scholarly journals Effectiveness of herbicides of JSC August company on potatoes

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-32
В.Н. Зейрук ◽  
С.В. Васильева ◽  
Г.Л. Белов ◽  
М.К. Деревягина

Проведена полевая оценка биологической и хозяйственной эффективности гербицида сплошного действия Торнадо 500, ВР и двух схем применения гербицидов из разных химических классов АО Фирма «Август» против наиболее распространенных видов сорной растительности. Исследования проводили в 2017–2019 годах на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» (Люберецкий район Московской области) на участке, предназначенном под посадку картофеля, и непосредственно на посадках сорта Колобок. Густота посадки – 44 тыс. клубней/га (75×30 см). Срок посадки – первая декада мая. Все учеты, определение эффективности, статистическую обработку проводили по общепринятым методикам. Учеты засоренности выполняли подсчетом сорняков на пробных площадках по 0,25 м2 в шахматном порядке в десяти местах. Учеты проводили через месяц, полтора месяца и перед уборкой урожая картофеля. Первая схема состояла из довсходовой обработки Гамбитом, СК, 3,5 л/га и послевсходовой – баковой смесью препаратов Эскудо, ВДГ, 0,025 кг/га, и Лазурит Супер, КНЭ, 0,4 л/га. Вторая схема: дробное внесение Лазурита, СП – в довсходовый период, 0,8 кг/га, и при достижении растениями картофеля высоты 5–10 см – 0,3 кг/га с добавлением Эскудо, ВДГ, 0,025 кг/га. Обе схемы применяли с добавлением адъюванта Аллюр, Ж, 0,2 л/га. При изучении видового состава сорняков выявлено, что наибольшую долю в общем их количестве занимают из малолетних: марь белая, аистник, трехреберник непахучий и из многолетних – осот полевой и пырей ползучий. Биологическая эффективность осенней обработки гербицидом Торнадо 500, ВР составила 92,1–97,3%. Биологическая эффективность первой схемы в среднем за два года достигала 75,6–98,3%, второй – 68,9–93,4%. Применение гербицидов АО Фирма «Август» на среднеспелом сорте Колобок в условиях различного обеспечения влагой вегетационных периодов 2017–2019 годов обеспечило прибавку валовой урожайности на 25,8 и 24,2% соответственно по сравнению с контролем (24,8 т/га). A field assessment of the biological and economic effectiveness of the continuous-action herbicide Tornado 500, BP and two schemes for the use of herbicides from different chemical classes of JSC August company against the most common types of weed vegetation was carried out. The research was carried out in 2017–2019 at the experimental base Korenevo (Lyuberetsky district of the Moscow region) on a plot intended for planting potatoes and directly on the plantings of the Kolobok variety. Planting density – 44 thousand tubers/ha (75×30 cm). The planting period is the first decade of May. All accounting, efficiency determination, and statistical processing were carried out according to generally accepted methods. The infestation counts were carried out by counting weeds on test sites of 0.25 m2 in a staggered order in ten places. The surveys were carried out after a month, a month and a half, and before the potato harvest. The first scheme consisted of pre-emergence treatment with Gambit, SC, 3,5 l/ha and post-emergence-tank mixture of Escudo, EDG, 0,025 kg/ha and Lazurit Super, KNE, 0,4 l/ha. The second scheme: fractional application of Lazurit, SP – in the pre-emergence period of 0,8 kg/ha and when the potato plants reach a height of 5–10 cm 0,3 kg/ha with the addition of Escudo, EDG, 0,025 kg/ha. Both schemes were used with the addition of the adjuvant Allure, W, 0,2 l/ha. When studying the species composition of weeds, it was revealed that the largest share in their total number is occupied by young ones: white marsh, erodium, scentless false mayweed and from perennial ones-field sedge and creeping wheatgrass. The biological efficiency of the autumn treatment with the herbicide Tornado 500, BP was 92,1–97,3%. The biological efficiency in the average two years of the first scheme was 75,6–98,3%, the second – 68,9–93,4%. The use of herbicides of JSC August company on the medium-ripe variety Kolobok in conditions of various moisture supply of the growing seasons of 2017–2019 provided an increase in the gross yield of 25,8 and 24,2%, respectively, compared to the control (24,8 t/ha).

