depuration rate
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2021 ◽  
Dandan Zhao ◽  
Tadiyose Girma Bekele ◽  
Hongxia Zhao

Abstract Benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers (BUVSs) have received increasing attention due to their widespread usage, ubiquitous detection and their adverse ecological effect. However, information about the bioaccumulation potential of BUVSs and their joint exposure with heavy metals remains scarce. In this study, we investigated the bioaccumulation kinetics of 6 frequently reported BUVSs in common carp under different Cu concentration for 48 d, and their tissue-specific distribution patterns (liver, kidney, gill, and muscle tissues) were also evaluated. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) and half-lives (t1/2) in the tissues ranged from 5.73 (UV-PS) to 1076 (UV-327), and 2.19 (UV-PS) to 31.5 (UV-320) days, respectively. The tissue-specific concentration and BCF values followed the order of liver > kidney > gill > muscle with or without Cu exposure. An increase in BCF with rising Cu concentration was observed, which is caused by the decreased depuration rate (k2) in more than half of treatment groups. These results indicated that BUVSs accumulated in fish and provides important insight into the risk assessment of this group of chemicals.

2021 ◽  
Yinjie Zhang ◽  
Cheng Peng ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Siyuan Ling ◽  
Shuangqing Hu

Abstract Nonylphenol (NP) has been widely concerned for its endocrine disrupting effects and bioconcentration in aquatic organisms. However, the knowledge on the dynamic uptake and depuration in model organisms - zebrafish (Danio rerio) were still limited. In this study, we investigated the accumulation and elimination of NP for the whole body and trunk of zebrafish by a modified pretreatment and analysis method with fewer samples. The results of acute toxicity test showed that the LC50 values of NP in zebrafish ranged from 474 µg·L− 1 for a 24-h exposure to lower than 238 µg·L− 1 for a 96-h exposure. Meanwhile, the NP concentrations in zebrafish during the depuration stage fitted the first-order kinetic model well, and the depuration rate constant (K2) was reduced with higher NP concentrations. Both the accumulation and elimination of NP in the trunk were faster than those in the whole fish, indicating the preferential transfer from viscera to muscle and rapidly diffusion in reverse. The bioconcentration factors at a steady state (BCFSS) of NP were 104–112 L·kg− 1 in the whole body and 76–104 L·kg− 1 in the trunk, respectively, suggesting that the muscle was a major position for NP storage. The BCFSS were increased within a certain concentration due to the decreasing depuration capacity inhibited by NP toxicity. To our knowledge, this study was the first to emphasize the correlation between NP exposure concentration and bioconcentration capacity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
Carolin Mueller ◽  
Stefan Trapp ◽  
Fabio Polesel ◽  
Sebastian Kuehr ◽  
Christian Schlechtriem

Abstract Background The assessment of persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity (PBT) is part of the regulation process of ionic organic compounds (IOCs) and a major challenge, as a commonly acknowledged approach for the estimation of the bioaccumulation potential of IOCs is still missing. The goal of the present study was, therefore, to experimentally determine the bioaccumulation of fully ionized compounds and to identify screening parameters that can indicate high bioaccumulation potential of IOCs. Three feeding studies with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were carried out according to OECD TG 305. Separation of liver, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and carcass allowed to further elucidate the tissue distribution of the individual test substances. The chemicals chosen had characteristics that made them suspect for high bioaccumulation, and included two cations (tetrabutylphosphonium bromide (TBP), trimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (TMOA)) and four anions (benzotriazole, tecloftalam, pentachlorophenol (PCP), MEE-phosphonate). Data on the dietary biomagnification of IOCs (strong acids) were also collected from published literature. Results The highest distribution factors were found for the GIT, followed by liver. However, none of the tested IOCs showed a distinct biomagnification potential, as kinetic biomagnification factors (BMFk) ranged between 0.001 and 0.05 g/g (median 0.009 g/g). Cations showed lower assimilation efficiency (α) than anions, except for tecloftalam. In contrast, anions showed a considerably faster depuration rate (half-life less than 0.5 days) compared to cations (half-life of around 5 days). Sixteen potential screening parameters for BMF were calculated with a chemical property estimation tool (ACD/i-Lab) and correlated with the BMF data from this study and from literature. The number of hydrogen bond donors (nHBD) showed the highest correlation to measured BMF, but the prediction is only based on two values (one or two nHBD), while the other descriptors were insignificantly correlated. Conclusion The suspected dietary bioaccumulation potential of the six IOCs could not be confirmed in the feeding studies with rainbow trout. The more than twenty screening parameters showed no particularly high correlation neither with the test results nor with the BMF values collected from literature. The results corroborate earlier findings that ionization lowers the tendency of a chemical for dietary bioaccumulation, compared to non-ionized chemicals. In addition to the lipophobicity of ionic molecule moieties, fast depuration seems to be a major reason for the observed low dietary bioaccumulation of ionic compounds, in particular anions. Fast depuration may happen due to rapid metabolism of charged compounds, and future studies should test this hypothesis.

2009 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 537-541 ◽  
Dan Wu ◽  
Xinhui Liu ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  
Mingzhu Xu ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 214 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-325 ◽  
S. Topcuoĝlu ◽  
K. C. Güven ◽  
R. Küçükcezzar ◽  
D. Kut ◽  
N. Esen

1995 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-162 ◽  
Sayhan Topcuoğlu ◽  
A.Mine Van Dawen ◽  
Nurdan Güngör

1993 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 565 ◽  
MR Mortimer ◽  
DW Connell

The uptake- and depuration-rate constants (k1 and k2 respectively), according to first-order kinetics, were measured for a series of chlorobenzenes with juvenile crabs, Portunus pelagicus. These constants were found to be related to the lipophilicity of the chlorobenzenes as expressed by the octanol-water coefficient (log Kow), giving relationships similar to those observed with fish. However, the actual magnitude of k1 and k2 on a lipid basis ranged from 720 to 5880 h-1 and from 0.492 to 0.0102 h-1 respectively, which is about ten times faster than those for fish. The bioconcentration factor (KB in wet weight units) obtained from these rate constants was related to Kow, by the following expression. log KB=-2.88+1.09 log Kow. The empirical constants in this equation are similar to those observed with other aquatic organisms except that the value of -2.88 is lower than that reported with the other organisms. This is probably due to the relatively low lipid content of the crabs. It is suggested that the bioconcentration of essentially nonbiodegradable lipophilic compounds occurs as a result of partitioning between biota lipid and water. Other physicochemical properties (molar volume and aqueous solubility) and two molecular descriptors (zero- and first-order Randik indices) exhibited good correlations with the bioconcentration characteristics described above.

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