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Joshua Keeve Tandra ◽  
Suwandi Supatra

In 2020, mankind throughout the world will be shaken by the Covid-19 which greatly affected people's lives and caused a lot of unrest. The Indonesian government implements a "at home" system. And with this regulation, many workers and factory workers have their salaries reduced, and some are given a termination policy even though they are still productive for work. So that the impact of Covid-19 will not only have an impact on health, the economy, but also on the workforce and also disrupt food security. The food sector is one of the sectors that is resilient in every crisis and as we know food is the main need of every society. Project "Eco-friendly Agriculture in the Cakung area" as a productive forum to accommodate the unemployed in the surrounding area due to layoffs so that they can get a job, learn, and improve their skills. Therefore this project is located in Cakung District, East Jakarta. This project is designed based on urban farming, which means farming in an urban environment using a hydroponic planting system for healthier production results. And through the results of field surveys and internet research, the site is close to PIK (Small Industry Center) which is an area that is a shopping center for people in the surrounding area which is dominated by the textile and food industry. So this building will also support the surrounding area, namely the PIK (Small Industry Center) by producing plants that can produce cloth fibers and also some staple and supporting foods that have fast harvest times so that they can produce quickly given the pandemic conditions that have resulted in increased demand. Therefore, this project is expected to minimize the issues raised. Keywords:  Covid-19; Urban Farming; Work Termination AbstrakTahun 2020 ini umat manusia diseluruh dunia digoncang dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat dan menimbulkan banyak keresahan. Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan sistem “dirumah aja”. Dan dengan adanya aturan ini membuat para pekerja dan buruh pabrik banyak yang dikurangi gajinya, dan beberapa diberi kebijakan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja padahal masih produktif untuk bekerja. Sehingga dampak Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan, perekonomian, tetapi juga pada Tenaga Kerja dan juga mengganggu ketahanan pangan. Sektor pangan merupakan salah satu sektor yang tahan disetiap krisis dan seperti yang kita tahu pangan merupakan kebutuhan utama setiap masyarakat. Proyek “Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan dikawasan Cakung” sebagai wadah produktif untuk menampung para pengangguran dikawasan sekitar akibat PHK agar mereka mendapat pekerjaan, belajar, dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka. Maka dari itu proyek ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur. Proyek ini dirancang berbasis urban farming yang dalam arti bercocok tanam dilingkungan perkotaan dengan menggunakan sistem tanam hidroponik agar hasil produksi lebih sehat. Dan melalui hasil survei lapangan dan riset internet, lokasi tapak berdekatan dengan PIK (Pusat Industri Kecil) yang merupakan area yang menjadi pusat perbelanjaan orang-orang dikawasan sekitar yang didominasi dengan industri tekstil dan makanan. Maka bangunan ini juga akan mendukung kawasan sekitar yaitu PIK (Pusat Industri Kecil) dengan memproduksi tanaman yang dapat menghasilkan serat kain dan juga beberapa makanan pokok dan pendukung yang memiliki waktu panen yang cepat agar dapat produksi dengan cepat mengingat kondisi pandemi yang mengakibatkan peningkatkan kebutuhan. Oleh sebab itu proyek ini diharapkan dapat menimalisir isu yang diangkat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102452942110032
Thomas Da Costa Vieira ◽  
Emma A Foster

This paper focuses on the British state’s attitude towards co-operatives, focusing mainly on the Thatcher (1979–1990) and Cameron (2010–2015) governments. After the 2008 crisis, the Cameron-led government, under the umbrella of its Big Society project, developed measures to shift responsibility on British society for the development of the co-operative model as a contribution to self-help, the pursuit of economic growth and the rebuilding of social bonds. We trace the origins of these efforts to the Thatcher governments, where these attitudes towards workers’ cooperatives were consolidated. In so doing, we find the concept of ordoliberalism rather than neo-liberalism alone, particularly useful for explaining the nuances of the governments’ relationship with the cooperatives; including the symbolic backing of co-operatives for their perfect embodiment of self-help and the entrepreneurial spirit, integrating them into a social policy of total competition and economic growth and the constant legislative and financial control of state support. This exemplified and operationalized a larger governmentality later also pursued by the coalition, aimed at entrenching a competitive order and the bourgeois spirit of self-sufficiency through the deployment of the agenda of popular capitalism. Both the Thatcher and Cameron governments, in the spirit of ordoliberalism, instrumentalized cooperatives as part of a project that sought to govern through society to reshape and depoliticize it. This was an attempt to simultaneously eliminate British society’s political demands while recasting the role that the state is expected to play in social and economic policy.

