school attitude
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Lidon Moliner ◽  
Francisco Alegre ◽  
Alberto Cabedo-Mas ◽  
Oscar Chiva-Bartoll

This study presents the development and validation of a scale for Primary Education students that measures social well-being. A seven-factor structure was defined, with the factors being: achievement, cooperation, cohesion, coexistence, attitude towards school, attitude towards diversity and solidarity. 14 experts from independent European universities participated in the validation process of the scale. The 38-item scale showed considerable reliability (Cronbach’s alpha =0.91). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the original seven-factor structure with consistent goodness and badness of fit indexes. The promising results in this study suggest that this scale may be suitable for an international audience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Riska Umami Lia Sari ◽  
Raja Oloan Tumanggor ◽  
P. Tommy Y. S Suyasa

Self-perception of academic ability is outlook that students have about their abilities in terms of learning activities or in completing school assignments. One of the reasons for the importance of self-perception of academic ability is to be a factor that can motivate students in learning activities. This study aims to determine whether self-perception of academic ability is predicted by the role of student burnout and student engagement. This study was conducted using convenience sampling on high school students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The number of participants was 96 Tangerang City Senior High School students, aged 16 to 18 years. This study uses the School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised to measure self-perception of academic ability, the Burnout Inventory to measure student burnout and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 to measure student engagement. Based on the test results using the multiple regression method, it was found that self-perception of academic ability was predicted significantly by student burnout (β = -0.242) and student engagement (β = 0.564). With the results of this study, it is hoped that educators can anticipate learning activities to foster student engagement. With higher student engagement, students' self-perception of academic ability will be more positive. For students, the results of this study are expected as initial information to be more aware of the burnout conditions experienced. Burnout conditions can predict students' view of academic ability to be negative. Self-perception of academic ability merupakan pandangan yang dimiliki siswa mengenai kemampuan dalam hal kegiatan belajar atau dalam menyelesaikan tugas – tugas sekolah. Salah satu alasan pentingnya self-perception of academic ability yaitu menjadi faktor yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah self-perception of academic ability diprediksi oleh peran student burnout dan student engagement. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan convenience sampling pada siswa SMA di Masa Pandemik Covid-19. Jumlah partisipan sebesar 96 siswa SMA Kota Tangerang, berusia 16 hingga 18 tahun. Menggunakan alat ukur School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised untuk mengukur self-perception of academic ability, alat ukur Maslach Burnout Inventory untuk mengukur student burnout dan untuk alat ukur Utrecht Work Engagement  Scale-9 digunakan untuk mengukur student engagement. Berdasarkan hasil uji dengan menggunakan metode regresi berganda didapatkan hasil bahwa self-perception of academic ability diprediksi secara signifikan oleh student burnout (β = -0.242) dan student engagement (β = 0.564). Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan para pendidik dapat mengantisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar untuk menumbuhkan student engagement. Dengan student engagement yang semakin tinggi, self-perception of academic ability pada siswa akan semakin positif. Bagi siswa hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai informasi awal agar lebih waspada terhadap kondisi burnout yang dialami. Kondisi burnout dapat memprediksi pandangan siswa terhadap kemampuan akademik menjadi negatif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-282
Miroslava Dragoslavova ◽  

The dynamic changes in all life spheres and their influence on modern society impose the need of a new type of education that can focus not only on students’ academic achievements, but also to develop their personal qualities and socialisation. In this case emotional intelligence and social abilities are key skills in the 21st century and their development on students will support their personal growth, well-being, adaptation and realisation of the rapidly changing world. Socio-emotional studies are a part of the educational programs in many countries. In recent years it has also gained wide popularity in Bulgaria, but still the emphasis in our educational system to monitor the educational progress of students and their mastery of their academic knowledge. The present survey’s aim is to analyse the attitude of both students and parents towards socio-emotional studies at school, integrated in regular classes through the innovative subject ,,Me and the others“ in elementary state, to outline the prospects and benefits of socio-emotional teaching. The analysis of the obtained results revealed a positive attitude and a high level of interest of the respondents towards the development of emotional intelligence and social skills at school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 1005-1030
Vicente Amor López Carrión ◽  
Sheyla Blumen ◽  
Ana Belén García Berbén

