinarum eggs were isolated from litter collected from the house and used to infect 108 chickens. Treatment groups included a non-treated control, a label-dose and a 2X-label dose of FBZ, with 36 birds per group divided into two replicate pens of 18 birds each. Birds were placed at 1-day post hatch, and at 3 weeks of age were infected with 150 embryonated eggs via oral gavage. Two weeks post infection, treated birds were administered a minimum of either a label- or 2X label-dose of FBZ in water for 5 days (SafeGuard® Aquasol, 1mg/kg BW). To ensure that all birds consumed the full intended dose at a minimum, the dosage was calculated using 1.25 times the average body weight. One-week post treatment, birds were euthanized, ceca removed, and parasites enumerated. Efficacy was calculated by comparing the total numbers of worms recovered from each treatment group to the numbers recovered in the non-treated control group. There were no significant differences in worm numbers recovered from any of the three groups (p-value=0.81). There also was no efficacy benefit to treatment with a 2X dose; H. gallinarum worm counts were reduced by 42.7% and 41.4%, for the label and 2X dosages, respectively. These data provide strong evidence that H. gallinarum has developed resistance to FBZ. Consequently, in houses infected with FBZ-resistant H. gallinarum, H. meleagridis will be able to cycle through the birds in an unrestricted manner. Further investigation is needed to determine the prevalence of resistance in H. gallinarum on chicken farms, but it is clear this has the potential to have a large-scale economic impact on the poultry industry. These data when viewed together with our recent findings of FBZ resistance in A. dissimilis, suggest that drug resistance in ascarid nematodes may be an important emerging problem on poultry operations.

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