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-33
А.Э. Шабанов ◽  
А.И. Киселев

Цель исследований – сравнительная оценка новых сортов картофеля по комплексу хозяйственно ценных признаков (адаптивность, продуктивность, показатели качества, устойчивость к патогенам, лежкость при хранении, пригодность к переработке на различные виды картофелепродуктов) в конкретных почвенно-климатических условиях. Исследования проводили в 2019–2020 годах на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» (Московская область) на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве с низким содержанием гумуса (1,7–1,8%), высоким – подвижного фосфора (278–342 мг/кг почвы) и ниже среднего – подвижного калия (64–130 мг/кг почвы). Густота посадки – 44 тыс. клубней на га по схеме 75×30 см. В агроэкологическом испытании были представлены 45 сортов картофеля разных групп спелости, в т. ч. 41 российской селекции нового поколения, а четыре, наиболее распространенные, использовались в качестве стандартов (Удача, Невский, Гала, Ред Скарлетт). Фенологические наблюдения, определение биометрических показателей растений, качества клубней, продуктивность, статистическую обработку данных урожайности проводили по общепринятым методикам. Для большей наглядности и информативности исследуемые сорта были сгруппированы по уровням урожайности (>45; 40–45; 35–40; <35 т/га). Максимально высокая урожайность (>45 т/га) получена в среднем за 2 года по сортам: Дебют, Варяг, Гранд, Барин; с уровнем 40–45 т/га – Кумач, Пламя, Удача, Краса Мещеры, Красавчик, Невский; с уровнем 35–40 т/га – Нальчикский, Гала, Садон, Сальса, Держава, Сударыня, Утро, Сигнал, Дачница; с уровнем 30–35 т/га – Корчма, Терра, Брусничка, Гибрид 6–14–11, Захар, Зумба, Юбиляр, Сердолик, Смак, Третьяковка, Ред Скарлетт, Сиверский, Августин. Урожайность остальных сортов была ниже 30 т/га. Выделены сорта с повышенным содержанием сухого вещества, крахмала, белка, витамина С и наименьшему накоплению редуцирующих сахаров. Проведена оценка потребительских и столовых качеств клубней. Определены кулинарный тип сортов и целевое использование продукции. The aim of the research is a comparative assessment of new potato varieties based on a complex of economically valuable characteristics (adaptability, productivity, quality indicators, resistance to pathogens, suitability for storage and processing of various types of potato products) in a specific soil and climatic conditions. The research was carried out in 2019–2020 at the experimental base Korenevo of Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow region) on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with a low content of humus (1.7–1.8%), high – mobile phosphorus (278–342 mg/kg of soil) and below average – mobile potassium (64–130 mg/kg of soil). Planting density – 44 thousand tubers per ha according to the scheme 75×30 cm. In the agroecological trial, 45 potato varieties of different maturity groups were presented, including 41 of the new generation Russian selection, and 4, the most common, were used as standards (Udacha, Nevsky, Gala, Red Scarlett). Phenological observations, determination of biometric indicators of plants, quality of tubers, productivity, statistical processing of yield data were carried out according to generally accepted methods. For greater clarity and informativeness, the studied varieties were grouped by yield levels (>45; 40–45; 35–40; <35 t/ha). The highest yield (>45 t/ha) was obtained on average for 2 years for varieties: Debut, Varyag, Grand, Barin; with a level of 40–45 t/ha – Kumach, Plamya, Udacha, Crasa Meschery, Crasavchik, Nevsky; with a level of 35–40 t/ha – Nalchiksky, Gala, Sadon, Salsa, Derjava, Sudarinya, Utro, Signal, Dachnitsa; with a level of 30–35 t/ha – Corchma, Terra, Brusnichka, Hybrid 6–14–11, Zahar, Zumba, Yubiliar, Serdolik, Smak, Tretyakovka, Red Scarlett, Siversky, Avgustin. The yield of other varieties was below 30 t/ha. Varieties with a high content of dry matter, starch, protein, vitamin C and the lowest accumulation of reducing sugars were identified. The assessment of consumer and table qualities of tubers was carried out. The culinary type of varieties and the intended use of products were determined.

