international integrated reporting council
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 410-440
Mona Othman ◽  
Norida Basnan ◽  
Azlina Ahmad ◽  
Mohd Fairuz Md Salleh

Background and Purpose: The Integrated Reporting framework as emphasised by The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in 2013 (revised 2021), was accepted as one of the mechanisms nationwide to enhance public accountability. However, far fewer studies examined the intersection of the Integrated Reporting (IR) framework and the public sector. Addressing the gap, reviews of the literature were presented synthesising the adoption of the IR framework across public administration.   Methodology: By drawing upon SCOPUS, Science Direct and Mendeley databases were employed to generate academic literature beginning in 2011 through 2020. Following the inclusion and exclusion processes, 23 articles were selected and analysed by using ATLAS.ti 8.   Findings: The findings of the review were discussed qualitatively and quantitatively. Particular discerning were the qualitative findings; the findings outlined insights into key developments on the IR framework across the following groups, namely, ‘Fundamental Concepts’, ‘Guiding Principles’, and ‘Content Elements’. Key aspects of challenges concerning the adoption of existing frameworks in public administration were discussed.   Contributions: Future research might better consider developing a more appropriate IR framework for public administration, a framework that integrates policy and practice. By focusing on the academic literature emphasising the IR framework, academics, regulators, and reporting organisations could formulate appropriate strategies for public administration.   Keywords: Framework, integrated reporting, public sector, thematic review.   Cite as: Othman, M., Basnan, N., Ahmad, A., & Md Salleh, M. F. (2022). The integrated reporting framework across public administration: A thematic review. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(1), 410-440.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Caroline M. Bridges ◽  
Julie A. Harrison ◽  
David C. Hay

Purpose The initial rationale for developing integrated reporting included addressing the failures of traditional reporting to address sustainability issues. Subsequently, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) modified its stated objectives to emphasise integrated thinking and value creation. There has been debate on whether the IIRC’s process for developing its integrated reporting framework was subject to regulatory capture by the accounting profession (Flower, 2015; Adams, 2015; Thomson, 2015). This paper aims to provide additional evidence on the extent to which this regulatory capture occurred, with an update on current developments. Design/methodology/approach Data from interviews with key participants in the integrated reporting framework’s development and the IIRC’s Council and Working Group meeting minutes were analysed to identify to what extent the change in the IIRC’s focus can be explained by regulatory capture theory. Findings The findings show that the integrated reporting framework’s development was subject to regulatory capture by accountants. However, the extent of capture was mitigated to some extent by processes adopted in its development. This is consistent with regulatory capture theory. Originality/value This paper critically examines the debate on the extent to which the sustainability message has been lost as a result of regulatory capture. It provides an in-depth analysis of the IIRC’s treatment of sustainability which explores the application of regulatory capture theory and examines evidence not considered in previous studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 806-834
Eduardo Tramontin Castanha ◽  
Rodrigo Rengel ◽  
Amanda Manes Koch ◽  
Valdirene Gasparetto

RESUMO O Relato Integrado (RI) deve prover uma visão da qualidade das relações que a organização mantém com as partes interessadas e evidenciar os riscos que afetam a capacidade de gerar valor no curto, médio e longo prazo. Assim, este estudo tem o objetivo de investigar como os riscos relacionais são evidenciados pelas empresas participantes do projeto piloto do RI no Brasil. Realizou-se análise de conteúdo dos RIs de 11 empresas participantes do projeto piloto do RI. Os resultados evidenciam que apesar dos riscos relacionais possuírem representatividade na relação entre organizações, estes são divulgados de forma não padronizada, implícita e dispersa ao longo dos documentos. Ao classificar os riscos evidenciados nas categorias de riscos relacionais, observou-se predominância da evidenciação de riscos de potencial conflito e de não aprendizagem. Por outro lado, o risco de invasão não foi divulgado por nenhuma empresa. Para atender ao propósito do RI, as organizações devem torná-lo mais compreensível quanto a riscos relacionais e formas de mitigá-los. Uma orientação por parte do International Integrated Reporting Council quanto à evidenciação de riscos relacionais pode melhorar a padronização das informações divulgadas e o poder informativo do RI para os usuários externos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-102
Mira Susanti Amirrudin ◽  
Mazni Abdullah ◽  
Zakiah Saleh ◽  

