student burnout
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Myriam Rudaz ◽  
Thomas Ledermann ◽  
Frank D. Fincham

Balázs Jagodics ◽  
Éva Szabó

AbstractStudent burnout is a serious problem in higher education. It is associated with harmful consequences, such as decreased engagement, performance, and motivation, which can lead to dropout. The job demand-resource model of burnout is a comprehensive framework to grasp the factors related to the emergence of burnout. Although numerous studies claim its suitability in explaining burnout in work environments, its applicability in the educational context is less explored. The study aimed to analyze the structure and reliability of the newly developed University Demand-Resource Questionnaire (UDRQ) and to explore the links between its subscales and symptoms of student burnout. Using the online survey method, 743 Hungarian undergraduate students participated in the data collection. The student version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used in addition to the UDRQ. In the data analysis procedure, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were utilized. The confirmatory factor analysis identified a five-factor structure related to both demands and resources. Correlation analysis revealed burnout to be associated positively to the subscales of demands and negatively to resources. Structural equation modeling analysis indicated that all five demands and two resources subscales can be used to build a model that predicts a significant proportion of the variance of student burnout scores. The findings suggest the demand-resource theory is an appropriate framework to predict burnout in higher education. The newly developed UDRQ has stable structure and good reliability and can be a useful tool in subsequent research related to student burnout.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 112-122
Belinda Ramos ◽  
Gemlee Baptista ◽  
Lorna Fulong ◽  
Jose Sabaulan

Student burnout is a concept born out of the occupational syndrome of working adults. In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and shift of learning from face-to-face to online, people have experienced mental health issues in terms of burnout, especially among college students. With no mental health program in place in many higher education institutions, there is a need to find out students' burnout risks and status. This study used a modified survey questionnaire from the American Public Welfare Association to determine the burnout risks of the 245 student participants of a university in the northern Philippines. Results showed that the participants have moderate to high risks for burnout, especially the female students. These students already need interventional measures to combat their present mental health problems. It is thus recommended that future researchers be done on burnout that studies the different student constructs of burnout to formulate a more comprehensive mental health program specifically designed for students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 979
Anastasia Ratnawati Biromo ◽  
Vera Ariani ◽  
Muhammad Rizal Permana

Online learning methods still confuse students into being passive, less creative, and more productive in their academic saturation. Student burnout conditions need to be assessed and addressed so that online learning can be accepted by students without causing fatigue, incompetence, or reducing the essence of discouraging students in learning. Lack of knowledge and information about burnout in students in Indonesia, burnout in the world of education has not received much attention. Counseling activities with a soul-healthy theme learn online to add insight into extension participants about burnout and prevent burnout. There was an increase in the knowledge of counseling participants about healthy online learning by 13.8% then counseling participants increased insights related to burnout, how to overcome it and healthy souls during online learning. Counseling about healthy souls during online learning is a form of increasing insight into burnout and how to overcome it, this activity was attended by 31 participants and implemented well on November 7, 2021. It is necessary to do counseling activities with burnout material continuously because burnout cases in the academic field must occur a lot among students.Metode pembelajaran online masih membingungkan siswa menjadi pasif, kurang kreatif, dan lebih produktif dalam kejenuhan akademiknya. Kondisi burnout siswa perlu dinilai dan disikapi agar pembelajaran online dapat diterima oleh siswa tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan, ketidakmampuan, atau mengurangi esensi mengecilkan hati siswa dalam belajar. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi tentang burnout pada siswa di Indonesia, burnout dalam dunia pendidikan belum banyak mendapat perhatian. Kegiatan penyuluhan dengan tema sehat jiwa belajar daring untuk menambah wawasan peserta penyuluhan tentang burnout dan mencegah burnout. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta penyuluhan tentang sehat jiwa belajar daring sebesar 13.8% maka peserta penyuluhan bertambah wawasan terkait burnout, cara mengatasinya serta sehat jiwa selama pembelajaran daring. Penyuluhan tentang sehat jiwa selama pembelajaran daring adalah suatu bentuk penambahan wawasan tentang burnout serta cara mengatasinya, kegiatan ini dihadiri 31 peserta dan dilaksanakan dengan baik pada   tanggal 7 November 2021. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan penyuluhan dengan materi burnout secara berkesinambungan karena kasus burnout dalam bidang akademis pasti banyak terjadi dikalangan mahasiswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Riska Umami Lia Sari ◽  
Raja Oloan Tumanggor ◽  
P. Tommy Y. S Suyasa