El diseño de programas de actividades orientados a desarrollar los talentos del alumnado en los primeros años de escolaridad es un tema de actualidad en la literatura educativa. El presente estudio persigue encontrar evidencias que permitan aplicar un programa de enriquecimiento en línea, orientado a potenciar la motivación y la implicación académica del alumnado con altas capacidades intelectuales (AACC). La muestra del estudio se compone de 60 alumnos/as con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 12 años, provenientes de un centro de Educación Primaria de Lima (Perú). Los instrumentos utilizados para la evaluación de las variables han sido la escala SAAS-R (School Attitude Assessment-Revised) y una rúbrica de elaboración propia, revisada por expertos. Finalmente se discuten los resultados y se concluye con algunas propuestas para la mejora del programa.

Ahmad Ahmadi ◽  
Roohallah Fathabadi ◽  
Morteza Bakhtiarvand

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aesthetics based teaching on students' attitudes toward school. This is an all-experimental study of pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of sixth grade students in schools Fardis in the academic year of 1997-98 was. The sampling method was simple random and the selected students were divided into experimental and control groups. The sample size was determined using Morgan table and the number of sample people in each group was 16. Experimental science course was taught in the experimental group by aesthetic teaching method and in the control group by traditional teaching method. To assess the attitude towards school, McCoach (2003) school attitude questionnaire (SAAS-R) was used with a reliability of 0.96. The obtained data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. The results showed that the level of attitude towards school in students who took the sixth grade experimental sciences course with aesthetic methods was different from the students who learned this course with the usual teaching methods in schools. Therefore, the aesthetic method can play a role as an active and effective method in students' academic achievement in science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-270
Ridha Rachmathiany ◽  
Byba Melda Suhita ◽  
Nurdina Nurdina

Boarding school in Indonesia still a lot of problem that are so classic that is about the health of students and problem with diseases. Boarding school must cooperate with health authorities to coaching health for the students,  so that the pattern of living behavior is clean and healthy for the students and communities in the boarding schools and their environmental communities. The purpose of the research is exploration factors that influence on PHBS student female Boarding School Al-Huda Kediri City based on the theory of Health Belief Model. The design of research used qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection uses in-depth interview techniques (in depth interview) with semi -structured questions with samples of 16 informant. From result research shows the science of PHBS is ignorance. PHBS student female is an indicator PHBS boarding school has not been fulfilled. PHBS are important to implement at boarding school. While information about PHBS is require in boarding school. Attitude  of  PHBS student  female  is  implementing a picket schedule. Obstacles doing PHBS is the individual's own attitude. Management of boarding school gives attention to PHBS. Management of boarding school  gives information about PHBS. Management of  boarding school help students about PHBS at boarding school. Importance  of support from boarding schools. There are motivation yourself to increase PHBS. Importance of the motivation from friends /management  boarding school to increase PHBS. Based on the research it needs to be done further research on environmental health in boarding schools.

