carry over effect
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T. Verdenal ◽  
J.E. Spangenberg ◽  
Á. Dienes‐Nagy ◽  
V. Zufferey ◽  
J.‐L. Spring ◽  

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2122
Jelka Pleadin ◽  
Tina Lešić ◽  
Dragan Milićević ◽  
Ksenija Markov ◽  
Bojan Šarkanj ◽  

Documented cases of mycotoxin occurrence in meat products call for further research into potential contamination sources, especially given an ever more increasing consumption of these nutritionally rich products. These foodstuffs can be contaminated with mycotoxins through three pathways: contaminated spices and other raw materials, mycotoxin-producing moulds present on the surface of dry-cured meat products, and carry-over effect from farm animals exposed to contaminated feed. In order to establish meat products’ mycotoxin contamination more precisely, the concentrations of all mycotoxins of relevance for these products should be determined. This manuscript reviews data on major mycotoxins present in different types of meat products, and discusses the contamination pathways, contamination levels and control & preventative measures.

Evgenios Agathokleous ◽  
Mitsutoshi Kitao ◽  
Cong Shi ◽  
Noboru Masui ◽  
Shahenda Abu-ElEla ◽  

AbstractGround-level ozone (O3) is a widespread air pollutant causing extensive injuries in plants. However, its effects on perennial energy crops remain poorly understood due to technical difficulties in cultivating fast-growing shrubs for biomass production under O3 treatment on the field. Here we present the results of a two-year evaluation in the framework of which willow (Salix sachalinensis F. Schmid) shrubs were exposed to ambient (AOZ) or elevated (EOZ) O3 in two successive growing seasons (2014, 2015) and treated with 0 (EDU0) or 400 mg L−1 (EDU400) ethylenediurea spray in the second growing season. In 2014, EOZ altered the chemical composition of both top young and fallen leaves, and a novel mechanism of decreasing Mg in fallen leaves while highly enriching it in young top leaves was revealed in shrubs exposed to EOZ. In 2015, EDU400 alleviated EOZ-induced decreases in leaf fresh mass to dry mass ratio (FM/DM) and leaf mass per area (LMA). While EDU400 protected against EOZ-induced suppression of the maximum rate at which leaves can fix carbon (Amax) in O3-asymptomatic leaves, it did not alleviate EOZ-induced suppression of the maximum rates of carboxylation (VCmax) and electron transport (Jmax) and chlorophylls a, b, and a + b in the same type of leaves. In O3-symptomatic leaves, however, EDU400 alleviated EOZ-induced suppression of chlorophylls a and a + b, indicating different mode of action of EDU between O3-asymptomatic and O3-symptomatic leaves. Extensive herbivory occurred only in AOZ-exposed plants, leading to suppressed biomass production, while EOZ also led to a similar suppression of biomass production (EDU0 × EOZ vs. EDU400 × EOZ). In 2016, carry-over effects were also evaluated following cropping and transplantation into new ambient plots. Effects of EOZ in the preceding growing seasons extended to the third growing season in the form of suppressed ratoon biomass production, indicating carry-over effect of EOZ. Although EDU400 protected against EOZ-induced suppression of biomass production when applied in 2015, there was no carry-over effect of EDU in the absence of EDU treatment in 2016. The results of this study provide novel mechanistic understandings of O3 and EDU modes of action and can enlighten cultivation of willow as energy crop.

Kristin Bøe ◽  
Michael Power ◽  
Martha J Robertson ◽  
J. Brian Dempson ◽  
Ian A Fleming

Using non-lethal tissue biopsies, we investigated somatic energy, lipid composition, and condition in post-spawned Atlantic salmon (kelts, n = 69) returning to sea in the spring and explored contrasts as a function of previous migration- and spawning history, length and sex. Using mark-recapture analysis, we also explored linkages between spawning history and probability of future repeat spawning. Lipid density was significantly higher in previously spawned individuals compared to first time spawned fish, and in females compared to males. Fatty acid composition differed significantly among spawning histories. Return rates to consecutive spawning the following year were consistent with spawning history dependent differences in lipid density, as first time spawned kelts had lower return rates compared to consecutive repeat spawned kelts. We suggest that spawning history related contrasts in nutritional state in post-spawned Atlantic salmon may be a carry-over effect of differences in the feeding habitat as affected by spawning-history dependent migration strategies. Alternatively, it may represent an adaptive response to increased survival and recovery potential with age.

Panu Boontoterm ◽  
Pusit Fuengfoo ◽  
Petch Wacharasint

Background: Driving pressure of venous return (VR) is determined by a pressure gradient between mean systemic pressure (Pms) and central venous pressure (CVP). While passive leg raising (PLR) and pneumatic leg compression PC (PC) can increase VR, no study has explored the effects of these two procedures on Pms and VR-related hemodynamic variables. Methods: Forty patients with acute circulatory failure were enrolled in this analysis. All patients obtained both PLR and PC, and were measured for Pms, CVP, mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output (CO), VR resistance (RVR), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) at baseline and immediately after procedures. To minimize carry over effect, the patients were divided in 2 groups based on procedure sequence which were 1) patients receiving PLR first then PC (PLR-first), and 2) patients receiving PC first then PLR (PC-first). Both groups waited for a washout period before performing the 2 second procedure. Primary outcome was difference in Pms between PLR and PC procedures. Secondary outcome were differences in CVP, MAP, CO, RVR, and SVR between PLR and PC procedures. Results: No difference was found in baseline characteristics and no carry over effect was observed between the 2 groups of patients. Compared with baseline, both PLR and PC significantly increased Pms, CVP, MAP, and CO. PLR increased Pms (9.0±2.3 vs 4.8±1.7 mmHg, p<0.001), CVP (4.5±1.2 vs. 1.6±0.7 mmHg, p<0.001), MAP (22.5±5.6 vs. 14.4±5.0 mmHg, p<0.001), and CO (1.5±0.5 vs. 0.5±0.2 L/min, p<0.001) more than PC. However, PC, also significantly increased RVR (16 ± 27.2 dyn.s/cm5, p=0.001) and SVR (78.4 ± 7.2 dyn.s/cm5, p<0.001) but no difference in PLR group. Conclusion: Among patients with acute circulatory failure, PLR increased Pms, CVP, MAP, and CO more than PC.

