surface roughness parameters
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Luca Baronti ◽  
Aleksandra Michalek ◽  
Marco Castellani ◽  
Pavel Penchev ◽  
Tian Long See ◽  

AbstractArtificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are well-established knowledge acquisition systems with proven capacity for learning and generalisation. Therefore, ANNs are widely applied to solve engineering problems and are often used in laser-based manufacturing applications. There are different pattern recognition and control problems where ANNs can be effectively applied, and one of them is laser structuring/texturing for surface functionalisation, e.g. in generating Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS). They are a particular type of sub-micron structures that are very sensitive to changes in laser processing conditions due to processing disturbances like varying Focal Offset Distance (FOD) and/or Beam Incident Angle (BIA) during the laser processing of 3D surfaces. As a result, the functional response of LIPSS-treated surfaces might be affected, too, and typically needs to be analysed with time-consuming experimental tests. Also, there is a lack of sufficient process monitoring and quality control tools available for LIPSS-treated surfaces that could identify processing patterns and interdependences. These tools are needed to determine whether the LIPSS generation process is in control and consequently whether the surface’s functional performance is still retained. In this research, an ANN-based approach is proposed for predicting the functional response of ultrafast laser structured/textured surfaces. It was demonstrated that the processing disturbances affecting the LIPSS treatments can be classified, and then, the surface response, namely wettability, of processed surfaces can be predicted with a very high accuracy using the developed ANN tools for pre- and post-processing of LIPSS topography data, i.e. their areal surface roughness parameters. A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was applied as a pre-processing tool to significantly reduce the number of required experimental data. The number of areal surface roughness parameters needed to fully characterise the functional response of a surface was minimised using a combination of feature selection methods. Based on statistical analysis and evolutionary optimisation, these methods narrowed down the initial set of 21 elements to a group of 10 and 6 elements, according to redundancy and relevance criteria, respectively. The validation of ANN tools, using the salient surface parameters, yielded accuracy close to 85% when applied for identification of processing disturbances, while the wettability was predicted within an r.m.s. error of 11 degrees, equivalent to the static water contact angle (CA) measurement uncertainty.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 6835
Elżbieta Doluk ◽  
Anna Rudawska ◽  
Józef Kuczmaszewski ◽  
Izabela Miturska-Barańska

This study presents the results of research on the surface quality of hybrid sandwich structures after milling with a diamond blade tool. It identifies the effects of feed and machining strategy on the roughness and topography of the surface. It provides an analysis of Ra and Rz surface roughness parameters as well as Sp, Sz, and Sv surface topography parameters. The processed object was a two-layer sandwich structure consisting of aluminium alloy 2024 and CFRP (carbon fibre-reinforced polymer) composite. The minimum values of the Ra and Rz surface roughness parameters were obtained on the aluminium alloy surface, whereas the maximum values were obtained on the CFRP surface. The same was true for the 3D surface roughness parameters—the lowest values of Sp, Sz, and Sv parameters were obtained on the surface of the metal layer, while the highest values were obtained on the surface of the composite layer (the maximum value of the Sp parameter was an exception). A surface topography analysis has revealed a targeted and periodic pattern of micro-irregularities for the vast majority of the samples considered. The statistical analysis shows that the surface roughness of the aluminium alloy was only affected by the feed rate. For the CFRP, the feed rate and the interaction of milling strategy and feed rate (Sfz) had a statistically significant effect. The obtained results provide a basis for designing such sandwich element processing technology, for which differences in roughness and topography parameters for the component materials are lowest.

