client behavior
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (166) ◽  
pp. 2-7
V. Bredikhin ◽  
T. Senchuk ◽  
K. Stuzhuk

The article examines the process of forecasting customer outflows, which is especially important for companies that use a business model based on subscription. It was found that the outflow rate is extremely important for companies with a subscription and transactional business model, which implies regular payments to the company (banks, telecom operators, SaaS-services, etc.). For this purpose, the types, the main reasons for the outflow of customers and the parameters defined to build a predictive model using machine learning algorithms were considered. The result was the hypothesis of the reasons for the outflow of customers from sites that provide training services based on courses that are presented on-line in the Internet space. To build a model of outflow forecasting, the behavioral characteristics of students, their motivation and the structure of the courses themselves were studied. Based on the collected large array of data, their change was analyzed by a large number of parameters and the relationships between the behavioral characteristics of students, course structures and their passage were identified. A variant of the forecasting model was built, for which the accuracy of its operation was increased and the results were integrated into the customer outflow prediction module. The final list of features included more than 100 parameters, which were divided into 6 blocks. As a result, a predictive model was created using the Weibull distribution, as client behavior can be considered as a kind of survival model. To estimate the probability of customer outflow, based on the considered hypotheses, a recurrent neural network with an LSTM layer was developed, where a negative logarithmic likelihood function was used as a loss function for the Weibull distribution. As a conclusion, it was proposed to introduce a stable proactive educational business, when decisions are made not only on the basis of feelings, but also on the basis of data, comes a clearer and more sound understanding of how to improve the educational product.

Adrián Bernal ◽  
M. Emilia Cambronero ◽  
Alberto Núñez ◽  
Pablo C. Cañizares ◽  
Valentín Valero

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate how to improve the profits in cloud infrastructures by using price schemes and analyzing the user interactions with the cloud provider. For this purpose, we consider two different types of client behavior, namely regular and high-priority users. Regular users do not require a continuous service, and they can wait to be attended to. In contrast, high-priority users require a continuous service, e.g., a 24/7 service, and usually need an immediate answer to any request. A complete framework has been implemented, which includes a UML profile that allows us to define specific cloud scenarios and the automatic transformations to produce the code for the cloud simulations in the Simcan2Cloud simulator. The engine of Simcan2Cloud has also been modified by adding specific SLAs and price schemes. Finally, we present a thorough experimental study to analyze the performance results obtained from the simulations, thus making it possible to draw conclusions about how to improve the cloud profit for the cloud studied by adjusting the different parameters and resource configuration.

Тетяна Ханецька ◽  
Алла Федоренко

У статті представлено теоретичний огляд специфіки мовленнєвої діяльності психолога, особливостей його професійного висловлювання, яке виступає як одиниця психологічного впливу на клієнта в процесі психологічного консультування. Визначено критерії професійного висловлювання психолога. Представлені результати виявлення рівнів сформованості вміння формулювати професійне висловлювання у майбутніх психологів як складової їх комунікативно-мовленнєвої компетентності. Наголошено на тому, що підготовка майбутнього фахівця повинна бути орієнтована на формування психолога-професіонала, який має високий рівень професійної культури, культури мовленнєвого спілкування, повинен володіти компетентністю взагалі, комунікативною компетентністю, і, зокрема, комунікативно-мовленнєвою компетентністю. Культура мовленнєвого спілкування психолога є комплексним утворенням особистості фахівця, яке виступає складовою поведінкового компоненту його культури спілкування, і має місце на фазі реалізації ним мовленнєвих дій за допомогою мовленнєвих засобів, адекватних цілям професійного спілкування. Тому майбутній психолог повинен прагнути до постійного вдосконалення власної мовленнєвої діяльності. В результаті експериментального дослідження рівнів сформованості вміння формулювати професійні висловлювання у майбутніх психологів за допомогою розроблених нами методів дослідження та на основі визначених нами критеріїв професійного висловлювання психолога було виявлено недоліки професійної комунікативно-мовленнєвої підготовки майбутніх фахівців у ЗВО. Констатовано значну кількість студентів з низьким рівнем сформованості вміння формулювати професійні висловлювання. Доведено необхідність розробки й впровадження психотехнологій формування та розвитку комунікативно-мовленнєвої компетентності в освітній процес з метою підвищення ефективності комунікативно-мовленнєвої підготовки майбутніх психологів. Зокрема, доцільно впроваджувати активні методи навчання з метою набуття студентами професійних навичок мовленнєвої взаємодії та оволодіння ними вмінням формулювати професійні висловлювання у вирішенні практичних ситуацій, наближених до реальних умов професійної діяльності. Література Абрамова, Г.С. (2003). Практическая психология : учебник [для студ. вузов]. Москва : Академический проект. Артемова, О.І. (2014). Формування комунікативної компетенції майбутніх психологів у процесі професійної підготовки. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. Psycholinguistics, 5, 10–16. Бондаренко, А.Ф. (1991). Социальная психотерапия личности (психосемантический подход). Киев. Bondarenko, A.F., & Fedko, S.L. (2017). 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Simon Krogmann ◽  
Pascal Lenzner ◽  
Louise Molitor ◽  
Alexander Skopalik

