oriza sativa
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (IAHSC) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ajeng Ayu Pebriani ◽  
Maya Uzia Beandrade

Introduction: Black glutinous rice (Oriza sativa var glutinosa) and green tea (Camelia sinensis) are plants that are useful for moisturizing the skin. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best formulation of peel-off gel mask preparations from black glutinous rice and green tea extract. Method: The gel mask formulation was made on the basis of variations in the concentration of Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) of F1 (2,5%), F2 (3%) and F3 (3,5%) with evaluation including organoleptic tests, pH, viscosity, homogenity, dispersity test, and drying time at temperatures of 4oC, 25oC, 40oC for 28 days. Results: The evaluation results of the three formulations met the requirements for a good peel-off gel mask. pH results are between 4.6-5.5 which is still in the standard range of 4.5-6.0. The results of the viscosity test are 6.500-12.166.7 cps which are in the range of 6.000-24.000 cps, the dispersion area meets the requirements of 5-7 cm, the result of the drying time is 15-22 minutes which are in the range of 15-30 minutes. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was that F1, F2, and F3 met all the requirements for peel off gel masks by storing at temperatures of 4oC, 25oC, 40oC for 28 days.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 246
Dwi Anggreini ◽  
Eva Tavita ◽  
Lolyta Sisillia

ETNOBOTANI UPACARA ADAT PAMOLE BEO OLEH SUKU DAYAK TAMAMBALOH DI DESA BANUA UJUNG KECAMATAN EMBALOH HULU KABUPATEN KAPUAS HULU  (Etnobotany  Traditional Ceremonies  Pamole Beo  By The Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe Of Banua Ujung Village, Kapuas Hulu District)Abstract This study aims to obtain data on plant species for the traditional pamole beo ritual ceremony by the Dayak Tamambaloh tribe in Banua Ujung Village, Embaloh Hulu District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The research used a survey method. The technique of determining respondents using snowball sampling. The results showed that the plants used by the Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe were 20 species from 12 families. The highest use of habitus was trees with 9 species (45%). The most widely used part of the plant is the stem (40%). The highest utilization of plants, based on status in nature, is natural plants in the forest (75%.). Plants that have the highest UV are Schizostazchyum Sp, Arenga pinnata Merr, Oryza sativa Var. glutinosa and Cotylelobium elanoxylon (1). The highest Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) was the ritual of malao daun takalong (0.94). Bekende with the highest FIV value was Arecaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Poaceae, with a value of 100%.Keywords:, Ethnobotany, Dayak Tamambaloh, Pamole BeoAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data jenis tumbuhan untuk upacara ritual adat pamole beo oleh suku Dayak Tamambaloh di Desa Banua Ujung, Kecamatan Embaloh Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Teknik menentukan responden menggunakan snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan Suku Dayak Tamambaloh sebanyak 20 spesies dari 12 famili. Penggunaan Habitus tertinggi adalah pohon sebanyak 9 jenis (45%). Pemanfaatan tumbuhan tertinggi, berdasarkan status di alam adalah tumbuhan alami di hutan (75%.) Bagian tumbuhan yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan adalah batang (40%). Tumbuhan dengan nilai (UV) tertinggi adalah Schizostachyum sp, Arenga pinnata Merr, Oriza sativa Var. glutinosa dan Cotylelobium melanoxylon (1). Informants Concensus Factor (ICF) tertinggi adalah ritual adat malao daun takalong yaitu (0,94). Analisis Famili Importance Value (FIV) tertinggi adalah Arecaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, dan Poaceae, dengan nilai sebanyak (100%).Kata kunci: Etnobotani, Dayak Tamambaloh, Pamole Beo

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Mely Nastiti ◽  
Desy Nawangsari ◽  
Dina Febrina

Beras hitam (Oriza sativa L. var Indica) merupakan varietas lokal yang mengandung pigmen antosianin. Antosianin bersifat sebagai antioksidan yang berefek positif bagi kesehatan. Masker wajah peel off adalah masker wajah yang memiliki keunggulan yaitu mudah dilepaskan seperti membran elastis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui evaluasi fisik sediaan masker gel peel off, aktivitas antioksidan dan stabilitas masker gel peel off . Metode penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental, data dianalisis dengan metode One Way ANOVA dengan sig >0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sediaan masker peel off tepung beras hitam memiliki perbedaan nyata yang signifikan terhadap uji daya sebar f1, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata yang signifikan terhadap f2 dan 3. Uji antioksidan tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata yang signifikan. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan one way anova setelah uji cycling test formulasi yang baik selama 6 siklus yaitu formulasi 2 dan 3.   Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Beras hitam, dan masker peel off.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1581-1595
Yenni Fatman

