microsoft office
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-288
Nia Ekawati ◽  
Rico Adrial

Information technology is currently well known by many people, such as children, teenagers, adults, and even parents nowadays, they must follow the latest technology, one of which is Microsoft office technology. Everyone knows this in schools, offices, and institutions. One of them is the women of Family Welfare Development (PKK) in the Kavling Kamboja RT 02 RW 03, Sei Pelungut Village, Sagulung District. PKK women in this area are quite active in various ways, of course, in the administrative process implemented at the Microsoft office, these PKK women must be orderly such as the correspondence process, making activity announcements, and managing household budgets in the PKK environment. Currently Microsoft office always makes new breakthroughs by updating its application to Microsoft office 2013. However, PKK women in the Kavling Kamboja want to learn administration in a simple way, so I try to use Microsoft office 2013. I use the application, because currently the process is correspondence is still asking for typing services, many PKK women still don't understand how to use Microsoft office. So the servants tried from the simple ones first, and the continuity of this activity could be understood by the PKK women.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 712-716
S K Prabhakar ◽  
Oshin Middha ◽  
Feba Mary George ◽  
Uditi Pankaj Kothak ◽  
Prashansa Yadav

Study of steepening, flattening, clockwise, and counter-clockwise torque effect is indispensable to understand and design surgical induced astigmatism calculator. Hence, in this study by constructing a novel Microsoft Office Excel 2007 based astigmatic calculator following cataract surgery, analysis on the accuracy and predictability evaluated for the performance. Post-cataract surgery patients from May 2019 to January 2020 at a tertiary medical institution recruited for this present study. Based on Pythagoras principle, MS Excel calculator designed and the law of cousins for calculating the vector magnitude and axis respectively. Manual keratometry measurements for pre and postoperative horizontal (Kh) and vertical (Kv) curvatures established, and statistical analysis for the resultant SIA magnitude and axis deduced with Medcalc software comparing with the existing SIA 2.1 version calculator. A total of 29 eyes of 25 patients studied with a mean age of 62.55 (±8.08) years, males contributing to 14 (56%), and right laterally in 17 (58%) eyes. MS Excel and SIA 2.1 versions calculated a mean SIA magnitude of 0.66 (±0.47) D and 0.64 (±0.55) D respectively. Pearson coefficient correlation (r=-0.16, p=0.40), paired-two sample test (t value= 0.11, p= 0.91) and ROC curve analysis (AUC = 0.75, p= 0.34, 95% CI= 0.25 to 0.99) calculated. Regression equation (y = 0.75 + -0.14 x) and limits of agreements (95% CI -0.29 to 0.31) analyzed, and, 95% of data points distributed within ±1.96 SD of the line of equality on Bland-Altman difference plots.The present calculator proclaimed an acceptable accuracy and agreement with a prediction of 0.61 Diopter for every unit change in the magnitude of SIA 2.1 software in addition to consideration of interchangeability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-278
Rika Harman ◽  
Tukino Tukino ◽  
Amrizal Amrizal ◽  
Sasa Ani Arnomo

The material provided in this training is divided into 3 groups, namely Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, and Microsoft Paint groups. The briefing material given to the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 group was the introduction of spreadsheets, starting from worksheets, to the use of functions and formulas to solve problems. Activities are carried out based on the division of the ability/skill level of each teacher. Teachers who have been proficient are grouped separately from teachers who are still new to computers so that coaching is more intensive. Teachers who are still laymen are guided and accompanied by instructors starting from the procedure for turning on the computer, opening files, saving files, using the mouse, basic typing, introduction to computer parts to the procedure for turning off the computer. The introduction to the spread sheet material begins with explaining worksheets, menu functions, and how to create borders, introducing cell alignment, and introducing Microsoft Excel formulas and functions to solve a particular problem/case. So far we have known more or less about Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, and the latest we know is Microsoft Office 2010.

