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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Joost Robbe ◽  
Jeroen Willemsen

Abstract In this article, we present and analyse phonaesthemic alternations as they appear in Flemish dialects of Dutch, that is when a root-initial consonant or consonant cluster is replaced by a post-alveolar affricate /ʧ/ or /ʤ/ in order to create a phonaesthemically marked variant of a neutral base word. Although no longer productive in Flemish dialects, we show that such phonaesthemic alternations exhibit strong functional similarities to those found in other languages, in particular the evaluative notions of diminutivity and augmentativity. We also show that, formally speaking, Flemish phonaesthemic alternations differ from those attested in other languages in only targeting a single consonant or consonant cluster. We then put forward the hypothesis that Flemish speakers may have copied this mechanism to produce phonaesthemic alternations from Picard speakers, corroborating the notion that phonaesthemic alternations may emerge from language contact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-230

У статті порушено проблему кореляції формальної і семантичної структур дериватів. Дослідження здійснено на прикладі прикметників, дериватів із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-), які входять до складу словотвірного гнізда з вершиною гора ‘гора’, ‘верхня частина’ і репрезентують семантичну опозицію ‘верx’ ↔ ‘низ’.Корпус прикметників із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) формує понад 60 одиниць, які описують орієнтацію об’єктів у просторі, окреслюють просторову кваліфікацію об’єкта та моделюють си-стему координат мовної (а радше діалектної) картини світу. Детально проаналізовано семантику прикметників першого та другого ступенів деривації (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський тощо); префіксально-суфіксальних форм (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий та ін.) та композитів (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний тощо). Семан-тичну структуру прикметників проаналізовано в межах двох семантичних субкомплексів, а саме: ‘верхня / нижня частина об’єкта’ та ‘верхня / нижня межа’. Значення прикметників структурова-но єрархічно. Усі значення (компоненти семантичної структури) ілюструють приклади, засвідчені в говірках української мови. Зафіксовані значення представляють різні аспекти життя українців.Проаналізовані мовні одиниці відтворюють діалектні особливості, зокрема семантичні, харак-терні для говорів південно-західного наріччя української мови. Джерелами дослідження слугували історичні та регіональні словники (Є. Желехівський, С. Недільський, П. Білецький-Носенко, Д. Яворницький, Б. Грінченко та ін.), а також діалектні тексти та лінгвістичні атласи. Семантичні зміни, виявлені на підставі аналізу історичних джерел і пам’яток української мови від ХІ ст., зафік-совано на різних історичних етапах. Це дало змогу не тільки окреслити особливості діалектної кар-тини світу діалектоносіїв, відмінності у їхньому світогляді, знаннях та колективному досвіді, а й репрезентувати особливості діалектної номінації, деривації та семантики.Діалектні відомості подано в семи порівняльних таблицях, які фіксують деривацію та семантику аналізованих лексем, а також семантичні зміни прикметників гíрськúй / гóрський, горíшний. Задоку-ментовано найдавніші фіксації дериватів від ХІ ст. та семантичну еволюцію слів. Аналіз формальних і семантичних структур дериватів підтвердив, що семантика базового слова є основою для форму-вання семантики дериватів.This paper deals with the problem of correlation between the formal and semantic structure of derivatives. The paper suggests examples of derivative of the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) and represents the semantic opposition ‘top’ ↔ ‘bottom’ – fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of the opposition гора ‘mountain’, ‘top’.The corpus of adjectives with the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) amounts to more than 60 units. It describes the orientation of objects in the space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives: unprefixed derivatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of derivation (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський, etc.); prefixal-suffixal formations (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий, etc.), and compounds (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний, etc.). The semantic structure of adjectives is analyzed within two semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top of the object’ and ‘high / low limit’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives, which are structured hierarchically. All meanings (components of the semantic structure) are illustrated by examples of dialectal speech. These meanings represent different aspects of the Ukrainians’ life.The analysed units represent semantic and typical features for the south-western dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries (by Ye. Zhelekhivskyi, S. Nedilskyi, P. Biletskyi-Nosenko, D. Yavornytskyi, B. Hrinchenko, etc.) and texts as well as linguistic atlases. Semantic changes, as based on the analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century, were recorded at different historical stages. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge, and collective experience, and represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics.The dialectal data provided in the 7 comparative tables of the lexeme’s derivation and semantics, and what is more, semantic changes of the adjectives гíрськúй / гóрський and горíшний. The oldest fixations of derivatives from the 11th century and the semantic evolution of the words are documented. The analysis of the formal and semantic structures of derivatives proved that the semantics of the base word is the basis for the formation of the semantics of derivatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 471
Ismiati Ismiati

