animal shelter
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Sloane M. Hawes ◽  
Tess M. Hupe ◽  
Jaci Gandenberger ◽  
Kevin N. Morris

Abstract OBJECTIVE To investigate trends in animal shelter and rescue organization intake for dogs and cats in Colorado from 2008 to 2018. SAMPLE 482 animal shelters and rescue organizations that reported annual intake data to the State of Colorado Department of Agriculture for 1,086,630 dogs and 702,333 cats. PROCEDURES Total intake, intake for each of 5 Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act categories (stray, owner surrender, intrastate transfer, interstate transfer, or other), and community-based intake (total intake after exclusion of transfers) of dogs and cats were assessed in total and for each organization type (shelter or rescue organization). The number taken in per year, number taken in/1,000 capita (human residents)/y, and number in each intake category as a percentage of total intake for the same species per year were analyzed with linear regression models. RESULTS Trend lines indicated that total dog intake increased over the study period, but there was no change when these data were adjusted for the human population. Cat intake decreased over time according to both of these measures. Total community-based intake decreased, whereas total intake by interstate transfer from other organizations increased for both species during the study period. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Increased transfer of dogs and cats across state lines into regions with low community-based shelter intake suggested that regional and national animal disease trends could potentially impact disease profiles for recipient areas. Findings supported efforts toward collecting animal shelter and rescue organization intake and outcome data across larger systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-440
BH Eagan ◽  
E Gordon ◽  
D Fraser

This study assessed how sound affected fear- and maintenance-related behaviour in singly housed cats (Felis silvestris catus) in an animal shelter. Two daily 30-min observation sessions (morning and evening) were made for 98 cats from admittance for ten days or until the cat was removed. Cat behaviour and presence of sound (classified by the source) were recorded by instantaneous and onezero sampling with 15-s intervals. Each 30-min observation session was classified as 'quiet' or 'noisy' if the one-zero score for presence of sound was above or below the median of sessions at that time of day. To ensure that cats had at least two complete days of comparable observations, statistical analysis was restricted to the 70 cats (30 females, 40 males) present for two or more weekdays. Cats varied widely in the amount of fear and maintenance behaviour they performed. Males showed less fear and maintenance behaviour than females. Morning sessions consistently had much more sound than evenings, and cats showed more fear behaviour and less maintenance behaviour in the mornings. Cats showed more fear behaviour in noisy morning sessions than quiet ones, with no comparable difference in maintenance behaviour. Where sessions included a pronounced transition in sound, fear-related behaviour was more common after a transition from quiet to noisy and less common after a transition from noisy to quiet. The results show that shelter cats vary greatly in their responses and suggest that sound in shelter environments can substantially affect their behaviour. Lowering sound levels in shelters may help improve cat welfare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Lexis H. Ly ◽  
Emilia Gordon ◽  
Alexandra Protopopova

There is increasing awareness among animal shelter professionals regarding the role of shelters in perpetuating inequities in pet ownership, although the relationship between owner vulnerabilities and animal shelter services is largely understudied. Currently, there is no literature comparing the sociodemographic conditions of communities where surrendered animals originate and communities where they are adopted. The present study compared the “flow” of surrendered animals between originating communities (incoming) and communities where they were adopted (outgoing; n = 21,270). To analyze community-level vulnerability, we used the Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD), which has four dimensions of social vulnerability. We found that three of the four CIMD dimensions were significantly different between surrendering and adopting communities (Ethnocultural Composition, Situational Vulnerability (SV), Economic Dependency, but not Residential Instability). For further investigation, we also grouped our analysis by intake groups (small animal n = 2,682; puppy n = 973; dog n = 3,446; kitten n = 6,436; cat n= 7,733) and found multiple relationships for which the incoming and outgoing CIMD quintiles were different. For example, for both puppies and kittens, the median outgoing SV quintile ranks were statistically significantly lower (less vulnerable) than incoming quintile ranks, with the effect size being moderate (puppy r = 0.31, kitten r = 0.30; p ≤ 0.0025), supporting the concern of the flow of certain animals from more vulnerable to less vulnerable communities. The results of this research provide a basis for understanding potential inequities in the use of shelter services to surrender or adopt an animal. Furthermore, these methods allow animal shelters to assess community needs and create interventions to reduce intake and increase adoption of animals. Finally, these data provide further support that animal sheltering is best considered from a One Welfare perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Janet Hoy-Gerlach ◽  
Mamta Ojha ◽  
Phil Arkow

