moderate complexity
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2021 ◽  
Connor Spiech ◽  
George Sioros ◽  
Tor Endestad ◽  
Anne Danielsen ◽  
Bruno Laeng

Groove, understood as a pleasurable compulsion to move to musical rhythms, typically varies along an inverted U-curve with increasing rhythmic complexity (e.g., syncopation, pickups). Predictive coding accounts posit that moderate complexity drives us to move to reduce sensory prediction errors and model the temporal structure. While musicologists generally distinguish the effects of pickups (anacruses) and syncopations, their difference remains unexplored in groove. We used pupillometry as an index to noradrenergic arousal while subjects listened to and rated drumbeats varying in rhythmic complexity. We replicated the inverted U-shaped relationship between rhythmic complexity and groove and showed this is modulated by musical ability, based on a psychoacoustic beat perception test. The pupil drift rates suggest that groovier rhythms hold attention longer than ones rated less groovy. Moreover, we found complementary effects of syncopations and pickups on groove ratings and pupil size, respectively, discovering a distinct predictive process related to pickups. We suggest that the brain deploys attention to pickups to sharpen subsequent strong beats, augmenting the predictive scaffolding’s focus on beats that reduce syncopations’ prediction errors. This interpretation is in accordance with groove envisioned as an embodied resolution of precision-weighted prediction error.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Olivia Rose ◽  
James Johnson ◽  
Binxu Wang ◽  
Carlos R. Ponce

AbstractEarly theories of efficient coding suggested the visual system could compress the world by learning to represent features where information was concentrated, such as contours. This view was validated by the discovery that neurons in posterior visual cortex respond to edges and curvature. Still, it remains unclear what other information-rich features are encoded by neurons in more anterior cortical regions (e.g., inferotemporal cortex). Here, we use a generative deep neural network to synthesize images guided by neuronal responses from across the visuocortical hierarchy, using floating microelectrode arrays in areas V1, V4 and inferotemporal cortex of two macaque monkeys. We hypothesize these images (“prototypes”) represent such predicted information-rich features. Prototypes vary across areas, show moderate complexity, and resemble salient visual attributes and semantic content of natural images, as indicated by the animals’ gaze behavior. This suggests the code for object recognition represents compressed features of behavioral relevance, an underexplored aspect of efficient coding.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-28
Rohan Prabhu ◽  
Joseph Berthel ◽  
Jordan S. Masia ◽  
Nicholas Meisel ◽  
Timothy W. Simpson

Abstract Designers from around the world have proposed numerous engineering design solutions for problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which leverage the rapid prototyping and manufacturing capabilities of additive manufacturing (AM). While some of these solutions are motivated by complex and urgent requirements (e.g., face masks), others are motivated by simpler and less urgent needs (e.g., hands-free door openers). Previous research suggests that problem definition influences the creativity of solutions generated for it. In this study, we investigate the relationship between the definition of problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the characteristics of AM solutions that were openly shared for these problems. Specifically, we analyze 26 AM solutions spanning three categories: (1) hands-free door openers (low complexity problem), (2) face shields (moderate complexity problem), and (3) face masks (high complexity problem). These designs were compared on (1) DfAM utilization, (2) manufacturability (i.e., build time, cost, and material usage), and (3) creativity. We see that the solutions designed for the high complexity problem, i.e., face masks, were least suitable for AM. Moreover, we see that solutions designed for the moderate complexity problem, i.e., face shields, had the lowest build time, build cost, and material consumption. Finally, we observe that the problem definition did not relate to the creativity of the AM solutions. In light of these findings, designers must sufficiently emphasize the AM suitability and manufacturability of their solutions when designing for urgent and complex problems in rapid response situations.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 1118
Liang-Ming Jia ◽  
Fang-Wu Tung