Self-perception of academic ability is outlook that students have about their abilities in terms of learning activities or in completing school assignments. One of the reasons for the importance of self-perception of academic ability is to be a factor that can motivate students in learning activities. This study aims to determine whether self-perception of academic ability is predicted by the role of student burnout and student engagement. This study was conducted using convenience sampling on high school students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The number of participants was 96 Tangerang City Senior High School students, aged 16 to 18 years. This study uses the School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised to measure self-perception of academic ability, the Burnout Inventory to measure student burnout and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 to measure student engagement. Based on the test results using the multiple regression method, it was found that self-perception of academic ability was predicted significantly by student burnout (β = -0.242) and student engagement (β = 0.564). With the results of this study, it is hoped that educators can anticipate learning activities to foster student engagement. With higher student engagement, students' self-perception of academic ability will be more positive. For students, the results of this study are expected as initial information to be more aware of the burnout conditions experienced. Burnout conditions can predict students' view of academic ability to be negative. Self-perception of academic ability merupakan pandangan yang dimiliki siswa mengenai kemampuan dalam hal kegiatan belajar atau dalam menyelesaikan tugas – tugas sekolah. Salah satu alasan pentingnya self-perception of academic ability yaitu menjadi faktor yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah self-perception of academic ability diprediksi oleh peran student burnout dan student engagement. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan convenience sampling pada siswa SMA di Masa Pandemik Covid-19. Jumlah partisipan sebesar 96 siswa SMA Kota Tangerang, berusia 16 hingga 18 tahun. Menggunakan alat ukur School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised untuk mengukur self-perception of academic ability, alat ukur Maslach Burnout Inventory untuk mengukur student burnout dan untuk alat ukur Utrecht Work Engagement  Scale-9 digunakan untuk mengukur student engagement. Berdasarkan hasil uji dengan menggunakan metode regresi berganda didapatkan hasil bahwa self-perception of academic ability diprediksi secara signifikan oleh student burnout (β = -0.242) dan student engagement (β = 0.564). Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan para pendidik dapat mengantisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar untuk menumbuhkan student engagement. Dengan student engagement yang semakin tinggi, self-perception of academic ability pada siswa akan semakin positif. Bagi siswa hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai informasi awal agar lebih waspada terhadap kondisi burnout yang dialami. Kondisi burnout dapat memprediksi pandangan siswa terhadap kemampuan akademik menjadi negatif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Abdullah Alqifari ◽  
Mashael Alghidani ◽  
Ruba Almazyad ◽  
Aljowharah Alotaibi ◽  
Wijdan A. Alharbi ◽  

Abstract Background Burnout, defined as mental and physical exhaustion, has been an issue for many medical students. Medical student burnout is associated with many factors such as academic pressure, sleep deprivation, exposure to patient suffering, and high academic demand. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of burnout symptoms among preclinical and clinical medical students studying at Qassim University in Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Results Three hundred thirty-six subjects entered the final data analysis with a majority between 18 and 24 years of age, of whom 56.5% was females and 43.5% was males. The overall burnout prevalence was 8%. The female gender was a significant predictor of emotional exhaustion and personal efficacy, (OR = 2.510; 95% Cl [1.845–3.415]; p value 0.000) and (OR = 1.434; 95% Cl [1.086–1.866]; p value 0.010), respectively. Conclusion Among medical students, burnout is common. The impact of gender on burnout was noticed; female gender was a significant predictor of emotional exhaustion and personal efficacy. Medical education style had no impact on burnout levels among medical students.