V. F. Bezyazychnyj ◽  
D. V. Fedoseev

The calculated dependences for determining the surface roughness parameters of a part made by selective laser fusion from materials that are certified and widely used in the aircraft engine industry are presented. A comparison of the values of the height parameters of the roughness obtained by calculation and on the basis of the experiment is presented. On the basis of the presented dependencies, a calculation algorithm is developed, which is the basis of the software for calculating on a computer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Anatoliy Suslov ◽  
Mikhail Shalygin

The problem of controlling the nanogeometry (sub-roughness) of the surface by technological methods of surface hardening is considered. The possibility of changing the sub-roughness by technological methods is shown. It is established that the surface roughness parameters decrease when using diffusion silicification.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3476
Asghar Heydari Astaraee ◽  
Sara Bagherifard ◽  
Stefano Monti ◽  
Mario Guagliano

Impact surface treatments are well-known for their efficiency in enhancing the mechanical properties of metallic materials, especially under cyclic loadings. These processes, which encompass a wide range of surface treatments based on repetitive impacts of tools of various types, induce surface plastic deformation, compressive residual stresses, and grain refinement alter the surface roughness as a side effect. Thus, it is essential to have suitable indexes to quantify the surface features caused by the typically random nature of these treatments. Herein, we evaluated the rationality of using standard roughness parameters for describing the morphological characteristics of surfaces treated by shot peening as a representative and widely used treatment of the category. A detailed numerical model of the peening process was developed. The output data were elaborated to extract the surface roughness parameters following the standard procedures. The results revealed the validity of the surface roughness parameters to describe the topography of material treated with adequate surface coverage, also highlighting the necessity to use a set of parameters rather than the common practice of relying on single parameters. Not considering a comprehensive set of amplitude and spacing parameters can result in significant, inconsistent, and misleading results while comparing the performance of surfaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2210
Zohreh Alijani ◽  
John Lindsay ◽  
Melanie Chabot ◽  
Tracy Rowlandson ◽  
Aaron Berg

Surface roughness is an important factor in many soil moisture retrieval models. Therefore, any mischaracterization of surface roughness parameters (root mean square height, RMSH, and correlation length, ʅ) may result in unreliable predictions and soil moisture estimations. In many environments, but particularly in agricultural settings, surface roughness parameters may show different behaviours with respect to the orientation or azimuth. Consequently, the relationship between SAR polarimetric variables and surface roughness parameters may vary depending on measurement orientation. Generally, roughness obtained for many SAR-based studies is estimated using pin profilers that may, or may not, be collected with careful attention to orientation to the satellite look angle. In this study, we characterized surface roughness parameters in multi-azimuth mode using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). We characterized the surface roughness parameters in different orientations and then examined the sensitivity between polarimetric variables and surface roughness parameters; further, we compared these results to roughness profiles obtained using traditional pin profilers. The results showed that the polarimetric variables were more sensitive to the surface roughness parameters at higher incidence angles (θ). Moreover, when surface roughness measurements were conducted at the look angle of RADARSAT-2, more significant correlations were observed between polarimetric variables and surface roughness parameters. Our results also indicated that TLS can represent more reliable results than pin profiler in the measurement of the surface roughness parameters.

2021 ◽  
Daniela Sova ◽  
Lidia Gurau ◽  
Mihaela Porojan ◽  
Olivia Florea ◽  
Venetia Sandu ◽  

Abstract The briquette porosity is a quality characteristic known to be important for combustion analysis, heat and mass transfer processes during combustion stages, determination of effective thermal conductivity or other related properties. This paper describes a method to quantify the briquette porosity by some surface roughness parameters that can be useful for alternative, inexpensive and at hand evaluations. Porosity of briquettes manufactured with a hydraulic press from waste wood from secondary processing was calculated with three methods suggested in the literature for wood; of these, one was adapted here for a wet porosity model (called “general relation”) proposed for wood briquettes. Briquettes density was obtained by using two stereometric methods and a liquid displacement method. Correlations were examined between porosity, surface roughness parameters and density of briquettes. Very strong correlations with surface roughness were identified for porosity calculated with all three methods, when density was measured by one of the stereometric methods. These correlations can serve as a method to indirect evaluation of the briquettes porosity by measuring the surface roughness.

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