eimeria spp
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2029 ◽  
Vol 74 (10) ◽  
pp. 6144-2029

Research into the determination of intestinal parasitic levels in free-living animals can provide knowledge enabling action to be taken to improve their health status. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the carcass weight of wild boars and the degree of endoparasite infection. The research was performed on 165 culled wild boars, from which a representative group (n = 50) was separated and divided according to sex (males n = 24, females n = 26) and age (2-3 years). Separate weight groups were defined for males (< 70 kg, n = 6; 70-80 kg, n = 9; > 80 kg, n = 9) and females (< 45 kg, n = 10; 45-60 kg, n = 10; > 60 kg, n = 6). Oesophagostomum spp., Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, Eimeria spp. and Strongyloides ransomi were observed and defined in the study population. A statistically significant effect of the overall infection on carcass weight was obtained (F = 9.96; P ≤ 0.01). In the case of overall infection, a more than 7 kg lower carcass weight was observed in infected males. A carcass weight over 15 kg lower was noted for overall infection of females (F = 38.47; P ≤ 0.01), for which average EPG was 2946.67 ± 6485.31 with a median of 400 (50-25 300). Correlations were proven between sex and the average number of Eimeria spp. oocysts, and carcass weight for males (r = –0.84, P ≤ 0.05). In the case of females, correlations were noted between carcass weight and infection by nematodes (r = –0.63, P ≤ 0.05). Studies have shown that there is a need to monitor the environment in order to improve the condition of free-living animals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-240
Natália Soares Martins ◽  
Sara Patron da Motta ◽  
Carolina Caetano dos Santos ◽  
Andrios da Silva Moreira ◽  

Eimeria infections are common in sheep industry worldwide, however information about their epidemiology is scarce in southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence, species characterization, and associated risk factors between Eimeria species and sheep flocks. Fecal samples from 428 sheep from 21 farms were tested for the presence of oocysts. The overall prevalence of Eimeria spp. was 68.69% and was significantly affected by age of the sheep, with highest prevalence in animals under 18 months of age. Eight Eimeria species were identified. Eimeria ovinoidalis (85.71%) was the most common, followed by Eimeria crandallis (80.95%), Eimeria granulosa (78.95%), Eimeria ahsata (61.90%), Eimeria faurei (42.86%), Eimeria bakuensis (38.10%), Eimeria punctata (14.29%), and Eimeria pallida (9.52%). All herds were positive, with concomitant infections. Among management and husbandry practices; farm size, animal density, farming system, breeding objectives, and pasture system influenced the prevalence of Eimeria species. The infection was more prevalent on small farms with high animal density, in sheep raised for meat, semi-intensive system, and rotational grazing (p < 0.05). The wide distribution of this protozoan and the high frequency of pathogenic species show the importance and potential damage of coccidiosis in sheep flocks in Rio Grande do Sul.

Jai Sunder ◽  
D. Bhattacharya ◽  
T. Sujatha ◽  
A.K. De ◽  
G. Chakraborty ◽  

Background: FAffaMAlanCHArt (FAMACHA) is a technique for treating the animals infested with gastrointestinal parasites by using clinical anaemia as the determinant. The test is based on the assessment of colour variation of the conjunctival mucous membrane. Methods: In the present study FAMACHA has been standardized and used to correlate the anaemic status of goats with faecal egg count (gastro intestinal parasites) and blood profile. On the basis of FAMACHA score and faecal egg count, the goats were treated with benzimidazole compound and macrocyclic lactone. Result: The result indicated significant (P less than 0.05) reduction in the faecal egg count of Haemonchus spp from 1200±155.76 to 525±75, Strongyloides spp from 469.57±77.37 to 78.26±33.83 and Eimeria spp from 900±240.05 to 195.65±55.34 respectively. FAMACHA score of anaemic goats improved from 4.08±0.11 to 3.2±0.13. Mean haemoglobin (g/dl), packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) improved from 8.33 to 8.99, 22.66 to 24.86, 13.73 to 14.76 and 18029 to 19894, respectively which indicated clinical improvement. Highly significant (P less than 0.01) correlation was observed between the FAMACHA score and the haemoglobin level. It could be concluded that FAMACHA is a very handy tool to detect anaemic status of the animals and correlate with gastrointestinal parasitic load.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (II) ◽  
Iris Yaratzmín Ortiz-Muñoz ◽  
Teodulo Salinas-Rios ◽  
María Isabel Pérez-León ◽  
Magaly Aquino-Cleto ◽  
Héctor Maximino Rodríguez-Magadán ◽  

