french language learning
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2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 177-209
Khaldoon Atta Samyan ◽  

Songs are considered as an educational and a substantial dependable references used in teaching and learning, particularly the so - called foreign language learning that allows learners to adapt to the target language culture and to develop their language learning skills including: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently, it can be said that the Francophone songs with the musical richness and resonance specifically facilities French language learning skills for all levels of education and achieve short and long terms predetermined educational language learning goals. In fact, language learning through songs method does not only include the cultural, musical, and heritage content of the language but rather includes the entire rich linguistic features that enable to master social linguistic field. It exceeds topographical and political limits to attain different cultures and communities’ interference. Additionally, learning through songs and music method plays an important role in French language learning. It represents one of the French languages most significant and reliable cultural and vernacular language learning reference. Out of French language teaching experience in Iraq, it is obvious that through songs and music language learning method represents such a vital element in the learning process that facilitates and supports the classroom linguistic and educational activities. The present study considers the advantages of teaching songs in French as a foreign language learning method ( FLE ) that helps the acquisitions of the oral and written language learning skills. Résumé La chanson, présente bel et bien en force dans notre vie quotidienne. Elle est considérée comme un document authentique de qualité à exploiter dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues surtout dites secondaires ou étrangère surtout. Le présent article traite la question de l'exploitation de la chanson comme support éducatif en classe de FLE. Un usage qui ne se limite pas uniquement aux apports linguistiques mais qui renvoie aussi à des réalités de la (des) culture(s) de la francophonie. Dans l’enseignement de la langue étrangère, la chanson est considérée comme un moyen pédagogique qui permet aux apprenants de s’accommoder à la culture de la langue-cible afin de développer les quatre compétences langagières (The four skills), à savoir celles de ; la compréhension de l’oral, la compréhension de l’écrit, l’expression de l’oral et celle de l’écrit. On peut dire donc que la chanson francophone, avec sa richesse musicale et ses qualités dites ludiques où se côtoient plaisir et désir. Cet avantage procure aux apprenants de différents âges et de différents niveaux une réception fortement positive, de laquelle peut émerger une multitude de manières plausibles d’exploitation d’un tel support en classe de FLE. L'important, serait donc, l’atteinte des objectifs finaux prédéterminés à long ou à court terme. En effet, la richesse de l’apprentissage par la chanson dépasse le contenu culturel, le musical, le patrimonial pour enfermer entre ses entrailles une variété linguistique qui en fait un champ fertile d’investigation dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique. Or, elle constitue un bon messager, voire un bon étrier qui efface les frontières politico-topographique et unit les peuples francophones par le bon brassage des cultures, et ce en partant de l’idée maitresse suivante « No mans land ». Par conséquent, l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson joue un rôle colossal dans la classe de FLE et qu'il ne faut guère hésiter à l'exploiter, car il permet une connaissance adéquate de la langue et de la culture françaises ou ce qu’on peut appeler la lexiculture. Lors de notre expérience dans le domaine de l'enseignement-apprentissage de la langue française en Irak, nous avons constaté l'utilisation du support en question comme élément fondamentale qui permet le soutien des activités linguistiques et pédagogiques en classe de FLE. Dans cet article, nous tenterions de mettre en exergue les avantages de l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson en classe de FLE, voire ses impacts prétendument favorables de ce support et son exploitation pour une motivation dynamique qui permet aux apprenants d’améliorer leurs compétences langagières sur tous les plans, qu’ils soient oraux ou écrits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 319 ◽  
pp. 02008
Abdulrahman taresh yahya Omair ◽  
Abderrahim Bakkali ◽  
Norelhouda Aroui ◽  
Malika Rafiq ◽  
Abdelmajid Soulaymani ◽  

Stress qualifies both a constraining situation but also the physiological process put in place by our body to adapt it. However, the students’ period is characterized by difficulties which make this behavior very widespread. The aim is to study the state of psychological health, and determining factors. the study is carried out on 197 (80.2% of men), studying in Moroccan higher education establishments. The stress test applied is Sheldon Cohen’s, (1983) based on 10 items with 5 point ratings from “never” to “very often”. The average age of the respondents is 32.84 ± 0.586 years,. The average length of residence is 4.74 ± 0.178 years (66% of these students are married). In addition, the distribution of the respondents’ scores shows a prevalence of 57.7% (n = 113) in this category see life as a perpetual threat. The chi2 independence shows that only age has a significant influence on perceived stress (chi2 = 7.665; p <0.05). Indeed, 61.66% of respondents aged less than 35 years showed a perpetual threat against 51.31% were over 35 years old. Then, the Yemeni authorities must provide support sessions for new students about French language learning, orientation on Moroccan social and cultural life and.

