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Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-333
Sang Ayu Putu Eny Parwati

AbstrakPengenalan budaya lokal sebagai media pengajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar dapat membangkitkan keinginan dan minat, membangkitkan motivasi dan rangsangan kegiatan belajar, bahkan membawa pengaruh-pengaruh psikologis bagi pemelajarnya. Media pembelajaran yang menyangkut budaya pada bahasa yang dipelajari juga dapat membantu peserta didik meningkatkan pemahaman, menyajikan data dengan menarik dan terpercaya, serta memudahkan penafsiran dan memadatkan informasi, seperti yang ada dalam budaya Bali yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran BIPA untuk Tingkat Pemula. Dengan menerapkan metode studi pustaka yang berlandaskan pada beberapa sumber dan pengetahuan penulis tentang budaya Bali, tulisan ini dapat dipaparkan dengan metode naturalistik karena hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan masalah budaya dilakukan pada kondisi alamiah (natural setting). Hasil yang diperoleh, yaitu budaya Bali sebagai media pembelajaran BIPA untuk pemelajar Tingkat Pemula, khususnya bagi pemelajar yang sedang belajar di Bali sangat menarik untuk disampaikan sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran utama dan sebagai motivasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memahami materi yang sedang dipelajari oleh pemelajar. Pengenalan etika berbicara dalam bentuk sapaan, mengucapkan salam dengan gestur yang tepat, dan mengungkapkan hal-hal yang terkait dengan aktivitas adat dan keagamaan yang masih sangat kental dalam budaya Bali sangat perlu dan menarik untuk diketahui oleh pemelajar. Selain itu, gagasan ini dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam menyusun bahan ajar atau bahan penunjang pengajaran BIPA untuk Tingkat Pemula selanjutnya, khususnya bagi lembaga BIPA yang ada di Provinsi Bali.Kata kunci: BIPA, budaya Bali, media, motivasiAbstractThe introduction of local culture as arouse teaching medium in the teaching-learning process can arouse desire and interest, evoke motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring psychological influences to the learners. Learning media related to the culture where a language is learned can also help students to increase understanding, present data attractively and reliably, facilitate interpretation and condense information is available in Balinese culture that can be applied in teaching BIPA for Beginner Level. By applying the literature study method which is based on several sources and the author’s knowledge about Balinese culture, this paper can be presented with naturalistic methods because matters relating to cultural issues are carried out in natural settings. The results obtained that the Balinese culture as BIPA learning media for Beginner Level students, especially for students who are studying in Bali is very interesting to be conveyed as a primary learning support medium and as a motivation to improve the ability to understand what is being learned by students. The introduction of ethics speaks in the form of greetings, says greetings with appropriate gestures, and expresses matters related to traditional and religious activities that are still very thick in Balinese culture. In addition, this idea can be taken into consideration in preparing teaching materials or supporting materials for BIPA teaching for the next Beginner Level, especially for BIPA institutions in the Province of BaliKeywords: BIPA, Balinesse culture, supporting materials, motivation

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 448-456
Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol ◽  
Jessica Ong Hai Liaw ◽  
Rogis Baker ◽  
Nora Ibrahim

Military deployments are events and stressors that begin when the soldiers are deployed and end when they return home and reintegrate back into their families and communities. Religious belief accepts the basic social-value system's moral legitimacy, which serves as a crucial component of strong family bonds. Family bonding can be defined as a feeling of closeness and caring toward one's parents, which is manifested in the family through ostensible supervision, communication, involvement, and cooperative activities. This study was conducted using 384 usable data gathered from soldiers who served in various ships of the Royal Malaysian Navy. Analyzing the validity and reliability of the instrument and hence testing the research hypotheses, used SmartPLS version 3.2.8 to construct structural equation modeling. The results of path model analysis revealed two important findings: firstly, the soldier well-being (family supports', medium of communication, and personal financial) significantly correlated with religious belief; secondly, the religious belief complementary mediated the relationship between soldier well-being and family bonding. Statistically, this finding suggests that properly managing soldiers' religious beliefs act as an essential mediator between well-being aspects such as family support, medium of communication, personal finance, and family bonding. This study contributes to understanding how soldier well-being factors can strengthen family bonding among soldiers by soldier’s religious belief as a mediator in this relationship. These findings prove that the importance of a soldier’s religious belief is instilled into every soldier. Discussion, ramifications, and a conclusion are also included.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (16) ◽  
pp. 8552
Ran Tohar ◽  
Tamar Ansbacher ◽  
Inbal Sher ◽  
Livnat Afriat-Jurnou ◽  
Evgeny Weinberg ◽  

