Journal of the College of languages
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Published By University Of Baghdad - College Of Languages

2074-9279, 2520-3517

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 150-160
Raad Ahmed Hassan ◽  
Lubna Hussein Salman ◽  

Argumentation is not a contemporary, yet a deep rooted intellectual phenomenon dates back to Romans and Greeks times. The argumentative elements ,the author is trying to convey to the reader, are linguistic procedures aim at persuading and being persuaded of what is true. The present study traces, through Camus’ novel The plague, the best method to construct argumentative techniques used to express the author’s deep philosophies. Résumé L’argumentation n’est pas un phénomène intellectuel nouveau, ses origines reviennent aux savants grecs et romains. Elle est une activité langagière ayant pour objectif de justifier un raisonnement en vue de persuader et convaincre l’autre. Cette argumentation est au centre des discours. Camus essaye juste de transmettre d’une manière argumentative un message au lecteur. C’est cette constatation qui sera l’objet de ce présent travail dans lequel nous allons savoir comment se construit le discours philosophique et argumentatif à travers le roman intitulé La Peste. Ensuite nous allons analyser les éléments argumentatifs que Camus met en scène pour transmettre sa philosophie à son lecteur.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Ali Hamzah Lafta ◽  

Deception is an inseparable facet of political discourse in attaining strategic political gains though compromising public opinion. However, the employment of discursive deception strategies by the policy-making institutions of think tanks has not received due attention in the literature. The current study aims at exploring how the ideologizing deception strategies are utilized by the conservative American think tank of the Washington Institute to reproduce socio-political realities and re-shape public opinion. To fulfill this task, van Dijk’s (2000) notion of ideological polarization which shows positive self-representation and negative other representation is adopted to conduct a critical discourse analysis of four Arabic texts released with the main focus on four different political topics. Results reveal the centrality of employing deception strategies for the sake of realizing political wins for establishing an ideological hegemony while simultaneously polarizing an Us against Them extreme.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 53-83
Anas Kh. Ibraheem ◽  

Many studies have been made and still concerning the field of translation. Since the mid-90's a considerable amount of researches has tackled the problem of gender and its effect on the process and the product of translation. Simon (1996, p 508) points out that when comparing women and men as translators and writers through history, women seem to be the weaker side. This paves the way to feminist movements which produce prominent studies concerning gender as a concept and translator's gender as practice on the quality and the accuracy of the translation. Flotow (in Meschia, 2012, p 1-4) outlines several issues that can be examined concerning gender and translation, these are historical studies, theoretical contemplations, translator's identity, post-colonial questions, and cultural questions. This research deals with two aspects of identity, i.e. gender: the gender of the translator (and its effect on the translation if there is any) and the gender of the evaluator of the translated text (and its effect if there is any). The aim of this paper is to find out whether there is any negative influence of the identity on the process and the product of translation. For this purpose, 40 students from the Department of Translation at Al-Ma'moon College University, in addition to 20 postgraduate, have been asked to assess and analyze through a questionnaire (that tackles the identity of both translator and evaluator) and an assessment of Shakespeare's Sonnet (no. 18) and four translated versions of it. The study remarkably shows that the gender-bias effect of the identity of the translator and the evaluator have an influence on students with 12.5% for undergraduate and 5% for postgraduate students. The majority of 87.5% and 95% believe that gender does not affect. This proves the research's hypothesis that there is a difference in the language of the two genders, yet it will not affect the gender of both of the translator and the evaluator.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 121-149
Thakaa Muttib Hussein ◽  

