antiferromagnetic ordering
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
R. A. Ribeiro ◽  
S. L. Bud'ko ◽  
L. Xiang ◽  
D. H. Ryan ◽  
P. C. Canfield

Ezekiel James Horsley ◽  
Xin Rao ◽  
Sang Bum Yi ◽  
Young-June Kim

Abstract We report our study of cobalt (II) titanate, CoTiO3, in which magnetic Co ions are replaced by non-magnetic ions. The antiferromagnetic ordering transition of CoTiO3 around 37 K is described with ferromagnetic honeycomb layers coupled antiferromagnetically along the crystallographic c direction. The effect of magnetic dilution on the Néel temperature of this material is investigated through the doping of Zn2+ and Mg2+ in place of Co2+ for various dilution levels up to x + y = 0.46 in Co1-x-yZnxMgyTiO3. Single phase polycrystalline samples have been synthesized and their structural and magnetic properties have been examined. A linear relation between dilution and the Néel temperature is observed over a wide doping range. A linear extrapolation would suggest that the required dilution level to suppress magnetic order is around x + y ∽ 0.74, well beyond the classical percolation threshold. The implication of this observation for microscopic models for describing CoTiO3 is discussed.

Arnab Pal ◽  
Zhenjie Feng ◽  
Hao Wu ◽  
Ke Wang ◽  
Jingying Si ◽  

Abstract The Haldane spin-chain compound Er2BaNiO5 has been known to possess magnetoelectric coupling below the magnetic ordering temperature. Here we report various low-temperature magnetic and magnetocaloric properties, and magnetodielectric effect above magnetic ordering temperature in this compound. The present compound displays a coexistence of conventional and inverse magnetocaloric effects with a large entropy change of 5.9 and −2.5 J/kg K, respectively. Further, it exhibits a remarkable switching between them, which can be tuned with temperature and magnetic field. In addition, evolution of two magnetic field-dependent metamagnetic transitions at 19.7 and 27.7 kOe, and their correlation with magnetocaloric switching effect, make this compound effective for potential applications. On the other hand, demonstration of intrinsic magnetodielectric effect (1.9%) near and above antiferromagnetic ordering temperature, through a moderate coupling between electric dipoles and magnetic spins, establishes this compound as a useful candidate for future research. A detailed analysis of these findings, in a framework of different magnetic interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropies, is discussed here. Overall, these results may provide a future pathway to tune the magnetic, magnetodielectric, and magnetocaloric properties in this compound toward better application potential.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2100963
Silvia Damerio ◽  
Alexey A. Kaverzin ◽  
Václav Ocelík ◽  
Geert R. Hoogeboom ◽  
Bart J. van Wees ◽  

2021 ◽  
Yao-Dong Wu ◽  
Wei-Wei Duan ◽  
Qiu-Yue Li ◽  
Yong-Liang Qin ◽  
Zhen-Fa Zi ◽  

Abstract The magnetic and magnetocaloric properties were studied in a stuffed honeycomb polycrystalline antiferromagnet GdInO3. The onset temperature of antiferromagnetic ordering was observed at ~ 2.1 K. Negligible thermal and magnetic hysteresis suggest a reversible magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in the GdInO3 compound. In the magnetic field changes of 0–50 kOe and 0–70 kOe, the maximum magnetic entropy change values are 9.65 J/kg K and 18.37 J/kg K, respectively, near the liquid helium temperature, with the corresponding relative cooling power values of 115.01 J/kg and 211.31 J/kg. The MCE investigation of the polycrystalline GdInO3 serves to illuminate more exotic properties in this frustrated stuffed honeycomb magnetic system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (21) ◽  
R. Roy ◽  
S. K. Adhikari ◽  
J. Sannigrahi ◽  
K. Mandal ◽  
S. C. Das ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 130 (19) ◽  
pp. 193902
Yu Shiratsuchi ◽  
Yiran Tao ◽  
Rou Tsutsumi ◽  
Kentaro Toyoki ◽  
Ryoichi Nakatani

Guiling Xiao ◽  
Zhengcai Xia ◽  
Yujie Song ◽  
Lixia Xiao

Abstract We investigated the magnetic characteristics of Na2Co2TeO6 at different temperatures and magnetic field. The experimental results indicated that the magnetic field can disturb the antiferromagnetic interaction and lead to the disorder. Magnetization curves measured with different angles θ (θ is between the magnetic field direction and c axis) express the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in this system. when the angle θ=0 (magnetic field parallel to c axis), two continuous magnetic phase transitions at critical temperature TN1 and TN3 were observed. As θ changes, TN1 is almost independent on θ, indicating the magnetic ordering at TN1 was a spontaneous behavior with a robust AFM characteristic. On the other hand, as θ increases from 0 to 180, TN3 presents extreme value at θ=90 (magnetic field perpendicular to c axis). It indicates that TN3 were sensitive to temperature and magnetic fields. At some angles closing to ab plane, an additional phase transition was observed at TN2. This phase transition at TN2 may mainly result from the long range antiferromagnetic ordering within ab-plane. Furthermore, the magnetization measurement up to 50 T revealed the strong antiferromagnetic coupling in the system, and in which the magnetic coupling within the honeycomb layers is strong and the magnetic coupling interaction between honeycomb layers is weaker. Based on the experimental results, we have obtained the complete magnetic phase diagram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
S V Belim

Abstract This paper presents computer simulation results for a bilayer system with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic films. The dependence of the exchange bias field on the external magnetic field for this system is calculated. The Heisenberg model and the Wolf cluster algorithm are used for calculations. The reason for the appearance the bias field is the interaction between spins at the films interface. An increase the external magnetic field leads to a nonlinear increase the bias field. There are two reasons for nonlinearity. First, the external magnetic field suppresses antiferromagnetic ordering. Second, an external magnetic field-ordered ferromagnetic has an inverse effect on the antiferromagnetic film.

Judith Bönnighausen ◽  
Stefan Seidel ◽  
Steffen Klenner ◽  
Rainer Pöttgen

Abstract The ternary platinides CaGa5Pt3 (a = 2082.5(4), b = 406.05(8), c = 739.2(1) pm) and EuGa5Pt3 (a = 2085.5(5), b = 412.75(9), c = 738.7(1) pm) were synthesized from the elements in sealed high-melting metal tubes in an induction furnace. CaGa5Pt3 and EuGa5Pt3 are isotypic with CeAl5Pt3 and isopointal with the YNi5Si3 type intermetallic phases (space group Pnma, oP36 and Wyckoff sequence c 9). The structure of EuGa5Pt3 was refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: wR2 = 0.0443, 1063 F 2 values and 56 variables. The gallium and platinum atoms build up a three-dimensional [Ga5Pt3]2− polyanionic network in which the europium atoms fill slightly distorted hexagonal prismatic voids. The Ga–Pt distances within the network range from 249 to 271 pm, emphasizing the covalent bonding character. Temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate diamagnetism for CaGa5Pt3 and isotypic BaGa5Pt3. EuGa5Pt3 behaves like a Curie–Weiss paramagnet above 50 K with an experimental magnetic moment of 8.17(1) µB/Eu atom, indicating divalent europium. Antiferromagnetic ordering sets in at T N = 8.5(1) K. The divalent ground state of europium is confirmed by 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy. EuGa5Pt3 shows a single signal at 78 K with an isomer shift of −9.89(4) mm s−1. Full magnetic hyperfine splitting with a hyperfine field of 25.0(2) T is observed at 6 K in the magnetically ordered regime.

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