atmospheric energy transport
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2021 ◽  
Timothy Merlis ◽  
Nicole Feldl ◽  
Rodrigo Caballero

The midlatitude poleward atmospheric energy transport increases in radiatively forced simulations of warmed climates across a range of models from comprehensive coupled general circulation models (GCMs) to idealized aquaplanet moist GCMs to diffusive moist energy balance models. These increases have been rationalized from two perspectives. The energetic (or radiative) perspective takes the atmospheric energy budget and decomposes energy flux changes (radiative forcing, feedbacks, or surface fluxes) to determine the energy transport changes required by the budget. The diffusive perspective takes the net effect of atmospheric macroturbulence to be a diffusive energy transport down-gradient, so a change in transport can arise from changes in mean energy gradients or turbulent diffusivity. Here, we compare these perspectives in idealized moist, gray-radiation GCM simulations over a wide range of climate states. The energetic perspective has a dominant role for radiative forcing in this GCM, with cancellation between the components of the temperature feedback that can account for the GCM's non-monotonic energy transport changes. Comprehensive CMIP5 GCM simulations have similarities in the northern hemisphere to the idealized GCM, though a comprehensive GCM over several CO2 doublings has a distinctly different feedback structure evolution. The diffusive perspective requires a non-constant diffusivity to account for the idealized GCM-simulated changes, with important roles for the eddy velocity, dry static stability, and horizontal energy gradients. Beyond diagnostic analysis, GCM-independent a priori theories for components of the temperature feedback are presented that account for changes without knowledge of a perturbed climate state, suggesting that this is the more parsimonious perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 5865-5881
Joonas Merikanto ◽  
Kalle Nordling ◽  
Petri Räisänen ◽  
Jouni Räisänen ◽  
Declan O'Donnell ◽  

Abstract. South and East Asian anthropogenic aerosols mostly reside in an air mass extending from the Indian Ocean to the North Pacific. Yet the surface temperature effects of Asian aerosols spread across the whole globe. Here, we remove Asian anthropogenic aerosols from two independent climate models (ECHAM6.1 and NorESM1) using the same representation of aerosols via MACv2-SP (a simple plume implementation of the second version of the Max Planck Institute Aerosol Climatology). We then robustly decompose the global distribution of surface temperature responses into contributions from atmospheric energy flux changes. We find that the horizontal atmospheric energy transport strongly moderates the surface temperature response over the regions where Asian aerosols reside. Atmospheric energy transport and changes in clear-sky longwave radiation redistribute the temperature effects efficiently across the Northern Hemisphere and to a lesser extent also over the Southern Hemisphere. The model-mean global surface temperature response to Asian anthropogenic aerosol removal is 0.26±0.04 ∘C (0.22±0.03 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.30±0.03 ∘C for NorESM1) of warming. Model-to-model differences in global surface temperature response mainly arise from differences in longwave cloud (0.01±0.01 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.05±0.01 ∘C for NorESM1) and shortwave cloud (0.03±0.03 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.07±0.02 ∘C for NorESM1) responses. The differences in cloud responses between the models also dominate the differences in regional temperature responses. In both models, the northern-hemispheric surface warming amplifies towards the Arctic, where the total temperature response is highly seasonal and weakest during the Arctic summer. We estimate that under a strong Asian aerosol mitigation policy tied with strong climate mitigation (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 1-1.9) the Asian aerosol reductions can add around 8 years' worth of current-day global warming during the next few decades.

2020 ◽  
Joonas Merikanto ◽  
Kalle Nordling ◽  
Petri Räisänen ◽  
Jouni Räisänen ◽  
Declan O'Donnell ◽  

Abstract. South and East Asian anthropogenic aerosols mostly reside in an air mass extending from the Indian Ocean to the North Pacific. Yet the surface temperature effects of Asian aerosols spread across the whole globe. Here, we remove Asian anthropogenic aerosols from two independent climate models (ECHAM6.1 and NorESM1) using the same representation of aerosols via MACv2-SP (a simple plume implementation of the 2nd version of the Max Planck Institute Aerosol Climatology). We then robustly decompose the global distribution of surface temperature responses into contributions from atmospheric energy flux changes. We find that the horizontal atmospheric energy transport strongly moderates the surface temperature response over the regions where Asian aerosols reside. Atmospheric energy transport and changes in clear-sky longwave radiation redistribute the temperature effects efficiently across the Northern hemisphere, and to a lesser extent also over the Southern hemisphere. The model-mean global surface temperature response to Asian anthropogenic aerosol removal is 0.26 ± 0.04 °C (0.22 ± 0.03 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.30 ± 0.03 °C for NorESM1) of warming. Model-to-model differences in global surface temperature response mainly arise from differences in longwave cloud (0.01 ± 0.01 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.05 ± 0.01 °C for NorESM1) and shortwave cloud (0.03 ± 0.03 for ECHAM6.1 and 0.07 ± 0.02 °C for NorESM1) responses. The differences in cloud responses between the models also dominate the differences in regional temperature responses. In both models, the Northern hemispheric surface warming amplifies towards the Arctic, where the total temperature response is highly seasonal and weakest during the Arctic summer. We estimate that under a strong Asian aerosol mitigation policy tied with strong climate mitigation (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 1-1.9) the Asian aerosol reductions can add around 8 years' worth of current day global warming during the next few decades.