2022 ◽  
Vlad Teodor Grosu ◽  
Hanna Imola Vari ◽  
Mircea Nicolae Ordean ◽  
Gheorghe Balint ◽  

Objectives of this article refer to ways to increase self-confidence in students from different universities in Transylvania manifested by the values of self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteem. These are realized through the use of complex exercises on music in the form of dance-therapy and body technique. Purpose: elaboration of an action strategy to modify the self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation. Hypothesis: by introducing the exercises of body technique and dance-therapy, the aim is to modify the components of the ASSI psychological test: self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteem Material and Methods: statistical processing was performed with the program Stats Direct v.2.7.2. The graphical representation of the results was done with the Excel application (from the Microsoft Office 2010 package). The tests used are: ASSI and an intervention program based on exercises in body technique and dance therapy. The subjects participating in the experiment with a duration of 6 months by 200 students at the Technical University Cluj-Napoca, and the extension from Baia-Mare and from the Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" from Cluj-Napoca. The period: of development was between October 2019 and March 2020. The results: of this study are due to the intervention program through exercises in body technique and dance therapy performed by the experimental group compared to the control group. In the case of A-SN it is a good correlation but of the opposite direction, which means that if (A) self-depreciation decreases then (SN) self-esteem increases. In the case of I-SN it is an acceptable correlation and of the same meaning, which means that if (I) the infatuation increases and (SN) the self-esteem increases, were observed statistically significantly significant differences between the two times (p <0.001). Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed in the indicators of the ASSI tests (self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation) which indicates, that our intervention program in the preliminary study had a positive and measurable impact on students in terms of improving self-depreciation and infatuation, as well as increasing self-esteem.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (Único) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Érica Vanessa Oliveira Gonçalves ◽  
Carolina Moreira de Santana ◽  
Bárbara Costa Paulino ◽  
Larissa Brito de Medeiros
On Line ◽  

OBJETIVO: Verificar o uso da suplementação da Vitamina D durante a gestação, no puerpério, no período de lactação e nos lactentes. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva em delineamento transversal e com abordagem quantitativa. Participaram da pesquisa gestantes, lactantes e lactentes que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Foi aplicado um questionário on-line com perguntas de múltipla escolha, elaborado para esse projeto, sobre o uso da suplementação da Vitamina D. A captação da amostra foi feita através da busca ativa com compartilhamento de informação via WhatsApp e Instagram. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do Microsoft Office Excel® 2016, para realizar a análise mediante a estatística descritiva, sendo apresentados em gráficos. RESULTADOS: Das 45 participantes, 73% relataram que fora prescrita a suplementação de vitamina D na gestação, enquanto 27% não foram prescritas. Para lactantes, 71% afirmaram que utilizaram e 29% não utilizaram a suplementação da vitamina. Já em bebês, 73% relataram que houve a prescrição e 27% relataram que não foi prescrito. Quando questionadas se fizeram o uso da suplementação da vitamina D na gestação, 30 (66,7%) afirmaram que fizeram o uso, 14 (31,1%) não realizaram o uso e apenas 1 (2,2%) não recorda se fez o uso durante a gestação. Quando interrogadas se ofertam a suplementação aos seus bebês, 32 (71,1%) declararam fornecer e 13 (28,9%) não ofertaram. Para esse quesito, foram excluídas 6 (13,3%) participantes, pois relataram ainda estar gestantes. CONCLUSÃO: Notou-se que muitas mães sabem sobre a importância da VD para a sua gestação, bem como para lactação e, também para os seus filhos. Além disso, foi verificado que ocorreu prescrição da vitamina na gestação e para os bebês na maioria das participantes de acordo com suas necessidades. Já nos bebês, o estudo mostrou que a maioria faz o uso da suplementação de acordo com a necessidade de cada um. Além disso, a pesquisa é de grande relevância nessa área, tornando-se importante para futuros estudos, nele possibilitou verificar, que mesmo em meio à grande veiculação dos benefícios da vitamina D para o organismo, pode-se observar que ainda não existe uma recomendação exata de suplementação para as gestantes e lactantes. Palavras-chave: Vitamina D. Suplementação. Gestante. Lactante. Lactente.