Collagenases are essential enzymes capable of digesting triple-helical collagen under physiological conditions. These enzymes play a key role in diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes. Collagenases are used for diverse biotechnological applications, and it is thus of major interest to identify new enzyme variants with improved characteristics such as expression yield, stability, or activity. The engineering of new enzyme variants often relies on either rational protein design or directed enzyme evolution. The latter includes screening of a large randomized or semirational genetic library, both of which require an assay that enables the identification of improved variants. Moreover, the assay should be tailored for microplates to allow the screening of hundreds or thousands of clones. Herein, we repurposed the previously reported fluorogenic assay using 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid for the quantitation of collagen, and applied it in the detection of bacterial collagenase activity in bacterial lysates. This enabled the screening of hundreds of E. coli colonies expressing an error-prone library of collagenase G from C. histolyticum, in 96-well deep-well plates, by measuring activity directly in lysates with collagen. As a proof-of-concept, a single variant exhibiting higher activity than the starting-point enzyme was expressed, purified, and characterized biochemically and computationally. This showed the feasibility of this method to support medium-high throughput screening based on direct evaluation of collagenase activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Selma Cristina Silva ◽  
Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Ramos ◽  
Ricardo Silveira Bernardes

<p>O trabalho avaliou o desempenho dos <em>wetlands</em> construídos de fluxo vertical (WCFV) com meio suporte de solo misturado com areia na remoção de coliformes termotolerantes (CTer). O experimento era composto por dois sistemas: 1. Monocultura: Latossolo vermelho-amarelo plantado com a cultura do arroz (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), operado com diferente taxa de aplicação de hidráulica (TAH) de esgoto de 4 cm/d, 8 cm/d e 15 cm/d; 2. Policultura: Latossolo amarelo plantado com as culturas do arroz (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), do feijão (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L) e do milho (<em>Zea mays</em>), operado com TAH de 2,4 cm/d e 4,7 cm/d. As eficiências de remoção de CTer variaram, respectivamente, de 87,8% a 100% e 97,8% a 100% nos  sistemas 1 e 2. Os fatores que contribuíram para a remoção de CTer foram a baixa umidade, o baixo teor de matéria orgânica e a colmatação. Os dois solos se mostraram eficientes na remoção de CTer. A rotação de culturas proporcionou uma remoção maior e em um período mais longo de tempo de operação, além de ter contribuído para um maior controle a colmatação do solo. Independentemente do tipo de solo e dele estar sendo cultivado com monocultura ou policultura, nos primeiros cinco meses de operação dos sistemas (1º ciclo), as TAH mais baixa favoreceram uma maior remoção de CTer com maior variabilidade nas eficiências de remoção. Com a continuidade da aplicação do esgoto para tratamento (2º ciclo), as eficiências de remoção reduziram e se tornaram aproximadamente constantes, sendo maiores quando se utilizou maior TAH.</p><p><strong>Palavras chaves:</strong> condutividade hidráulica; águas residuárias; microrganismos patogênicos; colmatação, rotatividade de culturas.</p><p> </p><p align="center">WETLANDS CONSTRUCTED WITH SOIL SUPPORT MEDIUM IN REMOVAL OF THERMOTOLERANT COLIFORMS FROM DOMESTIC SEWAGE</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The work evaluated the performance of constructed wetlands vertical flow (WCFV) with soil support medium mixed with sand in the removal of thermotolerant coliforms (ThC). The experiment consisted of two systems: 1. Monoculture: Red-yellow Latosol planted with rice (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), operated with hydraulic application rates (HAR) of 4 cm/d, 8 cm/d and 15.0 cm/d; 2. Polyculture: Yellow Latosol planted with rice (<em>Oriza sativa</em> L), beans (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L) and maize (<em>Zea mays</em>), operated with HAR of 2.4 cm/d and 4.7 cm/d. ThC removal efficiencies ranged from 87.8 to 100% and 97.8 to 100%, respectively, in systems 1 and 2. The factors that contributed to the removal of ThC were low humidity, low organic matter and clogging. Both soils proved to be efficient in removing ThC. Crop rotation provided greater removal in a longer period of operation, in addition to controlling soil clogging. Regardless of the type of soil and whether it is being cultivated with monoculture or polyculture, in the first five months of operation of the systems (1st cycle), the lower HAR favored greater removal of ThC with greater variability in removal efficiency. With the continued application of sewage for treatment (2<sup>nd</sup> cycle), the removal efficiencies reduced and became approximately constant, being higher for the highest HAR.</p><p><strong>Key words: </strong>hydraulic conductivity; wastewater; pathogenic microorganisms; clogging, crop rotation.</p>

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1156 ◽  
Ismael Vera-Puerto ◽  
Matias Saravia ◽  
Jorge Olave ◽  
Carlos Arias ◽  
Erica Alarcon ◽  