Jean-Paul Sartre and Badr Shakir al-Sayyabe are among the most prominent writers that critiqued the destructive role of capitalism and the patriarchal power system in the period of the Post-World War II crisis. Divided into three chapters, the present study examines two of the most eminent literary works in the history of the Western and Eastern societies in the fifties of the last decade: Jean Paul Sartre’s play : The Respectful Prostitute and Badr Shaker al-Sayyabe’s poem: The Blind Prostitute. Chapter one discusses the position of the prostitute in a patriarchal societies. Chapter two linguistically analyzes the prostitute’s behavior with men and evaluates the nature of a relationship when based on profit and loss. Such a relationship exposes the male dominance system on this social level through stigmatizing, marginalizing and depriving of her family establishing rights. Chapter Three sheds light on the prostitute’s ego and the other. In the two works, the society double standard is presented in dealing with status of a woman, rather than a man, as a prostitute, something that leads to uncover the individuality of such a character. Thus, and in addition to justly picturing prostitution as a human setback in all the western and Eastern societies, Sartre and al – Sayyab succeed in visualizing humanity decay within the perspective of the preceding decades. Résumé Jean-Paul Sartre et Badr Shakir al-Sayyabe font partie des écrivains qui ont contribué à travers leurs œuvres à critiquer le système capitaliste et la société masculine dans la période de l'après-guerre. En lisant les deux ouvrages, nous avons choisi comme sujet commun de cette étude d'analyser le statut de prostituée dans les sociétés orientale et occidentale au cours des années 1950 du siècle dernier. L'étude est divisée en trois chapitres : Le premier chapitre est basé sur la présentation du statut de la prostituée dans les communautés masculines des deux auteurs. Le deuxième chapitre analyse linguistiquement le comportement de la prostituée envers les hommes et la nature de la relation basée sur le principe du profit ou de la perte. Cette relation met d'abord en évidence la domination du système masculin sur cette partie social, le problème de la stigmatisation sociale, de la marginalisation et de la privation de son droit d'avoir et de fonder une famille. Le troisième chapitre traite la position de la prostituée entre le moi et l'autre. Dans les deux œuvres, le point de vue de la société semble être un double standard dans la condamnation de la femme comme prostituée plutôt que comme homme. Ce mécanisme nous amène à retrouver l'identité de la prostituée. Nous arrivons à conclure que le succès de Sartre et d'al-Sayyabe en présentant cette profession comme un échec humain pour les sociétés orientales et occidentales et la décadence de l'homme ou de la femme et en les dépeignant avec une perspective qui correspond aux crises du siècle dernier.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 26-52
Ala’a Jasim Obaid ◽  
Bayda Ali Al-Obaydi

The present study deals with the strategies used in the Arabic translations of the most popular genres of children’s literature; namely fairy tales and fables as an attempt to identify the best methods and strategies to be adopted in translating these genres to fulfill the ultimate purpose of enriching the children’s knowledge in addition to attracting their interest and arousing the joy sought for in every piece of literature. The study sets off from three dominating trends: the first calls for the adoption of domestication strategy of translation as the most appropriate and effective strategy in translation for children. In the same line, the second opposes using the foreignization strategy, while the third trend advocates for the joint employment of various strategies to fulfill certain requirements and needs that would be called upon within the context such as didactic purposes. Throughout the process of examining and verifying the theses of these trends, samples of translations of the genres are chosen based on the most popular and well known fairy tales and fables either circulated in written form or televised as movies or cartoons; namely Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales and Aesop’s Fables. These samples are subjected to translation quality assessment to come out with a quality statement to highlight their merits and demerits. The receptors’ (children) impact is also sought via conducting a field study that has been designed for children of two age groups defined by specialized scholars as intended receptors of the genre

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 210-232
Fatima Ali Aglan ◽  
Ali Adnan Mashosh ◽  

The present study discusses the semantic characteristics of the Russian newspapers journalistic headlines (The Russian newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" as Example"). The study traces the characteristics of the Russian newspaper headlines, its relevance to grammar, syntax, lexical items and style. These characteristics in Russian will be investigated and compared to their Arabic correspondents in the process of translation. The study also specifies the meanings and the functions of the newspaper headlines in the light of modern linguistics stressing the grammatical, lexical and stylistic aspects of headlines translation from Russian into Arabic. Journalistic headline reports a piece of information of a piece of news, presents, neutrally, new information related to the main story. The ideal headline is characterized by being composed of only few words carrying lots of significance. Its relevance to the news ought to be clear and answers several inquiries about the story, including: Who, What, When, Where, How and What for. Аннотация Статья посвящена вопросу особенности русского газетного заголовка, обусловлены нормами грамматики, лексики и стиля. Будут выявлены, какие соответствия этим особенностям существуют в русском языке. в статье будет определены значения и функций газетных заголовков в современной лингвистике. А также будет обсуждены Лексико-грамматические и стилистические аспекты при переводе заголовков с русского языка на арабский язык.. заголовок несет информацию по сопутствующей теме и предоставляет новую информацию, относящуюся к основным новостям, с полной беспристрастностью, а идеальный заголовок новости состоит из нескольких слов с множеством коннотаций, а заголовок новости отличается четкой новостной значимостью. поскольку он отвечает на ряд основных вопросов в новостях, в том числе: Кто? и что? И когда? Где? Как? Почему?