Базынган Бизенгин ◽  
Елена Сарбашева ◽  
Эльдар Баккуев

Бедность является самым позорным явлением современного общественного развития. Часто ее пытаются представить в качестве естественного, обусловленного чуть ли не природными особенностями человека и людей. Между тем практика предыдущего столетия, а также отдельных стран нынешнего столетия показывает, что корни бедности неестественного, а социального характера. В разных странах принимаются попытки решить проблему бедности. Но решения эти носят преимущественного (если не сугубо) «национальный» характер, ограничиваются границами государств, стран. Нет, не выработано пока всеобщего механизма решения проблемы бедности, что, отдельными апологетами неравенства и бедности от природы, трактуется как невозможное решение проблемы бедности в принципе. В настоящем исследовании на основе анализа данных официальной статистики выявлены основные динамические и структурные (пространственные) тенденции в состоянии бедности в России в первом десятилетии нового века. Полученные результаты основаны на статистических данных. В то же время они апроксимируются (и верифицируются) с результатами полученными другими исследователями данной проблемы, в отдельных аспектах подтверждают их, но в других не подтверждают, а в третьих и вовсе выражают новые тенденции. Цель работы – выявление динамических и структурных (пространственных) тенденций в состоянии и перспективах развития бедности в России. Область применения – полученные результаты могут быть использованы как в научной (для сопоставления полученных результатов с ранее полученными другими авторами, так и для выработке теоретико-методологических и методических основ в изучении бедности), так и в практической прикладной деятельности (при разработке региональных программ снижения бедности в стране в целом и регионах). Методы исследования: в исследовании использован комплекс аналитических и дескриптивных методов. Полученные результаты прошли проверку на степень корректности в соответствие с общепризнанной научной методологией. Все расчеты проведены на РК по стандартной программе Microsoft Office Excel.

2022 ◽  
Piyush Kumar

Abstract Background: Curiosity and need are the major forces driving invention and discoveries. The covid-19 pandemic is said to be originated from Wuhan of Hubei province in china. This statement has raised many questions and doubts about origin and spread of disease and the controversy is still going on. The geographical location of Wuhan in relation to sea is of significant value in relation to covid-19 pandemic as observed in this research. The city of Wuhan is located on both banks of the Changjiang (the Great River, a.k.a the Yangtze River) about six hundred miles upstream from Shanghai and the Pacific Ocean. It is about four hundred miles upstream from Nanjing. Its location is supremely strategic, being where the Hanshui (Han River) joins the Changjiang. The Wuhan Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was in news and highlighted by several media and news agency as probable source of origin of covid-19. The Huanan Seafood Market located in Wuhan is a live animal and seafood market in Jianghan District, Wuhan City, and the capital of Hubei Province in Central China. Objective: This continuous observational research analysis aimed to assess the impact of geographical locations particularly coastal influence on the total/average/maximum/minimum confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India, during COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of pandemic cases in January 2020 in India with special focus on coastal states and union territories of India. The coast is also known popularly as the coastline or seashore is the area where land meets the sea or ocean, or as a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean. The term coastal state and union territories is used to refer to a state where interactions of sea and land of states occur. The study also aims to find safest geographical location in covid-19 pandemic.Methods: This is a novel cross-sectional mixed (quantitative and Qualitative) continuous observational research study. The information on the number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India is obtained from Health Department, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, and data were matched and analyzed from online websites as well. The impact of geographical locations on the total/average/maximum/minimum confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India was analyzed with Microsoft office and with more data collection stata 15.1 for windows (64bit) will be used when required with Microsoft office in next version-3 of article (for bigger analysis) for epidemiological comparison by calculating incidence, prevalence, mortality rate and other indicators. The study for global correlation of this research is also under process by the author. For the purpose of research India is divided into four geographical areas, 1 Coastal states and union territories (total ten in numbers), 2 Island groups (three in numbers), 3 north eastern states and east area i.e. Laddakh 4 other states and union territories having plain areas (14 in numbers).Results: The findings showed that total numbers of death from covid-19 is highest in coastal states and union territories with a count of 323674 since beginning of the pandemic whereas the islands group reported the lowest total 184 numbers of deaths from covid-19 as on 05 Jan 2022, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30) . The average death from covid-19 is highest in coastal states and union territories group with a count of 32367.4 followed by other states and union territories group with a count of 10431.21429. The islands group reported the lowest average numbers of death from covid-19 with a count of 61.33. A similar trend was found for numbers of confirmed cases with coastal states on top having largest number of covid-19 cases. In this version 2 the prevalence rates are also calculated per 100000.Conclusions: The research observation found that coastal states and union territories of India have larger number of daily cases of COVID-19 and mortality 867 per 100000 as compared to other geographical locations of the country. The observation also found that islands have least number of cases and deaths 115 per 100000 due to covid-19 pandemic. This study also gives rise to hypothesis that coastal locations are at greater risk of covid-19 infection and mortality whereas islands are safest places in covid-19 pandemics.