2020 ◽  
Johanne H. Rydsaa ◽  
Rune G. Graversen ◽  
Patrick Stoll

<p>Atmospheric energy transport into the Arctic (>70° N) has been shown to greatly alter the Arctic temperatures and the development of the Arctic weather and climate. Recent research suggests that latent energy transport into the Arctic by large, planetary-scale atmospheric systems cause a stronger and more long-lasting impact on near surface temperatures, than energy transported by smaller, synoptic scale systems. This implies that Rossby waves impact Arctic climate more than synoptic cyclones. Therefore, shifts in circulation patterns driving atmospheric energy transport into the Arctic on different scales have a potential to change Arctic climate.</p><p>Here, we show that the annual mean impact of latent energy transport on Arctic temperatures is dominated by the winter season transport. Furthermore, by examining the ERA5 dataset for the years 1979-2018, we find that over the past four decades, there has been a shift in the mean winter season latent energy transport, from smaller, synoptic scale systems (-0.03 PW/decade), towards larger, planetary scale systems (+0.05 PW/decade) which as mentioned, have a larger climatic impact. As a consequence, this shift is estimated to have increased the Arctic temperatures. We find that the trends are driven by an increase in the extreme transport events (here we examine the upper 97.5<sup>th</sup> percentile). The upper extremes have increased more than the average on the planetary scale, and decreased more on the synoptic scale. The decrease in extreme synoptic scale transport at 70° N has been confirmed in other analyses of high vorticity weather systems. By examining the extreme transport events on seasonal scales, we reveal differences in the temporal distribution of planetary vs. synoptic scale extreme events, and identify areas of the Arctic that receive the strongest impact with respect to increases in near-surface temperatures.</p>

2020 ◽  
Etienne Dunn-Sigouin ◽  
Camille Li ◽  
Paul Kushner

<p>Planetary waves with zonal wavenumbers k ≤ 3 dominate poleward atmospheric energy transport and its associated Arctic warming and moistening impacts in reanalysis data. Previous work suggests planetary waves generated by tropical warm pool Sea-Surface Temperatures (SSTs) and midlatitude synoptic waves (k ≥ 4) can drive Arctic energy transport. Here, we investigate tropical and midlatitude drivers of Arctic planetary wave transport using an idealised aquaplanet model. First, we show that the zonally-symmetric model qualitatively captures the main characteristics of observed planetary wave transport, as well as its impacts in the Arctic. Next, we show that an idealised tropical warm pool, driven by regional SST forcing, amplifies but is not the dominant source of Arctic planetary wave transport. Finally, lag-regressions using reanalysis and model data suggest midlatitude synoptic waves compensate rather than drive Arctic planetary wave transport. The results do not support the simple geometric effect of midlatitude synoptic waves aliasing onto Arctic planetary waves on a sphere, but rather point towards more complex scale interactions and local drivers of Arctic planetary wave transport.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (13) ◽  
pp. 3941-3956 ◽  
Rune G. Graversen ◽  
Peter L. Langen

AbstractA doubling of the atmospheric CO2 content leads to global warming that is amplified in the polar regions. The CO2 forcing also leads to a change of the atmospheric energy transport. This transport change affects the local warming induced by the CO2 forcing. Using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), the direct response to the transport change is investigated. Divergences of the transport change associated with a CO2 doubling are implemented as a forcing in the 1 × CO2 preindustrial control climate. This forcing is zero in the global mean. In response to a CO2 increase in CESM, the northward atmospheric energy transport decreases at the Arctic boundary. However, the transport change still leads to a warming of the Arctic. This is due to a shift between dry static and latent transport components, so that although the dry static transport decreases, the latent transport increases at the Arctic boundary, which is consistent with other model studies. Because of a greenhouse effect associated with the latent transport, the cooling caused by a change of the dry static component is more than compensated for by the warming induced by the change of the latent transport. Similar results are found for the Antarctic region, but the transport change is larger in the Southern Hemisphere than in its northern counterpart. As a consequence, the Antarctic region warms to the extent that this warming leads to global warming that is likely enhanced by the surface albedo feedback associated with considerable ice retreat in the Southern Hemisphere.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (6) ◽  
pp. 1839-1855 ◽  
Benjamin R. Lintner ◽  
William R. Boos

