disciplinary practice
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At-Tafkir ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-149
Ramli Cibro

The highest knowledge of the Sufis is ma'rifah which is obtained through disciplinary practice, through riyadhah and mujahada which are here referred to as Sufi epistemology. These paths are cultivated in a disciplined, methodological and objective manner so as to enable the Sufis to compile their treatises in a standard manner. As one of the most famous scholars in the archipelago, Hamzah Fansuri in the book Sharb Al-Ashiqĭn also compiled standard treatises regarding this Sufi path. Through this philosophical analysis, Hamzah Fansuri's model of Sufism epistemology is explained. The results of this study indicate that to reach the state of knowledge, a person must take spiritual steps, be under the guidance of a teacher, lead a simple life and always put their trust in Allah SWT.

Dominika Czarnecka

Group Pilates classes in commercial fitness gyms are among the most common forms of mindful fitness in Warsaw. The instructors teaching these classes often correct the participant’s posture by touching them. While academic publications often critique fitness as a disciplinary practice, much fewer studies analyse touch understood as one of disciplinary techniques. Similarly, little is known about the experiences of fitness culture participants who encounter instrumental touch during Pilates classes. This qualitative research project analyses how Michel Foucault’s concept of anatomo-political power intersects with instrumental touch applied during Pilates classes to study how touch is used to train fitness bodies and how instructors and other participants of Pilates sessions participate in power relations. The article considers the value of instrumental touch in the context of relations between instructors and their clients.

Chonnakarn JATCHAVALA ◽  

General psychiatric training is one of the essential requirements for all Thai medical doctors, as declared by the Medical Council of Thailand in 2012. Hence, psychiatric training for medical students must be fulfilled to achieve these requirements. This study was designed to examine the change of subjects and the self-perceived incompetence in psychiatric practice of a cohort of medical doctors who graduated in the academic year of 2017, in concerns to their practices one year after graduation. Most participants were female doctors, with an average age of 25.7 years, and were working in Southern Thailand. Compared with 1 year prior, they showed a statistically significant frequency of physical disorders and increasing stress from their work. The largest topic of psychiatric practice, for which they were statistically more concerned with, concerned child and adolescent psychiatry. Self-perceived incompetence in both diagnosis and treatment significantly increased from graduation, with the exceptions of diagnoses of mental retardation, attention deficit hyperactivity, and tics/Tourette’s disorder. Substance-related disorders in adults, along with basic psychological support, were found to be general practice self-perceived incompetence, at both outpatient clinics and inpatient units. However, practice in adult outpatients at psychiatric clinics mostly demonstrated significantly more self-perceived competence. Moreover, emergency care, especially concerning patient suicide and multi-disciplinary practice, was shown to have increasing self-perceived competence among general practitioners having worked for a year following graduation. This information should be used as feedback for stakeholders in both medical education and mental health care. HIGHLIGHTS Medical doctors who graduated in southern Thailand the previous year mostly worked in the same part of Thailand and significantly increased stress and physical illness Basic psychological support in both outpatient and inpatient unit’s practices, were statistically significantly increased, compared with when the doctors graduated one year earlier The general practitioners stated that they had been most concerned with children and adolescent psychiatric practice since they graduated Emergency care and multi-disciplinary practice in psychiatric practice were shown to have increasing self-perceived competence among those who graduated M.D. a year before

Виталий Николаевич Воронов ◽  
Тимур Станиславович Сливин ◽  
Надежда Владимировна Романова

В статье рассмотрена военно-пенитенциарная политика Великобритании в начале XX в. Изучены структура, штатный состав военных тюрем Великобритании, показаны особенности распределения в них заключенных, должностных обязанностей, а также система поощрения и наказаний. В качестве негативных моментов указывается на отсутствие специальной подготовки должностных лиц военных армий Великобритании, наличие рецидивного характера преступности. Определены особенности распределения заключенных по классам согласно действующей прогрессивно-классификационной системе. Авторами раскрывается порядок перехода заключенных из класса в класс. Указывается на то, что действующая система мер поощрений и наказаний носила карательно-принудительный характер и не смогла преодолеть рецидив в совершаемых преступлениях военнослужащими. В статье рассматривается применяемая в военных тюрьмах Великобритании дисциплинарная практика. Авторы приходят к выводу о том, что опыт военно-политической политики Великобритании начала XX в. можно использовать и в современных условиях. The article considers the military and penitentiary policy of Great Britain at the beginning of the XX century. The structure and staff composition of military prisons in Great Britain are studied, the features of the categorization of prisoners in them, the official duties, as well as the system of rewards and sanctions are shown. As negative points, the lack of special training of military officials of the United Kingdom, the presence of a recidivist nature of crime is indicated. The features of the prisoners categorization by classes, according to the progressive classification system, are determined. The authors reveal the order of prisoners` transition from class to another. It is pointed out that the rewards and sanctions system was punitive and coercive in nature and could not overcome the recidivism in the crimes committed by the military. The article examines the disciplinary practice used in military prisons in Great Britain. The authors conclude that the experience of the military and political policy of Great Britain at the beginning of the XX century is used both in modern conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 165-183
David Rettew

