rural education
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2022 ◽  
V. Sue Atkinson

This essay calls for the development of a rural philosophy of education and outlines considerations toward that end. Questioning the applicability of current school reform initiatives to rural education, the essay draws on the work of rural philosopher Wendell Berry, educational historian Paul Theobald, and other rural scholars to outline considerations for the development of such an education philosophy. Education policy issues, rural history, and current economic, political, and cultural challenges are presented. Differences, strengths, and needs of rural education are highlighted as considerations that must be addressed in the formation of a philosophy of rural education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1451-1459
Song Han

In the current climate of pursuing educational equity, the construction of educational community is a worthwhile experiment in achieving equitable development of urban and rural education. Establishing a multi-channel cooperation mechanism between urban and rural schools and giving full play to the existing high-quality educational resources are feasible and efficient ways to reach quality and equity education. Based on the technology of Internet plus satellite live broadcasting and its own resource advantages, Zhengzhou No.1 High School constructed an educational community across time and space, which effectively promotes balanced development of education in the region and has enhanced the overall educational level there.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1451-1459
Song Han

In the current climate of pursuing educational equity, the construction of educational community is a worthwhile experiment in achieving equitable development of urban and rural education. Establishing a multi-channel cooperation mechanism between urban and rural schools and giving full play to the existing high-quality educational resources are feasible and efficient ways to reach quality and equity education. Based on the technology of Internet plus satellite live broadcasting and its own resource advantages, Zhengzhou No.1 High School constructed an educational community across time and space, which effectively promotes balanced development of education in the region and has enhanced the overall educational level there.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Bo Peng ◽  
Piaopiao Sun ◽  
Anqi Lou ◽  
Chuanling Zhang ◽  

At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the party put forward the 14th five year plan and the long-term goal of 2035, it put forward that we should not only give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas and comprehensively promote rural revitalization, but also strive to build an educational power, improve farmers' scientific, technological and cultural literacy and promote the revitalization of rural talents. Human resources are the first resource for China's economic and social development, and education is the main way to develop human resources. Rural Revitalization needs talent revitalization, which is inseparable from the revitalization of rural education. However, there are still some problems to be solved in rural education. This paper combs the problems existing in the school running conditions, teachers, family education, education quality, local culture and the development status of rural vocational education, analyzes the causes of the problems, and puts forward the countermeasures for the development of rural education. Such as increasing investment in Education funds, strengthening the construction of school standardization; Improving the economic treatment and social status of rural teachers, strengthening the construction of rural teachers and enhancing their sense of rural belonging; Strengthening the role of family education and sharing the responsibilities of vulnerable groups; Improving the quality of education and creating local characteristic courses; Vigorously developing rural vocational education. Through these measures, we can promote the healthy and sustainable development of rural education. At the same time, the government, society, schools and families need to work together to attach great importance to and strive to solve the problems existing in rural education. Therefore, this article combs the problems existing in rural education and seeks solutions in order to help the rapid development of rural education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 523
Samuel Pires Melo ◽  
Ruth Sousa Batista ◽  
Millena Araújo de Souza