AbstractThe South Pacific convergence zone (SPCZ) exhibits well-known spatial displacements in response to anomalous sea surface temperatures (SSTs) associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Although dynamic and thermodynamic changes during ENSO events are consistent with observed SPCZ shifts, explanations for these displacements have been largely qualitative. This study applies a theoretical framework based on generalizing arguments about the relationship between the zonal-mean intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and atmospheric energy transport (AET) to 2D, permitting quantification of SPCZ displacements during ENSO. Using either resolved atmospheric energy fluxes or estimates of column-integrated moist energy sources, this framework predicts well the observed SPCZ shifts during ENSO, at least when anomalous ENSO-region SSTs are relatively small. In large-amplitude ENSO events, such as the 1997/98 El Niño, the framework breaks down because of the large change in SPCZ precipitation intensity. The AET framework permits decomposition of the ENSO forcing into various components, such as column radiative heating versus surface turbulent fluxes, and local versus remote contributions. Column energy source anomalies in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific dominate the SPCZ shift. Furthermore, although the radiative flux anomaly is larger than the surface turbulent flux anomaly in the SPCZ region, the radiative flux anomaly, which can be viewed as a feedback on the ENSO forcing, accounts for slightly less than half of SPCZ precipitation anomalies during ENSO. This study also introduces an idealized analytical model used to illustrate AET anomalies during ENSO and to obtain a scaling for the SPCZ response to an anomalous equatorial energy source.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (18) ◽  
pp. 7441-7450 ◽  
Hye-Mi Kim ◽  
Baek-Min Kim

Abstract The relative contributions of atmospheric energy transport (via heat and moisture advection) and sea ice decline to recent Arctic warming were investigated using high-resolution reanalysis data up to 2017. During the Arctic winter, a variation of downward longwave radiation (DLR) is fundamental in modulating Arctic surface temperature. In the warm Arctic winter, DLR and precipitable water (PW) are increasing over the entire Arctic; however, the major drivers for such increases differ regionally. In areas such as the northern Greenland Sea, increasing DLR and PW are caused mainly by convergence of atmospheric energy transport from lower latitudes. In regions of maximum sea ice retreat (e.g., northern Barents–Kara Seas), continued sea ice melting from previous seasons drive the DLR and PW increases, consistent with the positive ice–insulation feedback. Distinct local feedbacks between open water and ice-retreat regions were further compared. In open water regions, a reduced ocean–atmosphere temperature gradient caused by atmospheric warming suppresses surface turbulent heat flux (THF) release from the ocean to the atmosphere; thus, surface warming cannot accelerate. Conversely, in ice-retreat regions, sea ice reduction allows the relatively warm ocean to interact with the colder atmosphere via surface THF release. This increases temperature and humidity in the lower troposphere consistent with the positive ice–insulation feedback. The implication of this study is that Arctic warming will slow as the open water fraction increases. Therefore, given sustained greenhouse warming, the roles of atmospheric heat and moisture transport from lower latitudes are likely to become increasingly critical in the future Arctic climate.

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 925-940 ◽  
Patrick T. Brown ◽  
Wenhong Li ◽  
Jonathan H. Jiang ◽  
Hui Su

Abstract Unforced global mean surface air temperature () is stable in the long term primarily because warm anomalies are associated with enhanced outgoing longwave radiation () to space and thus a negative net radiative energy flux (, positive downward) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). However, it is shown here that, with the exception of high latitudinal and specific continental regions, warm unforced surface air temperature anomalies at the local spatial scale [T(θ, ϕ), where (θ, ϕ) = (latitude, longitude)] tend to be associated with anomalously positive N(θ, ϕ). It is revealed that this occurs mainly because warm T(θ, ϕ) anomalies are accompanied by anomalously low surface albedo near sea ice margins and over high altitudes, low cloud albedo over much of the middle and low latitudes, and a large water vapor greenhouse effect over the deep Indo-Pacific. It is shown here that the negative versus relationship arises because warm anomalies are associated with large divergence of atmospheric energy transport over the tropical Pacific [where the N(θ, ϕ) versus T(θ, ϕ) relationship tends to be positive] and convergence of atmospheric energy transport at high latitudes [where the N(θ, ϕ) versus T(θ, ϕ) relationship tends to be negative]. Additionally, the characteristic surface temperature pattern contains anomalously cool regions where a positive local N(θ, ϕ) versus T(θ, ϕ) relationship helps induce negative . Finally, large-scale atmospheric circulation changes play a critical role in the production of the negative versus relationship as they drive cloud reduction and atmospheric drying over large portions of the tropics and subtropics, which allows for greatly enhanced .

2015 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 25482 ◽  
Song-Miao Fan ◽  
Lucas M. Harris ◽  
Larry W. Horowitz

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