exchange interactions
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Ka Hong ◽  
Elena Solana ◽  
Mauro Coduri ◽  
Clemens Ritter ◽  
Paul Attfield

Abstract A new CaFe3O5-type phase NiFe3O5 (orthorhombic Cmcm symmetry, cell parameters a = 2.89126(7), b = 9.71988(21) and c = 12.52694(27) Å) has been synthesised under pressures of 12-13 GPa at 1200 °C. NiFe3O5 has an inverse cation site distribution and reveals an interesting evolution from M2+(Fe3+ )2Fe2+O5 to Fe2+(M2+ 0.5Fe3+ 0.5)2Fe3+O5 distributions over three distinct cation sites as M2+ cation size decreases from Ca to Ni. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show successive transitions at 275, ~150, and ~20 K and neutron diffraction data reveal a series of at least three spin-ordered phases with evolving propagation vectors k = [0 0 0] [0 ky 0]  [½ ½ 0] on cooling. The rich variety of magnetically ordered phases in NiFe3O5 likely results from frustration of Goodenough-Kanamori exchange interactions between the three spin sublattices, and further interesting magnetic materials are expected to be accessible within the CaFe3O5-type family.

Abhiroop Lahiri ◽  
Swapan K Pati

Abstract We have considered and alternating spin-½/spin-1 chain with nearest-neighbor (J1), next-nearest neighbor (J2) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions along with z-component of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM) (Dz) interaction. The Hamiltonian has been studied using (a) Linear Spin-Wave Theory(LSWT) and (b) Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). The system had been reported earlier as a classical ferrimagnet only when nearest neighbor exchange interactions are present. Both the antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor interactions and DM interactions introduce strong quantum fluctuations and due to which all the signatures of ferrimagnetism vanishes. We find that the nonzero J2 introduces strong quantum fluctuations in each of the spin sites due to which the z-components of both spin-1 and spin-1/2 sites average out to be zero. The ground state becomes a singlet. The presence of J1 along with Dzintroduces a short range order but develops long range order along the XY plane. J1 along with J2induces competing phases with structure factor showing sharp and wide peaks, at two different angles reflecting the spin spiral structure locally as well as in the underlying lattice. Interestingly, we find that the Dz term removes the local spin spiral structure in z-direction, while developing a spiral order in the XY plane.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 695
Alessandra Geddo Lehmann ◽  
Giuseppe Muscas ◽  
Maurizio Ferretti ◽  
Emanuela Pusceddu ◽  
Davide Peddis ◽  

We investigated the structural and magnetic properties of 20 nm-sized nanoparticles of the half-doped manganite Ho0.5Ca0.5MnO3 prepared by sol-gel approach. Neutron powder diffraction patterns show Pbnm orthorhombic symmetry for 10 K < T < 290 K, with lattice parameters a, b, and c in the relationship c/√2 < a < b, indicating a cooperative Jahn–Teller effect, i.e., orbital ordering OO, from below room temperature. In contrast with the bulk samples, in the interval 250 < T < 300 K, the fingerprint of charge ordering (CO) does not manifest itself in the temperature dependence of lattice parameters. However, there are signs of CO in the temperature dependence of magnetization. Accordingly, below 100 K superlattice magnetic Bragg reflections arise, which are consistent with an antiferromagnetic phase strictly related to the bulk Mn ordering of a charge exchange-type (CE-type), but characterized by an increased fraction of ferromagnetic couplings between manganese species themselves. Our results show that in this narrow band half-doped manganite, size reduction only modifies the balance between the Anderson superexchange and Zener double exchange interactions, without destabilizing an overall very robust antiferromagnetic state.