We consider non-cooperative facility location games where both facilities and clients act strategically and heavily influence each other. This contrasts established game-theoretic facility location models with non-strategic clients that simply select the closest opened facility. In our model, every facility location has a set of attracted clients and each client has a set of shopping locations and a weight that corresponds to its spending capacity. Facility agents selfishly select a location for opening their facility to maximize the attracted total spending capacity, whereas clients strategically decide how to distribute their spending capacity among the opened facilities in their shopping range. We focus on a natural client behavior similar to classical load balancing: our selfish clients aim for a distribution that minimizes their maximum waiting time for getting serviced, where a facility’s waiting time corresponds to its total attracted client weight. We show that subgame perfect equilibria exist and we give almost tight constant bounds on the Price of Anarchy and the Price of Stability, which even hold for a broader class of games with arbitrary client behavior. Since facilities and clients influence each other, it is crucial for the facilities to anticipate the selfish clients’ behavior when selecting their location. For this, we provide an efficient algorithm that also implies an efficient check for equilibrium. Finally, we show that computing a socially optimal facility placement is NP-hard and that this result holds for all feasible client weight distributions.

Alejandro García-Romero ◽  
David Martinez-Iñigo

Previous research has shown that surface acting—displaying an emotion that is dissonant with inner feelings—negatively impacts employees’ well-being. However, most studies have neglected the meaning that employees develop around emotional demands requiring surface acting. This study examined how employees’ responsibility attributions of client behavior demanding surface acting influence employees’ emotional exhaustion, and the mediational role of distributive justice in this relationship. Relying on Fairness Theory, it was expected that employees’ responsibility attributions of client behavior demanding emotion regulation would be related to their perceptions of distributive injustice during the service encounter, which in turn would mediate the effects of responsibility attribution on emotional exhaustion. In addition, drawing on the conservation of resources model, we contended that leader support would moderate the impact of distributive injustice on emotional exhaustion. Two scenario-based experiments were conducted. Study 1 (N = 187) manipulated the attribution of responsibility for emotional demands. The findings showed that distributive injustice and emotional exhaustion were higher when responsibility for the surface acting demands was attributed to the client. A bootstrapping mediational analysis confirmed employees’ attributions have an indirect effect on emotional exhaustion through distributive justice. Study 2 (N = 227) manipulated responsibility attribution and leader support. The leader support moderation effect was confirmed.

Thiago Guarnieri ◽  
Idilio Drago ◽  
Ítalo Cunha ◽  
Breno Almeida ◽  
Jussara M. Almeida ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-57
I. Hubeladze ◽  

The paper deals with the understanding of property relations, a sense of ownership, and the need for property. Ownership relations are presented as a wide range of interactions with or around property, which is based on three interrelated elements: the owner, the target of ownership, and others (potential owners or those who must recognize the legitimacy of psychological possession). Ownership relations, as well as a very sense of ownership, on the one hand is often unconscious, background, and on the other - an ambiguous attitude on the part of society, which encourages people to hide their feelings about a target of ownership. Therefore, to work with such queries, it is best to use, especially in the initial stages, projective methods, including metaphorical associative cards. The aim of the article is to substantiate the practical techniques and means of the psychologists’ work with property relations, attitude towards property and feeling a sense of ownership with metaphorical associative cards as a tool for diagnosing and correcting client behavior and feelings about property relations. Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison are used to understand the general algorithm of work with the topic of psychological ownership and in general the principles and techniques of working with MAC, as well as the descriptive method. The main demands that can be caused by ownership relations are jealousy, envy, pathological accumulation, waste, excessive frugality, greed, feelings of loss of property, inability to own, irresponsibility, and so on. The possibility of using metaphorical associative cards as a projective method for diagnostic and correctional-therapeutic work of a psychologist with property relations is substantiated. The advantages of metaphorical associative cards for working with such type of queries are shown. The basic algorithms of request processing are described, as well as the techniques "Relationship with the target of ownership", "Ownership and parental guidelines" are presented. It has been shown that projective methods are an effective tool in the work of a psychologist and psychotherapist with such often unconscious issues as ownership and the desire for possession.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 256
Lydia González-Serrano ◽  
Pilar Talón-Ballestero ◽  
Sergio Muñoz-Romero ◽  
Cristina Soguero-Ruiz ◽  
José Luis Rojo-Álvarez

COVID-19 has hit the hotel sector in a hitherto unknown way. This situation is producing a fundamental change in client behavior that makes crucial an adequate knowledge of their profile to overcome an uncertain environment. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can provide key strategies in hospitality industry by generating a great amount of valuable information about clients, whereas Big Data tools are providing with unprecedented facilities to conduct massive analysis and to focus the client-to-business relationship. However, few instruments have been proposed to handle categorical features, which are the most usual in CRMs, aiming to adapt the statistical robustness with the best interpretability for the managers. Therefore, our aim was to identify the profiles of clients from an international hotel chain using the overall data in its CRM system. An analysis method was created involving three elements: First, Multiple Correspondence Analysis provides us with a statistical description of the interactions among categories and features. Second, bootstrap resampling techniques give us information about the statistical variability of the feature maps. Third, kernel methods provide easy-to-visualize domain descriptions based on confidence areas in the maps. The proposed methodology can provide an operative and statistically principled way to scrutinize the CRM profiles in hospitality.

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