efficiency determination
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2022 ◽  
Vol 960 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
F Uleanu ◽  
D Giosanu ◽  
M Vulpe ◽  
G Bratu ◽  
L Vîjan

Abstract Biodegradable nutrient media based on cellulose fibers and peat with added protective materials and stimulating represent the higher form of transplant used in current technologies for producing plant seedlings. Worldwide intensive development of the pots production industry (the effect of increasing demands from agriculture and their quality level in terms of degradability and operational sustainability, with outstanding results in reducing stress factors) led to fast expansion of their use with a high economic efficiency. Determination of potential and effective degradation was achieved by the method for determining cellulolytic activity in soil. Biodegradation potential recorded differences during the course of experience in the sense that it increases as the pots exposure time to treatment is higher. In conclusion, the pots treatment (planted/without plant) has a great influence on the effective biodegradation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 191-196
V.V. Levenets ◽  
A.Yu. Lonin ◽  
O.P. Omelnik ◽  
A.O. Shchur

The low values of isotope effects in the sorption/decontamination processes make it possible to investigate the properties of the sorbing and decontaminating agents with the use of stable isotope simulators. In the work present-ed here the element content was determined from the characteristic X-ray emission induced by the proton beam (PIXE), by gamma-ray emission from the radioactive source, and by emission from the X-ray tube. Based on the results of efficiency determination for different kinds of sorbents and decontaminants, recommendations have been given for the choice of materials having the wanted performance characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100159
Paula Weidinger ◽  
Alexander Dubowik ◽  
Christian Lehrmann ◽  
Nijan Yogal ◽  
Rolf Kumme ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 185-189
Philipp Lanfermann ◽  
Christoph Weidmann ◽  
Janina Dege ◽  
Steven Celik ◽  
Alexander Tasch ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11150
František Lopot ◽  
Martin Dub ◽  
Jan Flek ◽  
Daniel Hadraba ◽  
Martin Havlíček ◽  

This article describes a unique method of measuring the efficiency of gearboxes using foil strain gauges, which allows maintaining the current configuration of the gearbox within the overall assembly of the machine and its functional condition. The presented method is applicable to gearboxes located in the original equipment assembly without the need to use a test rig. Using foil strain gauges, the torque at the input and output of the gearbox is detected. Therefore, the accuracy of torque measurement is key. The crucial step is the calibration of the instrumentation to the given application conditions, which, in this case, is ensured by a virtual calibration using a very accurate FEM analysis. The accuracy of the position of strain gauges and virtual calibration of measurements generate inaccuracies affecting the resulting uncertainty of the determined efficiency. The present article shows, on the example of several measurements, that when using 24-bit converters, after processing the obtained data, mechanical stress with a sensitivity better than hundredths of an MPa can be reliably detected even without signal amplification from strain gauges. It follows that the efficiency is determined with an accuracy of better than low units of tenths.

Agnieszka Paściak ◽  
Aleksandra Pilch-Wróbel ◽  
Łukasz Marciniak ◽  
P. James Schuck ◽  
Artur Bednarkiewicz

Carlos A. C. Wengerkievicz ◽  
Cristian F. Mazzola ◽  
Nelson Sadowski ◽  
Nelson J. Batistela ◽  
Ernane Silva ◽  

ScienceRise ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 32-38
Oleksandr Omelchenko ◽  
Gregoriy Deynichenko ◽  
Vasyl Huzenko ◽  
Inna Zolotukhina ◽  
Dmytro Dmytrevskyi ◽  

The object of research: the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk using methods of removing the polarizing layer on the membrane surface. Investigated problem: determination of the effectiveness of methods for eliminating the polarization layer on the membrane surface during membrane concentration of buttermilk. Main scientific results: The results of experimental studies on methods of removing the polarization layer to increase the productivity of ultrafiltration equipment in the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk are presented. Mathematical models are proposed based on the regression equation of a factorial experiment using the elimination of the polarization layer on the membrane to determine the rational operating parameters of the membrane concentration of buttermilk. These parameters were determined: pressure – 0.4 … 0.5 MPa, buttermilk temperature – 40 … 50 °С, speed of pulsating flows – 1.5 … 1.7 m/s, frequency of bubbling of raw materials – 0 , 10 … 0.15 min-1, bubbling pressure – 0.56 … 0.58 MPa. A comparative analysis of the application of the method of vibrational mixing and bubbling of separated non-fat dairy raw materials to eliminate the formation of a polarization layer on the surface of membranes in the process of membrane concentration is presented. Based on the obtained quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the ultrafiltration products, it can be seen that vibrational mixing and bubbling of the processed buttermilk equally intensify the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk. The area of practical use of the research results: enterprises of the dairy industry of the food industry, engaged in waste-free processing of dairy raw materials and its by-products. An innovative technological product: devices for reducing the polarization layer, allowing to increase the performance of membranes in the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: waste-free processing of dairy raw materials at dairies and dairy plants and other food industry enterprises.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-32
В.Н. Зейрук ◽  
С.В. Васильева ◽  
Г.Л. Белов ◽  
М.К. Деревягина

