gluon distributions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Aleksi Kurkela ◽  
Aleksas Mazeliauskas ◽  
Robin Törnkvist

Abstract Motivated by recent interest in collectivity in small systems, we calculate the harmonic flow response to initial geometry deformations within weakly coupled QCD kinetic theory using the first correction to the free-streaming background. We derive a parametric scaling formula that relates harmonic flow in systems of different sizes and different generic initial gluon distributions. We comment on similarities and differences between the full QCD effective kinetic theory and the toy models used previously. Finally we calculate the centrality dependence of the integrated elliptic flow v2 in oxygen-oxygen, proton-lead and proton-proton collision systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (9) ◽  
A. D. Bolognino ◽  
F. G. Celiberto ◽  
D. Yu. Ivanov ◽  
A. Papa ◽  
W. Schäfer ◽  

AbstractWe study cross sections for the exclusive diffractive leptoproduction of $$\rho $$ ρ -mesons, $$\gamma ^*~p~\rightarrow ~\rho ~p$$ γ ∗ p → ρ p , within the framework of high-energy factorization. Cross sections for longitudinally and transversally polarized mesons are shown. We employ a wide variety of unintegrated gluon distributions available in the literature and compare to HERA data. The resulting cross sections strongly depend on the choice of unintegrated gluon distribution. We also present predictions for the proton target in the kinematics of the Brookhaven EIC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
Salvatore Calì ◽  
Krzysztof Cichy ◽  
Piotr Korcyl ◽  
Piotr Kotko ◽  
Krzysztof Kutak ◽  

AbstractIn the high energy limit of hadron collisions, the evolution of the gluon density in the longitudinal momentum fraction can be deduced from the Balitsky hierarchy of equations or, equivalently, from the nonlinear Jalilian–Marian–Iancu–McLerran–Weigert–Leonidov–Kovner (JIMWLK) equation. The solutions of the latter can be studied numerically by using its reformulation in terms of a Langevin equation. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of systematic effects associated with the numerical framework, in particular the ones related to the inclusion of the running coupling. We consider three proposed ways in which the running of the coupling constant can be included: “square root” and “noise” prescriptions and the recent proposal by Hatta and Iancu. We implement them both in position and momentum spaces and we investigate and quantify the differences in the resulting evolved gluon distributions. We find that the systematic differences associated with the implementation technicalities can be of a similar magnitude as differences in running coupling prescriptions in some cases, or much smaller in other cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
Chengdong Han ◽  
Gang Xie ◽  
Rong Wang ◽  
Xurong Chen

AbstractWe present pion and kaon parton distribution functions from a global QCD analysis of the experimental data within the framework of dynamical parton model. We use the DGLAP equations with parton–parton recombination corrections and the valence input of uniform distribution which maximizes the information entropy. At our input scale $$Q_0^2$$ Q 0 2 , there are no sea quark and gluon distributions. All the sea quarks and gluons of the pion and the kaon are completely generated from the parton splitting processes. The mass-dependent parton splitting kernel is applied for the strange quark distribution in the kaon. The obtained valence quark and sea quark distributions at high $$Q^{2}$$ Q 2 ($$Q^2>5$$ Q 2 > 5 GeV$$^2$$ 2 ) are compatible with the existed experimental measurements. Furthermore, the asymptotic behaviours of parton distribution functions at small and large x have been studied for both the pion and the kaon. Lastly, the first three moments of parton distributions at high $$Q^{2}$$ Q 2 scale are calculated, which are consistent with other theoretical predictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
Craig D. Roberts