Padi (Oriza sativa L) merupakan tanaman makanan pokok bagi sebagian besar penduduk di Indonesia. Pada tanaman padi bisa terjadi adanya gagal panen, penyebab gagal panen salah satunya adalah penyakit tanaman padi. Setiap penyakit pada umumnya memiliki gejala yang menunjuk kepada penyakit itu sendiri, gejala tersebut dapat dikenali dengan dilakukan pendiagnosaan. Karena kurangnya pengetahuan petani dan terbatasnya pakar disuatu daerah untuk melakukan pendiagnosaan penyakit, maka sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit tanaman padi hadir memberikan solusi untuk alternatif diagnosa penyakit tanaman padi. Dalam hal ini mengimplementasikan metode forward chaining pada sistem pakar untuk mendapatan hasil diagnosa penyakit padi selain itu pada sistem pakar ini akan mengetahui informasi geografis persebaran penyakit tanaman padi secara real time dengan pengambilan lokasi user disuatu daerah. Sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit tanaman padi ini merupakan Aplikasi berbasis web yang menggunakan framework Laravel dan untuk penyimpanan data menggunakan MySQL. Pada pengujian yang telah dilakukan oleh pakar mendapatkan nilai akurasi sebesar 100%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-117
Basuki Basuki ◽  
Sukron Romadhona ◽  
Vega Kartika Sari ◽  
Iqbal Erdiansyah

Kebutuhan beras semakin meningkat tiap tahun. Produksi beras tidak terlepas dari produksi padi di lapang. Produksi padi dilapang akan optimal apabila varietas sesuai dengan karakteristik tanah dan lahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplorasi dengan tujuan evaluasi kesesuaian khasloka varietas padi di Kecamatan Tegalampel Kabupaten Bondowoso. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei yang terbagi atas 3 tahapan yaitu studi pustaka, survei lapang, dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kecamatan Tegalampel berpotensi untuk ditanami padi yang terbagi atas 3 penggunaan lahan dengan ketinggian tempat < 700 mdpl dengan curah hujan < 2000 mm/tahun yaitu sawah irigasi, sawah tadah hujan, dan tegalan/lahan kering. Kesesuaian varietas padi untuk lahan sawah irigasi yaitu varietas Ciherang, Inpari 1, Inpari 6 Jete, Mekongga sebesar 16,60%; lahan sawah tadah hujan yaitu varietas Inpari 10, Inpari 12, Inpari 13, Inpari  18, Inpari 19, Inpari 20, Inpari 38, Inpari 39, Inpari 40, Inpari 41, Dodokan, Silugonggo sebesar 26,64%; dan kesesuaian varietas padi untuk lahan tegalan yaitu varietas Inpago 5, Inpago 8, Inpago 9, Inpago 10, Inpago 11, Inpago 12 sebesar 26,35%.   Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, khasloka, survai, varietas, padi

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-98
Tharcilla Nascimento da Silva Macena ◽  
Naiane Oliveira Santos ◽  
Matheus Almeida da Silva Gonçalves ◽  
João Vitor de Andrade Alves

Objetiva-se analisar as utilizações do sistema Crispr/Cas-9 no melhoramento vegetal, por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura realizada na base de dados Scopus. Elaborou-se um protocolo de pesquisa para selecionar os artigos a partir de critérios de exclusão e inclusão. Os dados desta pesquisa indicam a maior concentração de trabalhos no continente asiático, tendo a China se apresentando como principal expoente em pesquisas na área, com um foco muito grande no melhoramento de Oriza sativa e Solanum lycopersicum. Esses estudos na maioria das vezes buscam o aumento na produtividade e a tolerância a estresse abiótico e biótico isso por que há uma crescente busca por melhoria da qualidade dos grãos e melhoria da resistência a estresses diante do aquecimento climático. Palavras-chaves: Biotecnologia. Edição genética em plantas. Espécies vegetais.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Selma Cristina Silva ◽  
Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Ramos ◽  
Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

