high energies
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Junegone Chay ◽  
Taewook Ha ◽  
Taehyun Kwon

Abstract We study N-jettiness in electroweak processes at extreme high energies, in which the mass of the weak gauge bosons can be regarded as small. The description of the scattering process such as e−e+ → μ−μ+ + X is similar to QCD. The incoming leptons emit initial-state radiation and the resultant particles, highly off-shell, participate in the hard scattering, which are expressed by the beam functions. After the hard scattering, the final- state leptons or leptonic jets are observed, described by the fragmenting jet functions or the jet functions respectively. At present, electroweak processes are prevailed by the processes induced by the strong interaction, but they will be relevant at future e−e+ colliders at high energy. The main difference between QCD and electroweak processes is that the initial- and final-state particles should appear in the form of hadrons, that is, color singlets in QCD, while there can be weak nonsinglets as well in electroweak interactions. We analyze the factorization theorems for the N-jettiness in e−e+ → μ−μ+ + X, and compute the factorized parts to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. To simplify the comparison with QCD, we only consider the SU(2)W gauge interaction, and the extension to the Standard Model is straightforward. Put it in a different way, it corresponds to an imaginary world in which colored particles can be observed in QCD, and the richer structure of effective theories is probed. Various nonzero nonsinglet matrix elements are interwoven to produce the factorized results, in contrast to QCD in which there are only contributions from the singlets. Another distinct feature is that the rapidity divergence is prevalent in the contributions from weak nonsinglets due to the different group theory factors between the real and virtual corrections. We verify that the rapidity divergence cancels in all the contributions with a different number of nonsinglet channels. We also consider the renormalization group evolution of each factorized part to resum large logarithms, which are distinct from QCD.

2022 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-168
Nikola Fabiano

Introduction/purpose: The running of the coupling constant in various Quantum Field Theories and a possible behaviour of the beta function are illustrated. Methods: The Callan-Symanzik equation is used for the study of the beta function evolution. Results: Different behaviours of the coupling constant for high energies are observed for different theories. The phenomenon of asymptotic freedom is of particular interest. Conclusions: Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and Quantum Chromodinamics (QCD) coupling constants have completely different behaviours in the regime of high energies. While the first one diverges for finite energies, the latter one tends to zero as energy increases. This QCD phenomenon is called asymptotic freedom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Mahmoud Hanafy ◽  
Omnia S. A. Qandil ◽  
Asmaa G. Shalaby

The strangeness enhancement signature of QGP formation at LHC energies is carefully tackled in the present study. Based on HRG, the particle ratios of mainly strange and multistrange particles are studied at energies from lower s ~ 0.001 up to 13 TeV. The strangeness enhancement clearly appeared at more high energies, and the ratios are confronted to the available experimental data. The particle ratios are also studied using the Cosmic Ray Monte Carlo (CRMC) interface model with its two different event generators, namely, EPOS 1.99 and EPOSlhc, which show a good agreement with the model calculations at the whole range of the energy. We utilize them to produce some particles ratios. EPOS 1.99 is used to estimate particle ratios at lower energies from AGS up to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) while EPOSlhc is used at LHC energies. The production of kaons and lambda particles is studied in terms of the mean multiplicity in p-p collisions at energies ranging from 4 to 26 GeV. We find that both HRG model and the used event generators, EPOS 1.99 and EPOSlhc, can describe the particle ratios very well. Additionally, the freeze-out parameters are estimated for different collision systems, such as p-p and Pb-Pb, at LHC energies using both models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
Abd Al Karim Haj Ismail ◽  

The muonic component of air showers is sensitive to the mass and energy of the primary cosmic ray and is the most abundant component of charged particles arriving at the surface, and able to penetrate deep underground. The muon charge ratio, defined as the number of positive over negatively charged muons, is a very interesting quantity for the study of hadronic interactions at high energies and the nature of cosmic ray primaries. Furthermore, Earth's atmosphere is the development medium of cosmic air showers before they arrive at the ground. Therefore, variations in the density of the atmosphere between seasons must be studied. It is also very important to account for the zenith angular dependence of atmospheric muons, in particular for showers penetrating the atmosphere at high zenith angles. We present a study of the muon charge ratio using Monte Carlo simulations of two cosmic primaries, proton, and iron, of 100 TeV and 1 PeV energies, and with a zenith angle of 0° to 60°. The dependence on the direction of extensive air showers EAS and their radial distance appears to be very pronounced. In addition, the muon density is discussed assuming the Central European Atmosphere in June and December.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 274
Cheng-Ming Tan ◽  
Karl Ludwig Klein ◽  
Yi-Hua Yan ◽  
Satoshi Masuda ◽  
Bao-Lin Tan ◽  

