documentary studies
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Hun Johanis A. Pinatik ◽  
Izak Y. M. Lattu ◽  
Rama Tulus Pilakoannu

This article aims to explore the conversion of Minahasa and Christianity religion through mutually constructed efforts carried out by the community of ritual practitioners in Watu Pinawetengan. This research focuses on the mutual change between Minahasa religion and Christianity in rituals through the construction of a symbolic encounter by the ritual-playing community at Watu Pinawetengan. For ritual practitioners, Watu Pinawetengan is a sacred place Tou Minahasa (Minahasa man) that is located in North Sulawesi Province, Minahasa Regency. Individuals in a community construct the meaning of each symbol, thus creating a paradigm of religion. Sacred symbols refer to the essence of a belief in religion, so it is crucial in describing the existence of a religion. The data is taken through the use of qualitative methods by conducting observations, interviews, library studies, and documentary studies. The findings of this study show that changes in sacred symbols in rituals have been constructed in Minahasa and Christian discourses, resulting in a mutual change in both religions. Change occurs dialectically and is strengthened by the legitimacy of the ancestral spirit.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali perubahan agama Minahasa dan Kristen melalui upaya saling mengonstruksi yang dilakukan oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Fokus penelitian pada perubahan bersama, antara agama Minahasa dan Kristen dalam ritual melalui konstruksi perjumpaan simbol oleh komunitas pelaku ritual di Watu Pinawetengan. Bagi pelaku ritual, Watu Pinawetengan merupakan tempat sakral Tou Minahasa (manusia Minahasa) yang berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kabupaten Minahasa. Individu-individu dalam komunitas mengonstruksi makna dari setiap simbol sehingga menciptakan paradigma fundamen tentang agama. Simbol sakral merujuk pada esensi dari suatu kepercayaan dalam agama, sehingga bersifat krusial dalam menggambarkan eksistensi suatu agama. Data diambil melalui penggunaan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan studi dokumenter. Temuan dari studi ini memperlihatkan perubahan simbol sakral dalam ritual telah dikonstruksi dalam diskursus agama Minahasa dan Kristen, sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan bersama pada kedua agama tersebut. Perubahan terjadi secara dialektis dan diperkuat dengan legitimasi roh leluhur. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-86
Cecilia Sayad

This chapter finds in the found-footage horror cycle an alternative way of understanding the relationship between horror films and reality, which is usually discussed in terms of allegory. It investigates theories about framing, considered both figuratively (framing the film as documentary) and stylistically (the framing in handheld cameras and in static long takes), as a device that playfully destabilizes the separation between the film and the surrounding world. The chapter explores the idea that documenting an event has the potential to contain it, which is relevant to both horror and documentary studies. A variety of found-footage horror films is considered, including the Paranormal Activity franchise, The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, and [•REC].

Hristiyan Atanasov ◽  
Sabina Eftimova ◽  
Magdalena Garvanova ◽  
Ana Milić ◽  
Tania Todorova

Ta dib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Ilham Mundzir

Prosocial education is an educational program to increase motivation and skills of the student to help, care for others in need. This article is aimed at analyzing the implementation of prosocial education in the Kemuhammadiyahan subject. Using experiential learning method, students not only learn about Muhammadiyah from an organizational, historical and ideological perspective, but also experience and practice al-Ma'un theology in carrying out da'wah empowerment of the duafa family. This research design was a descriptive qualitative. The data were collected by making observations during the activity, interview, and documentary studies. Using content analysis, this study found that this da'wah for empowerment of the duafa family was in line with the objectives of prosocial education, namely increasing empathy and concern for the mustad'afin group

2021 ◽  
Elena Pollacchi

This volume offers an organic discussion of Wang Bing's filmmaking across China's marginal spaces and against the backdrop of the state-sanctioned 'China Dream'. Wang's work has contemporary China as its focus and testifies to the country's contradictions, not dissimilar to those of contemporary societies dealing with issues of inequality, labour, and migration. Without being an activist, Wang Bing gives voice to the subaltern. His internationally awarded documentaries are recognized as world masterpieces. His unique aesthetics bears references to film masters, therefore this investigation goes beyond the divide between Western and non-Western film traditions. Each chapter takes a different articulation of space (spaces of labour, spaces of history, spaces of memory) as its entry point bringing together film and documentary studies, Chinese studies, and studies in globalization issues. This volume benefits from the author's extensive conversation with Wang Bing and from insider's observations of film production and the film festival circuit.

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