2008 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 117-123 ◽  
William S. Keeton

Abstract Riparian forest restoration can be severely constrained by tree seedling mortality. I evaluated the effects of tree shelters and planting density on herbivory and seedling mortality at a restoration site in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont. Eighteen experimental units were established along a 5th-order stream and planted with bare-root seedlings of seven species associated with northern hardwood floodplain forests. Two treatments were applied in a factorial design: shelters versus no shelters and high versus low planting density. Mortality and herbivory data were collected over three growing seasons. Survivorship declined to 56.4% after three growing seasons and varied significantly by species. Planting density, presence/absence of shelters, and their interaction had significant effects on survival, browse, or girdling intensity when tested for all species combined. Browse rates were high (44%), whereas girdling rates were low (3.4%). Both browse (P < 0.001) and girdling (P = 0.022) contributed to seedling mortality. High rates of deer browse on seedlings in shelters were due, in part, to the short height (60 cm) of the shelters, suggesting a need for taller shelters. A large portion (39%) of dead seedlings were neither browsed nor girdled, signaling the importance of other mortality agents. An adaptive approach is recommended to compensate for high seedling mortality and the limited effectiveness of protective devices.

2000 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 917-920 ◽  
N. L. Brooker ◽  
J. H. Long ◽  
S. M. Stephan

Natural plant-derived compounds are currently being explored as alternatives for pest control in sustainable agriculture. This study explored the use of two compounds, sesamol and carbenoxolone, in the management of the fungal soybean disease charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina). Previous studies have determined that sesamol and carbenoxolone compounds significantly inhibited fungal pathogen growth and plant disease in vitro. In order to assess the field efficacy of these compounds for fungal disease control, 2 years of field testing of these compounds have been conducted in southeast Kansas. Field treatments of the compounds sesamol and carbenoxolone at three concentrations, 0,500 and 1000 μg/ml, were applied foliarly at four distinct plant developmental stages. Treatments were applied to plots in random triplicate array and the experiment was repeated during the 1998 and 1999 growing seasons. Disease assessments were based on visual disease ratings, plant mortality and soybean yield analysis. Data were recorded weekly for each treatment plot and statistically analysed using analysis of variance. Results indicate that sesamol and carbenoxolone treatments significantly decreased disease symptoms (11–12%) and plant mortality (24–28%) while significantly increasing soybean yields (18–38%). These results support that plant-derived compounds can have a significant impact on soybean disease management and yield under field conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Mikhail Makarenkov ◽  
Nikolay Kozlov ◽  
Tamara Komkova

The research was carried out in the field at the Central Experimental Base of the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology. The object of research was 41 samples of alfalfa. The samples were sown according to the scheme of a standard collection nursery. All studies and observations were carried out on the herbage of the second and third years of life. Statistical processing of the research results showed a generally high level of variation in the characteristics. We identified the 4 best samples for a set of features. Several significant positive and negative correlations have been identified, which can be used as indirect signs in the evaluation and selection of promising forms. This method allowed us to identify 3 genetically different groups (clusters) of samples that differ in the nature of the formation of traits. The first cluster includes samples 49, 54, 66, ... and 193 belonging to various studied species. But mostly they represent the species Medicago sativa L. The samples differ little in the content of crude fiber and crude protein. The second cluster includes samples 454, 605, 583, ... and 598, which had average values for most indicators. The third group of samples includes 192, 646 and 355 (Medicago lupulina L. and Medicago glutinosa M.B.) with a maximum content of crude protein. The analysis of the distance and kinship between the samples revealed the presence of three clusters that can be used in breeding for combinational ability and consolidation of breeding-valuable traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Alemayehu Zemede Lemma ◽  
Firew Mekbib ◽  
Kebebew Assefa Abebe ◽  
Zewdie Bishaw