Abstract The energy and spectral shape of radio bursts may help us understand the generation mechanism of solar eruptions, including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, eruptive filaments, and various scales of jets. The different kinds of flares may have different characteristics of energy and spectral distribution. In this work, we selected 10 mostly confined flare events during October 2014 to investigate their overall spectral behaviour and the energy emitted in microwaves by using radio observations from microwaves to interplanetary radio waves, and X-ray observations of GOES, RHESSI, and Fermi/GBM. We found that: all the confined flare events were associated with a microwave continuum burst extending to frequencies of 9.4 ∼ 15.4 GHz, and the peak frequencies of all confined flare events are higher than 4.995 GHz and lower than or equal to 17 GHz. The median value is around 9 GHz. The microwave burst energy (or fluence) and the peak frequency are found to provide useful criteria to estimate the power of solar flares. The observations imply that the magnetic field in confined flares tends to be stronger than that in 412 flares studied by Nita et al. (2004). All 10 events studied did not produce detectable hard X-rays with energies above ∼300 keV indicating the lack of efficient acceleration of electrons to high energies in the confined flares.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Javier M. Magán

Abstract We prove a recent conjecture by Harlow and Ooguri concerning a universal formula for the charged density of states in QFT at high energies for global symmetries associated with finite groups. An equivalent statement, based on the entropic order parameter associated with charged operators in the thermofield double state, was proven in a previous article by Casini, Huerta, Pontello, and the present author. Here we describe how the statement about the entropic order parameter arises, and how it gets transformed into the universal density of states. The use of the certainty principle, relating the entropic order and disorder parameters, is crucial for the proof. We remark that although the immediate application of this result concerns charged states, the origin and physics of such density can be understood by looking at the vacuum sector only. We also describe how these arguments lie at the origin of the so-called entropy equipartition in these type of systems, and how they generalize to QFT’s on non-compact manifolds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-18
Anisa Ratnasari

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) presence has considerable impact on microbial growth. In this paper, AgNPs was deposited on surface of four textiles to enhance the anti-microbial properties using immersion technique. Immersion technique was selected since it was simple, no need high energies, and no additional equipment required. In addition, AgNPs was synthesized using in situ-bio technique which is non-toxic, harmless and eco-friendly approach. Four textiles were evaluated, such as TA, TB, TC and TD. The finding projected that antifungal ability was correlated to the type of the textiles. TC textile has the significant antimicrobial activity with 12.33 ± 2.08 of inhibition zone which followed by TD (16.00 ± 3.46), TB (17.67 ± 7.09), and TA (17.67 ± 6.65). In addition, the surface bonding AgNPs on textile was possibility caused by the -OH group. It has a lone pair of electrons on the O atom that can interact with AgNPs to form –OAg bonds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
Yu. N. Filatov ◽  
A. M. Kondratenko ◽  
M. A. Kondratenko ◽  
Ya. S. Derbenev ◽  
V. S. Morozov ◽  

AbstractHadron polarization control schemes for Spin Transparent (ST) synchrotrons are analyzed. The spin dynamics and beam polarization in such synchrotrons are controlled by spin navigators (SN) which are special small insertions of weak magnetic fields. An SN stabilizes the beam polarization and allows for setting any desirable spin orientation at an interaction point in the operational regime, including a frequent spin flip. We present a general approach to design of SNs. We distinguish different types of SNs, namely, those not causing closed orbit perturbation as well as those producing local and global orbit distortions. In the second case, the concept of the spin response function in an ST synchrotron is applied and expanded to reveal the effect of the SN strength enhancement by magnetic lattice of the synchrotron. We provide conceptual schemes for SN designs using longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields allowing for polarization control at low as well as high energies. We also develop the ST concept for ultra-high energies. This development may enable and stimulate interest in polarized beam experiments in possible polarized collider projects such as Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Future Circular Collider (FCC) and Super Proton Proton Collider (SPPC).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Stephen F. King

Abstract We propose a twin Pati-Salam (PS) theory of flavour broken to the G4321 gauge group at high energies, then to the Standard Model at low energies, yielding a TeV scale vector leptoquark $$ {U}_1^{\mu } $$ U 1 μ (3, 1, 2/3) which has been suggested to address the lepton universality anomalies $$ {R}_{K^{\left(\ast \right)}} $$ R K ∗ and $$ {R}_{D^{\left(\ast \right)}} $$ R D ∗ in B decays. Quark and lepton masses are mediated by vector-like fermions, with personal Higgs doublets for the second and third families, which may be replaced by a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM). The twin PS theory of flavour successfully accounts for all quark and lepton (including neutrino) masses and mixings, and predicts a dominant coupling of $$ {U}_1^{\mu } $$ U 1 μ (3, 1, 2/3) to the third family left-handed doublets. However the predicted mass matrices, assuming natural values of the parameters, are not consistent with the single vector leptoquark solution to the $$ {R}_{D^{\left(\ast \right)}} $$ R D ∗ anomaly, given its current value.

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