Проведена полевая оценка биологической и хозяйственной эффективности гербицида сплошного действия Торнадо 500, ВР и двух схем применения гербицидов из разных химических классов АО Фирма «Август» против наиболее распространенных видов сорной растительности. Исследования проводили в 2017–2019 годах на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» (Люберецкий район Московской области) на участке, предназначенном под посадку картофеля, и непосредственно на посадках сорта Колобок. Густота посадки – 44 тыс. клубней/га (75×30 см). Срок посадки – первая декада мая. Все учеты, определение эффективности, статистическую обработку проводили по общепринятым методикам. Учеты засоренности выполняли подсчетом сорняков на пробных площадках по 0,25 м2 в шахматном порядке в десяти местах. Учеты проводили через месяц, полтора месяца и перед уборкой урожая картофеля. Первая схема состояла из довсходовой обработки Гамбитом, СК, 3,5 л/га и послевсходовой – баковой смесью препаратов Эскудо, ВДГ, 0,025 кг/га, и Лазурит Супер, КНЭ, 0,4 л/га. Вторая схема: дробное внесение Лазурита, СП – в довсходовый период, 0,8 кг/га, и при достижении растениями картофеля высоты 5–10 см – 0,3 кг/га с добавлением Эскудо, ВДГ, 0,025 кг/га. Обе схемы применяли с добавлением адъюванта Аллюр, Ж, 0,2 л/га. При изучении видового состава сорняков выявлено, что наибольшую долю в общем их количестве занимают из малолетних: марь белая, аистник, трехреберник непахучий и из многолетних – осот полевой и пырей ползучий. Биологическая эффективность осенней обработки гербицидом Торнадо 500, ВР составила 92,1–97,3%. Биологическая эффективность первой схемы в среднем за два года достигала 75,6–98,3%, второй – 68,9–93,4%. Применение гербицидов АО Фирма «Август» на среднеспелом сорте Колобок в условиях различного обеспечения влагой вегетационных периодов 2017–2019 годов обеспечило прибавку валовой урожайности на 25,8 и 24,2% соответственно по сравнению с контролем (24,8 т/га). A field assessment of the biological and economic effectiveness of the continuous-action herbicide Tornado 500, BP and two schemes for the use of herbicides from different chemical classes of JSC August company against the most common types of weed vegetation was carried out. The research was carried out in 2017–2019 at the experimental base Korenevo (Lyuberetsky district of the Moscow region) on a plot intended for planting potatoes and directly on the plantings of the Kolobok variety. Planting density – 44 thousand tubers/ha (75×30 cm). The planting period is the first decade of May. All accounting, efficiency determination, and statistical processing were carried out according to generally accepted methods. The infestation counts were carried out by counting weeds on test sites of 0.25 m2 in a staggered order in ten places. The surveys were carried out after a month, a month and a half, and before the potato harvest. The first scheme consisted of pre-emergence treatment with Gambit, SC, 3,5 l/ha and post-emergence-tank mixture of Escudo, EDG, 0,025 kg/ha and Lazurit Super, KNE, 0,4 l/ha. The second scheme: fractional application of Lazurit, SP – in the pre-emergence period of 0,8 kg/ha and when the potato plants reach a height of 5–10 cm 0,3 kg/ha with the addition of Escudo, EDG, 0,025 kg/ha. Both schemes were used with the addition of the adjuvant Allure, W, 0,2 l/ha. When studying the species composition of weeds, it was revealed that the largest share in their total number is occupied by young ones: white marsh, erodium, scentless false mayweed and from perennial ones-field sedge and creeping wheatgrass. The biological efficiency of the autumn treatment with the herbicide Tornado 500, BP was 92,1–97,3%. The biological efficiency in the average two years of the first scheme was 75,6–98,3%, the second – 68,9–93,4%. The use of herbicides of JSC August company on the medium-ripe variety Kolobok in conditions of various moisture supply of the growing seasons of 2017–2019 provided an increase in the gross yield of 25,8 and 24,2%, respectively, compared to the control (24,8 t/ha).

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