Animal shelter workers (ASWs) are at disproportionate risk of moral injury, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burn-out. While there is an emerging body of literature developing on understanding the nuances of these experiences for ASWs, little work has been done on developing strategies to ameliorate occupational stressors and the negative effects of such for ASWs. Within this paper, occupational risks and protective factors for ASWs are summarized, and the emergence of social work within animal shelter settings as one strategy for helping to ameliorate the occupational stress experienced by ASWs is delineated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1098612X2110438
Alexandre Ellis ◽  
Karen van Haaften ◽  
Alexandra Protopopova ◽  
Emilia Gordon

Objectives The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an increase in cat relinquishment for destructive scratching behavior, a change in overall feline surrender intake and euthanasia, or a change in average length of stay in a British Columbia shelter system after provincial legislation banning elective onychectomy. Methods Records of cats admitted to the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the 36 months prior to (1 May 2015–30 April 2018, n = 41,157) and after (1 May 2018–30 April 2021, n = 33,430) the provincial ban on elective onychectomy were reviewed. Total intake numbers, euthanasia and length of stay were descriptively compared between periods. Proportions of cats and kittens surrendered for destructive scratching, as well as the proportion of cats and kittens surrendered with an owner request for euthanasia, were compared using two-sample z-tests of proportions. Results Destructive behavior was found to be an uncommon reason for surrender (0.18% of surrendered cats) during the study period. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of cats surrendered for destructive scratching behavior ( z = −1.89, P >0.05) after the provincial ban on elective onychectomy. On the contrary, the proportion of owner-requested euthanasias decreased after the ban ( z = 3.90, P <0.001). The total number of cats surrendered, the shelter live release rate and average length of stay all remained stable or improved following the ban, though causation could not be determined. Conclusions and relevance The findings in this study suggest that legislation banning elective onychectomy does not increase the risk of feline shelter relinquishment – for destructive behavior or overall – and is unlikely to have a significant effect on shelter euthanasia or length of stay.

2021 ◽  
pp. 62-69
Parfanovych I.I. ◽  
Parfanovych A.Ya.