Rosa Adelina Sampaio Oliveira ◽  
Cassia Ferreira Miranda ◽  
Gustavo Cunha de Araujo

This article aims to discuss the implementation and validity of the degree course in Rural Education, with specialization in Arts and Music, at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT), in the Tocantinópolis campus. The course stands out for being one of the two existing courses in Brazil aimed at the formation of countryside educators to work specifically in the discipline of Art in Elementary and Secondary Education in rural schools. In the developed reflection, a qualitative approach of descriptive and documental character is used, performing an interpretative analysis of the researched data. Existing since 2014, the course has already graduated three classes in a trajectory of constructions and reconstructions, with the purpose of seeking a critical look at the course and adapting to the needs of curricular reconfigurations, in order to provide a public and quality education. Aiming to train educators to work with the Visual Arts, Music and Theater, the course of the UFNT-Tocantinópolis resists seeking to democratize the access to education, by contributing to the construction of a quality education that helps to improve the lives of peasant populations, in the construction of a more egalitarian and solidary society project and in the reduction of social inequalities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. e004206
Steven Lloyd Wilson ◽  
Charles Wiysonge

BackgroundUnderstanding the threat posed by anti-vaccination efforts on social media is critically important with the forth coming need for world wide COVID-19 vaccination programs. We globally evaluate the effect of social media and online foreign disinformation campaigns on vaccination rates and attitudes towards vaccine safety.MethodsWeuse a large-n cross-country regression framework to evaluate the effect ofsocial media on vaccine hesitancy globally. To do so, we operationalize social media usage in two dimensions: the use of it by the public to organize action(using Digital Society Project indicators), and the level of negative lyoriented discourse about vaccines on social media (using a data set of all geocoded tweets in the world from 2018-2019). In addition, we measure the level of foreign-sourced coordinated disinformation operations on social media ineach country (using Digital Society Project indicators). The outcome of vaccine hesitancy is measured in two ways. First, we use polls of what proportion ofthe public per country feels vaccines are unsafe (using Wellcome Global Monitor indicators for 137 countries). Second, we use annual data of actual vaccination rates from the WHO for 166 countries.ResultsWe found the use of social media to organise offline action to be highly predictive of the belief that vaccinations are unsafe, with such beliefs mounting as more organisation occurs on social media. In addition, the prevalence of foreign disinformation is highly statistically and substantively significant in predicting a drop in mean vaccination coverage over time. A 1-point shift upwards in the 5-point disinformation scale is associated with a 2-percentage point drop in mean vaccination coverage year over year. We also found support for the connection of foreign disinformation with negative social media activity about vaccination. The substantive effect of foreign disinformation is to increase the number of negative vaccine tweets by 15% for the median country.ConclusionThere is a significant relationship between organisation on social media and public doubts of vaccine safety. In addition, there is a substantial relationship between foreign disinformation campaigns and declining vaccination coverage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
Domingos Barros Nobre

O texto apresenta dados atualizados do quadro de escolarização indígena no Brasil, questionando as desigualdades e as distorções no seu processo de implantação. Ele mostra que a precariedade de boa parte das escolas indígenas no país é inegável. Há, entretanto, alguns processos educativos em curso no âmbito de algumas experiências comunitárias indígenas. Dentre eles, cita o movimento indígena contemporâneo que continua mostrando sua vitalidade, como a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB) e todas as organizações indígenas que a compõe, responsáveis por trazer as questões dos direitos indígenas para a pauta nacional. O presente artigo também enumera três categorias de análise que podem sustentar as condições para as escolas indígenas se constituírem em um espaço de resistência/autonomia ou de subordinação/dominação: a) Ter um projeto de sociedade pensado e construído coletivamente; b) O modelo de interculturalismo adotado para suas relações e c) A política linguística adotada pela comunidade e pela escola. Por fim, alerta para o avanço do ultraliberalismo e do fascismo nas políticas que atacam os povos tradicionais e aponta também iniciativas contra-hegemônicas em curso. EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES AND INDIGENOUSPEOPLES: meanings, practices and ethnopolitical disputes in the contemporary context  ABSTRACT The text presents updated data from the indigenous schooling framework in Brazil, questioning the inequalities and distortions in its implementation process. He shows that the precariousness of most indigenous schools in the country is undeniable. There are, however, some educational processes underway in the context of some indigenous community experiences. Among them, it cites the contemporary indigenous movement that continues to show its vitality, such as the  Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil  (APIB) and all the indigenous organizations that compose it, responsible for bringing indigenous rights issues to the national agenda. This article also lists three categories of analysis that can sustain the conditions for indigenous schools to constitute a space of resistance/autonomy or subordination/domination: a) Having a society project thought and constructed collectively; b) The model of interculturalism adopted for their relations and  c) The linguistic policy adopted by the community and the school. Finally,  it warns of the advance of ultraliberalism and fascism in policies that attack traditional peoples and also points to ongoing counter-hegemonic initiatives.Keywords: Education and Indigenous Peoples. Ethnic Political Disputes. Indigenous Educational Process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-54
Bryan A. Briones

Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a comprehensive online reference work that covers topics electrical and electronics engineering. Adding to the encyclopedia’s body of work, primarily encompassing the core of electrical and electronics engineering, are articles pertaining to historical background, society, project management, and education. Electrical and electronics engineering is dynamic, requiring new and updated articles to be added on a quarterly basis. Articles are authored by academics, scholars, and researchers in the industry, establishing this as a reliable resource for the given scope. With its intuitive navigational and interactive tools, Wiley’s platform makes searching the encyclopedia much easier.

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