In 2013, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) issued the Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework to improve corporate reporting. The purpose of IR is to integrate financial and non-financial information to explain how the organisation creates value and improves firm performance over time. Since the introduction of IR, a company weighs the benefits over the costs of changing to IR. Recent trends in IR have heightened the need to examine the actual contents of IR. The objective of this study was to find the relationship between preparing a high-quality IR and corporate reputation. Corporate reputation is one of the main objectives for the preparation of IR, and preparing a high-quality IR can positively impact corporate reputation. Data was collected from a sample of 120 companies from the IIRC websites for three years (360 firm-year observations) to examine the quality of following the 2013 Framework. An index was developed, and the corporate reputation score was collected from the RepTrak websites. The finding showed that companies preparing high-quality IR reports had a significant positive relationship with corporate reputation. Preparing a high-quality IR sends a signal to users of annual reports as a connotation of the company (good product or services, ethical management reporting), which will help build trust towards the company and improve its reputation. This study contributes by providing empirical evidence for a company, which is uncertain about the benefits of IR. The IR disclosure score can be used as a reference by IIRC and policymakers to prepare the IR. Keywords: integrated reporting, disclosure quality, corporate reputation

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-160
Brigitte de Graaff ◽  
Bert Steens ◽  
Kees Camfferman

Integrated reporting, which helps companies to share their value creation pro-cesses with their stakeholders, has developed rapidly in recent years. Due to the increased attention paid to the International Integrated Reporting Framework is-sued by the International Integrated Reporting Council, the number of companies worldwide engaging in integrated reporting is continually rising, which is presuma-bly driven by the claimed benefits of this practice. Through recourse to legitimacy theory and management fashion theory, here we provide a preliminary assessment of the development of integrated reporting, alongside considering the potential in-fluence of academic research in its growth. We review the existing body of aca-demic literature on this topic, ultimately identifying 123 claims about the benefits of IR from 29 papers published in 15 journals between May 2011 and September 2016, before proceeding to analyse both the sources and the level of substantia-tion of these claims. Our findings suggest that only a few of the purported ad-vantages of integrated reporting are supported by actual empirical evidence, while most of the claims only cite a limited number of primary sources. Based on these results and our assessment of the development of the concept of IR, we propose a future research agenda.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ika Permatasari ◽  
Ika Permatasari ◽  
I Made Narsa

Purpose This research is motivated by the development of dialogue and debate regarding company reporting in the form of sustainability reporting (SR) – which is separate from the annual report (AR) – or integrated reporting (IR). Research into SR and IR is still fascinating, and this study addresses the debate about them. This study aims to examine which of the two reports is more valuable for investors, and also examine whether IR has value relevance because the information in the IR could reinforce the importance of the accounting information. Design/methodology/approach As with previous studies, we adopted a valuation approach – the Ohlson model – to assess the value relevance of non-financial information (in the form of SR/IR) and financial information. As a preliminary study, we used non-financial information as a binary variable, i.e. a group of companies that issue sustainability reports and a group of companies that issue integrated reports. Therefore, they complement and interact with the financial statements’ information. This paper used panel data consisting of 931 firm-years of SR issuers and 922 firm-years of IR issuers in Europe and Africa in the period from 2005 to 2019. Findings The results showed that SR had a higher value relevance than IR. However, when the authors interact the corporate reporting form with the accounting information, IR had value relevance because the information contained in the IR could reinforce the importance of the accounting information. Practical implications This study will support regulators in various countries to monitor the reporting practices of companies in those countries. The results of this study provide evidence that sustainability reports get a higher response than integrated reports. However, when interacted with the accounting variables, information in the IR is considered to be more relevant than that found in the SR. Therefore, it is hoped that the results of this study will help the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in reviewing IR practices around the world so that the implementation of IR practices can be realized in accordance with the mission that the IIRC wants to achieve. Originality/value Research into the value relevance of SR and IR has been carried out by several previous researchers separately, but to the best of the author’s knowledge, there are no studies comparing the value relevance of the two.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 67
Mira Susanti Amirrudin ◽  
Mazni Abdullah ◽  
Zakiah Saleh

This study investigates the quality of Integrated Report (IR) in the voluntary and compulsory setting. This study's first objective is to measure IR disclosure quality and assess whether companies comply with the 2013 IR framework. The second objective is to examine whether there is any difference in reporting quality between the IR's compulsory regime and voluntary regime. A sample of 120 international companies listed on the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) websites throughout three years (2014-2016) is selected based on the availability of all data for the analysis. A Total Integrated Reporting Disclosure Quality (TIRDQ) index is self-constructed through quantitative content analysis. The finding shows that the quality of IR improved from the year 2014 to 2016. There is no significant difference in the reporting quality between mandatory and voluntary IR. The findings have implications for policy setters who have mandated or are considering mandating IR.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mitali Panchal Arora ◽  
Sumit Lodhia ◽  
Gerard Stone