Panu Boontoterm ◽  
Pusit Fuengfoo ◽  
Petch Wacharasint

Background: Driving pressure of venous return (VR) is determined by a pressure gradient between mean systemic pressure (Pms) and central venous pressure (CVP). While passive leg raising (PLR) and pneumatic leg compression PC (PC) can increase VR, no study has explored the effects of these two procedures on Pms and VR-related hemodynamic variables. Methods: Forty patients with acute circulatory failure were enrolled in this analysis. All patients obtained both PLR and PC, and were measured for Pms, CVP, mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output (CO), VR resistance (RVR), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) at baseline and immediately after procedures. To minimize carry over effect, the patients were divided in 2 groups based on procedure sequence which were 1) patients receiving PLR first then PC (PLR-first), and 2) patients receiving PC first then PLR (PC-first). Both groups waited for a washout period before performing the 2 second procedure. Primary outcome was difference in Pms between PLR and PC procedures. Secondary outcome were differences in CVP, MAP, CO, RVR, and SVR between PLR and PC procedures. Results: No difference was found in baseline characteristics and no carry over effect was observed between the 2 groups of patients. Compared with baseline, both PLR and PC significantly increased Pms, CVP, MAP, and CO. PLR increased Pms (9.0±2.3 vs 4.8±1.7 mmHg, p<0.001), CVP (4.5±1.2 vs. 1.6±0.7 mmHg, p<0.001), MAP (22.5±5.6 vs. 14.4±5.0 mmHg, p<0.001), and CO (1.5±0.5 vs. 0.5±0.2 L/min, p<0.001) more than PC. However, PC, also significantly increased RVR (16 ± 27.2 dyn.s/cm5, p=0.001) and SVR (78.4 ± 7.2 dyn.s/cm5, p<0.001) but no difference in PLR group. Conclusion: Among patients with acute circulatory failure, PLR increased Pms, CVP, MAP, and CO more than PC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-348
L.J. Erasmus ◽  
G. Machpesh ◽  
R.J. Coertze ◽  
C.J.L. Du Toit

AbstractThe objectives were to investigate the β-carotene status of dairy cows under various production systems, and to determine the effect of pre-partum β-carotene supplementation on their post-partum β-carotene status. Ten farms were selected from each of the three  production systems, namely pasture-based, hay-based total mixed ration (TMR) and silage-based TMR. Twenty cows per farm were sampled in each system, and blood plasma β-carotene concentration was determined with a portable spectrophotometer (n = 200 cows per system). Mean blood β-carotene concentrations of pasture-fed cows were 5.54 mg/L, and were higher (P <0.05) than concentrations of cows on hay-based (2.98 mg/L) and maize silage-based TMR systems (1.71 mg/L); in β-carotene status, therefore, these systems were optimal, marginal, and deficient, respectively. In the second experiment, 10 cows received a hay-based control TMR, and 10 were  supplemented with 1.2 g/day of β-carotene pre-partum from day -56 to calving and monitored until day 56 postpartum. The supplemented cows were in optimal β-carotene status until calving, with a minor carry-over effect until 10 days post partum, and then declined gradually in status until they needed supplementation. The β-carotene status between the groups differed from three weeks pre-partum to two weeks post partum, with the control group being marginal to deficient from three weeks pre-partum onwards. Forage type and its β-carotene content play a major role in the β-carotene status of cows and more research is needed on the potential storage and mobilization of β-carotene in cows.

2021 ◽  
Rúna Magnússon ◽  
Alexandra Hamm ◽  
Sergey V. Karsanaev ◽  
Juul Limpens ◽  
David Kleijn ◽  

Abstract Permafrost thaw can accelerate climate warming by releasing carbon from previously frozen soil in the form of greenhouse gases. Summer precipitation extremes have been proposed to increase permafrost thaw, but the magnitude and duration of this effect are poorly understood. Here we present empirical evidence showing that one extremely wet summer (+100mm; 120% increase relative to average summer precipitation) enhances thaw depth by up to 35% and prolonged the thaw period in a controlled irrigation experiment in an ice-rich Siberian tundra site. The effect persisted over two subsequent summers, demonstrating a carry-over effect of extremely wet summers. Using soil thermal hydrological modelling, we show that precipitation-induced increases in thaw are most pronounced during warm summers with mid-summer precipitation peaks. Our results suggest that, with summer precipitation and temperature both increasing in the Arctic, permafrost will likely degrade and disappear faster than is currently anticipated based on rising air temperatures alone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 275 ◽  
pp. 116641
Carolina Olguín-Jacobson ◽  
Kylie A. Pitt ◽  
Anthony R. Carroll ◽  
Steven D. Melvin

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