2022 ◽  
Piyush Kumar

Background: Curiosity and need are the major forces driving invention and discoveries. The covid-19 pandemic is said to be originated from Wuhan of Hubei province in china. This statement has raised many questions and doubts about origin and spread of disease and the controversy is still going on. The geographical location of Wuhan in relation to sea is of significant value in relation to covid-19 pandemic as observed in this research. The city of Wuhan is located on both banks of the Changjiang (the Great River, a.k.a the Yangtze River) about six hundred miles upstream from Shanghai and the Pacific Ocean. It is about four hundred miles upstream from Nanjing. Its location is supremely strategic, being where the Hanshui (Han River) joins the Changjiang. The Wuhan Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was in news and highlighted by several media and news agency as probable source of origin of covid-19. The Huanan Seafood Market located in Wuhan is a live animal and seafood market in Jianghan District, Wuhan City, and the capital of Hubei Province in Central China. Objective: This continuous observational research analysis aimed to assess the impact of geographical locations particularly coastal influence on the total/average/maximum/minimum confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India, during COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of pandemic cases in January 2020 in India with special focus on coastal states and union territories of India. The coast is also known popularly as the coastline or seashore is the area where land meets the sea or ocean, or as a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean. The term coastal state and union territories is used to refer to a state where interactions of sea and land of states occur. The study also aims to find safest geographical location in covid-19 pandemic.Methods: This is a novel cross-sectional mixed (quantitative and Qualitative) continuous observational research study. The information on the number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India is obtained from Health Department, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, and data were matched and analyzed from online websites as well. The impact of geographical locations on the total/average/maximum/minimum confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 36 states and union territories of India was analyzed with Microsoft office and with more data collection stata 15.1 for windows (64bit) will be used when required with Microsoft office in next version-3 of article (for bigger analysis) for epidemiological comparison by calculating incidence, prevalence, mortality rate and other indicators. The study for global correlation of this research is also under process by the author. For the purpose of research India is divided into four geographical areas, 1 Coastal states and union territories (total ten in numbers), 2 Island groups (three in numbers), 3 north eastern states and east area i.e. Laddakh 4 other states and union territories having plain areas (14 in numbers).Results: The findings showed that total numbers of death from covid-19 is highest in coastal states and union territories with a count of 323674 since beginning of the pandemic whereas the islands group reported the lowest total 184 numbers of deaths from covid-19 as on 05 Jan 2022, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30) . The average death from covid-19 is highest in coastal states and union territories group with a count of 32367.4 followed by other states and union territories group with a count of 10431.21429. The islands group reported the lowest average numbers of death from covid-19 with a count of 61.33. A similar trend was found for numbers of confirmed cases with coastal states on top having largest number of covid-19 cases. In this version 2 the prevalence rates are also calculated per 100000.Conclusions: The research observation found that coastal states and union territories of India have larger number of daily cases of COVID-19 and mortality 867 per 100000 as compared to other geographical locations of the country. The observation also found that islands have least number of cases and deaths 115 per 100000 due to covid-19 pandemic. This study also gives rise to hypothesis that coastal locations are at greater risk of covid-19 infection and mortality whereas islands are safest places in covid-19 pandemics.Keywords: coastal states, COVID 19, Mortality, confirmed cases, union territories, geographical impact,