A educação do/no campo tem se diferenciado da educação rural em seus processos socioeducativos. Os movimentos sociais têm reivindicado a educação preocupada com o desenvolvimento de seus territórios rurais, e não para o interesse estrito do Capital. Entende-se, assim, que as práticas pedagógicas dos professores se distinguem diante de seus espaços de atuação, como tem sido na Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas (EPJA) em territórios rurais com turmas multisseriadas. Observam-se diferentes demandas ao educador, além da compreensão de que a escola, no seu papel de formação de sujeitos socioculturais, deve estar firmada no objetivo de desenvolver práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de educandos autônomos. Diante disso, busca-se analisar as práticas pedagógicas dos educadores que atuam na educação de pessoas jovens e adultas no campo, por meio das teses e dissertações dos programas de pós-graduação do Brasil. Optou-se por uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Estado da Arte, e pela técnica de Análise Conteúdo, de Bardin (2004). Por meio dos filtros de seleção (descritores e recorte temporal), foram encontrados seis trabalhos na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, nos quais se observou que as práticas pedagógicas dos docentes da EPJA territórios rurais são marcadas por influências econômicas, culturais, políticas e sociais, que necessitam de apoio na Formação Continuada e de recursos para atuação do educador na Educação do/no campo, portanto, a partir de práticas críticas, reflexivas e integrantes das realidades que ensejam transformadoras nas salas da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas do Campo.Palavras-chave: Educação do campo; Educação de pessoas jovens e adultas; Práticas pedagógicas.Pedagogical practices of youth and adult education teachers in the field: what do theses and dissertations say in Brazil (2010-2019)ABSTRACTAbstract: The education of/in the countryside has been different from rural education in its socio-educational processes. Social movements have demanded education concerned with the development of their rural territories, and not for the strict interest of Capital. It is understood, therefore, that the pedagogical practices of teachers are distinguished in relation to their spaces of action, as it has been in the Education of Young and Adult People (EPJA) in rural territories with multigrade classes. There are different demands on the educator, in addition to the understanding that the school, in its role of training sociocultural subjects, must be based on the objective of developing pedagogical practices that contribute to the development of autonomous students. Therefore, we seek to analyze the pedagogical practices of educators who work in the education of young and adult people in the countryside, through thesis and dissertations of postgraduate programs in Brazil. We opted for qualitative research of the State-of-the-Art type, and for the Content Analysis technique, by Bardin (2004). Through selection filters (descriptors and time frame), six works were found in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, in which it was observed that the pedagogical practices of EPJA teachers in rural territories are marked by economic, cultural, political and social, which need support in Continuing Education and resources for the educator's performance in Education of/in the countryside, therefore, from critical, reflective practices that are part of the transformative realities in the Education of Young and Adult People in the countryside.Keywords: Rural education; Youth and adult education; Pedagogical practices.Prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de educación de jóvenes y adultos en el ámbito: qué dicen las tesis y disertaciones en Brasil (2010-2019)RESUMENLa educación del / en el campo ha sido diferente a la educación rural en sus procesos socioeducativos. Los movimientos sociales han reclamado una educación preocupada por el desarrollo de sus territorios rurales, y no por el estricto interés del Capital. Se entiende, por tanto, que las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes se distinguen en relación a sus espacios de acción, como ha sido en la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EPJA) en territorios rurales con clases multigrado. Existen diferentes demandas al educador, además de entender que la escuela, en su rol de formación de sujetos socioculturales, debe basarse en el objetivo de desarrollar prácticas pedagógicas que contribuyan al desarrollo de estudiantes autónomos. Por lo tanto, buscamos analizar las prácticas pedagógicas de los educadores que trabajan en la educación de jóvenes y adultos en el campo, a través de tesis y disertaciones de programas de posgrado en Brasil. Se optó por una investigación cualitativa del tipo State of the Art, y por la técnica de Análisis de Contenidos, de Bardin (2004). A través de filtros de selección (descriptores y marco temporal), se encontraron seis trabajos en la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones, en los cuales se observó que las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes de EPJA en territorios rurales están marcadas por factores económicos, culturales, políticos y sociales, que necesitan apoyo en Educación Continuada y recursos para el desempeño del educador en Educación del / en el campo, por tanto, a partir de prácticas críticas y reflexivas que son parte de las realidades transformadoras en la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos en el campo.  Palabras clave: Educación rural; Educación de jóvenes y adultos; Prácticas pedagógicas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 418
Verônica Klepka