2022 ◽  
Michał Magott ◽  
Maria Brzozowska ◽  
Stanisław Baran ◽  
Veacheslav Vieru ◽  
Dawid Pinkowicz

The best performing molecular nanomagnets are currently designed by carefully arranging p-element donor atoms (usually carbon, nitrogen and/or oxygen) around the central magnetic ion. Inspired by the structure of the hardest intermetallic magnet SmCo5, we have demonstrated a nanomagnetic molecule where the central lanthanide (Ln) ion Er is coordinated solely by three transition metal (TM) ions in a perfectly trigonal planar fashion. The molecule [Er(ReCp2)3] (ErRe3) constitutes the first example of a molecular nanomagnet (MNM; or single molecule magnet SMM) with unsupported Ln-TM bonds and paves the way towards molecular intermetallics with strong direct magnetic exchange interactions. Such interactions are believed to be crucial for quenching the quantum tunneling of magnetization which limits the application of Ln-SMMs as sub-nanometer magnetic memory units.

Muhammad Nauman ◽  
Tayyaba Hussain ◽  
Joonyoung Choi ◽  
Nara Lee ◽  
Young Jai Choi ◽  

Abstract Magnetic anisotropy in strontium iridate (Sr2IrO4) is essential because of its strong spin–orbit coupling and crystal field effect. In this paper, we present a detailed mapping of the out-of-plane (OOP) magnetic anisotropy in Sr2IrO4 for different sample orientations using torque magnetometry measurements in the low-magnetic-field region before the isospins are completely ordered. Dominant in-plane anisotropy was identified at low fields, confirming the b axis as an easy magnetization axis. Based on the fitting analysis of the strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, we observed that the main anisotropic effect arises from a spin–orbit-coupled magnetic exchange interaction affecting the OOP interaction. The effect of interlayer exchange interaction results in additional anisotropic terms owing to the tilting of the isospins. The results are relevant for understanding OOP magnetic anisotropy and provide a new way to analyze the effects of spin–orbit-coupling and interlayer magnetic exchange interactions. This study provides insight into the understanding of bulk magnetic, magnetotransport, and spintronic behavior on Sr2IrO4 for future studies.

С.Ю. Давыдов ◽  
О.В. Посредник

Estimates of charge transfer between adsorbate monolayer and SiC substrate based on account of the dipole-dipole repulsion and exchange interactions are presented. It is demonstrated that all the interaction channels lead to adlayer depolarization. Role of the band and local adatoms states are analyzed. Methods of experimental verification of the obtained results are proposed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 140 ◽  
pp. 107386
E.G. Gerasimov ◽  
A.A. Inishev ◽  
N.V. Mushnikov ◽  
P.B. Terentev ◽  
V.S. Gaviko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (12) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Chulan KWON

The spin-glass phase is characterized by the existence of many pure states due to random exchange interactions between spins. Parisi established the novel concept of replica symmetry breaking (RSB) from Sherrington Kirkpatrick’s mean-field theory via an abstract replica trick. In this article, his RSB scheme is reviewed from the view point of infinitely many pure states.

2021 ◽  
Saikiran Kotaru ◽  
Maristella Alessio ◽  
Anna I. Krylov

Low-energy spectra of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are often described by the Heisenberg Hamiltonian. Within this formalism, exchange interactions between magnetic centers determine the ground-state multiplicity and energy separation between the ground and excited states. In this contribution, we extract exchange coupling constants (J) for a set of iron (III) binuclear and tetranuclear complexes from all-electron calculations using non-collinear spin-flip time-dependent density functional theory (NC-SF-TDDFT). For the series of binuclear complexes with J-values ranging from -6 to -132 cm−1 , our benchmark calculations using the short-range hybrid LRC-ωPBEh functional and 6-31G(d,p) basis set agree well (mean absolute error of 4.7 cm−1) with the experimentally derived values. For the tetranuclear SMMs, the computed J constants are within 6 cm−1 from the values extracted from the experiment. We explore the range of applicability of the Heisenberg model by analyzing the radical character in the binuclear iron (III) complexes using natural orbitals (NO) and their occupations. On the basis of the number of effectively unpaired electrons and the NO occupancies, we attribute larger errors observed in strongly anti-ferromagnetic species to an increased ionic character. The results illustrate the efficiency of the spin-flip protocol for computing the exchange couplings and the utility of the NO analysis in assessing the validity of effective spin Hamiltonians.

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