This study aims to evaluate the sorption characteristics of NH 4 + -N and PO 4 3 − -P onto the surface of natural zeolites coming from Chile and their potential application in the subsurface-flow treatment wetlands for wastewater treatment in rural areas. For this purpose, adsorption experiments onto the zeolite were developed in batch assays. The effects of the adsorbent quantity (20 g and 50 g) and particle size (0.2–1.0 mm; 1.5–3.0 mm, and 5.0–8.0 mm) were evaluated in terms of adsorption capacity at different NH4+-N and PO4−3-P concentrations. Then, the obtained laboratory results were adjusted to theoretical models: Saturation-growth-rate and Langmuir. The saturation adsorption of NH4+-N on the zeolite increases at the same time that the initial concentration increases for the same zeolite quantity; however, the saturation values were similar between the different zeolite sizes tested. For PO4−3-P, the adsorption did not have a direct relationship with the initial concentration nor zeolite quantity and better results were only achieved for zeolite sizes of 1.5–3.0 mm. Regarding the Langmuir model, sizes of 1.5–3.0 mm had the best adsorption characteristics, with the maximum adsorption capacity of up to 1.58 mg/g for NH4+-N and up to 0.08 mg/g for PO4−3-P. Therefore, a new material—a natural zeolite from the Maule Region of Chile—is described as a potential support medium for treatment wetlands.

N.P. Bausheva ◽  
I.D. Khalistova

Исследования проводились на дерново-подзолистой среднесуглинистой почве. В опыте изучалось влияние систем удобрений на урожайность и качество яровой пшеницы. Объект исследования пшеница яровая Дарья. Установлено, что использование органо-минерального субстрата как отдельно, так и в сочетании с минеральными удобрениями (норма минеральных удобрений N80P80K80) способствовало повышению урожайности и улучшению качества зерна яровой пшеницы. По фактору систем удобрений наибольшая урожайность (23,08 ц/га) достигнута при использовании органо-минерального субстрата. В этом варианте урожайность повышалась на 11,77 ц/га в сравнении с контролем. Яровая пшеница сформировала достаточно высокую урожайность (20,17 ц/га) и при внесении минеральных удобрений в норме N80P80K80 в сочетании с органо-минеральным субстратом. В этом варианте урожайность была на 8,86 ц/га выше, чем в контроле. Наибольшее содержание белка (16,44 в пересчёте на абсолютно сухое вещество) и клейковины (39,34 на СВ) в зерне яровой пшеницы отмечалось при использовании органо-минерального субстрата совместно с минеральными удобрениями в норме N80P80K80, что важно для улучшения хлебопекарных свойств пшеничной муки.The researches were carried out on soddy podzolic medium loamy soil. In the trial the effect of fertilizer systems on the yield and quality of spring wheat was studied. The object of research is spring wheat Darya. It was established that the use of an organo-mineral support medium both separately and in combination with mineral fertilizers (the amount of mineral fertilizers N80P80K80) contributed to an increase in yield and an improvement in the quality of spring wheat grain. By the factor of fertilizer systems the highest yield (23.08 kg/ha) was achieved using an organo-mineral support medium. In this variant the yield was increased by 11.77 kg/ha in comparison with the control. Spring wheat has formed a sufficiently high yield (20.17 kg/ha) and when applying mineral fertilizers in the amount N80P80K80in combination with an organo-mineral support medium. In this variant the yield was 8.86 kg/ha higher than in the control one. The highest content of protein (16.44 in terms on absolutely dry basis) and gluten (39.34 in SV) in spring wheat grain was observed when using an organo-mineral support medium together with mineral fertilizers in the norm N80P80K80which is important for improving baking properties wheat flour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 06014
Guru Munavalli ◽  
Pratap Sonavane ◽  
Sagar Wandare ◽  
Kusum Biradar ◽  
Nikhil Aswale

Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DWTS) based on natural mechanisms of purification are appropriate for Indian conditions. Biorack constructed wetland are recent developments in the domestic wastewater treatment. In the present study the concept of biorack wetland is extended to Hybrid Biorack Constructed Wetland (HBCW) in which bioracks are supplemented by brickbat as support medium for wetland vegetation. Three separate HBCW reactors were developed with Typha angustifolia, Canna indica and dual-species (Typha angustifolia and Canna indica). Batch studies were carried out on these reactors for secondary treatment of domestic wastewater. COD removal was determined for feed wastewater strength of 100 to 200 mg COD/L by these developed reactors. The growth of vegetation was also monitored. Typha angustifolia and Canna indica were found to be an appropriate combination as dual-species. The COD removal by dual-species is 5 to 10% greater than mono-species under similar conditions of feed and support medium. HBCW is efficient to an extent of 65 to 75% for COD removal. This is preliminary study conducted on HBCW. Further studies on pilot/field scale will provide better insight to assess its suitability as an alternative biological treatment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-164 ◽  
Eman Mirdamadi ◽  
Narine Muselimyan ◽  
Priyanka Koti ◽  
Huda Asfour ◽  
Narine Sarvazyan

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