indigenous movement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 84
Thiago Almeida Barros ◽  
Analaura Corradi ◽  
Gecilene Magalhães Marinho Barros

Este artigo consiste em análise de conteúdo das fanpages das organizações Mobilização Nacional Indígena e Conselho Indigenista Missionário na rede social Facebook, entre agosto e novembro de 2017, considerando a proposta dos elementos de cultura de comunicação on-line de Kavada (2013) e identificação de demandas de representação (representative claim) segundo Saward (2010). Os resultados indicam que as organizações levantam demandas semelhantes, como a demarcação de terras indígenas, mas têm diferenças em relação à abordagem dos conteúdos, fins e funções da comunicação, o que abre espaço para problemas quanto à representação política não eleitoral de povos indígenas.Representative claims and communication on Facebook: indigenists organizations fan pages analysisAbstractThis article consists of content analysis of the fan pages of the organizations Mobilização Nacional Indígena and Conselho Indigenista Missionário on the Facebook, between August and November 2017, considering the proposal of the elements of Kavada's online communication culture (2013) and identification of representative claims (SAWARD, 2010). The results indicate that the organizations raise similar demands, such as the demarcation of indigenous lands, but have differences in relation to the approach to the contents and purposes and functions of communication, which opens space for problems regarding the non-electoral political representation of indigenous peoples.Keywords: indigenous movement; Facebook; political representation; communication culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 01-10
Bidhya Shrestha ◽  
Tara Lal Shrestha ◽  
Dipankar Senehang ◽  
Bibechana Sharma Timsina

This article aims to explore the foundational and functional phases of the Khuwalung resistance movement. It is based on grey literature documents. To synchronize the significance of an indigenous movement, the first part of this study briefly presents the context of the hegemonic ideology of the ruling elite persisting in Nepal with reference to Khuwalung. The second part covers the phases of the resistance, which look far more constrained as a counter-resistance. The last part presents potential insights related to Khuwalung for transforming this counter-resistance into an organic indigenous movement in Nepal.

Erwin Syahruddin ◽  
Moh. Fadli ◽  
Rachmad Safa'at ◽  
Istislam Istislam

The existence of environmental management that is wise and wise itself has also been contained in the Constitution in Indonesia, especially Article 28H paragraph (1) and Article 33 paragraph (4). To ensure the role of human beings to the environment remains conservative, the state regulates and controls existing natural resources for the greatest prosperity of the people as stated in the Indonesian constitution. This aims to make natural resource management can be utilized not only for the current generation but also for future generations, as well as to maintain the ecosystem to remain sustainable. However, the existence of a green constitution along with recognition & respect of customs contained in the constitution (law in the books) has not yet fully built a strong interdependence (law in action) to create environmental justice. This is evidenced by the many conflicts that occur between indigenous peoples and corporations. The problem studied in this study is the impact of the failure of alternative environmental dispute resolution between the samin indigenous movement and PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (hereinafter abbreviated as PT. Semen Indonesia). This study uses a type of socio-legal law research with a sociological approach located research in Rembang. The results showed that every problem that intersects with indigenous peoples should be resolved harmoniously and peacefully with deliberation and consensus. In addition, it is necessary to involve indigenous peoples in determining environmental policies. Then there needs to be harmonization and internalization between environmental policy and local community culture (indigenous legal community).

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-102
D. Palacios Llaque ◽  
J.P. Sarmiento Barletti

This paper analyzes the meeting of different forms of governmentality in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve (RCA), a protected natural area in the Peruvian Amazon. The variety of practices governing the RCA and the indigenous and non-indigenous populations in its buffer zone, responds to the intersection of socio-historical processes of extraction and conservation. These processes are marked by years of struggle by the indigenous movement to recapture the governance of their territories, resulting in the co-management of the RCA through a negotiated e co-governmentality between the Peruvian state and ECA-Amarakaeri, an indigenous organization. However, while this co-management arrangement permits participatory governance by historically excluded actors such as indigenous peoples, it excludes another population: Andean migrants. This type of governance challenges the role of multi-stakeholder forums related to protected areas and poses questions about the technologies of participation necessary for an equal interaction between the different interests in the governance of protected area.

