semantic evolution
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-71

The English name Jack is one of the most common names in English-speaking countries, which has become a derivate for a large number of derived eponyms. The lack of a comprehensive study of this word family determines the relevance of our research. The article is made within the framework of comparative-historical linguistics, lexical semantics, and onomastics. The article aims to explore the structure of the derivative-semantic word family with a stem anthroponym eng. Jack. As a result, the structural types of secondary word family constituents and the main directions of semantic evolution of the creative lexeme and its common nouns derivatives, including phraseological units, were identified. All derived eponyms of the name Jack were divided into the following micro-families: representatives of living nature (males, plants, animals), inanimate objects (mechanisms – any things that have replaced human labor or with which something can be done) and an intermediate link of lexemes denoting the image of a man.

Jezikoslovlje ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-250
Karolien Janssens ◽  
Jan Nuyts

This paper aims to contribute to the debates about the nature of the speaker-related meanings of the mental state predicates, on the basis of a diachronic corpus study into the semantic evolution of five such verbs in Dutch. The analyses show that each of these verbs develops its own spe-cific profile in terms of a limited set of clearly distinguishable speaker-related meanings, viz. epistemic modality, evidentiality, and ‘subjectivi-ty’. Each of these meanings is moreover characterized by a distinctive di-achronic path. The study thus also demonstrates the independent status of ‘subjectivity’ as a meaning category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-230

У статті порушено проблему кореляції формальної і семантичної структур дериватів. Дослідження здійснено на прикладі прикметників, дериватів із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-), які входять до складу словотвірного гнізда з вершиною гора ‘гора’, ‘верхня частина’ і репрезентують семантичну опозицію ‘верx’ ↔ ‘низ’.Корпус прикметників із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) формує понад 60 одиниць, які описують орієнтацію об’єктів у просторі, окреслюють просторову кваліфікацію об’єкта та моделюють си-стему координат мовної (а радше діалектної) картини світу. Детально проаналізовано семантику прикметників першого та другого ступенів деривації (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський тощо); префіксально-суфіксальних форм (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий та ін.) та композитів (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний тощо). Семан-тичну структуру прикметників проаналізовано в межах двох семантичних субкомплексів, а саме: ‘верхня / нижня частина об’єкта’ та ‘верхня / нижня межа’. Значення прикметників структурова-но єрархічно. Усі значення (компоненти семантичної структури) ілюструють приклади, засвідчені в говірках української мови. Зафіксовані значення представляють різні аспекти життя українців.Проаналізовані мовні одиниці відтворюють діалектні особливості, зокрема семантичні, харак-терні для говорів південно-західного наріччя української мови. Джерелами дослідження слугували історичні та регіональні словники (Є. Желехівський, С. Недільський, П. Білецький-Носенко, Д. Яворницький, Б. Грінченко та ін.), а також діалектні тексти та лінгвістичні атласи. Семантичні зміни, виявлені на підставі аналізу історичних джерел і пам’яток української мови від ХІ ст., зафік-совано на різних історичних етапах. Це дало змогу не тільки окреслити особливості діалектної кар-тини світу діалектоносіїв, відмінності у їхньому світогляді, знаннях та колективному досвіді, а й репрезентувати особливості діалектної номінації, деривації та семантики.Діалектні відомості подано в семи порівняльних таблицях, які фіксують деривацію та семантику аналізованих лексем, а також семантичні зміни прикметників гíрськúй / гóрський, горíшний. Задоку-ментовано найдавніші фіксації дериватів від ХІ ст. та семантичну еволюцію слів. Аналіз формальних і семантичних структур дериватів підтвердив, що семантика базового слова є основою для форму-вання семантики дериватів.This paper deals with the problem of correlation between the formal and semantic structure of derivatives. The paper suggests examples of derivative of the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) and represents the semantic opposition ‘top’ ↔ ‘bottom’ – fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of the opposition гора ‘mountain’, ‘top’.The corpus of adjectives with the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) amounts to more than 60 units. It describes the orientation of objects in the space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives: unprefixed derivatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of derivation (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський, etc.); prefixal-suffixal formations (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий, etc.), and compounds (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний, etc.). The semantic structure of adjectives is analyzed within two semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top of the object’ and ‘high / low limit’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives, which are structured hierarchically. All meanings (components of the semantic structure) are illustrated by examples of dialectal speech. These meanings represent different aspects of the Ukrainians’ life.The analysed units represent semantic and typical features for the south-western dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries (by Ye. Zhelekhivskyi, S. Nedilskyi, P. Biletskyi-Nosenko, D. Yavornytskyi, B. Hrinchenko, etc.) and texts as well as linguistic atlases. Semantic changes, as based on the analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century, were recorded at different historical stages. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge, and collective experience, and represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics.The dialectal data provided in the 7 comparative tables of the lexeme’s derivation and semantics, and what is more, semantic changes of the adjectives гíрськúй / гóрський and горíшний. The oldest fixations of derivatives from the 11th century and the semantic evolution of the words are documented. The analysis of the formal and semantic structures of derivatives proved that the semantics of the base word is the basis for the formation of the semantics of derivatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 112-121
Natalya G. Koptelova

