hearing in noise
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
Malte Wöstmann ◽  
Julia Erb ◽  
Jens Kreitewolf ◽  
Jonas Obleser

Acoustic noise is pervasive in human environments. Some individuals are more tolerant to noise than others. We demonstrate the explanatory potential of Big-5 personality traits neuroticism (being emotionally unstable) and extraversion (being enthusiastic, outgoing) on subjective self-report and objective psycho-acoustic metrics of hearing in noise in two samples (total N = 1103). Under statistical control for demographics and in agreement with pre-registered hypotheses, lower neuroticism and higher extraversion independently explained superior self-reported noise resistance, speech-hearing ability and acceptable background noise levels. Surprisingly, objective speech-in-noise recognition instead increased with higher levels of neuroticism. In turn, the bias in subjectively overrating one's own hearing in noise decreases with higher neuroticism but increases with higher extraversion. Of benefit to currently underspecified frameworks of hearing in noise and tailored audiological treatments, these results show that personality explains inter-individual differences in coping with acoustic noise, which is a ubiquitous source of distraction and a health hazard.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 171-177
Subin Kim ◽  
Sungwha You ◽  
Myoung Eun Sohn ◽  
Woojae Han ◽  
Jae-Hyun Seo ◽  

Background and Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to validate the performance and diagnostic efficacy of the Korean digits-in-noise (K-DIN) test in comparison to the Korean speech perception-in-noise (K-SPIN) test, which is the representative speech-in-noise test in clinical practice.Subjects and Methods: Twenty-seven subjects (15 normal-hearing and 12 hearing-impaired listeners) participated. The recorded Korean 0-9 digits were used to form quasirandom digit triplets; 50 target digit triplets were presented at the most comfortable level of each subject while presenting speech-shaped background noise at various levels of signal-to-noise ratios (-12.5, -10, -5, or +5 dB). Subjects were then instructed to listen to both target and noise masker unilaterally and bilaterally through a headphone. K-SPIN test was also conducted using the same procedure as the K-DIN. After calculating their percent correct responses, K-DIN and K-SPIN results were compared using a Pearson-correlation test.Results: Results showed a statistically significant correlation between K-DIN and K-SPIN in all hearing conditions (left: r=0.814, p<0.001; right: r=0.788, p<0.001; bilateral: r=0.727, p<0.001). Moreover, the K-DIN test achieved better testing efficacy, shorter average listening time (5 min vs. 30 min), and easier performance of task according to participants’ qualitative reports than the K-SPIN test.Conclusions: In this study, the Korean version of digit triplet test was validated in both normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. The findings suggest that the K-DIN test can be used as a simple and time-efficient hearing-in-noise test in audiology clinics in Korea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Christopher E. Niemczak ◽  
Jonathan D. Lichtenstein ◽  
Albert Magohe ◽  
Jennifer T. Amato ◽  
Abigail M. Fellows ◽  

Objective: Tests requiring central auditory processing, such as speech perception-in-noise, are simple, time efficient, and correlate with cognitive processing. These tests may be useful for tracking brain function. Doing this effectively requires information on which tests correlate with overall cognitive function and specific cognitive domains. This study evaluated the relationship between selected central auditory focused tests and cognitive domains in a cohort of normal hearing adults living with HIV and HIV– controls. The long-term aim is determining the relationships between auditory processing and neurocognitive domains and applying this to analyzing cognitive function in HIV and other neurocognitive disorders longitudinally.Method: Subjects were recruited from an ongoing study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Central auditory measures included the Gap Detection Test (Gap), Hearing in Noise Test (HINT), and Triple Digit Test (TDT). Cognitive measures included variables from the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA), Cogstate neurocognitive battery, and Kiswahili Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The measures represented three cognitive domains: processing speed, learning, and working memory. Bootstrap resampling was used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the proportion of variance explained by the individual central auditory tests for each cognitive measure. The association of cognitive measures with central auditory variables taking HIV status and age into account was determined using regression models.Results: Hearing in Noise Tests and TDT were significantly associated with Cogstate learning and working memory tests. Gap was not significantly associated with any cognitive measure with age in the model. TDT explained the largest mean proportion of variance and had the strongest relationship to the MoCA and Cogstate tasks. With age in the model, HIV status did not affect the relationship between central auditory tests and cognitive measures. Age was strongly associated with multiple cognitive tests.Conclusion: Central auditory tests were associated with measures of learning and working memory. Compared to the other central auditory tests, TDT was most strongly related to cognitive function. These findings expand on the association between auditory processing and cognitive domains seen in other studies and support evaluating these tests for tracking brain health in HIV and other neurocognitive disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
pp. 525-525
康秀 岡本 ◽  
千絵 小渕 ◽  
健志 中市 ◽  
隆司 森本 ◽  
晶 神崎 ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-28
Silvia Turri ◽  
Mehdi Rizvi ◽  
Giuseppe Rabini ◽  
Alessandra Melonio ◽  
Rosella Gennari ◽  