La presencia de endoparásitos es un problema frecuente que afectan principalmente la salud y productividad de hatos lecheros. El objetivo fue determinar el efecto de la condición corporal, número de partos y época del año en la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en vacas de lechería familiar en los distritos de Etla y Zimatlán de Álvarez, Oaxaca, México. El estudio se realizó en primavera, verano, otoño e invierno, con 185 vacas Holstein (116 de Etla y 69 de Zimatlán de Álvarez), con diferente condición corporal (≤ 2.0, 2.5 y ≥3) y número de partos (1-3 y 4-6). Las muestras fecales se analizaron mediante la técnica de flotación con solución saturada de cloruro de sodio. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de varianza a través de un modelo de datos categóricos (P < 0.05), considerando como efectos fijos la condición corporal, número de partos, época del año y distritos. El 66 % de las vacas presentaron huevos y ooquistes de parásitos intestinales, no habiendo diferencia entre distritos. Eimeria spp. fue mayor (p < 0.05) en ambos distritos. Cryptosporidium, Strongyloide y Oesophagostomum fueron mayores (p < 0.05) en Zimatlán de Álvarez. La proporción de casos se incrementaron (p < 0.05) en primavera y verano. Se concluye que las condiciones climáticas, la condición corporal y el número de partos son factores que contribuyen a incrementar la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales, principalmente de Eimeria spp. en vacas de lechería familiar de los Distritos de Etla y Zimatlán de Álvarez.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Jitender P. Dubey ◽  
Asis Khan ◽  
Benjamin M. Rosenthal

Although infections with Cyclospora cayetanensis are prevalent worldwide, many aspects of this parasite’s life cycle and transmission remain unknown. Humans are the only known hosts of this parasite. Existing information on its endogenous development has been derived from histological examination of only a few biopsy specimens. Its asexual and sexual stages occur in biliary-intestinal epithelium. In histological sections, its stages are less than 10 μm, making definitive identification difficult. Asexual (schizonts) and sexual (gamonts) are located in epithelial cells. Male microgamonts have two flagella; female macrogametes contain wall-forming bodies. Oocysts are excreted in feces unsporulated. Sporulation occurs in the environment, but there are many unanswered questions concerning dissemination and survival of C. cayetanensis oocysts. Biologically and phylogenetically, C. cayetanensis closely resembles Eimeria spp. that parastize chickens; among them, E. acervulina most closely resembles C. cayetanensis in size. Here, we review known and unknown aspects of its life cycle and transmission and discuss the appropriateness of surrogates best capable of hastening progress in understanding its biology and developing mitigating strategies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-64
Yusuf Ridwan ◽  
Arifin Budiman Nugraha ◽  
Hammada Raudlowi
Ex Situ ◽  

Koksidiosis merupakan penyakit yang dapat menyerang berbagai jenis hewan teramasuk kangguru. Informasi koksidiosis pada kangguru dahan kelabu masih sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan observasi kasus koksidiosis pada kanguru pohon kelabu yang meliputi pengamatan gejala klinis, dan mengidentifikasi jenis koksidia. Hasil observasi pada dua ekor kangguru pohon kelabu menunjukkan penurunan aktivitas, lemah, lesu dan nafsu makan menurun. Hasil pemeriksaan feses menunjukkan kedua hewan menderita koksidiosis dengan rata rata jumlah ookista tiap gram feses sebesar 450. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan jenis koksidia yang menginfeksi adalah dari genus Eimeria spp.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
Y. J. O. Melo ◽  
H. T. Ferraz ◽  
K. C. Saturnino ◽  
T. D. P. Silva ◽  
I. A. Braga ◽  