Jagodics Balázs ◽  
Kóródi Kitti ◽  
Szabó Éva

Háttér és célkitűzésekA felnőttek munkahelyi kiégésének vizsgálata mellett egyre nagyobb szerepet kap a problémakör iskolai vonatkozásának feltárása is. Tanulmányunk célja a Salmela-Aro és munkatársai (2008, 2009) által kidolgozott Diák Kiégés Kérdőív hazai változatának tesztelése volt.MódszerMagyar általános és középiskolás, 13–18 éves (M = 15,3 év; SD = 2,01) diákokból álló mintán (Náltalános iskola = 337; Nközépiskola = 738) ellenőriztük a kérdőív szerkezetét, belső konzisztenciáját, illetve a diák kiégés kapcsolatát demográfiai és pszichológiai jellegű változókkal.EredményekA feltáró és megerősítő faktorelemzés szerint az eredetivel megegyező, háromfaktoros struktúra jellemző a kérdőívre, amelyet az érzelmi kimerülés, a cinizmus és az alkalmatlanságérzés alskálák alkotnak. A kiégés kérdőíven a nemek között nem találtunk különbséget, iskolatípus tekintetében pedig csak a cinizmus alskálán különböztek az általános és középiskolás diákok pontszámai. A tanulmányi eredmény negatív összefüggést mutatott a kiégéssel, hasonlóan az önértékeléshez, az iskolai kötődéshez és a közelítő-elsajátító célorientációhoz. Az elkerülő célorientáció gyenge pozitív együtt járást mutatott a kiégéspontszámmal. A hierarchikus regresszióelemzés szerint a Diák Kiégés Kérdőív alskálái a célorientációs kérdőív dimenzióival együtt az önértékelés varianciájának 50,3%-át képesek megmagyarázni.KövetkeztetésekAz eredmények alapján kialakított nyolctételes kérdőív alkalmasnak tűnik a diák kiégés mérésére, illetve azon belül az érzelmi kimerülés, a cinizmus és az alkalmatlanságérzés tüneteinek elkülönítésére. Ugyanakkor a Cronbach-alfa-mutatók alapján utóbbi két alskála belső megbízhatósága csak elfogadható mértékű, emiatt a kérdőívet egydimenziós skálaként ajánljuk használni. A kérdőív alkalmas lehet további feltáró kutatásokban való alkalmazásra, illetve hasznos segédeszköz lehet az iskolapszichológiai gyakorlat számára is.Background and goalsDue to the prevalence of burnout-syndrome, research on this phenomenon is becoming increasingly important. As a result, beside examining the burnout-syndrome among adults, it is also important to explore the problem in the schools. The aim of our research is exploring the structure of the Hungarian version of the Student Burnout Inventory (Salmela-Aro et al., 2008, 2009).MethodsThe participants were Hungarian primary (N = 337) and secondary school students (N = 738), between the age 13 and 18 (M =15,3 years, SD = 2,01). We checked the structure of the questionnaire, the internal consistency and the connections between student burnout and other demographic and psychological factors.ResultsAccording to the exploratory and the confirmatory factor analysis, the three-factor structure of the questionnaire is the same as the original, which consists of three subscales: emotional exhaustion, cynicism and sense of inadequacy. There was no difference between the the boys and the girls in the overall burnout score, and in the case of school-type the scores of primary and secondary school students differed only on the subscale of cynicism. The academic achievement correlated negatively with the burnout, as well as the self-esteem, school attachment and mastery-approach goal orientation. The avoidance goal orientation showed positive correlation with the overall burnout score. The hierarchical regression analysis established that the subscales of the Student Burnout Inventory and the dimensions of the goal orientation could predict the level of the self-esteem, with 50,3% of the explained variability.ConclusionBased on the results, the Hungarian version of the Student Burnout Inventory with 8 items is appropriate for measuring student burnout, and for separating the symptoms of emotional exhaustion, cynism and sense of inadequacy. Based on the Cronbach-alfa indicators, the reliability of two of the sub-scales are only acceptable. Therefore we advise to use the questionnaire as a unidimensional scale. The questionnaire may be suitable for further exploratory research or can be an useful tool for school psychologist as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 291-299
Martyna Nowińska ◽  
Magdalena Kozyra ◽  
Przemysław Raczkiewicz ◽  
Marlena Kaczerska ◽  
Natalia Śmiech ◽  

Introduction: Burnout is characterised by a triad of emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and a decreased sense of accomplishment. Distress during medical school can lead to burnout, with significant consequences, particularly if burnout continues into residency and beyond. There is a lot of research into burnout and the authors reviewed literature pertaining to medical student burnout, its prevalence, and its relationship to personal, environmental, demographic and psychiatric factors.The aim of the study: Paying attention to the correlation between academic lifestyle and occurrence burnout among medical students.Material and method: The research was done by the usage of the PubMed and Google Scholar articles about the topic of: burnout; stress; medical students; behaviour.Description of the state of knowledge: The educational process brings a considerable amount of stress to medical students that can influence mental health status and contribute to further professional burnout. According to various studies and definitions of occupational burnout, this phenomenon is observed in up to 76% of medical students. Research has identified associations between burnout and lifestyle health behaviours. Also relationship between the occurrence of burnout and suicide attempts has been demonstrated. In turn spirituality has been positively influence well-being and to prevent burnout.Summary: Undoubtedly, it is worth paying attention to the phenomenon of occupational burnout among students from the first years of medical studies. Universities should make efforts to reduce the risk of the occurrence and further development of burnout, which may have negative effects in the future work with the patient.

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