Abstract The understanding of linguistic messages can be made extremely complex by the simultaneous presence of interfering sounds, especially when they are also linguistic in nature. In two experiments, we tested if visual cues directing attention to spatial or temporal components of speech in noise can improve its identification. The hearing-in-noise task required identification of a five-digit sequence (target) embedded in a stream of time-reversed speech. Using a custom-built device located in front of the participant, we delivered visual cues to orient attention to the location of target sounds and/or their temporal window. In Exp. 1 (), we validated this visual-to-auditory cueing method in normal-hearing listeners, tested under typical binaural listening conditions. In Exp. 2 (), we assessed the efficacy of the same visual cues in normal-hearing listeners wearing a monaural ear plug, to study the effects of simulated monaural and conductive hearing loss on visual-to-auditory attention orienting. While Exp. 1 revealed a benefit of both spatial and temporal visual cues for hearing in noise, Exp. 2 showed that only the temporal visual cues remained effective during monaural listening. These findings indicate that when the acoustic experience is altered, visual-to-auditory attention orienting is more robust for temporal compared to spatial attributes of the auditory stimuli. These findings have implications for the relation between spatial and temporal attributes of sound objects, and when planning devices to orient audiovisual attention for subjects suffering from hearing loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-151
Yehree Kim ◽  
Chan Joo Yang ◽  
Myung Hoon Yoo ◽  
Chan Il Song ◽  
Jong Woo Chung

Background and Objectives: The relationship between hearing aid (HA) use and improvement in cognitive function is not fully known. This study aimed to determine whether HAs could recover temporal resolution or hearing in noise functions.Materials and Methods: We designed a prospective study with two groups: HA users and controls. Patients older than 45 years, with a pure tone average threshold of worse than 40 dB and a speech discrimination score better than 60% in both ears were eligible. Central auditory processing tests and hearing in noise tests (HINTs) were evaluated at the beginning of the study and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the use of a monaural HA in the HA group compared to the control group. The changes in the evaluation parameters were statistically analyzed using the linear mixed model.Results: A total of 26 participants (13 in the HA and 13 in the control group) were included in this study. The frequency (<i>p</i><0.01) and duration test (<i>p</i>=0.02) scores showed significant improvements in the HA group after 1 year, while the HINT scores showed no significant change.Conclusions: After using an HA for one year, patients performed better on temporal resolution tests. No improvement was documented with regard to hearing in noise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-73
Miroslav Veselý ◽  
Břetislav Gál ◽  
Jiří Hložek ◽  
František Silný ◽  
Jan Hanák

Overview Introduction: Bonebridge is a direct bone conduction hearing implantable system. The aim of the work is to present pilot results of rehabilitation of single sided deafness using this system. Material and methods: Analysis of three patients with single-sideded deafness, who underwent BB implantation in 2018 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of St. Anna Hospital in Brno. Evaluation parameters: Bern Benefi t in Single-Sided Deafness Questionnaire, experimental examination of directional hearing and hearing in noise test. Results: Questionnaire: Within the visual analog scale in the range of –5 to +5 points, the average rating was + 2.4 points, so listening was rated as easier with Bonebridge than without hearing aids. The ability to locate the sound source was evaluated by 4 and 0–1 points in one and two respondents, respectively. Examination of spatial hearing: without hearing aid, the ability to locate the sound source was signifi cantly impaired in all the examined. With Bonebridge, with a tolerated deviation of 45°, the success rate of sound source localization was 75–100% in the range of 0–360° in the horizontal plane. Hearing in noise test: the greatest improvement in intelligibility (by 30–100%) was achieved with Bonebridge at SNR –5 dB. Conclusion: Bonebridge is not able to restore binaural hearing in patients with single sided deafness, it is a pseudo-binaural correction. Like other implantable bone conduction systems, Bonebridge is benefi tial for patients with single sided deafness in a variety of listening situations. Using experimental audiological tests, the contribution of Bonebridge to understanding sentences in acoustic noise and improving the ability to locate the sound source was found. However, validation of the results would require a larger number of probands. Keywords: single-sided deafness – BAHD – Bonebridge – bone conduction hearing implant – hearing in noise – directional hearing test

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Fengxiang Song ◽  
Yi Zhan ◽  
James C. Ford ◽  
Dan-Chao Cai ◽  
Abigail M. Fellows ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Jing Chen ◽  
Zhe Wang ◽  
Ruijuan Dong ◽  
Xinxing Fu ◽  
Yuan Wang ◽  

Objective: This study was aimed at evaluating improvements in speech-in-noise recognition ability as measured by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with the use of wireless remote microphone technology. These microphones transmit digital signals via radio frequency directly to hearing aids and may be a valuable assistive listening device for the hearing-impaired population of Mandarin speakers in China.Methods: Twenty-three adults (aged 19–80 years old) and fourteen children (aged 8–17 years old) with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss were recruited. The Mandarin Hearing in Noise Test was used to test speech recognition ability in adult subjects, and the Mandarin Hearing in Noise Test for Children was used for children. The subjects’ perceived SNR was measured using sentence recognition ability at three different listening distances of 1.5, 3, and 6 m. At each distance, SNR was obtained under three device settings: hearing aid microphone alone, wireless remote microphone alone, and hearing aid microphone and wireless remote microphone simultaneously.Results: At each test distance, for both adult and pediatric groups, speech-in-noise recognition thresholds were significantly lower with the use of the wireless remote microphone in comparison with the hearing aid microphones alone (P &lt; 0.05), indicating better SNR performance with the wireless remote microphone. Moreover, when the wireless remote microphone was used, test distance had no effect on speech-in-noise recognition for either adults or children.Conclusion: Wireless remote microphone technology can significantly improve speech recognition performance in challenging listening environments for Mandarin speaking hearing aid users in China.

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