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 177-209
Khaldoon Atta Samyan ◽  

Songs are considered as an educational and a substantial dependable references used in teaching and learning, particularly the so - called foreign language learning that allows learners to adapt to the target language culture and to develop their language learning skills including: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently, it can be said that the Francophone songs with the musical richness and resonance specifically facilities French language learning skills for all levels of education and achieve short and long terms predetermined educational language learning goals. In fact, language learning through songs method does not only include the cultural, musical, and heritage content of the language but rather includes the entire rich linguistic features that enable to master social linguistic field. It exceeds topographical and political limits to attain different cultures and communities’ interference. Additionally, learning through songs and music method plays an important role in French language learning. It represents one of the French languages most significant and reliable cultural and vernacular language learning reference. Out of French language teaching experience in Iraq, it is obvious that through songs and music language learning method represents such a vital element in the learning process that facilitates and supports the classroom linguistic and educational activities. The present study considers the advantages of teaching songs in French as a foreign language learning method ( FLE ) that helps the acquisitions of the oral and written language learning skills. Résumé La chanson, présente bel et bien en force dans notre vie quotidienne. Elle est considérée comme un document authentique de qualité à exploiter dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues surtout dites secondaires ou étrangère surtout. Le présent article traite la question de l'exploitation de la chanson comme support éducatif en classe de FLE. Un usage qui ne se limite pas uniquement aux apports linguistiques mais qui renvoie aussi à des réalités de la (des) culture(s) de la francophonie. Dans l’enseignement de la langue étrangère, la chanson est considérée comme un moyen pédagogique qui permet aux apprenants de s’accommoder à la culture de la langue-cible afin de développer les quatre compétences langagières (The four skills), à savoir celles de ; la compréhension de l’oral, la compréhension de l’écrit, l’expression de l’oral et celle de l’écrit. On peut dire donc que la chanson francophone, avec sa richesse musicale et ses qualités dites ludiques où se côtoient plaisir et désir. Cet avantage procure aux apprenants de différents âges et de différents niveaux une réception fortement positive, de laquelle peut émerger une multitude de manières plausibles d’exploitation d’un tel support en classe de FLE. L'important, serait donc, l’atteinte des objectifs finaux prédéterminés à long ou à court terme. En effet, la richesse de l’apprentissage par la chanson dépasse le contenu culturel, le musical, le patrimonial pour enfermer entre ses entrailles une variété linguistique qui en fait un champ fertile d’investigation dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique. Or, elle constitue un bon messager, voire un bon étrier qui efface les frontières politico-topographique et unit les peuples francophones par le bon brassage des cultures, et ce en partant de l’idée maitresse suivante « No mans land ». Par conséquent, l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson joue un rôle colossal dans la classe de FLE et qu'il ne faut guère hésiter à l'exploiter, car il permet une connaissance adéquate de la langue et de la culture françaises ou ce qu’on peut appeler la lexiculture. Lors de notre expérience dans le domaine de l'enseignement-apprentissage de la langue française en Irak, nous avons constaté l'utilisation du support en question comme élément fondamentale qui permet le soutien des activités linguistiques et pédagogiques en classe de FLE. Dans cet article, nous tenterions de mettre en exergue les avantages de l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson en classe de FLE, voire ses impacts prétendument favorables de ce support et son exploitation pour une motivation dynamique qui permet aux apprenants d’améliorer leurs compétences langagières sur tous les plans, qu’ils soient oraux ou écrits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 161-176
Rayyan Hussien Ali ◽  
Jinan Mohammed Watheq ◽  