The demand and use of improved crop varieties by farmers has increased in the central highlands of Ethiopia, where continuous loss of local traditional varieties has been occurring in the last two to three decades. The objectives of the study were to assess the extent of genetic erosion and perception of farmers and associated causes for the reduction of traditional farmers' varieties. Direct field assessment covering 56 wheat farms and a survey in which 149 farmers participated were carried out in three districts of central Ethiopia. Based on data collected during direct farm assessment, the loss of genotypes was found to be 88% in Ada followed by 80% and 60% in Lume and Gimbichu districts, respectively. The farmer survey indicated an even greater loss of diversity of100% in Ada followed by Lume (93%) and Gimbichu (67%). Diseases and pests as well as shorter growing seasons associated with climate change were identified as main causes for farmers to switch to modern varieties. The expansion of high yielding improved bread and durum wheat varieties also contributed to gradually replace local durum wheat varieties by local farmers of these districts. Overall, genetic erosion of tetraploid wheat varied among the three districts of central Ethiopia. Reductions in the number of farmers and area coverage in the study districts could be used as good indicators for the existence of genetic erosion.

Valentina Korovina ◽  
Nikolay Kozlov ◽  
Tamara Komkova

The research was carried out in the field at the Central experimental base of the Federal Williams Research Center. The object of research was 13 samples of timothy-grass. Samples were sown according to the scheme of a standard collection nursery. All studies and observations were carried out on the herbage of the 2nd and 3rd year of life. Statistical processing of the research results indicates a low level of variation. The sample № 414 stood out high content of raw protein and raw fat. Two significant correlations were found (between the content of phosphorus and potassium, as well as between crude fiber and crude ash). Analysis of remoteness and kinship between samples showed the presence of 5 clusters (genetically different quality groups), which can be used for breeding for combinational ability and fixing of breeding-valuable features and properties.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-25
Леонид Шашкаров ◽  
Leonid Shashkarov ◽  
Яков Григорьев ◽  
Yakov Grigor'ev ◽  
Алексей Самаркин ◽  

The article deals with the influence of planting depth of potato tubers on productivity, structure, quality of products and the marketability of potato crop in the conditions of the Chuvash Republic. The depth of seeding of tubers has a direct impact on all processes of growth and development. The more favorable the complex of conditions in the zone of placement of planted tubers, the faster they germinate and give early and amicable shoots, the more successful the further development of the potato plant and the formation of the crop. Determining the dependence of the potato tuber planting depth on the productivity, structure, quality of the products and the marketability of potato plants hinders many causes that are directly related to the growth and development of potato plants, as the productivity of potato plants is significantly increased by optimizing the priority conditions that are necessary in potato cultivation, when there is an increase in all indicators of photosynthetic activity of potato plants. The density of plants should be such that plants could form a powerful leaf surface, a root system and make the best use of solar energy and soil nutrients [11 12]. In numerous studies by our and foreign authors on the definition of optimal areas of potato nutrition, the following general provisions are present: late varieties, that develop a powerful top, are placed less often, early - thicker; the less moisture in the soil, the less should be the density of planting [6]. In this study, in order to determine potato productivity, we first of all determined crop yields, structure, product quality and marketability of tubers. Norms of planting can be determined depending on the density of the stalk. The high density of plant standings promotes acceleration of passage of development phases by plants, early tuber formation and ripening of a potato [3,4,5,7,8,9]. Thus, in the experiments, carried out by V.T. Spiridonov (1972) in the Chuvash Agricultural Institute in the variant where the planting was carried out according to the scheme of 70x30 cm, the entry of plants into the mass flowering phase was noted 2-3 days earlier than when planting according to the scheme of 70x35 cm. Reduction of the distance between tubers to 25 cm accelerated the development of plants 5 days.