Corporal punishment is illegal in many countries yet remains a core disciplinary practice in countless American families. The current debate often finds itself drawn along political lines, despite a fairly vast literature that finds little to support spanking. A lack of short-term effectiveness coupled with evidence that corporeal punishment leads to worse child behavior has led most child experts to discourage parents from using it. Indeed, some have even moved to condemn what were considered less harsh techniques like time-outs, although here the evidence is weaker. Lacking in many of these arguments is the consideration of several “it depends” factors that may be playing an important role in the degree that corporeal punishment results in resentment and feelings of rejection on the part of the child.

E. O. Anisimova (Busurina)

The article is devoted to the study of one of the possible elements of an integrated information system of the bar — a unifi ed database of disciplinary practice of bar chambers. It pays attention to some aspects of posting information that is the result of the consideration of the case by the bodies of the bar chamber related with bringing a lawyer to disciplinary responsibility and releasing him from it. The article provides a defi nition of the unifi ed database of disciplinary practice of bar chambers and examines its features. The author distinguishesand justifi es the need for placing specifi c types of acts of disciplinary bodies of bar chambers, which should be presented in such a database. The article focuses on the question of the limits of providing information about the disciplinary responsibility of a lawyer, taking into account the provisions of current legislation and approaches of chambers of lawyers on informing about disciplinary practice. It is also noted that it is necessary to provide for the possibility of searching by keywords and categories. The author substantiates the importance of its development and implementation for the legal and scientifi c community, as well as the possibility of its application in the educational process. The article describes the practice of creating a database of disciplinary practice of bar chambers.

Sally Humphrey ◽  
Thu Ngo ◽  
Tingjia Wang

This chapter reports on a multidisciplinary research collaboration which aims to explore how digital stories may be used to support pre-service teachers across disciplinary boundaries of English, science, and health education. Digital stories play a distinct role in enacting disciplinary practices within each of these curriculum areas and provide a valuable context for expanding students' semiotic repertoire. By integrating digital storytelling in initial teacher education (ITE), the authors provide a pathway for teachers to develop pedagogic knowledge of genres that are distinctly disciplinary in their purpose but which draw on semiotic affordances and pedagogic practices from across boundaries of traditional literacy education. Drawing on digital stories produced for a range of purposes, they report on the metalanguage we have developed in our collaborative work to inform a coherent multiliteracies framework to build on and extend pre-service teachers' semiotic repertoire for functional, critical, and creative disciplinary practice.

Design Issues ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Jürgen Spitzmüller

Abstract Graphics in scientific communication are not just a means to elegantly convey, condense, or systematize “facts.” As any form of communication, they are bound to, or enregistered in, the discursive context of previous uses. Graphics, thus, do not only visualize information (in an iconic or symbolic way), they also contextualize (i.e., index) the practices, communities, and genres of particular fields and thereby serve as effective emblems of scholarly identity. This article elaborates on the indexical or emblematic dimension of academic graphic design. Drawing on sociolinguistic theory of social positioning and identification, it will be argued how graphic design is a disciplinary practice in the double sense of the word.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-118
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar Soler ◽  
Rafael Araldi Vaz ◽  
Miguel Alois Pitz

The introduction of christianity as an object of analysis in the work of Michel Foucault marks a new moment in his intelectual course, Where the author commits hinself to the project of a geneology of ethic and forms of subjectivation in the West. The objetive of this paper consists in pointing to the importance os christianity in the formulations that Foucault made startings in the 1970’s, specially on what concerns to his studies on ethic, truth and subjectivity. For that, we analyzed the development of this the me in the intelectual’s work, specially the courses ministraded by Foucault in College de France. Another central point to the discussion were the concepts os exomologesis and exagoreusis, forms of penitence in christianity which points to a shift in how regimes of truth function in the West. The shift in paying penitence as a public performative act to a confession by word can be traced as a point of conection between christian practices and modern subjectivity, in that of which concers to the Productions of forms of interpretation and relation of the subject with itself based on confessional dispositives. Finally we searched, based on foucaultian thought, to make a paralel between the christian penitential dispositive of exagoreusis and different power-knowledge relations of modernity (such as law, psychiatry and psychology) that utilize the confessional alegory as a disciplinary practice and Productions of subjectivity and truth.

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