<p>O trabalho avaliou o desempenho dos <em>wetlands</em> construídos de fluxo vertical (WCFV) com meio suporte de solo misturado com areia na remoção de coliformes termotolerantes (CTer). O experimento era composto por dois sistemas: 1. Monocultura: Latossolo vermelho-amarelo plantado com a cultura do arroz (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), operado com diferente taxa de aplicação de hidráulica (TAH) de esgoto de 4 cm/d, 8 cm/d e 15 cm/d; 2. Policultura: Latossolo amarelo plantado com as culturas do arroz (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), do feijão (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L) e do milho (<em>Zea mays</em>), operado com TAH de 2,4 cm/d e 4,7 cm/d. As eficiências de remoção de CTer variaram, respectivamente, de 87,8% a 100% e 97,8% a 100% nos  sistemas 1 e 2. Os fatores que contribuíram para a remoção de CTer foram a baixa umidade, o baixo teor de matéria orgânica e a colmatação. Os dois solos se mostraram eficientes na remoção de CTer. A rotação de culturas proporcionou uma remoção maior e em um período mais longo de tempo de operação, além de ter contribuído para um maior controle a colmatação do solo. Independentemente do tipo de solo e dele estar sendo cultivado com monocultura ou policultura, nos primeiros cinco meses de operação dos sistemas (1º ciclo), as TAH mais baixa favoreceram uma maior remoção de CTer com maior variabilidade nas eficiências de remoção. Com a continuidade da aplicação do esgoto para tratamento (2º ciclo), as eficiências de remoção reduziram e se tornaram aproximadamente constantes, sendo maiores quando se utilizou maior TAH.</p><p><strong>Palavras chaves:</strong> condutividade hidráulica; águas residuárias; microrganismos patogênicos; colmatação, rotatividade de culturas.</p><p> </p><p align="center">WETLANDS CONSTRUCTED WITH SOIL SUPPORT MEDIUM IN REMOVAL OF THERMOTOLERANT COLIFORMS FROM DOMESTIC SEWAGE</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The work evaluated the performance of constructed wetlands vertical flow (WCFV) with soil support medium mixed with sand in the removal of thermotolerant coliforms (ThC). The experiment consisted of two systems: 1. Monoculture: Red-yellow Latosol planted with rice (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), operated with hydraulic application rates (HAR) of 4 cm/d, 8 cm/d and 15.0 cm/d; 2. Polyculture: Yellow Latosol planted with rice (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), beans (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L) and maize (<em>Zea mays</em>), operated with HAR of 2.4 cm/d and 4.7 cm/d. ThC removal efficiencies ranged from 87.8 to 100% and 97.8 to 100%, respectively, in systems 1 and 2. The factors that contributed to the removal of ThC were low humidity, low organic matter and clogging. Both soils proved to be efficient in removing ThC. Crop rotation provided greater removal in a longer period of operation, in addition to controlling soil clogging. Regardless of the type of soil and whether it is being cultivated with monoculture or polyculture, in the first five months of operation of the systems (1st cycle), the lower HAR favored greater removal of ThC with greater variability in removal efficiency. With the continued application of sewage for treatment (2<sup>nd</sup> cycle), the removal efficiencies reduced and became approximately constant, being higher for the highest HAR.</p><p><strong>Key words: </strong>hydraulic conductivity; wastewater; pathogenic microorganisms; clogging, crop rotation.</p>

Marthin Zang ◽  
Cezar Augusto Gama de Toni ◽  
Paulo César do Nascimento ◽  
Cláudio Fioreze ◽  
Cássio Martinez Machado ◽  

Irrigated rice (Oriza sativa L.) pre-germinated production systems occupy approximately 100 thousand ha, annually cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul State, mainly in poorly drained areas, and with infestation of competing plants, especially red rice (Oriza sativa L.). This system constitutes the main technologic resource for rice crops produced on an ecological basis, by means of soil tillage and water management. Despite this, water outlets, specifically after seeding, have outstanding agronomic and environmental implications. Loss of nutrients and the physical and chemical quality of drained water have been questioned by public research and environmental institutions. This work evaluated the effects of different soil tillage systems and retention time of water in irrigated rice frames. The experiment was conducted in Viamão town, Rio Grande do Sul State. Two different soil tillage systems and four different times of frame drainage after seeding were investigated. Results showed that the main limiting attributes of water quality were turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and phosphorus (P) content, reaching 1800 TNU, 115 mg L-1, and 1.6 mg L-1, respectively. These attributes showed values higher than established environmental thresholds. Water quality was inappropriate to discharge directly into water courses, regardless of treatments.An alternative is the immediate placement in rice production areas, in more advanced development stages of plants. Pre-germinated rice crops require a system framework to avoid nutrient loss and consequent reduction of soil fertility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
La Ode Akbar Rasydy ◽  
Diana Sylvia ◽  
Zenniah Anggraeni Zein

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