The orientation-dependence of the interference/diffraction patterns of the 1D-double slit/1D-grating and 2D-cross-double slit/2D-cross-grating experiments have been studied experimentally and theoretically. However, the above experiments were limited to certain orientations, namely rotating around either one axis or two axes. In this article, the 3-axis-rotation apparatus is proposed/made, which can rotate the 1D-double slit/2D-cross-double slit and 1D-grating/2D-cross-grating, CW and CCW respectively, 00-3600 around three axes independently and sequentially. By this apparatus, the orientation-dependence of the patterns is systematically studied. Moreover, the experiments can be performed easily. Then we show that the photons, before landing on the detector/screen, behave as particles. The above observed phenomena provide the comprehensive information to theoretical study of the double slit/grating experiments. We suggest that the complete mathematical model should contain three rotation angles as parameters. Furthermore, the phenomena have potential applications.