engineering staff
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2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 451
Ni Made Yuni Sri Nadiawati ◽  
I G. A. N. Budiasih

The implementation of CSR is considered to benefit the hospitality industry, which will impact on increasing visitor loyalty. One of the CSR awards in Bali is Tri Hita Karana (THK Award). Puri Santrian, one of the participating hotels, is a participant in the Tri Hita Karana Award. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of CSR in Puri Santrian Hotel. This method of research uses qualitative methods. The location of this research is Hotel Puri Santrian. The informant chosen is HRD staff, Engineering staff, Accounting staff. The interview shows the Santrian Palace has implemented CSR based on the well-established philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. However, in the part of the given assistance can be more varied. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Tri Hita Karana, Implementation Of CSR Practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 544
Michał Tomczak ◽  
Piotr Jaśkowski

In the literature on the scheduling of construction projects it is difficult to find a justification for adopting the criteria for evaluating work schedules based explicitly on the preferences of those who develop them. This article tries to fill this gap and provide information on the preferences of construction site managers for sustainable scheduling and organization of construction projects. The publication focuses on the views and needs of construction site engineering staff regarding methods of work organization, the need to reduce downtimes in the work of crews, the deadline for project realization and the selection of crews for tasks. This information was obtained on the basis of surveys conducted among managerial staff of various levels (74 people). The authors hope that the information provided in this publication will allow the creation of more reliable tools to support construction managers better adapted to their preferences and needs, and therefore more likely to be applied in practice.

2021 ◽  
V.V. Kudinov ◽  
N.V. Korneeva ◽  
I.K. Krylov

Methods for the creation and characteristics of composite materials reinforced with carbon, aramid and UHMWPE-fibers based on polymer matrices are considered. The properties of more than 50 composite materials are given. Technologies for their production from wound nonwoven and woven fiber reinforcements are proposed, with regulation of activation, composition and arrangement of components in the material. Experimental methods for studying polymer com- posites, such as wet-pull-out (W-P-O), full-pull-out (F-P-O) and impact break (IB) have been deve­loped. It allows one to study the interfacial interaction of components during the creation of CM, regulate the activation of fibers by non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma and fluo­ rination, and analyze mechanisms of deformation and destruction of CM, in statics and upon impact with the help of uniform universal samples. Monograph – reference book is intended for scientific and engineering staff, teachers, stu- dents, graduate students, and inventors involved in the development, production and use of poly­ mer composite materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 10025
Galina Armashova-Telnik ◽  
Anna Zubkova ◽  
Alexandra Melnichenko ◽  
Veronika Semenova ◽  
Polina Sokolova ◽  

This article discusses methods for the employees quality and performance improvement in the electric power industry enterprises. The characteristics of the factors influencing the development of personnel are given. The foreign experience of corporate training is analyzed, which identifies ways to improve labor activity, maintain labor discipline, increase the level of labor motivation, develop corporate culture and increase the employee loyalty at industrial enterprises. The structure of personnel training methods at the enterprise is schematically presented. The article substantiates the need for the formation of a qualified human resource that provides the company with the growth of economic indicators of production activity, a high degree of competitiveness in the industry market, and a positive image of the organization

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 08030
Tatiana Lyubanova ◽  
Valery Lisitsin ◽  
Lidia Shcherba ◽  
Yulia Oleynikova

The authors introduce their vision of modern world understanding by the managers and engineering staff of agricultural enterprises in the era of total communications and digitalization of agriculture, referring to the “seventh sense” as a fundamental instinct for comprehension of reality and existence which places human at the centre. In the technical age, engineering marketing is crucial in terms of perception of innovation technology advantages for development of a new entrepreneurial way of thinking, especially for engineers, given their significant participation in commercial projects of agro-industrial complex. The development of integrated hybrid production in agro-industrial complex for innovative agricultural production taking into account different business lines of various enterprises of the complex is suggested to achieve synergy and build a socially-oriented system. The proposals for business development are also introduced.

Е.И. Черкасова ◽  
М.В. Журавлева

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью совершенствования подготовки инженерных кадров в соответствии с условиями «Индустрии 4.0», которая реализуется на промышленных предприятиях нефтегазохимического комплекса Российской Федерации. Технологическая трансформация промышленных предприятий оказывает влияние на рынок труда и меняет требования к компетенциям инженерных кадров – выпускникам ВУЗов. Проведенный обобщенный анализ литературных источников – профессиональных стандартов позволил авторам выявить направления актуализации подготовки инженеров, позволяющие обеспечить соответствие результатов образовательного процесса требованиям профессиональных стандартов. Показана важность владения инженерным специалистом междисциплинарными компетенциями. Раскрыто содержание актуального набора компетенций инженера для решения задач цифровизации и технологического совершенствования производств. Представлен практический опыт по их формированию в ФГБОУ ВО «КНИТУ». Статья предназначена для работников системы образования и руководителей организаций. The relevance of the article is due to the need to improve the training of engineering personnel in accordance with the conditions of "Industry 4.0", which is implemented at industrial enterprises of the petrochemical complex of the Russian Federation. Technological transformation of industrial enterprises has an impact on the labor market and changes the requirements for the competencies of engineering staff-University graduates. The conducted, generalized analysis of the literature resources – professional standards, allowed the authors to identify areas of updating the training of engineers, allowing to ensure compliance of the results of educational process with the requirements of professional standards. The importance of an engineering specialist's possession of interdisciplinary competencies is shown. The content of the current set of competencies of an engineer for solving problems of digitalization and technological improvement of production is revealed. Practical experience on their formation in FSBEI HE “KNITU” is presented. The article is intended for employees of the education system and heads of organizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 67-86
Eric E. Cavazza ◽  
John J. Stefanko ◽  
Richard L. Beam

Abstract. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation (BAMR) implements an Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Emergency Program to address high-priority, abandoned mine land (AML) problems that suddenly occur throughout Pennsylvania’s coal fields. BAMR maintains two field offices: one in eastern Pennsylvania (Anthracite Region) in Wilkes-Barre and one in western Pennsylvania (Bituminous Region) in Ebensburg. Both field offices maintain in-house construction crews with significant equipment available to respond to and address many small AML Emergencies (hazards) such as pothole (or cavehole), subsidences, and mine drainage breakouts. For larger AML Emergencies such as subsidence events causing structural damage to homes, businesses, and roads; mine fires; coal refuse fires; landslides; or other large-scale or complex AML problems, projects are completed by outside contractors. Project designs are completed by BAMR engineering staff. The contractors are then hired through solicitation of bids or proposals with very short timeframes between bid issue and bid opening. Since October of 2010, BAMR has addressed nearly 800 AML Emergencies which equates to approximately 80 AML Emergency projects each calendar year. The average construction cost to address those emergencies was just over $3.25 million per year. Due to the increased precipitation over the Commonwealth the last several years, that number has increased to an average of 86 AML Emergency projects over the last five (5) years (2015–2019) with a record number of 127 addressed in calendar year 2018. The average cost to address those AML Emergency projects over that five-year period was $4.66 million per year. This paper will provide some background on Pennsylvania’s AML Emergency Program, some summary statistics including the annual number and types of projects completed including costs, and also highlight through both photos and video links some typical projects recently completed by the program.

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