Political Discourse Analysis is an important linguistic study approach used by politicians to gain people support. The present paper sheds light on the figures of speech of emphasis in the televised debate between the two presidential elections candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the distinctive effect they add to the political discourse to win general public support as well as the presidential elections. The present paper provides a rudimentary definition and an analysis of the terms “discourse” and “political discourse” and traces the significant role played by politically directed televised Media and internet to support political parties through broadcasting political events. Through conducting an analytical study, the paper considers the discourse analysis concept that aims at deconstructing the speech modules to attain the required speech purpose. Part of the present study theoretical approach, the paper terms and clarifies all types of Figures of speech used by politicians to create a publically stronger luminous witty and emotional impact. As for the paper practical approach, it sheds light on the stressing effect of four types figure of emphasis in French and the impact created on the political discourse. Thus, it can be remarked that both candidates particularly Macron has made use of the figures of speech in his political discourse, specifically after winning the presidential elections. Pun or paronomasia, repetition and accumulation in comparison with redundancy are impressively used in Macron’s political discourse to win public support. Résumé L’analyse du discours politique a un écho large dans les études linguistiques. Les politiciens essayaient d’utiliser le langage pour attirer l’attention de leur public à leurs décisions. Dans cette recherche, nous parlons du rôle des figures d’insistance entre les deux candidats aux élections présidentielles, Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen. Notre mission est de découvrir l’impact de ces figures dont les candidats ont profité afin de gagner les élections. Ces figures donnent au texte une expression particulière dans le but de convaincre les gens. De plus, nous définissons en générale le terme «discours» en expliquant l’analyse du discours politique, puis nous montrons l’effet des médias sur la politique en transmettant les événements selon l’intérêt du politicien qui les soutient. Ensuite, nous abordons le concept d'analyse du discours et son objectif de déconstruire les éléments essentiels du discours en menant une étude analytique. Sa tâche principale est de séparer les facteurs qui forment la parole afin d'atteindre le but du discours. En ce qui concerne le cadre théorique, nous étudions quatre types de figures d’insistance et leur effet de renforcer le texte qui se base en premier lieu sur le style et la capacité d’utiliser les méthodes rhétoriques. Enfin, nous trouvons que les deux candidats profitent des figures d’insistance et surtout Macron après avoir remporté les élections. Nous constatons que l’anaphore, la répétition et l’accumulation sont plus utilisés que la redondance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Muafak M.J. Almusleh Al-Jubouri ◽  

Based on the German language department’s theoretical and practical aspects as well as educational programs, the present study discusses the semantic relations in text sentences and their role in the science of translation. Through clarifying the semantic relationship between the text sentence and the methods used to express a news item, a situation or an occurrence and through the statement of the multiple theoretical semantic structures of the text’s construction and interrelation, a translator can easily translate a text into the target language. It is known that language learners face multiple difficulties in writing and creating an integrated, coherent and intelligible text, and the reason for this is their lack of knowledge of semantic relations. Deutsch In dieser Forschungsarbeit gehen die folgenden theoretischen Ausführungen im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten didaktischen Bemerkungen, die im Laufe des Lehrprozesses aufgetreten sind, der Frage der semantischen Relationen in Satzperspektiven nach. Berücksichtigt wurde dabei überdies das Lehrprogramm in der irakischen Germanistikabteilung. Daher besteht das Hauptpostulat dieser wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung in dem Versuch, dieses sprachliche Phänomen im Übersetzen und dessen vielseitige Varianten darzulegen sowie dessen Anwendbarkeit in den Verhandlungen, im praktischen Leben und im Umgang mit den ausländischen Firmen etc. zu klären.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (45) ◽  
pp. 84-107
Rimah Muhy Majeed ◽  

This paper aims at studying the illocutionary speech acts: direct and indirect to show the most dominant ones in a presidential speech delivered by the USA president. The speech is about the most critical health issue in the world, COVID-19 outbreak. A descriptive qualitative study was conducted by observing the first speech delivered by president Trump concerning coronavirus outbreak and surveying the illocutionary acts: directive, declarative, commissive, expressive, and representative. Searle's (1985) classification of illocutionary speech acts is adopted in the analysis. What are the main types of the illocutionary speech acts performed by Trump in his speech?; Why does Trump perform illocutionary acts?; and What is the purpose behind using the most dominant acts? The study is of significant value as it displays how the USA's leader addresses his people linguistically using the illocutionary acts. It helps to understand how language is used to deal with certain actions and how it affects the hearers’ viewpoints. The study concludes that two types of illocutionary acts show a significant frequency of occurrence: representatives and declarative. Such result appears due to the purpose behind the discourse under analysis. The other three types of illocutionary acts are of very low frequency. The purpose of the speech and the identity of the figure who delivers it significantly influence the choice of the illocutionary acts. Since the figure who delivers the speech is the president, he has the authority to declare the issue, give instructions concerning the actions that will be taken in the light of this issue and clarify the situation.

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