Антон Іващук

The article under discussion deals with the textbooks for the French language learning used in the schools and gymnasiums of Galicia (1867–1890). The content and structure of textbooks by Jan Amborsky, August Svitkovsky and Stephanie Wechslerova have been analyzed in detail. Phonetic, grammatical and lexical material contained in the textbooks has been described. The historical and educational prerequisites that directly influenced the development of French language teaching in Galicy have been outlined. After having analyzed the textbooks for the French language learning in Galicia it was determined that during the indicated chronological period, there were three types of textbooks which were used in galician women’s schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums. Namely grammar reference books with or without exercises, readers with adapted or authentic texts and abstracts from well-known French literature and textbooks itself, which contained various texts, passages of literary works and which were used in order to teach grammar, reading, writing and translation. All found textbooks were analyzed according to the criteria created by N. Borysko. It was found that all analyzed textbooks were recommended for use in Galician women’s schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums by the Regional School Board. All the training material contained in the textbooks was in line with the main purpose of foreign language learning and the requirements of the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Religion and Education. As a result of our research, it has been proved that in the selected period of time for teaching French language they used the grammar-translation method as evidenced by particular attention to the study of grammar theory, a large number of grammar-translation type of exercises and reading literary works in French.

Riri Restiarti ◽  
Sudarwoto Sudarwoto ◽  
Neli Purwani

Dans le processus d’apprentissage du français, la plupart des élèves lisent le texte français sans comprendre le sens. Pour surmonter ce problème, la méthode brainstorming peut être appliqué pour que les élèves soient plus actifs et comprennent le contenu du texte. La méthode brainstorming oblige les élèves à donner leurs opinions afin que l’apprentissage ne soit pas dominé par des élèves intelligents. L’objectif de cette recherche est de décrire l’efficacité de l’apprentissage du français en utilisant la méthode brainstorming pour la compréhension écrite du texte descriptif pour la classe X au lycée 2 Magelang. C’est une recherche expérimentale, utilisant pre-test et post-test. Les échantillons dans cette recherche sont les élèves dans la classe X IPA 3 et X IPA 4. La technique d’échantillonnage est random sampling, pour collecter les données j’ai utilisé la documentation et le test. Cette recherche a utilisé la validité du contenu. J’ai utilisé la formule de KR 21 pour assurer la fiabilité de résultat. Je les ai analysés en utilisant de t-test. Cette recherche montre que l’utilisation de la méthode brainstorming est efficace pour la compétence de compréhension écrite du texte descriptif français pour les élèves à la classe X au lycée 2 Magelang. Le résultat de t-test montre une différence significative que tcalcul = 8.86 plus grand de ttab = 2.05. C'est-à-dire que l’apprentissage avec la méthode brainstorming est efficace pour améliorer la capacité de la compréhension écrite du texte descriptif français. In the process of French language learning, most of the students are only able to spell French text, without understanding its meaning. To overcome this problem, can be applied the brainstorming method to encourage students to be more active in understanding the content of the text. The brainstorming method requires students to argue, therefore learning is not only dominated by students who are good at it. The purpose of this research is to describe whether learning French using brainstorming method as learning method in reading descriptive text of the X grade students at SMA N 2 Magelang is effective or not. This research is an experimental research with pre-test and post-test. The population in this research is the students in Class X IPA SMA N 2 Magelang. The respondents in this study are students in X IPA 3 and X IPA 4. To collect the data is documentation and test. This research uses the content validity. Level of trust instrument is measured by the formula KR 21. The data was analyzed using the formula t-test. In addition, to know the material that understood by the students the data was analyzed using the formula effect size. This research shows that the brainstorming learning method is effective for descriptive text Reading Skills of 10th grade students of SMA N 2 Magelang. The results of the t-test shows a significant difference that tvalue more than ttable, the result is 8.6 more than 1.07. Therefore, learning by using brainstorming method is effective to improve reading skills of descriptive text in French.