Purpose With the increasing adoption of integrated reporting and the subsequent interest of the accounting discipline in its development, this paper aims to examine the enablers and barriers to the involvement of accountants in integrated reporting. Design/methodology/approach The paper adopts a case study approach by collecting interview data from six organisations that have adopted integrated reporting internationally. In the selected organisations, face-to-face and telephone interviews were conducted with professionals who are involved in the preparation of an integrated report. The interviewees in this study included key integrated report preparers including accountants, corporate reporting managers, sustainability managers and other report preparers. Institutional entrepreneurship provided the theoretical insights for this study. Findings The study found that accountants’ expertise in corporate reporting and especially their knowledge of the assurance process was one of the major reasons why they were involved in integrated reporting. Accountants’ in-depth understanding of an organisation in addition to their general analytical and interpersonal skills were also found to be useful in preparing an integrated report. However, the voluntary nature of integrated reporting along with the lack of sufficient guidelines deterred accountants from being involved in integrated reporting. The study also found that accountants themselves did not see value in integrated reporting and found it challenging to convert numerical information to narratives, thus limiting their involvement in integrated reporting. Research limitations/implications Whilst prior studies have underlined accountants’ institutionalised practices, this study uncovers the strategies applied by accountants to maintain their institutionalised practices. The specific application of the institutional entrepreneurship concept identifies mechanisms and strategies through which accountants restrict their practices to narrow taken-for-granted roles. Practical implications This study uncovers practical implications by highlighting the factors that limit the involvement of accountants within integrated reporting. One of the major implications identified relates to the training of accountants to apply their existing skills and expertise in non-financial reporting to contribute effectively to multi-disciplinary teams that contribute towards integrated reporting in organisations. This study also provides an impetus for the International Integrated Reporting Council to provide more guidance for preparing an integrated report. Originality/value This is one of the initial studies that has explored the enablers and barriers to the involvement of accountants in integrated reporting through its focus on organisations that are already practising this form of reporting. The use of institutional entrepreneurship theory adds to the theoretical insights for exploring the involvement of the various actors in integrated reporting.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nandita Mishra ◽  
Mohamed Nurullah ◽  
Adel Sarea

Purpose International Integrated Reporting Council is in its 10th year of establishment and the integrated reporting (IR) framework released in 2013 was under revision in the year, 2020. Despite some significant developments in the past 10 years, the authors know very little about the perception of preparers towards IR. This paper aims to study the perception of the preparers and to understand the current status of the adoption of IR in India. Design/methodology/approach The top 500 companies from ET 500 list have been analysed. Banks and financial institutions (a total of 69) have been excluded for the study. Out of 431 companies, the status of IR has been checked by the questionnaire-based survey. Principle component analysis, a dimensionality reduction technique was performed on the responses to understand the important components impacting the perception of companies. Also, a case study methodology has been adopted to compare and analyse the IR trends in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Findings The result shows that the majority of companies have a positive opinion about IR and the three major components impacting their perception are – concise reporting, effective and transparent reporting and finally, better decision-making. Practical implications The result of this study will be useful for the policymakers, regulators, companies who have or will adopt IR. Paper gives a relevant view to academicians for assessing the effectiveness and perception of IR. Originality/value Very few studies can be found in India which focusses on analysing the perception of preparers towards the IR. Specially after the circular of SEBI in 2017, it becomes even more important to analyse the insight and awareness of the companies who have adopted IR. The paper is a timely and relevant contribution to the literature by providing insight over the opinion of preparers in India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (30 (1)) ◽  
pp. 344-352
Bianca Baditoiu ◽  
Valentin Partenie Munteanu ◽  
Alexandru Buglea

This paper consists of an analysis of scientific works with respect to the subject of integrated reporting and its connection with the performance topic. Integrated reporting, implemented by the International Integrated Reporting Council, represents a strategic communication regarding various resources of the organizations, their relationship with all stakeholders and their capitals (financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural capital) created over time. This new form of reporting is adopted by different organizations in many countries nowadays, yet there are some inconsistencies, especially in terms of insufficient clarification of the concept, both conceptually and procedurally (regarding the adoption of the International Framework), as well as the opportunities and real benefits of its implementation. As the number of studies on integrated reporting in the last decade also substantially increased, while many evidences find themselves in conflict, it raises the need to highlight the main common subjects related to this theme. Thus, by means of bibliometric analysis, this study qualitatively analyses 262 references from the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection Database, while addressing the research tools provided by the VOSviewer similarities visualization program and screening the existing specialty literature. The focus of the study is on co-occurrence of keywords, co-authorship and co-citation in the research field of integrated reporting and its performance and it reflects the most common concepts associated with these terms and the authors, organizations and countries that researched these themes. The results of the study revealed the large areas in which integrated reporting exerts its influence and the implications in both the social and the economic sphere, while highlighting the need of a long term organizational change with this respect.

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