The study discusses the types, functions, and morphological processes of Reduplication in the Sumbawa Besar dialect. Data was taken from recorded conversation, which naturally occurred among the native speakers of Sumbawa Besar Dialect. The native were also interviewed to gain deeply information. Finding of this study describes some types of Reduplication in Sumbawa Besar Dialect namely full Reduplication, partial Reduplication, and reduplication variation of phoneme. In full Reduplication, the word is fully repeated without any additional morpheme or phoneme to the base word. For example, the base word ‘lao’ (slow) is fully reduplicated becomes ‘lao-lao’ (slowly). Partial Reduplication is partly the repetition of the base word. For example, ‘Barema’ (together) is the base form that is reduplicated by repeating the last phoneme to become ‘Barema-rema’. ‘Barema’ is the base and ‘rema’ is its phoneme which is repeated to form Reduplication. Reduplication variation of phoneme is the type of Reduplication which combines two different word classes and meaning to create meaningful Reduplication. As example, ‘sedo-gaso’ (supplies).  ‘sedo’ is the first  base word  and the second word is ‘gaso’. Those are combined to create Reduplication becomes ‘sedo-gaso’ (supplies). Function of Reduplication in Sumbawa Besar Dialect was to change word classes as verb is changed into noun and change singular form to plural form of the noun. In example, ‘Mangan’ (eat) is the word class of verb which is changed into the word class of noun ‘Mangan’-‘Mangan’ (a picnic) in its Reduplication. In another example, the word Anak (a child) is the singular form of noun is changed into plural form Anak-dadi (children) in its Reduplication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Ricardo Mairal-Usón ◽  
Pamela Faber

This paper examines a set of lexicographic projects with innovative routes of access to lexical knowledge, and which constitute a first step towards a more intelligent dictionary, These projects include: (1) collocation dictionaries that specify the relations between a base word and its collocate; (2) dictionaries that make explicit the semantic and lexical restrictions between a predicate and its arguments; (3) lexical resources that describe the linguistic properties of a lexical entry within the context of its frame or frames of activation; (4) dictionaries that provide a conceptual organization of the definiens, instead of the definiendum. Without a doubt, the Digital Era (artificial intelligence, data and text mining, and machine learning) has opened up a vast range of possibilities, which will lead to intelligent lexicographic resources that are more intelligent and interconnected. This chapter concludes with some ideas and proposals about the characteristics of a dictionary 5.0 of the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Hafissatou KANE

This paper offers an overview of the different constructions used to express negation in English. Based on previous research in the literature, several negation types have been identified. It has been shown that certain negative affixes such as dis-, un-, anti-, -less, etc. can be attached to the base word and negate it without affecting the remainder of the sentence. The second form of negation is the standard negation, where English adds the particle not (or its contracted form n’t) to the primary verb or to the auxiliary. Negative imperatives are made of do not / don’t + infinitive, while only not is used before infinitives and –ing forms to express negation. It has also been noted that there are several instances in English where negative quantifiers and indefinite pronouns can mark a clause negative. And, one of the major findings at this level is that the replacement of the not-negation (not…anybody, not….anyone) by no-negation constructions (nobody, no one) is often possible. However, the use of no-negation form at the beginning of the clause is more grammatically accepted due to the principle of negative attraction. The study finally shows that subject-auxiliary inversion in negative sentences can be considered optional sometimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Amelia Wahyu Julisdianti ◽  
Danny Susanto

