lexical semantics
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-71

The English name Jack is one of the most common names in English-speaking countries, which has become a derivate for a large number of derived eponyms. The lack of a comprehensive study of this word family determines the relevance of our research. The article is made within the framework of comparative-historical linguistics, lexical semantics, and onomastics. The article aims to explore the structure of the derivative-semantic word family with a stem anthroponym eng. Jack. As a result, the structural types of secondary word family constituents and the main directions of semantic evolution of the creative lexeme and its common nouns derivatives, including phraseological units, were identified. All derived eponyms of the name Jack were divided into the following micro-families: representatives of living nature (males, plants, animals), inanimate objects (mechanisms – any things that have replaced human labor or with which something can be done) and an intermediate link of lexemes denoting the image of a man.

Esme Winter-Froemel

Onomasiology represents an approach in semantics that takes the perspective from content to form and investigates the ways in which referents or concepts are designated in particular languages. In this way, onomasiology can be seen as being complementary to semasiology, which takes the opposite perspective and focuses on form-content relations. From a semiotic perspective, the two perspectives can be more clearly defined and delimited from each other by specifying the basic semiotic entities that represent the key reference points for onomasiological and semasiological investigations, respectively. Previous research has highlighted the contribution of both to a comprehensive understanding of lexical semantics. In this respect, the distinction between meaning change and change of designation appears to be of key importance for the domain of lexical innovation and change. In the history of Romance linguistics, onomasiological perspectives were included in early etymological studies (e.g., Diez, Salvioni, Tappolet, Merlo), and the term “onomasiology” was introduced by Zauner. The research on “Wörter and Sachen” (words and objects), and the research focus on lexical fields then took an explicit focus on onomasiological research questions, with linguistic geography established as a specific subdomain of linguistic research. The linguistic maps and atlases elaborated in this context provided important resources for multiple applications and theoretical discussions of synchronic and diachronic issues of Romance linguistics. In addition, various onomasiological case studies on particular concepts and conceptual domains were conducted, and onomasiological dictionaries elaborated. Moreover, linguistic typology has aimed to identify universal patterns of conceptualization and strategies of designation. With the rise of cognitive semantics, the synchronic relevance of onomasiology has been reinvigorated, as many basic approaches and concepts developed in this framework are inherently based on an onomasiological perspective. Bringing together typological considerations and cognitive semantics, and linking these approaches to the achievements of the prestructuralist and structuralist traditions, diachronic cognitive onomasiology opens up multiple perspectives for further research in lexical semantics. Finally, the potential of onomasiological investigations has also gained interest in language contact research, where issues of borrowability as well as semantic and pragmatic patterns of linguistic borrowing have been studied. A broad range of further research perspectives arises from the focus on the language users and their communicative intentions, these perspectives being strongly linked to the usage-based turn in cognitive linguistics as well as to investigations at the semantics-pragmatics interface.

Elena I. Golovanova ◽  

This article considers the active processes occurring in the Russian language during the coronavirus pandemic. Specific changes in the vocabulary are described, new phenomena in lexical semantics in various spheres of communication are identified. Primary attention is given to the changes in the active vocabulary of the literary language, the sources of new words, and the assimilation of foreign borrowings that are highly relevant for communication in this period. According to the author, the most important processes taking place in the Russian language include intellectualization of the common literary language, i.e. the introduction of highly specialized terms of medicine, virology, and immunotherapy (saturation, contagiousness, antibodies, etc.); activation of a number of words due to the current events (regime, quarantine, vaccine, etc.) and expansion of their collocations; active derivational processes in the course of assimilation of loan words (covid, coronavirus, pandemic, etc.) and adaptation of existing words to the new reality (remote working, distance learning, etc.); actualization of individual lexical and grammatical categories of words (substantivized adjectives and nouns ending in -tion); dynamic processes in lexical semantics (semantic neologisms, enantiosemy); formation of multicomponent synonym sets and variants of nomination (covid, coronavirus, new coronavirus infection, etc.); widespread use of figurative names (red zone, peak in morbidity, immune response, viral load, second wave, etc.). Concrete examples show that the new reality has expanded the range of social practices, whose language reflects the values and pragmatic attitudes characteristic of the current moment.