Purpose. Violence against domestic animals can frequently serve as signs of deviation of child’s development. Precise distinguishing the structure of the technique of preventive work enables children to alter their attitude to animals. Cruelty to the animals determines as a mental disease. International and national legislations are focused on its overcoming. The significance of domestic animals and the development of child had been defined by scientists. The considerable deviations as for treatment of animals demand of timely regulation by the educational process. Methods. Comparative analysis of deviations of children and adults’ attitude to domestic animals enables us to state that opportune prevention of deviations helps to regulate children’s behavior. To define deviations of the attitude to animals, the survey designed on the basis of Ukrainian law on animals’ defense is used. The diagnostic measure may realize for the deeper research diffusion cruelty among the children and adults. Comparative analysis of deviations of children and adults’ attitude to domestic animals enables us to state that opportune prevention of deviations helps to regulate children’s behavior. Diagnostic inspection helps to determine child differentiation without deviations, with considerable deviations and high-risk groups. The preventive and regulation process in direction of regulation attitude to animals is powerful provided it includes variety of work forms, such as: solving problem situation; conversation as for importance of humane attitude to animals; sharing positive associations, memories, observations; fairy tale performing with animals as main heroes; role-playing games; writing an essay; action “Pick up a kitten!” (search and put in an animal shelter); mini-lectures; excursion to the animal shelter; speech of member animal welfare group; psychologist-hour; art exhibition and/or photo-exhibition; training session; rules of conduct with animals. Results. The content, directions, stages, forms and methods of work are distinguished according to the degree of deviation and facilities for educational process at a certain school. The efficiency of the technique is proved by the changes of attitude to domestic animals basing on examining the development of cognitive, psycho-emotional, behavioral spheres of a personality. Conclusions. Summarizing and analyzing the responses of children after the work, we found that, although a small number of people involved in preventive and corrective work, still have significant deviations in relation to animals. Many children remain in an uncertain position in relation to animals, which also requires additional preventive and corrective measures. The cognitive and behavioral sphere of the child is easily corrected in relation to pets and the most difficult – psycho-emotional, which requires long-term preventive influence and development of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual.Key words: children, violence against animals, diagnostic measures, prevention, regulation. Мета. Прояви насильства над домашніми тваринами дуже часто є свідченням відхилень у розвитку дитини. Чітке визначення структури технології профілактичної та корекційної роботи дає можливість корегувати ставлення дітей до тварин, формувати позицію стосовно тварин на гуманних засадах. Жор-стокість у ставленні до тварин визначається як психічне захворювання. На його подолання спрямоване міжнародне й державне законодавство. Науковцями визначено роль домашніх тварин для людини та розвитку дитини. Значні відхилення у ставленні до тварин дітей вимагають вчасного корегування та регулювання виховним процесом.Методи. Для визначення відхилень у ставленні до тварин застосовано опитувальник, питання якого сформовані на основі законодавства про захист тварин від жорстокого ставлення. Порівняльний аналіз ставлення до домашніх тварин осіб дитячого й дорослого віку дає змогу стверджувати, що вчасне попередження відхилень допомагає корегувати розвиток дитини. Діагностичне обстеження допомагає визначити диференціацію дітей без відхилень, із значними відхиленнями та групу ризику. Освітній процес у напрямі корегування ставлення дітей до тварин є ефективним за умови охоплення різних форм роботи, зокрема вирішення проблемних ситуацій; бесіди щодо необхідності гуманного ставлення до тварин; обміну позитивними асоціаціями, спогадами, спостереженнями; постановки казки, героями якої є тварини; рольової гри, твору; акції «Підбери кошеня!» (пошук і влаштування в притулок); міні-лекції; поїздки в притулок для тварин; виступу члена громадської організації з утримання тварин; години психолога; виставки малюнків або/та фотовиставки; тренінгового заняття; правил поведінки з твариною. Результати. Зміст, напрями, етапи, форми й методи роботи визначено відповідно до ступеня відхилень, можливостей навчально-виховного процесу школи. Про результативність роботи свідчить зміна ставлення до домашніх тварин на основі розвитку когнітивної, психоемоційної, поведінкової сфер особистості. Параметричним методом, який засвідчує результативність роботи, запропоновано тестування. Висновки. Узагальнивши та проаналізувавши відповіді дітей після проведеної роботи, ми встановили успішну динаміку в половини дітей, залучених до роботи. Незначна частина осіб із залучених до профілактично-корекційної роботи й далі мають значні відхилення у ставленні до тварин. Деякі діти залишаються на невизначеній позиції у ставленні до тварин, що вимагає тривалого виховного впливу та вжиття додаткових заходів. Коре-гування у ставленні до домашніх тварин легко піддається когнітивна й поведінкова сфери дитини, а найважче – психоемоційна, що потребує тривалого профілактичного впливу та розвитку морально-духовних якостей індивіда.Ключові слова: діти, домашні тварини, гуманність, діагностика, профілактика, корекція, освітній процес, навчальний заклад.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095001702110087
Linda Tallberg ◽  
Peter J Jordan

Working with animals is a daily occurrence for millions of people who often complete tasks which are tainted, in spite of the work being seen as essential in modern society. Animal shelter-work is such an occupation. This article contributes to a deeper understanding of the caring–killing paradox (a dissonance that workers face when killing animals they are also caring for), through an insider ethnographic study. We find that care-based animal dirty work consists of unique ambiguities and tensions related to powerlessness, deception and secrecy in the work based on a ‘processing-plant’ framework which informs how workers deal with unwanted animals. We find competing ideologies of care and control to be foundational in this work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-139
M. Cruz Salmeron ◽  
Steven W. Payne ◽  
A. Brianna Hegr

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