electronic data base
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2022 ◽  
Charles Potter

This chapter provides a model for classification of dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia through analysis of the response of children to treatment. The model is discussed with reference to the types of multivariate treatment applied in a particular programme which works interactively online using an electronic data-base for linking functional difficulties in learning to treatment, and through this to firm diagnosis and classification. In applying the model, initial diagnosis of learning disabilities is treated as provisional, based on functional indicators as well as test data. Firm classification becomes possible through longitudinal assessment, analysis of response to multivariate intervention as well as response to specific programmes. Diagnosis can then be linked both to concessions as well as ongoing treatment.

R. Shruthi ◽  
K. M. Krishnaprasad

Background: Recurrent falls are a common phenomenon in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients which leads to increased healthcare costs, poor quality of life, and caregiver burden. Through suitable exercise training fall in PD patients can be prevented or minimized. Aim of this review was to provide recent information of different intervention strategies to prevent falls in PD. Methodology: Electronic data base such as PubMed and Scopus indexed journals were searched from the past five year to retrieve recent evidence. Keywords such as Parkinson’s disease, fall prevention and rehabilitation were used. Only Systematic review and RCT were added for the higher-level evidence data extraction. Conclusion: Eexercise-based program and Tai chi were found to have positive evidences for preventing falls in PD patients. However, various mechanism behind the fall in PD as well as worsening of the symptoms as the result of disease progression may be the reason behind the negative results of some of the intervention.

2021 ◽  
Indah Puspitasari ◽  
Meria Woro L

Riskesdas 2018 menyatakan bahwa prevalensi penderita gout artritis di Indonesia saat ini sebanyak 7.3%sedangkan di provinsi Jawa Barat populasi penderita gout artritis sebanyak 8,86% dengan jumlah penderitaberjenis kelamin perempuan lebih banyak yaitu 8,46% dan pada penderita berjenis kelamin laki-laiki yaitusebanyak 6,13%. Telaah literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kompres hangat jaheterhadap skala nyeri pada pasien gout artritis. Desain dalam Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini adalah literatur reviewdengan menggunakan metode pencarian electronic data base dan sumber pencarian google scholar. Kata kunciyang digunakan yaitu Gout artritis, kompres hangat jahe, dan skala nyeri, dalam pencarian artikel internasionalyaitu dengan menggunakan kata kunci : Gout arthritis, ginger warm compress, dan pain scale Kriteria inklusiyang digunakan yaitu artikel yang dapat diakses full text yang tersedia berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Hasilditemukan 5 artikel di google scholar yang membahas tentang keefektifan kompres hangat jahe pada pasiengout artritis berdasarkan klasifikasi intervensi dan outcome yang sesuai dengan kriteria penelitian. Hasilliteratur review dari kelima artikel menunjukkan bahwa kompres hangat jahe efektif untuk menangani nyeripada pasien gout artritis.

2021 ◽  
Indah Puspitasari

stroke merupakan suatu kondisi penyakit yang disebabkan oleh terhentinya aliran darahyang mensuplai otak secara tiba-tiba, baik karena adanya sumbatan maupun rupturnyapembuluh darah. kekuatan otot memiliki beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi yaitupegangan, dimensi otot dan nyeri yang dialami oleh seorang individu. Range of motion(ROM) merupakan suatu latihan yang menggerakkan persendian serta memungkinkanterjadinya kontraksi serta pergerakan pada otot dengan gerakan-gerakan normal baiksecara pasif atau aktif. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literature review denganmetode pencarian menggunakan electronic data base dengan sumber pencarian googlescholar. Kriteria inklusi yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan jurnal intervensi untukmengatasi skala kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke . tahun jurnal yang digunakan dibatasi2010-2020. Berdasarkan telaah literature 5 jurnal didapat bahwa terapi Range Of Motiondilakukan pemberian intervensi latihan ROM aktif setiap pagi dan sore hari durasi waktuselama 20 menit, lembar observasi kekuatan otot penulis menelaah dari observasilangsung dan hasil wawancara.

2021 ◽  
Amzal Mortin Andas ◽  
Ashar Prima ◽  
Tio Tansah Bakti

Latar belakang: Lanjut usia merupakan usia yang berumur 60 tahun atau lebih. Nyeri yang terjadi pada lansia akan memiliki dampak fisiologis seperti peningkatan respirasi rate, vasokostriksi perifer, peningkatan gula darah dan peningkatan kekuatan otot. tujuan umum: Telaah literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aromaterapi pada lansia yang mengalami nyeri. Metode: Desain dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini merupakan literature review pencarian menggunakan electronic data base yaitu google scholar. Kata kunci yang digunakan dalam pencarian yaitu Elderly, aromatherapy, pain. Kriteria inklusi yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan jurnal intervensi mengatasi masalah nyeri pada lansia yang dapat di akses full text. Tahun jurnal yang digunakan dibatasi 2010-2020. Hasil: hasil ditemukan 3 artikel, dari ke tiga artikel membahas tentang keefektifan dari aromaterapi pada lanjut usia yang mengalami nyeri. Kesimpulan: Aromaterapi dapat digunakan oleh perawat sebagai alternatif tindakan untuk menurunkan tingkat nyeri pada lanjut usia yang sedang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit atau yang tinggal di panti, sehingga para lansia dapat merasakan kenyamanan.