Ethnicities ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 146879682110327
Francisco Garrido ◽  
Carol Chan

Chief Caupolican is Emile Barrangon, an early 20th-century performer in the US who was born in Chile to an indigenous Mapuche father and a French mother. Despite his fame, he has not yet been included in studies on indigenous agency in Native American representations, likely because of his immigrant origins. We situate his indigenous self-identification and media success within the broader context of ongoing pan-indigenous activism in the country and Native Americans’ efforts to engage indigenous representations in the media. The pan-indigenous movement that sought to unify indigenous political claims, regardless of tribal affiliation, enabled and encouraged foreign-born aborigines and persons of mixed ancestry to identify with indigeneity in ways that transcend nation-state borders. By presenting and examining his multi-faceted life, performance, and political views, this article contributes to better understanding the complex dynamics of the indigenous performance landscape in the early 20th century.

Significance Iza, a central figure in 2019 anti-austerity protests, replaces Jaime Vargas, who was expelled from CONAIE after backing 'Correista' candidate Andres Arauz in April’s presidential election run-off. Vargas’s expulsion illustrates divisions within Ecuadoran indigenous politics. CONAIE nevertheless remains a powerful force that will challenge the government. Impacts Private media channels will attempt to discredit Iza and CONAIE and undermine wider support for the indigenous movement. Correa will attempt to strengthen links within CONAIE and the Pachakutik party and build a broader leftist alliance. Popular resistance to Lasso’s economic reforms might undermine investor confidence in Ecuador.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-66
Mohamad Bustam

Lembaga swadaya masyarakat ini berupaya memperjuangkan hak komunitas lokal dalam isu kebijakan penetapan kawasan taman nasional. Tujuan penulisan ini mengidentifikasi peran dan strategi Yayasan Tanah Merdeka (YTM) dalam memperjuangkan hak komunitas Orang Katu atas penetapan Kawasan Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Studi mengungkapkan YTM memainkan peran strategis dalam menciptakan hegemoni tandingan atas kebijakan penetapan kawasan Taman nasional Lore Lindu di wilayah komunitas Orang Katu. Hal ini dilakukan dengan membentuk kesadaran kolektif, melibatkan komunitas dalam gerakan akar rumput, mengembangkan strategi perjuangan melalui penyusunan dokumen pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis pengetahuan lokal serta, penggunaan terminologi masyarakat adat sebagai instrumen perjuangan yang dihubungkan dengan wacana hak global sehingga menjadi kekuatan yang konstitutif dalam arena politik pengelolaan sumber daya alam pada tingkat lokal.  Kata kunci: Lembaga swadaya masyarakat, gerakan masyarakat adat, kebijakan taman nasional   This non-governmental organization seeks to fight for the rights of local communities in the policy issue of setting the national park area. This paper aims to identify the role of Yayasan Tanah Merdeka (YTM) in the struggling rights of the Orang Katu community for the establishment of the Lore Lindu National Park Area. Data is collected using qualitative methods and presented descriptively. The study revealed that YTM played a strategic role in creating counter-hegemony over the policy of establishing Lore Lindu National Park in the Katu community area. Conducted by establishing collective awareness, involving communities in grassroots movements, the strategy is developed through the preparation of documents on the management of natural resources based on local knowledge as well as, the use of indigenous terminology that is connected with global rights discourse to become a constitutive force in the political arena of natural resource management at the local level. Keywords: non-government organization, indigenous movement, national park policy

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-126
José Sobreiro Filho

Este artigo objetiva provocar o debate referente à construção conceitual sobre movimentos socioespaciais e movimentos socioterritoriais promovido pela geografia brasileira. Deste modo, primeiramente percorremos o debate seminal sobre a chegada do tema de pesquisa na geografia brasileira, sua fundamentação e criação conceitual, suas especificidades, embates e críticas e, em seguida, apresentamos as respectivas contribuições de autores nacionais. Com o objetivo de reforçar a fundamentação, fatos e elementos do MNCI são exemplificados para mostrar as contribuições da perspectiva geográfica e reforçar as potencialidades da abordagem espacial e territorial em um outro território latino-americano.Como citar este artigo:SOBREIRO FILHO, José. Quando nasce uma mãe e sua luta por todos: breve análise sobre a formação do Movimento Nacional Campesino Indígena (MNCI) na Argentina. Revista NERA, v. 24, n. 57, p. 104-126, Dossiê I ELAMSS, 2021.

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-60
Zoltán Grossman

The story of the Indigenous movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016 and 2017 has been the subject of numerous articles and documentaries, many of which depict it mainly as an environmental and climate justice campaign to stop the pipeline from crossing the Mni Sose (Missouri River), just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. Nick Estes and Jaskiran Dhillon's edited collection Standing with Standing Rock tells a richer and more complex story of decolonization and indigenization from the frontlines.

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