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e23411124612
Alynne Maria de Brito Medeiros ◽  
Adelina Feitosa Sousa Neta ◽  
Yasmine Cunha Farias ◽  
Rodrigo Henrique Nogueira Mamédio ◽  
João Danúsio Andrade Filho ◽  

Acidentes com animais peçonhentos são aqueles causados por animais capazes de produzir peçonha e inoculá-las. De acordo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), trata-se de um problema de saúde pública. O objetivo proposto foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de acidentes por animais peçonhentos em Minas Gerais (MG), entre 2015 e 2017, evidenciando a espécie do animal que causou acidente, a faixa etária dos indivíduos acometidos, macrorregião de saúde por notificação e evolução dos casos. Estudo epidemiológico descritivo, retrospectivo com abordagem de natureza quantitativa. Os dados foram extraídos do SINAN, através de acesso ao Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). O levantamento de dados ocorreu no período de 1 a 30 de setembro de 2021. A população de interesse foram os casos notificados em MG no período entre 2015 a 2017. Os dados foram tabulados no Microsoft Office Excel® e tratados estatisticamente, por meio do programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 20.0. Por se tratar de um banco de domínio público, não foi necessário submeter o projeto ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Houve predominância da faixa etária de 20 a 59 (58,8%), raça parda (49,2%), sexo masculino (54,8%), na macrorregião Norte (18,8%), envolvendo escorpiões (67,9%) e alto percentual cura (97,1%). Assim, faz-se necessário a elaboração estratégias para conter o quadro, tais como promoção de ações de educação em saúde para população sobre o assunto, a elaboração de protocolos operacionais padrão direcionados a prevenção e manejo de acidentes com animais peçonhentos.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e22811121000
Marcus Victor Almeida Campos ◽  
Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma ◽  
Antônio José Elias Amorim de Menezes ◽  
Gisalda Carvalho Filgueiras ◽  
Walmer Bruno Rocha Martins

O grande dilema na agricultura frente aos problemas socioambientais é alcançar a racionalização do dinâmico processo produtivo através da incorporação de novas tecnologias, redução dos custos de produção (mantendo níveis desejáveis de produtividade) e diminuição dos impactos ambientais, aliado a geração de maiores benefícios sociais. O presente estudo tem por objetivo principal avaliar a dinâmica dos sistemas agroflorestais dos cooperados descendentes de japoneses da Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Tomé-Açu (CAMTA) no período de 1974 até 2020. Os dados de produção e valor da produção foram obtidos através da plataforma SIDRA e no site do Censo Agropecuário 2017. As espécies analisados no presente estudo são: açaízeiro, aceroleira, cacaueiro, cupuaçuzeiro, maracujazeiro, pimenteira-do-reino e pitaya. Outro meio de coleta de dados foram os Relatórios Anuais da CAMTA, mais especificamente, avaliando o período de 1974 até o ano de 2020, a partir  destes dados foi analisado o comportamento do percentual do valor de produção, ou seja, quanto em porcentagem cada espécies contribuiu para a renda total da cooperativa em um determinado ano. Para análise de dados foi utilizado o software Microsoft Office Excel 2019 para a elaboração de tabelas, e de gráficos de linha para melhor representarem o comportamento da porcentagem ao decorrer do tempo.

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