The article discusses the features of the interpretation of the image of Peter I in the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva. Some methods of its creation are characterised. The intersections of Marina Tsvetaeva's concept of personality of Peter the Great with the assessments of the activities of the reformer tsar is presented in the philosophy of Slavophiles, Nikolay Danilevsky, Vladimir Solovyov, as well as in the novel “The Antichrist (Peter and Alexis)” by Dmitry Merezhkovsky and the poem “Russia” by Max Voloshin, and that is revealed in our article. It is shown that when depicting Peter's rule in the cycle “Moscow” Marina Tsvetaeva refracts individual images and motifs borrowed from the painting (“Feodosia Morozova” and “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution” by Vasily Surikov). It is proved that the semantic evolution of the image of Peter I in Marina Tsvetaeva's lyrics fits into the framework of the triad: Peter the Great is the enemy of Moscow (“Poems about Moscow”, “Moscow”); Peter the Great is the Antichrist, guilty of the post-October troubles of Russia (“Peter”); Peter the Great is the “founder” of Alexander Pushkin (“Poems to Pushkin”). It is concluded that such a sharp change in the interpretation of the image of Peter I, which occurred in the cycle “Poems to Pushkin”, testifies not only to an impulsive change in Marina Tsvetaeva's perception of the reformer Tsar’s activity, but also to the poetess's desire to illuminate different facets of this contradictory historical personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 569-588
I. A. Zaripov

The study identifi es the semantics of the words islām and muslim in the Qur’an on the basis of contextual and diachronic analysis. During the research there were defi ned 8 thematic groups of uses, only 5 of which can in one way or another be attributed to the period of Muhammad prophecy. At the same time, considering the only exception in 72 cases of usage, all the lexemes are used as a technical religious term in all the abovementioned thematic groups. The periodization of surahs studies demonstrated the absence of semantic evolution, the assumption of which was made by some European authors. Profound analysis of lexical antitheses of this term has revealed the fact that it is opposed not only to unbelief and deviation from God’s way, but also to faith as an internal belief, thus representing an external act of accepting religion and observing its institutions. In conclusion, the author proposes a new version of the lexemes translation within the Qur’an, where he refl ects their religious, general monotheistic and performative meanings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Yanglu Zhou

In Anyue dialect, the meaning of the word “che” is very rich. It can be used as a verb to express the meaning of “argument,” “discussion,” “tearing,” “receiving,” “cutting,” “picking,” “opening,” “buying,” and “pulling.” It can also be used as an adjective to express the meaning of “immoral,” “unreliable,” and “naughty.” This article describes the semantics and usage of “che” in Anyue dialect as well as the usage of special phrases with “che” in other areas of southwest Mandarin. Finally, this article analyzes the semantic evolution of “che” and constructs a semantic evolution diagram.

Ирина Михайловна Ганжина

Статья посвящена исследованию этимологической истории некоторых лексических диалектизмов с затемненной внутренней формой в говорах Тверской области. Сделана попытка выявить мотивационные характеристики слов, связанных с польско-литовским влиянием, путем проникновения во внутреннюю форму слов, проследить их семантические связи с однокоренными лексемами в других славянских и индоевропейских языках. Анализируются историко-семантические преобразования, которые имели место при возникновении производных значений, в результате которых возникли новые слова, конкретизирующие в диалектах признаки, явления, действия и предметы. The article deals with the etymological history of some lexical dialecticisms with an implicit inner form in the dialects of the Tver region. An attempt is made to identify the motivational characteristics of the words, related to the Polish-Lithuanian influence, by penetrating into their inner forms, to trace their semantic connections with the single-root lexemes in other Slavic and Indo-European languages. The author analyzes the historical and semantic transformations that took place in the process of emergence of derived meanings, which resulted in the appearance of new words that concretize different features, phenomena, actions and objects in dialects.

Terminology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-162
Beatriz Curti-Contessoto ◽  
Isabelle de Oliveira ◽  
Lidia Almeida Barros

Abstract In 1791, the term mariage civil first appeared in French law in order to designate a civil and secular union recognised only by the State. After the introduction of this term into the French legal domain, there were legislative changes regarding the rules of civil marriages over the following years. The present paper examines the semantic evolution of the term mariage civil in French law, relating this evolution to socio-cultural and historical aspects of France between 1791 (when civil marriage was instituted in this country) and 2013 (when the most recent legislative change in the area occurred). Based on this investigation, it is possible to affirm the transformations in the French society and legislative changes have modified the concept designated by the term mariage civil, especially concerning the notion of family and the achievement of rights by women and homosexuals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-58
E. R. Ioanesyan

The article is devoted to the study of the semantics of units expressing the value of intensity. The concept of the lexical function Magn of the “Meaning ↔ Text” model is used in the article. Lexical functions are a tool for describing limited lexical collocation. Magn is an abstract typical meaning of ‘very’, ‘intensity’, ‘high degree’, which is expressed in a significant number of different words, and in many cases in an idiomatic way.  Lexical units expressing the meaning of ‘very’ / ‘large’ / ‘intense’ are represented in different languages by a large number of words and constructions. The designation of intensity in many languages has lexically determined variants of expression, often linguistic specific. A brief overview of the main models of the formation of the meaning of intensity in a language, examples of linguistic-specific units are given. The novelty of the research is determined by the presentation in the work of new models of the formation of the meaning of Magn and linguistic-specific expressions of this meaning. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the study of models of the formation of the value of intensity is in line with modern research on the study of semantic evolution, the construction of a typology of semantic transitions, the identification of the features of the picture of the world of different languages, the creation of explanatory models of the language. 

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