AbstractThe visible Universe is largely characterised by a single mass scale, namely, the proton mass, mp. Contemporary theory suggests that mp emerges as a consequence of gluon self-interactions, which are a defining characteristic of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions in the Standard Model. However, the proton is not elementary. Its mass appears as a corollary of other, more basic emergent phenomena latent in the QCD Lagrangian, e.g. generation of nuclear-size gluon and quark mass-scales, and a unique effective charge that may describe QCD interactions at all accessible momentum scales. These remarks are explained herein, and focusing on the distribution amplitudes and functions of π and K mesons, promising paths for their empirical verification are elucidated. Connected therewith, in anticipation that production of J/ψ-mesons using π and K beams can provide access to the gluon distributions in these pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone modes, predictions for all π and K distribution functions are provided at the scale ζ=mJ/ψ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (3) ◽  
Raza Sabbir Sufian ◽  
Tianbo Liu ◽  
Arpon Paul

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
Rafał Maciuła ◽  
Antoni Szczurek

Abstract We discuss the role of intrinsic charm (IC) in the nucleon for forward production of c-quark (or $$ \overline{c} $$ c ¯ -antiquark) in proton-proton collisions for low and high energies. The calculations are performed in collinear-factorization approach with on-shell partons, kT-factorization approach with off-shell partons as well as in a hybrid approach using collinear charm distributions and unintegrated (transverse momentum dependent) gluon distributions. For the collinear-factorization approach we use matrix elements for both massless and massive charm quarks/antiquarks. The distributions in rapidity and transverse momentum of charm quark/antiquark are shown for a few different models of IC. Forward charm production is dominated by gc-fusion processes. The IC contribution dominates over the standard pQCD (extrinsic) gg-fusion mechanism of $$ c\overline{c} $$ c c ¯ -pair production at large rapidities or Feynman-xF. We perform similar calculations within leading-order and next-to-leading order kT-factorization approach. The kT-factorization approach leads to much larger cross sections than the LO collinear approach. At high energies and large rapidities of c-quark or $$ \overline{c} $$ c ¯ -antiquark one tests gluon distributions at extremely small x. The IC contribution has important consequences for high-energy neutrino production in the Ice-Cube experiment and can be, to some extent, tested at the LHC by the SHIP and FASER experiments by studies of the ντ neutrino production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Daniël Boer ◽  
Umberto D’Alesio ◽  
Francesco Murgia ◽  
Cristian Pisano ◽  
Pieter Taels

Abstract We consider the transverse momentum spectrum and the cos 2ϕ azimuthal distribution of J/ψ mesons produced in semi-inclusive, deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering, where the electron and the proton are unpolarized. At low transverse momentum, we propose factorized expressions in terms of transverse momentum dependent gluon distributions and shape functions. We show that our formulae, at the order αs, correctly match with the collinear factorization results at high transverse momentum. The latter are computed at the order $$ {\alpha}_s^2 $$ α s 2 in the framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD), with the inclusion of the intermediate $$ {}^3{S}_1^{\left[1\right]} $$ 3 S 1 1 color-singlet Fock state, as well as the subleading color-octet ones that are relatively suppressed by a factor v4 in the NRQCD velocity parameter v. We show that the $$ {}^1{S}_0^{\left[8\right]} $$ 1 S 0 8 and $$ {}^3{P}_J^{\left[8\right]} $$ 3 P J 8 (J = 0, 1, 2) contributions diverge in the small transverse momentum region and allow us to determine the perturbative tails of the shape functions, which carry the same quantum numbers. These turn out to be identical, except for the overall magnitude given by the appropriate NRQCD long distance matrix element.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Marcin Bury ◽  
Andreas van Hameren ◽  
Piotr Kotko ◽  
Krzysztof Kutak

Abstract We calculate various azimuthal angle distributions for three jets produced in the forward rapidity region with transverse momenta pT> 20 GeV in proton-proton (p-p) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at center of mass energy 5.02 TeV. We use the multiparton extension of the so-called small-x Improved Transverse Momentum Dependent factorization (ITMD). We study effects related to change from the standard kT -factorization to ITMD factorization as well as changes as one goes from p-p collision to p-Pb. We observe rather large differences in the distribution when we change the factorization approach, which allows to both improve the small-x TMD gluon distributions as well as validate and improve the factorization approach. We also see significant depletion of the nuclear modification ratio, indicating a possibility of searches for saturation effects using trijet final states in a more exclusive way than for dijets.

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