Plant Disease ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 82 (11) ◽  
pp. 1248-1252 ◽  
Jennifer McLain ◽  
Steven Castle ◽  
Gerald Holmes ◽  
Rebecca Creamer

Lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV) was purified and partially characterized, and polyclonal antisera were produced and used to assess disease in the field. The antisera reliably detected LCV by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in Nicotiana benthamiana. In Western blots, the LCV antisera distinguished between LCV and lettuce infectious yellows virus (LIYV)-infected plants. LCV particle lengths in partially purified preparations, as observed by transmission electron microscopy, were variable, with the majority between 750 and 950 nm long. A single, high molecular weight dsRNA and several lower molecular weight dsRNAs were isolated from LCV-infected N. benthamiana. A single RNA isolated from purified virion preparations was estimated to be 8,625 nucleotides long and was suspected to be the genomic RNA of LCV. LCV was present in experimental field plots in Holtville, California, during the lettuce growing seasons of 1995 to 1997. The percentage of symptomatic plants and yield of lettuce heads treated with insecticide, as well as dsRNA and ELISA reactions for the plots, are reported. A dsRNA consistent in size with LCV was isolated from four weed species in the Imperial Valley of California.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 893
Carlos Sousa-Ortega ◽  
Aritz Royo-Esnal ◽  
José María Urbano

The Phalaris genus includes annual weed species such as short-spiked canarygrass (Phalaris brachystachys Link.), little-seed canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) and hood canarygrass (Phalaris paradoxa L.), which are especially problematic in Spain; as such, there is a need to develop models to predict the timing of their emergence. Field experiments were conducted at two different locations during two (2006/07 and 2007/08) and three (from 2005/06 to 2007/08) growing seasons. In both locations, 500 seeds of each Phalaris species were sown each growing season, simulating rain-fed cereal field conditions. In addition, the models were validated with three, four and eight independent experiments for P. brachystachys, P. minor and P. paradoxa, respectively. The emergence period of the three Phalaris species lasted between 31 and 48 days after sowing (DAS), showing two main flushes. The three cardinal points for parametric and non-parametric models were established to be between −1 °C and 1 °C for base temperature, between 9.8 °C and 11.8 °C for optimal temperature and between 21.2 °C and 23.4 °C for ceiling temperature; base water potential was estimated to be between −1 and −1.1 MPa. Both parametric and non-parametric models obtained similar results and were successfully validated in 12 out of 15 independent experiments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Rui Liu ◽  
Vipan Kumar ◽  
Prashant Jha ◽  
Phillip W. Stahlman

Evolution of multiple herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth warrants the development of integrated strategies for its control in the Southcentral Great Plains (SGP). In order to develop effective control strategies, an improved understanding of the emergence biology of Palmer amaranth populations from the SGP region is needed. A common garden study was conducted in a no-till (NT) fallow field at Kansas State University Agricultural Research Center near Hays, KS, during 2018 and 2019 growing seasons, to determine the emergence pattern and periodicity of Palmer amaranth populations collected from the SGP region. Nine Palmer amaranth populations collected from five states in the SGP region: Colorado (CO1, CO2), Oklahoma (OK), Kansas (KS1, KS2), Texas (TX), and Nebraska (NE1, NE2, NE3) were included. During the 2018 growing season, the CO1 and KS1 populations displayed more rapid emergence rates, with greater parameter b values (−5.4, and −5.3, respectively), whereas the TX and NE3 populations had the highest emergence rates (b = −12.2) in the 2019 growing season. The cumulative growing degree days (cGDD) required to achieve 10%, 50%, and 90% cumulative emergence ranged from 125 to 144, 190 to 254, and 285 to 445 in 2018 and 54 to 74, 88 to 160, and 105 to 420 in the 2019 growing season across all tested populations, respectively. The OK population exhibited the longest emergence duration (301 and 359 cGDD) in both growing seasons. All tested Palmer amaranth populations had peak emergence period between May 11 and June 8 in 2018, and April 30 and June 1 in the 2019 growing season. Altogether, these results indicate the existence of differential emergence pattern and peak emergence periods of geographically-distant Palmer amaranth populations from the SGP region. This information will help in developing prediction models for decision-making tools to manage Palmer amaranth in the region.

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