2021 ◽  
Ashar Prima ◽  
Fauziah H Wada ◽  
Adum Rivaldi

Gagal Ginjal Kronis (GGK) menjadi masalah besar dunia karena tidak dapat disembuhkan yang identik dengan hilangnya fungsi ginjal jangka panjang. Pasien yang menjalani hemodialisis mengalami berbagai masalah diantaranya kecemasan, Sehingga diperlukan terapi komplementer yang dapat dijadikan pilihan dalam penanganan kecemasan. Salah satu intervensi yang bisa digunakan adalah pijat refleksi kaki. Telaah literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat refleksi kaki pada pasien hemodialisis dengan masalah kecemasan. Desain dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literatur review pencarian menggunakan electronic data base yaitu google schoolar. Kata kunci yang digunakan dalam pencarian adalah hemodialysis, foot reflexology, anxiety. Kriteria inklusi yang digunakan pada artikel yaitu dapat diakses full text tersedia berbahasa inggris dan indonesia tahun jurnal yang digunakan dibatasi sepuluh tahun terakhir, hasil didapatkan dua jurnal dari google schoolar, dari kedua jurnal membahasa keefektifan dari pijat refleksi kaki terhadap penurunan kecemasan pada pasien hemodialysis. Hasil telaah literature menunjukan bahwa pijat refleksi kaki sudah terbukti mudah dilakukan dan efektif bagi pasien hemodialisa yang mengalami kecemasan

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_7) ◽  
T Athisayaraj ◽  
A Bavikatte ◽  
J Olugbemi ◽  
B Sebastian ◽  
A Mishra

Abstract Background We looked into CT colonoscopies and CT abdomen and pelvis which were booked as initial investigation in patients referred via the colorectal rapid access pathway. These tests were directly booked following the referral after a nurse led triage. As per our colorectal straight to test protocol (STT) any patients over the age of 75 or unfit individuals will have a CT colonoscopy (virtual colonoscopy) instead of colonoscopy. CT trunk was used during COVID pandemic as the initial investigation when the aerosol generating procedures were stopped. CT trunks are also the initial investigation as per the STT protocol when patients are referred with suspected abdominal mass, weight loss or abdominal pain. Methods Retrospective analysis of prospective electronic data base of colorectal STT referrals from Feb 2020 to end of October 2020. Results Conclusion CT colonoscopies and CT trunks form part of initial diagnostic tool in the colorectal rapid access patients. They are particularly useful in high risk patients who cannot tolerate colonoscopy. These investigations complement the lower GI endoscopy. These scans also identify non-colorectal malignancies and retroperitoneal pathology such as AAA.CT trunks were useful tools during COVID 19 Pandemic.


Background. An important, still unresolved problem in this case is the creation of a full-fledged market of building materials, the creation of a comprehensive database of materials, comparative statistics in online format on quality, aesthetic, and cost indicators of these materials, recommendations on their applications. Materialsand methods. The presented research use methods of analysis, describing, and generalization of available advertising information about covering materials for interior of hotels-restaurants buildings, for their future data base for practical design. Results. The analysis of features of building and finishing materials which are widely used in design and furnish of rooms of hotels and restaurants are resulted. Summarizing the above information that takes place on the websites of manufacturers and suppliers, it should be noted that the urgent task is the need to structure and systematize such commercial information, advertising about certain materials, in particular for floor coverings. The best solution may be to create an online system, which will present a complete set of building materials for interior decoration. Such an information file can be quickly and efficiently created online with the work of a group of architects-designers, graphic designers and programmers and uploaded to a web space, such as a modular environment such as MOODLE. Conclusion. Its hould be noted that there is such an insane amount of different format and cost of building materials for interior decoration on the market. All this urgently requires a comprehensive systematization and creation of an informative data base of these materials. This will allow the designer to facilitate the preparatory work in creating exclusive and innovative design environments, as it is more than tens of thousands of textures, color patterns of textures of materials. Creation and systematization of the electronic data base – its optimization for design services in the construction market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (8) ◽  
pp. 1773-1775
Nimra Afzal ◽  
Sayyeda Khadija ◽  
Furozan Baig ◽  
Irum Raheem

Background: Ovarian dysfunction is a condition in which ovaries stop working and menstrual periods stops before age 40. This can cause fertility problems. There are several causes of ovarian dysfunction causing infertility such as endometriosis, ovarian torsion etc. Aim: To revise the current literature about causes of ovarian dysfunction and its sonographic findings in infertile women. Methods: Electronic data base search was performed (PubMed, Science direct, Google Scholar) with data range from 2000 to 2019. All the data is available online in English. Results: Seventeen articles were found regarding different causes of ovarian dysfunction and their sonographic appearance. Also our results show that ultrasound can be used as a reliable tool for detection of ovarian pathologies. Conclusion: This study supports a temporal association between various causes of ovarian dysfunction and infertility risk. Gray-scale in addition to color Doppler ultrasound serves an important role in detection of different causes of ovarian dysfunction and their sonographic appearances. Keywords: Ultrasound exam, ovarian dysfunction, ovarian volume, ovarian masses

Princey Shaji ◽  
Maharaj Singh ◽  
Bharti Sahu

Background: The present review focuses on the effectiveness of lifestyle modification on reproductive health among young women. Obesity causes various physical and psychological health risks in women’s reproductive health and overweight, obesity are increasing and have become an epidemic worldwide. Objective: This article investigated the outcome of a lifestyle modification package on the reproductive health of young obese and overweight women. Methods: The literature published in English from 2010 to 2020 was reviewed using PRISMA guidelines. Scientific articles were searched in the electronic data base (Scopus, Medline, Google scholar, and PubMed central) on the lifestyle modification on reproductive health. Results: After reviewing the literature, it showed that the outcome of lifestyle modification had improved the reproductive health of women in infertile women in many ways. Conclusion: The review highlights the need for specific interventional studies on reproductive health which can improve the health of young women. 

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