This study aimed to investigate consumers’ visual image evaluation of wrist wearables based on Kansei engineering. A total of 8 representative samples were screened from 99 samples using the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method. Five groups of adjectives were identified to allow participants to express their visual impressions of wrist wearable devices through a questionnaire survey and factor analysis. The evaluation of eight samples using the five groups of adjectives was analyzed utilizing the triangle fuzzy theory. The results showed a relatively different evaluation of the eight samples in the groups of “fashionable and individual” and “rational and decent”, but little distinction in the groups of “practical and durable”, “modern and smart” and “convenient and multiple”. Furthermore, wrist wearables with a shape close to a traditional watch dial (round), with a bezel and mechanical buttons (moderate complexity) and asymmetric forms received a higher evaluation. The acceptance of square- and elliptical-shaped wrist wearables was relatively low. Among the square- and rectangular-shaped wrist wearables, the greater the curvature of the chamfer, the higher the acceptance. Apparent contrast between the color of the screen and the casing had good acceptance. The influence of display size on consumer evaluations was relatively small. Similar results were obtained in the evaluation of preferences and willingness to purchase. The results of this study objectively and effectively reflect consumers’ evaluation and potential demand for the visual images of wrist wearables and provide a reference for designers and industry professionals.

2021 ◽  
Satya R. T. Peddada ◽  
Lawrence E. Zeidner ◽  
Kai A. James ◽  
James T. Allison

Abstract Optimal 3D spatial packaging of interconnected systems with physical interactions (thermal, hydraulic, electromagnetic, etc.), or SPI2, plays a vital role in the functionality, operation, energy usage, and life cycle of practically all engineered systems, from 3D chips to ships to aircraft. These highly-nonlinear SPI2 problems, involving tightly constrained component packing, governed by coupled physical phenomena transferring energy and material through intricate geometric interconnects, have largely resisted design automation for decades, and can quickly exceed human cognitive abilities at even moderate complexity levels. Existing design methods treat the pieces of this problem separately without a fundamental systems approach and are sometimes too slow to evaluate various possible designs. Hence, there exists an emergent need to develop efficient SPI2 design automation frameworks for two reasons: 1) to enable the rapid generation and evaluation of candidate SPI2 design solutions; and 2) for the development of newer complex engineering systems. In this paper, the holistic 3D-SPI2 design problem with its attributes is defined, previous research efforts in various individual SPI2 related areas are reviewed, some existing critical gaps are outlined, and associated challenges are identified. Finally, a vision for fundamental research in SPI2 design based on the authors’ experience in this topic is presented through a set of new exciting opportunities at the intersection of several engineering domains.

2021 ◽  
Satya R. T. Peddada ◽  
Nathan M. Dunfield ◽  
Lawrence E. Zeidner ◽  
Kai A. James ◽  
James T. Allison

Abstract Systematic enumeration and identification of unique 3D spatial topologies of complex engineering systems such as automotive cooling layouts, hybrid-electric power trains, and aero-engines are essential to search their exhaustive design spaces to identify spatial topologies that can satisfy challenging system requirements. However, efficient navigation through discrete 3D spatial topology options is a very challenging problem due to its combinatorial nature and can quickly exceed human cognitive abilities at even moderate complexity levels. Here we present a new, efficient, and generic design framework that utilizes mathematical spatial graph theory to represent, enumerate, and identify distinctive 3D topological classes for an abstract engineering system, given its system architecture (SA) — its components and interconnections. Spatial graph diagrams (SGDs) are generated for a given SA from zero to a specified maximum crossing number. Corresponding Yamada polynomials for all the planar SGDs are then generated. SGDs are categorized into topological classes, each of which shares a unique Yamada polynomial. Finally, for each topological class, one 3D geometric model is generated for an SGD with the fewest interconnect crossings. Several case studies are shown to illustrate the different features of our proposed framework. Design guidelines are also provided for practicing engineers to aid the utilization of this framework for application to different types of real-world problems.