Karen Korning Zethsen

Traditional lexical semantics focuses on the meaning of individual lexemes. Firth (1957) brought our attention to collocations and the fact that meaning is not isolated in the lexeme. In 1996 Sinclair argued for the existence of extended units of meaning which, as the expression indicates, go beyond the lexeme. In recent years Stubbs (2001b), and other corpus linguists have convincingly shown that meaning is a phraseological phenomenon to a high degree. Corpus searches allow us to study lexemes in their immediate context, study their most frequent collocates and thus help us reveal their semantic preferences (Sinclair 1987, 1996) and semantic prosodies (evaluation) (Louw 1993). Some of the findings confirm intuitions, whereas some make us aware of connotations which we have never before consciously known the existence of. In this article, I shall argue for the application of corpus-based cognitive semantics as a tool for researchers within translation studies (TS) who are particularly interested in revealing evaluative aspects of the units of meaning of source texts and their translations. What may formerly have been described as something intangible like an ‘atmosphere’, now becomes tangible because of the patterns emerging from large numbers of examples. I shall provide empirical examples in various langua ges of such evaluative patterns which are of course not automatically generated but come about as the result of computer-generated concordance lines and thorough manual analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

At this stage of the development of linguistics, proper nouns are considered to be linguistic units that are not adequately studied, and there is growing interest in proper nouns (or advertising names or commercial nominations), their structural semantics, functional semantics, linguistic culture, and psycholinguistic features, this paper for the first time conducts a comparative study of the material of confectionery product names that sell their Description of the main theoretical provisions on the concept of "ergonym", determine the on-name status of this language unit, consider and describe the names of confectionery products in terms of structure-grammar, lexical semantics and linguistic culture; conduct directional associative experiments to determine the validity of the mind actions of potential consumers on the names of confectionery products and check their informational.

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-102
Miriam Butt ◽  
Tracy Holloway King

This chapter extends the analysis for a class of adjectival agreeing adverbs (AdjAdv) found in Urdu, Sindhi, and Punjabi. It focuses on Urdu, providing new data on the distribution of AdjAdv and formalizing the Urdu agreement facts in LFG within the broader context of Urdu verbal and adjectival agreement patterns. The AdjAdvs are APs at c-structure and clausal adjuncts at f-structure. The Urdu AdjAdv agreement patterns follow those of verbal agreement rather than adjectival agreement and are additionally sensitive to lexical semantics, providing further evidence of the role of lexical semantics in Urdu morphosyntax. The new formal analysis combines several attributes of the LFG architecture including the morphology–-lexicon interface, the use of templates to capture generalizations, and the interaction of lexical semantics and syntax. It also highlights the importance of analyszing phenomena within their broader context in order to capture linguistic generalizations: The act of formalization gave rise to a number of data questions which in turn led to modification of the original generalizations.

Tsuneko Nakazawa ◽  
Rui Cao

Resultative phrases are generally believed to conform to the Direct Object Restriction: that is, they describe the direct object if verbs are transitive. However, some exceptions have occasionally been reported, and this paper investigates the problem by focusing on resultative phrases that occur with the valency alternation verbs in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. Verbs that license the locative alternation and locatum-subject alternation describe events that involve two arguments, the location and the locatum, which are perceived to concurrently undergo a change of state. It will be shown that resultative phrases with a valency alternation verb can be predicated of either argument regardless of whether it is expressed as direct object. Furthermore, resultative verbal suffixes in Mandarin, interpreted as description of either the location or the locatum, give rise to the locative alternation while their interpretation remains the same. Thus, it is claimed that in Japanese and Mandarin, the predication relation of resultative phrases is not determined by the grammatical function of arguments as generally believed, but rather by the lexical semantics of the verbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (03) ◽  
pp. 135-137

The current paper discusses the use of the neologism kanseliram in the Bulgarian language. Examples from social networks show that this verb is increasingly found in the speech of modern Bulgarians, although there is no objective need for it. The reason can be explained by the intense influx of anglicisms – a phenomenon observed in many of the modern languages that have been influenced in one way or another by Western culture. Keywords: Bulgarian language, neology, lexicology, lexical semantics

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-254
Jarosław Pacuła

In the article, the author presents the semantics of the lexeme gruby. He draws attention to the stages and mechanisms of shaping secondary meanings of the word (presenting changes from the Old Polish period to the present day). The analyses are based on the methods commonly adopted in lexical semantics. A special place in the considera­tions is given to the meaning ‘an obese, overweight person.’ The observations also concern aesthetic evaluation in language (and, partly, ethical evaluation as well), and at the same time the topic is connected with the analysis of the exponents of lexical parameterisation.