A atuação na Educação de Jovens e Adultos do campo pressupõe considerar os alunos que chegam à EJA como trabalhadores que lutam por uma vida digna, e carregam inúmeras experiências produzindo conhecimentos em cada prática social vivenciada. Deste modo, o trabalho no/do campo é uma temática fértil para ser considerada na formação de professores para a EJA. Neste artigo, assumimos as reflexões de Miguel Arroyo como referencial teórico para a formação de professores para a EJA e apresentamos a experiência pedagógica frente à disciplina de EJA em um curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo no Estado de Minas Gerais com o propósito de discutir a potencialidade do trabalho no/do campo, enquanto prática social para a prática pedagógica de futuros professores da EJA do campo. As informações provêm de 52 trabalhos finais da disciplina ao longo dos anos de 2019 e 2020. Podemos observar um grande número de práticas sociais emergentes dos contextos dos licenciandos, predominantemente do campo, com destaque para o cultivo e/ou produção de derivados da mandioca. Percebemos ainda a existência de conhecimentos matemáticos e científicos nestas práticas o que possibilitou aos licenciandos a proposição de aulas para contextos de EJA, utilizando-se da potencialidade da temática para um diálogo entre a atividade exercida pelos trabalhadores da EJA e os conhecimentos escolares. O trabalho no/do campo passa a ser assumido por estes licenciandos como locais de produção de conhecimentos, prática social, a qual seu modo de viver e sobreviver são aspectos estreitamente vinculados a um projeto de campo emancipatório.Palavras-chave: Trabalho enquanto prática social; Formação de professores para a EJA; Educação no/do campo.From work to EJA: social practices and teacher training in/of/for rural educationABSTRACTThe acting in the Youth and Adult Education presupposes considering the students who come to EJA as workers who fight for a dignified life and carry countless experiences producing knowledge in each social practice experienced. Thus, peasant work is a fertile topic to be considered in the training of teachers for EJA. In this article, we take Miguel Arroyo's reflections as a theoretical framework for teacher education for EJA and present the pedagogical experience facing the EJA discipline in a degree course in Rural Education in the State of Minas Gerais with the purpose of discussing the potential of rural work in/in, as a social practice for the pedagogical practice of future teachers of the EJA of the rural education. The information comes from the 52 course's final works throughout the years 2019 and 2020. We can observe a large number of social practices emerging from the contexts of the undergraduates, predominantly from the countryside, with an emphasis on the cultivation and/or production of cassava derivatives. We also noticed the existence of mathematical and scientific knowledge in these practices, which enabled the undergraduates to propose classes for EJA contexts, using the potential of the theme for a dialogue between the activity performed by EJA workers and school knowledge. Rurak Work in/the is assumed by these graduates as places of production of knowledge, a social practice to which their way of living and surviving are aspects closely linked to an emancipatory project.Keywords: Work as a social practice; Teacher training for EJA; Rural education.Del Trabajo a EJA: prácticas sociales y formación de profesores em/de/para el campoRESUMENLa actuación en la Educación de Jóvenes y adultos en el campo presupone considerar a los estudiantes que llegan a EJA como trabajadores que luchan por una vida digna y llevan innumerables experiencias productoras de conocimiento en cada práctica social vivida. Así, el trabajo en / en el campo es un tema fértil a ser considerado en la formación de docentes para EJA. En este artículo, tomamos las reflexiones de Miguel Arroyo como marco teórico para la formación de la maestria para EJA y presentamos la experiencia pedagógica que enfrenta la disciplina EJA en un curso de Grado en Educación Rural en el Estado de Minas Gerais con el propósito de discutir el potencial del trabajo en / en el campo, como una práctica social para la práctica pedagógica de futuros profesores de la EJA del campo. La información proviene de los trabajos finales de la disciplina durante los años 2019 y 2020. Podemos observar una gran cantidad de prácticas sociales que emergen de los contextos de los estudiantes, predominantemente del campo, con énfasis en el cultivo y / o producción de derivados de la yuca. También notamos la existencia de conocimientos matemáticos y científicos en estas prácticas, lo que permitió a los estudiantes de pregrado proponer clases para contextos EJA, utilizando el potencial de la temática para un diálogo entre la actividad realizada por los trabajadores de EJA y el conocimiento escolar. El trabajo en / en el campo es asumido por estos egresados como lugares de producción de conocimiento, una práctica social para la cual su forma de vivir y sobrevivir son aspectos muy ligados a un proyecto de campo emancipador.  Palabras clave: Trabajo como práctica social; Formación de professores para EJA; Educación de campo.

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