2021 ◽  
Niu Yi ◽  
Ma Mingming ◽  
Li Fu ◽  
Liu Xianming ◽  
Shi Guangming

Abstract Background: With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology, the cost of whole genome sequencing drops rapidly, which leads to an exponential growth of genome data. Although the compression of DNA bases has achieved significant improvement in recent years, the compression of quality score is still challenging.Results: In this paper, by reinvestigating the inherent correlations between the quality score and the sequencing process, we propose a novel lossless quality score compressor based on adaptive coding order (ACO). The main objective of ACO is to traverse the quality score adaptively in the most correlative trajectory according to the sequencing process. By cooperating with the adaptive arithmetic coding and context modeling, ACO achieves the state-of-the-art quality score compression performances with moderate complexity.Conclusions: The competence enables ACO to serve as a candidate tool for quality score compression, ACO has been employed by AVS(Audio Video coding Standard Workgroup of China) and is freely available at

2021 ◽  
pp. 244-258
V. I. Pinkovsky

As part of the development of the typology of the authors of French romanticism, the creative type represented by the French poetess Élisa Mercœur is determined (Élisa Mercœur, 1809—1835). The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the creation of a typology is a way both to streamline the studied material and to explore new, operating not with a disparate set of facts and subjective opinions, but with generalized conventional concepts. It is noted that the materials about Élisa Mercœur are currently in a state that requires such a typological design. As a result of the study, it was established that the poet, on the one hand, belongs to the category of writers whose biographies are mythologized in a romantic spirit. On the other hand, it is shown that she belongs to a rather numerous category of romantic writers who have creative abilities in the absence of a vivid originality and therefore are intended to popularize the achievements of outstanding authors, practically creating a “language of direction”, but nevertheless developing their own themes (mostly related to the privacy of authors). A typology of creative models of romantic lyrics is proposed in the article; one of the models that combines the authenticity of feelings and moderate complexity of the language of expression is the original work of Élisa Mercœur. 

Lawand Kamal Othman ◽  
Alan Faraydoon Ali

This research seeks to identify building exterior characteristics that are best liked, most pleasing, rated beautiful and exciting by architects. A methodology based on mixed research methods was developed. The study sought architect’s preferences for twelve different public buildings. Analysis of 68 responses to the survey questionnaire identified several building’s exteriors characteristics that were consistently most preferred aesthetically. Four formal attributes. Complexity, Order, Ambiguity, and Potency, each of which was measured by three variables, and one variable added to the ambiguity, so a total of 13 formal (cognitive / perceptual) variables were included in the study. The effects of these attributes on affective responses, i.e., Arousal and Evaluation, each of which was measured by three variables, were examined. The analysis of the scatter chart identifies the level of association between two dependent variables, aesthetic response and formal features. A medium to a strong relationship has been recognized between aesthetic response with moderate complexity and moderate to high levels of order and organization also with near high levels of novelty and mystery. Though, a weak correlation between the remaining of the dependent variables indicates a thin relationship. The higher the level of ambiguity in the exterior, the more excited the receiver. The higher the classification of mystery and novelty, the higher the degrees of excitement by the respondent. There is also a strong correlation between higher levels of polysemy and ratings of arousal, exciting and stimulation. The aesthetic evaluation (beauty) of the building depends and is influenced mainly by the preference of pleasure and admiration, and these three variables are affected by other variables such as ambiguity, complexity, and order. The aesthetic response is a complex process where each variable is affected by another variable, which ultimately leads to a comprehensive aesthetic evaluation.

Kelly E. Robles ◽  
Nicole A. Liaw ◽  
Richard P. Taylor ◽  
Dare A. Baldwin ◽  
Margaret E. Sereno

AbstractFractal patterns that repeat at varying size scales comprise natural environments and are also present in artistic works deemed to be highly aesthetic. Observers’ aesthetic preferences vary in relation to fractal complexity. Previous work demonstrated that fractal preference consistently peaks at low-to-moderate complexity for patterns that repeat in a statistical manner across scale, whereas preference for exact repetition fractals peaks at a higher complexity due to the presence of order introduced by symmetry and exact recursion of features. However, these highly consistent preference trends have been demonstrated only in adult populations, and the extent to which exposure, development, or individual differences in perceptual strategies may impact preference has not yet been established. Here, we show differences in preference between fractal-type, but no differences between child and adult preferences, and no relationship between systemizing tendencies (demonstrated by the Systemizing Quotient and Ponzo task) and complexity preferences, further supporting the universality of fractal preference. Consistent preferences across development point toward shared general aesthetic experience of these complexities arising from a fluency of fractal processing established relatively early in development. This in part determines how humans experience natural patterns and interact with natural and built environments.

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