Βασιλική Μπελογιάννη ◽  
Δημήτριος Ζμπάινος

Η ακαδημαϊκή υποεπίδοση, ως το φαινόμενο κατά το οποίο ένας μαθητής παρουσιάζει μειωμένα ακαδημαϊκά επιτεύγματα σε σχέση με αυτά που υπόσχεται το νοητικό του δυναμικό, αποτελεί ένα δυσεπίλυτο πρόβλημα της εκπαίδευσης διεθνώς. Αν και η υποεπίδοση αφορά μαθητές από όλο το φάσμα των σχολικών ικανοτήτων, οι επιπτώσεις της τείνουν να είναι εμφανέστερες κι ευρύτερες σε ορισμένες ομάδες μαθητών, όπως τα άτομα με υψηλές ικανότητες μάθησης. Μολονότι η ακαδημαϊκή υποεπίδοση αναφέρεται σταθερά στη βιβλιογραφία ως ένα από τα συχνότερα προβλήματα του εκπαιδευτικού χώρου, τα ερευνητικά δεδομένα γύρω από τη συχνότητα ή τα αίτια εμφάνισής της στον μαθητικό πληθυσμό παραμένουν περιορισμένα και αντιφατικά. Υπό αυτό το πρίσμα, η παρούσα έρευνα αποσκοπεί σε έναν πρώτο εντοπισμό μαθητών υψηλών ικανοτήτων με υποεπίδοση, αλλά και στη διερεύνηση του ρόλου των στάσεων τους απέναντι στο σχολείο στην εμφάνιση μη αναμενόμενης χαμηλής ακαδημαϊκής επίδοσης. Προς το σκοπό αυτό 519 μαθητές Γυμνασίου από δημόσια σχολεία της Αθήνας κλήθηκαν να συμπληρώσουν τις Προοδευτικές Μήτρες του Raven (Raven Standard Progressive Matrices), το Ερωτηματολόγιο Αξιολόγησης των Στάσεων απέναντι στο Σχολείο (School Attitude Assessment Survey), ενώ δεδομένα γύρω από την ακαδημαϊκή τους επίδοση αντλήθηκαν από τις καρτέλες των σχολικών τους βαθμών. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι 76 μαθητές παρουσίαζαν σημαντική ακαδημαϊκή υποεπίδοση, ενώ 15 εξ αυτών έφεραν υψηλές ικανότητες μάθησης. Επιπλέον αναλύσεις κατέδειξαν την ύπαρξη στατιστικά σημαντικών διαφορών s τα κίνητρα και την αυτορρύθμιση μεταξύ μαθητών μαθητές υψηλών ικανοτήτων με και χωρίς υποεπίδοση, χωρίς ωστόσο να εντοπίζονται άλλες διαφορές στις στάσεις τους απέναντι στο σχολείο. Συμπερασματικά, τα μειωμένα κίνητρα και η ελλιπής αυτορρύθμιση φαίνεται να συνδέονται με την εμφάνιση υποεπίδοσης σε άτομα υψηλών ικανοτήτων με τον ακριβή ρόλο τους ωστόσο να χρήζει περαιτέρω διερεύνησης.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-41
Cristina Cătălina Tudorie

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si existe diferencia significativa de actitudes hacia la escuela entre los estudiantes que estudian un instrumento musical y los que no lo hacen, en una muestra de 110 alumnos de entre 8 y 15 años del condado de Giurgiu, Rumania. Para la medición de la actitud hacia la escuela se utilizó el instrumento denominado School Attitude Assessment Survey. Una prueba t de Student para muestras independientes, mostró que existe una diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos. El estudiar la ejecución de un instrumento musical tuvo un impacto benéfico y promovió una actitud positiva hacia la escuela.

2020 ◽  
Lidon Moliner ◽  
Francisco Alegre ◽  
Alberto Cabedo ◽  
Óscar Chiva

This study presents the development and validation of a scale for Primary Education students that measures social well-being. A seven-factor structure was defined, with the factors being: achievement, cooperation, cohesion, coexistence, attitude towards school, attitude towards diversity and solidarity. 14 experts from independent European universities participated in the validation process of the scale. A substantial degree of agreement was reached by the experts (Fleiss' kappa = .74). The 38-item scale showed considerable reliability (Cronbach’s alpha =.91). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the original seven-factor structure with consistent goodness and badness of fit indexes. Responses by 486 students from five different schools in 3rd to 6th grades (ages 9 to 12) were analysed by factors, gender, age and schools. Strong relationships were found between several factors. The promising results in this study suggest that this scale may be suitable for an international audience regardless of the participants’ gender, age or school.

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