Sytniak R.M.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the views of linguists of the second half of the XX – early XXI century on the importance of synchronic and diachronic studies of lexical meaning and identify the tendency of modern linguists to consider synchrony and diachrony as components of one whole. With the help of synchronic-diachronic study of language, studies of lexical semantics are presented in an extremely wide range of works, which receive new opportunities to explain semantic processes and highlight similar dominant features in both structurally related and unrelated languages. The scientific interest of linguists can be directed both to the study of a particular morpheme and to the derivation of universal laws for the development of the lexical meaning of the world’s languages. The vast majority of studies, however, have a more or less clear distribution on the principle of synchrony and diachrony. The article highlights the current perception of diachronic research as one that consists of a number of studies of synchronous sections in the history of lexical meaning, and as a result is considered as one holistic effective study. In accordance with the purpose of the article, a general scientific method is used – an actualist method, which is based on the principle of historicism and allows modern knowledge to trace the development of certain linguistic concepts in the past and predict some trends in future theories. The methodological basis of the actualist method is the principles of historicism, causality, systematics and the principle of general connection of phenomena. As the result of the research it was established that the linguists of our time accept the idea of not confrontation, but of fruitful joint work of synchronic and diachronic research of lexical meaning, unity of synchronic description and historical reconstruction. The author concludes that from the point of view of modern linguistics, the dichotomy of synchrony and diachrony is quite conditional. Synchronous research is not opposed, but, on the contrary, is an important component of diachronic research, because diachronic analysis without synchronic one does not exist. The tacit ban on the use of language history data in synchronic analysis has been overcome.Key words: synchrony, diachrony, dichotomy, non-linguistic concept, interdependence, flexible way of thinking, scientific subjectivism. Метою статті є висвітлення поглядів мовознавців другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття на важливість синхронічних та діахронічних досліджень лексичного значення та виявлення тенденції лінгвістів сучасності розглядати синхронію та діахронію як складники одного цілого. За допомогою синхронно-діахронного вивчення мови дослідження лексичної семантики представлені надзвичайно широким діапазоном праць, що отримують нові можливості пояснення семантичних процесів та виокремлення схожих домінантних рис як у споріднених, так і у неспоріднених мовах світу. Науковий інтерес мовознавців може бути спрямований як на дослідження окремої морфеми, так і на виведення універсальних законів розви-тку лексичного значення мов світу. Більшість досліджень усе ж мають більш-менш чіткий розподіл за принципом синхронії та діахронії. У статті висвітлюється сучасне сприйняття діахронного дослідження як такого, що складається із певної кількості досліджень синхронних зрізів в історії лексичного значення, і як результат – розглядається одним цілісним ефективним дослідженням. Відповідно до мети у статті використано загальнонауковий метод – актуалістичний, який бере за основу принцип історизму і дає змогу за допомогою сучасних знань простежити розвиток певних лінгвістичних концепцій у минуло-му та передбачити деякі тенденції майбутнього розвитку відповідних теорій. Методологічну основу актуалістичного методустановлять принципи історизму, причиновості, системності та принцип загального зв’язку явищ. У результаті дослідження встановлено прийняття лінгвістами сучасності ідеї не протистояння, а плідної сумісної праці синхронного та діахронного дослідження лексичного значення, єдність синхронного опису та історичної реконструкції. Автор доходить висновку, що з погляду сучасного мовознавства дихотомія синхронії та діахронії носить досить умовний характер. Синхронне дослідження не протиставляється, а навпаки, є важливою складовою частиною діахронного дослідження, тому що діахронний аналіз без синхронного не існує. Припинено мовчазну заборону на використання даних історії мови у разі синхронного аналізу. Ключові слова: синхронія, діахронія, дихотомія, нелінгвістична концепція, взаємозумовленість, мінливий образ мислення, науковий суб’єктивізм.

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