Larousse is one of the most important and widely used French-language dictionaries. Larousse dictionary annually releases its new edition with the addition of on average 150 new words due to the appearance of new words, known as the phenomenon of neologism. The aim of this study is to identify how new words or neologisms in the Larousse dictionary edition of 2018 and 2019 were formed using a morphological approach. The analysis essentially uses the combination of theories of Lehmann & Martin-Berthet (1999) and Grevisse, M., & Goosse, A. (2007) on four types of word formation: derivation, composition, siglaison (acronym), and troncation (clipping). Neologisms are often influenced by foreign languages, therefore additional theory on borrowing words from other languages and lending factors introduced by Haspelmath & Tadmor (2009) is also used. Data was collected from Larousse dictionary’s digital press kit, served to promote their latest edition, and contains the new words added in the dictionary. The study indicates that the new words in the Larousse edition of 2018 and 2019 can be categorized into two groups: (1) the first group of neologisms that are formed by the process of word-formation and (2) the neologisms that are formed through loan words. Composition dominates the process of neologisms, followed by derivation. This relates to the difficulty of composition’s formation that is considered less complicated in terms of grammar compared with derivation. Then, clipping is only found in the second group of new words. An interesting finding is that based on data analysis there is a type of word formation with nom propre (proper noun) as a base word which has not been discussed by Lehmann & Martin-Berthet or Grevisse in their theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Olga Batiukova

Abstract This study compares compositional processes involved in syntax on the one hand and word formation on the other hand within the Generative Lexicon framework. It first shows how semantic types incorporated in a structured lexical entry are acted on by different compositional mechanisms in predicates headed by verbs and in modification constructions, and then analyzes non-evaluative suffixation in Spanish in order to determine how the head suffix interacts with the meaning of the base word. It is concluded that different parts of the lexical entry of the selected component (syntactic argument or morphological base) can be accessed in both phrase construction and word formation, but the mechanisms underlying complex syntactic and morphological structures differ in significant ways.

Muhammad Fadly Tanjung

Stemming is the process of returning the word to the base word by disappearing the append. This is important to support better information re-meeting. Some research in stemming algorithms includes nazief &adriani algorithms, confix stripping, enhanced confix stripping, arifin and porter algorithms. The stemming algorithm for Bahasa Indonesia is divided into two, namely those that use a dictionary and do not use a dictionary. Some studies have shown that stemmers that use dictionary have high accuracy but low process speed, while stemmers that do not use dictionary have low accuracy but higher process speed. In this study, two methods were used: the stemmer method using cache and stemmer without cache to see the comparison of process speed from stemmers that use dictionary. The test data for this study is text data obtained from the corpus site. Process analysis is completed by calculating each speed, memory usage and cpu of each method, then each method is compared. Results from tests from test data showed that the cache method improved stemmer performance.

Batia Laufer ◽  
Stuart Webb ◽  
Su Kyung Kim ◽  
Beverley Yohanan

Abstract The study investigates derivational knowledge of second language (L2) learners as a function of four variables: learner proficiency, word family frequency, derived word frequency, and affix type as suggested by two affix difficulty hierarchies. Seventy-nine EFL learners at two proficiency levels received two tests, the VST – Vocabulary Size Test (Nation & Beglar, 2007) and a custom-made ‘Derivatives Test’, which included derived forms of VST base words. We performed the following within-participant comparisons: knowledge of base words and knowledge of their derived forms, knowledge of high-, medium-, and low-frequency derived forms, and knowledge of derivatives at different affix difficulty levels. Knowledge of basewords and their derivatives was statistically equivalent for advanced learners. However, a difference was found between the categories for less advanced learners. The findings also revealed learner proficiency and base word frequency effects, partial support for the two affix difficulty hierarchies, and no support for the effect of derivative frequency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1143-1151
K. A. Shishigin

The research objective was to show the hybrid characteristics of prefixed verbs in Yiddish caused by its contact with Semitic and Slavic languages. The Yiddish system of verb prefixes, in particular, those with hybrid polysemy, is a phenomenon when the German form and German content acquired a very similar Slavic meaning. As a result, such prefixes retained the features of their German equivalents, while modifying their semantic, morphosyntactic, and word-formation potential. This phenomenon affected some Yiddish verbs under the impact of contacts with adstratum languages and intralinguistic tendencies. The present research featured Yiddish verbs with the ariber- prefix. The analysis revealed that Slavic adstratum semantic characteristics caused the hybridization of the Yiddish system of verb prefixes. As a result, Yiddish prefixed verbs were able to describe and conceptualize situations left out by the German language, but indicated by Slavic languages. To describe the same situation, the same base word in Yiddish could be combined with a larger amount of prefixes than in German and Slavic languages. Thus, synonymous series of prefix verbs in Yiddish occurred as a result of the hybridization of its German-based system with elements borrowed from Semitic and Slavic languages.

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