Abstract Helminths are endoparasites that infect a variety of bird species. Endoparasite infections can cause severe diseases, including kill captive avian hosts and represents a problem to maintenance and conservation. The eggs and larval forms of these parasites are usually eliminated in the host feces. The main interest of this study is to report the occurrence of eggs and oocysts in feces from captive wild birds in Goiânia Zoo and free-living birds in its surroundings. The fecal samples were subjected to parasitological examination to identify the presence of helminths and to classify their eggs based on morphological characteristics. Eggs of nematode parasites (Positive/N) were identified as Ascaridia spp. in Brotogeris chiriri (2/2), Dromaius novaehollandiae (1/1) and Rhea americana (2/2); Ascarididae in Pavo cristatus nigripensis (1/1); Capillaria spp. in Ara chloropterus (1/1) and Penelope jacucaca (1/1); Capillaria plagiaticia in Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (1/2) and Ara spp. (2/2); Capillaria venusta in Rhamphastus tucanus (1/2); and unidentified nematode eggs from Amazona amazonica (2/2). Eimeria spp. oocyst was founded in feces from A. hyacinthinus (1/2). Considering free-living birds, Diphyllobothrium spp. eggs were founded in Ardea alba (2/2) and Nycticorax nycticorax (2/3). Co-infection of Eustrongylides spp. was founded in A. alba (1/2). This is the first occurrence of: Ascaridia spp. parasitizing B. chiriri; and C. venusta parasitizing R. tucanus. In conclusion, the helminth eggs found in the abovementioned host bird species are consistent with those reported in the literature, and treatment and control protocols were based on their identification.

Priscilla Gomes Carneiro ◽  
João Pedro Sasse ◽  
Ana Clécia dos Santos Silva ◽  
Mércia de Seixas ◽  
Aline Ticiani Pereira Paschoal ◽  

Abstract The present study aimed to perform an epidemiological and morphological identification of Eimeria infection in sheep in Brazil. Fecal samples from sheep were collected from 20 farms in northern Paraná, Brazil. An epidemiological questionnaire was used to evaluate the risk factors. Fecal samples containing oocysts per gram of feces (OoPG) ≥1000 were subjected to the modified Willis-Mollay method to perform oocyst identification. Sporulated oocysts were observed microscopically for morphological identification. A total of 807 fecal samples were collected. Based on the morphological characteristics of the sporulated oocysts, 10 species of Eimeria were identified, with main species observed: Eimeira ovinoidalis (98.1%), Eimeria crandallis (87.6%), Eimeria parva (79.1%), and Eimeria bakuensis (60.8%). Only 2.6% (7/268) of the sheep were infected with a single species, 4.8% (13/268) contained two different species, and 92.5% (248/268) were infected with three or more species. The analysis of risk factors showed that an intensive rearing, no rotation of pasture, dirt, and slatted floors, and age up to 12 months were associated with infection. This study showed a high prevalence of Eimeria natural infection in sheep from northern Paraná, Brazil. Furthermore, based on the risk factors, good management and hygiene practices must be employed to avoid infection.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
W. Khan ◽  
S. N. Das ◽  
A. H. Mahmoud ◽  
N. Rafique ◽  
K. Anwar ◽  

Abstract Coccidiosis remains one of the major problems in poultry all over the world. Very limited data on anticoccidial drugs in wild pigeons is available. The current study was aimed to understand the comparative efficacy of sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen in wild pigeons of Dir district, Pakistan suffering from coccidiosis. The faecal matter of wild pigeons were purchased from the local market for coccidian infection. Results revealed that 88.8% (16/18) were found infected with Eimeria spp. Three positive groups were treated with sulfadimidine (0.2mg/L), amprolium (25mg/L) and triquen. Sulfadimidine was most effective (45%) followed by amprolium (44.6%) while triquen (24.0%) showed less effectiveness against coccidiosis in pigeons. Number of oocysts were 79, 81 and 80 before treatment and 60, 44 and 44 after treatment with sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen respectively. This study showed that sulphadimidine, amprolium and triquen could not significantly reduce the coccidiosis in pigeons. Further studies are required to clear the mechanism of anti-coccidial drugs in wild pigeons.

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