LingTera ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-132
Desi Rahmawati ◽  
Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) bentuk dan jenis tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam buku ajar bahasa Prancis Écho 1, (2) sumbangan hasil kajian tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam buku ajar bahasa Prancis Écho 1 terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Prancis. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik dasar teknik sadap, dilanjutkan dengan teknik SBLC (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap) dan teknik catat. Data bentuk tindak tutur direktif dianalisis menggunakan metode agih. Untuk menganalisis jenis tindak tutur direktif digunakan metode padan pragmatis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam buku ajar bahasa Prancis Écho 1 yakni bentuk tindak tutur direktif langsung dan tindak tutur direktif tidak langsung, (2) jenis tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam buku ajar bahasa Prancis Écho 1 antara lain requestive, question, requirement,  prohibitive, permissive, dan advisory, (3) sumbangan hasil kajian tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam buku ajar bahasa Prancis Écho 1 terhadap pembelajaran bahasa yakni penggunaan strategi pembelajaran model 6R yang terdiri dari researching, reflecting, receiving, reasoning, rehearsing, dan revising. Directive speech act in French textbook Écho 1 and its contribution in French language learning AbstractThis study aims to describe (1) the forms and types of directive speech act in French textbook entitled Écho 1, and (2) the contribution of the study about directive speech in the textbook for learning French. This study refers to qualitative study. The data were gathered through observation, as the basic technique was tapping technique. Then it was followed by Uninvolved Conversation Observation Technique and combined with record technique. To analyze the forms and the types of directive speech act, the researcher used distributional and identity method respectively. The results of the study show that (1) the forms of directive speech act found in the textbook are direct speech act and indirerct speech act, (2) the types of directive speech act found in the textbook are requestive, question, requirement, prohibitive, permissive, and advisory, (3) the contribution of the study regarding directive speech act in the textbook is the use of 6R strategy in learning French consisting of researching, reflecting, receiving, reasoning, rehearsing, and revising.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Frédéric BEAUBRUN ◽  
Olivier-Serge CANDAU

RÉSUMÉ. La contribution présentée ici vise à rendre compte d’une expérimentation originale, associant apprentissage du français et création artistique, à destination d’un public d’apprenants allophones inscrits dans un centre de formation en Guadeloupe. Cette recherche expérimentale a vocation à montrer dans quelle mesure le détour artistique est susceptible de mobiliser le déjà-là culturel, linguistique et identitaire de l’apprenant. L’action de formation menée est l’occasion de découvrir un certain nombre d’objets du quotidien dont les usages (par leur fréquence, la finalité attribuée, ou la charge symbolique attribuée) diffèrent d’une culture à une autre. Chacun des apprenants est invité à interroger ses pairs sur le rapport entretenu par les autres à cet objet, en ayant soin de comparer l’usage qu’il en avait avant son arrivée en Guadeloupe, et celui qu’il en a depuis. Nous ferons ici l’hypothèse principale que la création artistique favorise une mobilisation forte de l’identité sociolinguistique de l’apprenant.  Mots-clés: Didactique du plurilinguisme, détours artistiques, français langue d’intégration, sociobiographie. ABSTRACT. This study attempts to investigate how far artistic diversion can mobilize learners’ cultural, linguistic and identity-related resources. The study is based on a French language learning session with artistic creativity for allophone migrant learners at a training centre in Guadeloupe. The aim of the activity is for migrant learners to integrate French language norms through guided reformulation work, involving exploring some everyday objects whose usage (whether frequency, ultimate purpose or symbolic meaning) differs between cultures. Learners ask their peers about their relationship with the object ; care is taken to compare their usage both before and after their arrival in Guadeloupe. The research is based on corpora consisting of interactions between allophone migrant learners positioning their point of view by bringing into play a collection of language resources in order to produce the required decisions and responses. The data obtained  aims to demonstrate the degree to which artistic diversion can mobilize learners’ cultural, linguistic and identity-related resources. The analysis shows that artistic creation is a strong motivator for learners’ sociolinguistic identity. Keywords: Plurilingual didactics, artistic diversion, French language integration, French as an integration language, sociobiography.

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